
Home > Other > Unexpected > Page 5
Unexpected Page 5

by J. J. Lore

  “Hello, Alisa.” Felix’s deep voice rumbled out, and she nearly dropped the box. “Why aren’t you asleep?”

  “Why aren’t you asleep?” Her slight push back made her stand up straighter, even though no one was in the room to see.

  He drew in a breath, and she clutched the com closer to her ear. “I wish to ensure a peaceful evening for the inhabitants of the refuge.”

  “You aren’t going to throw rocks at windows?”

  “No. How did you know I was outside?” An excellent question and one she certainly didn’t know how to answer.

  “I wasn’t sure until now.” A lie. Felix made a humming noise. “What about Mikel?”

  “He rests and will relieve me in a few hours.”

  She’d never seen them apart and found the concept odd. “You don’t have to do that. There are all sorts of alarms and locks here.”

  “We wish to.” The quiet certainty in his voice gave her pause. They were both so confident and determined, so unlike how she felt most of the time.

  “I don’t like the idea of you being out there all night.” The thought just tumbled out, and she immediately realized he could take it the wrong way. She wasn’t even sure which way she meant it.

  “We don’t have to be in contact, if that disturbs you. Mikel merely gave you the communicator on the remote chance of an emergency situation arising.”

  “No, I meant, you’re losing sleep over this, and so will Mikel. You barely know me, and I’m causing these problems.” She sighed and sank into her small sofa, curling up against a pillow resting along the armrest, careful not to move the com link and risk losing the connection.

  “It seems you are losing sleep as well.”

  “I don’t sleep much anymore.”

  Felix made a rumbling sound. “That is not good for your health. Have you spoken with a doctor?”

  She couldn’t hold back her chuckle. She’d gone from fearing these men to finding them funny in only a few days. She liked them despite all the reasons not to. “No, and I don’t plan to. You should get your rest, though, since you and your, ah, bondmate have to go out and secure other things in the morning.”

  As far as jokes went, it wasn’t all that successful.

  “What do you know about bondmates, Alisa?”

  “Not much.” The whole concept was shrouded in rumor and mystery. Wild sexual practices, exchanges of blood, telepathy, super-strength, she doubted any of them were rooted in truth. Many women had joined these Alphan pairings and she doubted they would have if they had to be bitten and penetrated in such a violent manner.

  “We find each other, usually in adolescence. Something about the other person simply draws us together. There’s a resonance of thought that grows stronger over time. A bondmate is a steadfast partner in training, in a fight, and in life. Some bond with only one in their life, and others seek more until they feel complete.”

  “How many?”

  “Usually not more than three men. More than that can increase volatility.”

  “What about women?” As she said the word, accepted why she was asking, she rose and went back to the window. She parted the curtains with her free hand and confirmed he was still waiting there in the gloom. He saw her, moving away from the trunk a tree where he’d been leaning and standing in the middle of the sidewalk to watch her watch him.

  “Not all bondmates feel the urge to bind with a female, but many do even though women are in short supply on our world.”

  “And you and Mikel are looking, so to speak.” That’s why human women were in such demand, why this settlement had these silly fences and all this attention from the normally ineffectual governments, to restrain the powerful urges of these aliens.


  “You don’t want to bond with a woman?”

  “We do. We simply aren’t looking any longer.”

  A dark shiver raced through her body, and she almost dropped the com device. He hadn’t come out and said it directly, but every action of the two men, every attention they’d paid to her was directed toward that purpose. They’d chosen her, sensed something in her she was unaware of, and had decided she was their destiny. It was frightening and a tiny bit exhilarating. All she could manage was a slight huff of breath.

  “Come to us tomorrow, Alisa.” His deep voice was a purr now, luring her even closer to the window, her nose nearly pressed against the glass.

  “When?” She’d meant to ask why, but the other word had slipped out, as telling of her intentions as Felix’s earlier statements had been.

  “Now?” Humor sizzled in his tone, and she smiled at him, wondering if he could make her out through the panes of glass.

  “I’ll call tomorrow. Go home and rest. I’ll be fine here.” Despite the flurry of excitement and caution battling inside, she was suddenly tired. Lying down in her bed, in the dark, to contemplate what she was doing, that was what she needed to do now.

  “Until tomorrow.” Felix raised his hand, and she did the same. No matter what happened between them, it was going to be an interesting day.


  Human art was rather bland, Felix decided. These landscapes and paintings of flowers and fruits didn’t have any zest or force, but rather inspired peaceful contemplation. Perhaps he was being unjust, considering this was the first of it he’d ever seen and Alisa was far more riveting than any framed canvas attached to the walls of this closed gallery. Mikel had been full of ideas for their next outing with her when he’d informed his bondmate she would see them again. Of course, they’d somehow ended up doing the most risky activity: picking the lock on an abandoned wing of the former university’s art museum. Mikel claimed there were no additional alarms to contend with, and since they’d been inside the long room for several minutes with no disturbances, it seemed his bondmate was correct.

  Apparently, viewing art was an expected and acceptable social activity. Alisa seemed to be enjoying herself. She inspected each piece and read every small associated label. The gallery had no artificial illumination, but enough sunlight filtered in from windows overhead to allow them a decent view of the room’s contents. A fine layer of dust coated most surfaces and gave convincing evidence no one patrolled the area with any regularity. It was quiet in the gallery, other than the scuffing sound of their feet as they moved from place to place.

  Alisa was wearing a silvery blue dress that made her smoky eyes even brighter. It was by far the prettiest garment he’d seen. It clung to her torso and slithered against her limbs, overlying pert swells of breasts and generous curves of buttocks. He longed to touch her, to have her stare at him with as much interest she was showing some daubs of pigment, but instructed himself to stay in check. She’d made cautious overtures toward him and Mikel, and the last thing he wanted to do was to frighten her off with an untoward word or gesture.

  Mikel had been quiet after performing his lock-picking, always near Alisa’s side, but clearly willing for Felix to take on most of the conversation. For once, he wished he was allowed to be the silent one so he could take in Alisa’s beauty in peace. Something glowed warm in his chest, and he relished the sensation.

  “Are you sure you won’t get in trouble if someone finds us?” She turned away from a dark canvas and peered at them, a slight frown on her lips. “We don’t have to stay and run the risk.”

  “No one will discover us. Enjoy yourself.” Felix smiled at her, not wanting to think about their time together ending so soon. He and Mikel had planned to ask her out for a meal after they’d had their fill at the abandoned gallery, but he wasn’t sure where they could go and not run the risk of encountering a human who might hold bigoted opinions. The only safe location would be the dining hall set aside for Alphan diplomats. Or their personal quarters.

  Instead of turning back to the paintings, Alisa continued her perusal of them, one of her small hands cupping the other. “You aren’t interested in our art, are you? I imagine Alphans have much different tastes in these things.”
r />   “I believe human and Alphan interests align quite closely in many ways,” Felix jumped in. “We both appreciate good food, pleasant surroundings, and the close companionship of those we hold dear.”

  “But don’t you like to fight? Isn’t that what you want?”

  Felix shook his head even as he agreed with her. “We are proud warriors, it is true, and there is no nobler calling, but I don’t believe humans are free of aggression, are they?”

  Alisa lowered her head and shrugged her shoulders, and he was immediately chagrined. In no way had he wanted to rebuke her, or cast aspersions on human character. Without a thought he reached out and stroked his fingers along her shoulder. The fabric was smooth and soft, but what caught his attention more was how he could feel the warmth of her body through the material. He gave Mikel an inquiring glance, but his bondmate looked befuddled. He struggled with what words might reassure her, but before he could say anything, a rattling sound echoed in the quiet room.

  Instinct and training kicked in, and he whirled to face the origin of the noise, stepping in front of Alisa even as Mikel came to his shoulder. Concentrating his focus on the door, he watched as the handle shifted and heard the rattle repeat.

  “You did secure it after our entrance?” he whispered at Mikel, and caught his bondmate giving him an exasperated look.

  “As well as possible considering the flimsiness of the original locking mechanism.”

  There was the sound of some raised voices from outside, and Felix knew they needed to retreat. There was no way they could explain their presence in the hall, and the last thing they needed was to be caught up in yet another uncomfortable encounter with either Alphan or human higher-ups. There was a slight nudge at his hand, and he glanced down to see Alisa had pressed her fingers to his. Her eyes were wide as she made a pointing gesture toward the back of the gallery. Mikel dashed in that direction and quickly returned, nodding reassuringly at Alisa. He held out his hand to her, and she took it quickly and they moved away. Felix brought up the rear, ready to advance towards whoever might come in the door and distract their attention away from his companions.

  Within a few seconds they’d made their way the length of the hall and found themselves in a small alcove between two large pillars. Mikel crouched at the lock securing what seemed to be a small service door. Alisa rested her fingertips on his shoulder. She glanced up at him with wide eyes, and he gathered up her free hand in order to reassure her. Some strong emotion flowed from her, likely fear blended with general anxiety. He hated that their impetuous actions were causing her distress.

  With a pop and creak, the door swung open, and Mikel eased inside, disappearing for a few seconds to reconnoiter, then reappearing to beckon them within. As Felix led Alisa in the hidden space, he looked around to find a smallish room filled with a mismatch of furniture and stacked boxes. It had likely been an office when the gallery was open, but was now forgotten storage. After Mikel closed the door and engaged the lock, they were left in deep shadow, and the only light available drifted in from a small and dust-covered transom. Not wanting Alisa’s pretty dress to become soiled by the dirty surroundings, Felix kept her close, allowing himself the pleasure of keeping one hand around her waist. She let her forearm come to rest along his as she glanced around, then fixed her attention on the door where Mikel remained, his ear pressed to the slight opening by the jamb. He spread his hands against the panel as Felix heard some faint scuffling sounds from without. Alisa sucked in her breath and moved his way, her arm creeping round under his until her hand was pressed against his back and her breast brushed his chest.

  Felix looked down at her and watched her eyelashes flutter as she stared at the door, her body trembling slightly. A faint drift of her scent trickled into his nostrils, and he sucked it in, the primal urge to learn her signs compelling him to sniff, stare, touch, and taste the woman who would be bound to him and Mikel. Desire filled him, strong and hot like a blazing fire, and he wrapped his arm around her body, pulling her tighter because he couldn’t stop himself. She tensed and turned her head to gaze up at him. He knew he should release her, not frighten her any more than she already had to be, but before he could move, Alisa let out a little sigh as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against his shoulder.

  He stiffened with shock, but his body took over before his mind could catch up as he held her tight, stroking her shining brown hair like he’d wanted to since he’d first seen her. The sensations of her full breasts and round thighs sliding against him heated his blood and made his staff throb and harden. Twin pangs of pain echoed from the roof of his mouth as his tesak budded. This primitive response to her presence was the last bit of encouragement he needed. She was meant for them, like no other woman ever would be. She wriggled against him and slid her hands along his back muscles like she gained some comfort from the movement. He desperately wished there were no garments separating their skin. Lowering his head toward hers, he dared press his lips to the warm, smooth skin of her temple as fragrant wisps of her hair tickled his nose.

  With a sudden inhalation, Alisa drew back and stared into his eyes. Felix froze. Her mouth opened slightly as if she was going to say something, but instead of speaking, she merely tightened her grip on his shoulders. She wasn’t rejecting him. With that realization, heat flooded through his body, anticipation of bonding with her in all things gave him the courage to cup her cheek and lean close. He waited a beat for her to show any sign of hesitation, but all she did was close her eyes.

  At the first brush of her lips, his tesak burst out, his body’s primal signal to capture her essence both a pleasure and pain. He’d kissed a few other human women, but all past experience was swept from his mind as he tasted Alisa. Her sweet, warm mouth opened under his as she shuddered against him. Licking at her, he buried his fingers in her hair. Her full lips caught at him, the soft friction driving him to press his tongue against hers. She quivered, and he stiffened, his instincts shouting for him to rip her clothes from her body, to lower her to the floor and press his aching staff deep inside her luscious quonum.

  A strong grip on his arm brought him out of the intense caress, and he stared for a moment at Alisa as she gasped in his arms, her head lolling against his shoulder. Another squeeze on his arm broke the trance, and he turned to see Mikel frowning at him.

  “You were growling loud enough to draw attention,” his bondmate spoke in a low voice with a glance at the door. Felix glimpsed the curve of Mikel’s own tesak, and he rejoiced. Alisa was theirs, but not if they were discovered and exiled from Earth as punishment. Chagrined, Felix tried to collect himself. He’d been so overcome by her he’d forgotten the peril of their situation. Mikel glanced down at Alisa, and his gaze softened. She blinked up at them, a bright pink blush blooming in her cheeks. Their beauty, soon to be claimed.


  Alisa’s thoughts whirled as she gasped for breath. She’d just kissed an alien. No, she’d just kissed Felix, and that reality shocked her to her core. How had she gone from hiding from Alphans just a week ago, to being wildly aroused by them now? Her pulse pounded, her nipples were tight nubs, and hot dampness slicked her pussy, all from a few touches and one intense kiss. Both men gazed down at her with naked desire tightening their handsome faces, and she shook, grateful for Felix’s strong arms holding her up. And Mikel, he was easing an arm around her back, leaning closer as he quirked an eyebrow up. Oh, yes, she hadn’t forgotten that these men shared everything, that they both wanted her. The idea of it had been wandering around in the dark corners of her mind for a while, and now that the reality was leaning over her, she had to find out if she was capable, if she wanted…

  Mikel kissed her before she could think it through, his touch and taste unique from Felix’s, but equally masculine and overpowering. Her legs trembled, and she clung to them both as Mikel teased her lips. A sharp pang of excitement and anticipation shot through her body, lighting up her skin, swelling her breasts, tightening between her legs as she brea
thed out a helpless moan. He drew back and nuzzled her cheek, then swung his head to stare at the door. Belatedly, she remembered why they were crowded in this musty little room and clamped her mouth shut, frightened she’d given them away with her uncontrolled cry.

  Her cheeks heated, and she flung her hands up over her face. What was happening to her? Was she really the sort of woman who was anxious for sexual contact with two alien men while hiding in a storage room? She’d never been particularly motivated by sex before. It was an activity fraught with peril, emotional, physical, social, all those states she was so untalented at. She’d never become so flustered and weak after a kiss, but then again, these kisses were unique in her experience. Blinking behind the cover of her fingers, she tried to put her thoughts in order, but her brain fizzled when soft mouths nuzzled over the backs of her hands and warm breath tickled her knuckles. Those arms supporting her tightened, and she couldn’t have moved if she’d wanted to. Where would she go? Why would she try to extricate herself from such pleasurable sensations?

  Reminding herself to stay quiet, she sucked in a few calming breaths and relaxed as many of her muscles as she could. Teeth nipped at her fingers, and with a sigh of surrender she allowed first one hand, then the other to be lifted away from her face by the gentle bites of Felix and Mikel. They’d worked in tandem to expose her, and all she could do was stare back at them as the doorknob to their hidden shelter rattled and an indistinct voice carried on a conversation. Neither man glanced away from her to survey the door; the possibility of discovery didn’t seem to faze them.

  Shielded by their strong bodies, she wasn’t worried about anything smaller than a hovercraft coming through that door. With that realization, something tense in her mind eased a fraction. She truly could trust them to protect her. They’d done nothing but prove themselves to her since their farcical meeting. But where she was relaxing, it seemed the men were growing more and more agitated. Their bodies almost vibrated with tension, and their squinted eyes surveyed her with dark intensity.


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