More Than A Manny: Gay Romance

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More Than A Manny: Gay Romance Page 21

by Trina Solet

  "I wanna see him! I wanna see him!" Georgie said as she ran into the room. She gasped when she saw Harvey then she clapped. Maybe she thought he was some kind of performer.

  "She got away from me," Ricky said, coming in behind her.

  "The little ones too. I feel so welcome. If I hadn't already forgiven you, I would be doing it now." Harvey held a hand to his heart as he looked from the kids to Brent.

  Georgie was wide-eyed as she looked at Harvey. Before anyone could stop her, she ran up to him and jumped up and down with her arms open for a hug. Harvey picked her up. Perched on his big belly, she giggled as he held her.

  "I want lots of big balloons and no stinky socks under my pillow," she said for some odd reason.

  "Who does she think he is?" Nate asked Ricky, whispering in his ear.

  "Georgie is crazy," Ricky said unhelpfully.

  Nate looked around the room, but everyone looked clueless. Since Georgie was happy and Harvey was pleased, no one wanted to spoil their fun.

  "I remember putting you to bed," Brent told her.

  "Aha," Georgie agreed without getting the message.

  "I'll put them back in their beds," Nate offered. He took Georgie from Harvey, who looked sad to give her up as she waved to him.

  Upstairs, Nate sent Ricky to his room then he questioned Georgie.

  "Do you know that man?" Nate asked her.

  "He's the Purple Rolly-Polly Man," she told him.

  "Is that from a story?"

  "Ricky peeked down the stairs. He said the Purple Rolly-Polly Man was here."

  Nate decided that Ricky's version would probably make more sense. He waited until Georgie was asleep before he went to Ricky's room. He was still awake.

  "Who is the Purple Rolly-Polly Man?" Nate asked him as he sat on his bed.

  "I made him up."

  "You saw that man from the top of the stairs and made up a story about him?"

  "Yes," Ricky admitted. "The Purple Rolly-Polly Man checks up on kids to see if they're being good. If they are, he brings them balloons and ponies for their birthday and extra presents. If they're bad, he puts stinky socks under their pillows."

  Nate smiled at Ricky's version of a Birthday Santa Claus embodied by Harvey Colliers.

  "OK. Tomorrow you are telling that story to your dad?" Nate told him.

  "Why?" Ricky asked like he thought he might be in trouble.

  "Because he'll like it. Now go to sleep."

  Nate came back downstairs just in time to hear Colliers discussing what set Davis off.

  "Greta was a hell of a businesswoman, and she had exceptional taste in men," Colliers was saying while looking at Brent as proof. "Davis didn't stand an ice cube's chance in Hell of getting near her, and everyone knew it but him. A couple of weeks ago, I guess it was, I was at the Evans's party. Davis was there, maybe invited, probably not. He got a little too drunk and said something about Greta, how he was cheated of his chance with her by big, bad Brent. I'm afraid quite a few people laughed at him. He thinks Brent made him a laughingstock when it was really all his own doing."

  "All this because people made fun of him at some party?" Quin asked, not believing his ears.

  "The male ego is a fragile thing. I can attest to that." Colliers looked at Brent meaningfully.

  "I don't see how bothering Brent's kids will salvage his bruised ego," Nate said as he joined them.

  "He approached the children?" Colliers seemed seriously upset by this. "That cannot be tolerated. Davis is a poisonous little toad. He simply oozes poison."

  "He scared Ricky," Nate added since he was on a roll.

  "That darling, shy, little blond boy? That's inexcusable. You will not have to worry about him again," Colliers assured him.

  "This might help," John said and handed Colliers copies of the evidence Quin had found. John explained what it meant as Colliers looked it over.

  "I was just going to threaten to sit on him," Colliers joked.

  "Maybe that would appeal to him," Brent said. They all glared at him except for Colliers, who laughed.

  "I forgot how much I enjoyed your company," he said smiling at Brent fondly. Brent smiled back.

  As he was leaving, Colliers said to Brent, "So I'm not such a bad man?"

  Brent hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

  "Sorry I called you a fat fuck," Brent said.

  John was ready to have a stroke, but Colliers smiled.

  "You've grown up since then, haven't you?" Colliers said and cupped Brent's face. He sighed then left.

  "What were you doing?" John asked Brent as soon as he was sure Colliers was gone.

  "Being myself," Brent told him.

  "Stop it!" he said though Colliers didn't seem to mind the real Brent. John was still tense from the meeting, but everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Can we actually count on Colliers to follow through?" Nate wanted to know.

  "If Harvey says it, it's as good as done," Brent told him.

  Later in the week, John reported that Davis left for the West Coast and wasn't expected back. While Nate was still at work, Brent went to visit Harvey without telling anyone. He took Ricky and Georgie with him to chaperone, but he made Georgie promise to keep Harvey's secret identity as the Purple Rolly-Polly Man a secret even from him.

  He told Nate about the visit as soon as he got home.

  "It went fine," Brent reassured Nate. "The kids had fun. Some of Harvey's art needed a little creative explaining, but he was fully stocked with desserts, so the visit was a success. Georgie is a huge fan of petits fours. Harvey invited us back any time."

  "So now you and Harvey Colliers are best friends?" Nate asked.

  "He isn't a bad guy. I was just scared of him because I had a big secret to keep," Brent said. "At that time, he seemed just like all those guys who were swarming around me, trying to get a piece of me when they thought I couldn't afford to say no."

  "And he wasn't?"

  "I don't know. But that doesn't matter now."

  "Because you're happy," Nate concluded and kissed him. "Let's see how you take this. I have good news and bad news. Professor Pullman's old college got a grant, and now they want to house his collection and his papers. The collection will be named after him and everything. That moves things up. I'll need to stay later over there and work Saturdays to get my own research done and to sort things out in a hurry. At this point my main job is to make sure that nothing from his personal journals or letters gets mixed up with his academic papers."

  "I can fill in for you here," Brent volunteered before Nate even asked him. And he even corrected himself. "I know, I know. They're my kids. I'm not doing you a favor."

  "You are, and I appreciate it," Nate told him.

  Brent was surprised.

  "I'm scoring some major points here," he said to Nate.

  "Just you wait. When I have time to show my appreciation, you'll be in for it."

  "I love doing favors for you," Brent said with a smile. He wrapped his arms around Nate and gazed into his dark eyes.

  Brent hadn't liked hearing that Nate was going to be away so much, but he knew this wasn't the time to be selfish. Plus after Miss Pullman didn't need him any more, Brent would get him full time, though he might have to share him with the kids.

  Taking over for Nate wasn't going to be a big change. Brent was already spending more time at home. With Nate there giving him confidence, he was acting almost like a real parent. He felt more solid and real, like he mattered. And Nate had said, "The more you're around, the more Ricky likes you."

  Brent found that incredible.

  "I thought it would be the other way around," he told Nate. But he had noticed that Ricky was quicker to smile these days, and his laugh was the most beautiful sound, especially when joined with Georgie's. Brent had been stupid not to spend more time with them. He hoped they would forgive their stupid dad, and Brent promised to make himself worthy of every smile they gave him.

  Brent was relaxing
in the sunroom, thinking about how good his life had become when Ricky went by.

  "Hey, my blue eyed boy. Come and sit with me," Brent said to him.

  Ricky grumbled at the familiar endearment but came to sit next to him. Brent saw that he had a book in his hand.

  "Read to me a little," Brent requested.

  "It's for kids," Ricky said.

  "That's OK."

  "Do I start from the beginning?"

  "No. Just from where you left off."

  Ricky read but sometimes stopped to explain something, sort of like he did for Georgie. Brent still couldn't follow the story, but he didn't mind. It was nice just to have Ricky reading to him and talking to him.

  "I think I'm looking forward to being a stay-at-home dad," Brent said to Nate that night after the kids were in bed.

  Nate was glad to hear it. He kissed Brent as the two of them were holding each other in Brent's bedroom.

  "I kind of envy you. I'm going to see so little of them," Nate said. "Don't let them grow up without me."

  "Did I hear you right?" Brent asked.

  Instead of answering, Nate kissed him. His tongue explored Brent's mouth.

  "You're playing dirty," Brent accused him as they pulled back.

  "That's not playing dirty. This is playing dirty." Nate reached down Brent's abdomen slowly so there was no question where he was headed. He grazed his crotch lightly letting only the suggestion of a touch pass through the fabric of his jeans. The bulge under his zipper still grew. His next light touch found him bigger and harder, straining to be freed.

  While Nate unbuttoned him with deliberate slowness, Brent's lips were hard against his. Then as that first desperate need passed, the kiss became softer but deeper. Both of them were trying to get closer, quench their desire in a kiss. But a kiss couldn't do that. It just made them tear each other's clothes off. They almost wrestled trying to be the first to get the other naked. Brent grabbed for Nate's cock and moaned when he found it hard.

  "It's all yours," Nate told him.

  Brent dropped to his knees. Desperate to have it, he still took the time to show his appreciation with light, teasing strokes of his tongue. He looked up at Nate and smiled before he slowly let it enter his mouth enjoying every inch, driving Nate out of his mind. As his cock was sheathed slowly in Brent's mouth, wrapped in its slick heat, Brent maintained pressure as he let Nate's cock slide out. He swirled his tongue around the head before letting it back in. Nate moaned as the sensation of being in Brent's mouth went right through him. He felt like he was burning with pleasure that only burned brighter as Brent moved faster and sucked harder. Nate was helpless to him. Hardly able to stand, he was rocking with the suction, pumping just enough to please Brent and make him moan over his cock. The deep moan rewarded Nate with a wonderful vibration that shook him to the bone. Brent's mouth tightened around him and made him come long and hard. He laughed with relief and happiness while Brent looked up at him with a blissful smile and a stained chin.

  The next morning, Nate saw that Brent was standing in the bathroom doorway. Nate was at the sink with a towel wrapped around his hips after a shower.

  "I like watching you shave," Brent explained to answer Nate's questioning look.

  "You're just hoping that this thing is going to slip down, aren't you?" Nate accused him, pointing at the towel.

  "I'm a man of action," Brent claimed. To prove it, he snatched Nate's towel right off him and tossed it aside.

  Nate just kept shaving.

  "This isn't much of a show. I dated a guy who used a straight razor," Nate told him.

  "He liked to put a little danger into his morning routine," Brent guessed. Coming up behind Nate, he sneaked a hands around Nate's waist and stroked him lightly.

  "He was just pretentious," Nate said. Then he noticed what else Brent was doing. "Why are you sniffing me?"

  "You smell good," Brent said as he pressed his face against the back of Nate's head.

  "That's your own shampoo."

  "It smells extra good on you."

  "Are you going to lick me next?"

  "Since you asked," Brent said and got down on his knees.

  Just then there was a terrifying noise at Brent's bedroom door. It was Georgie's version of knocking followed by yelling on finding the door locked.

  Brent stood up, pulled on his boxers and put on a robe. He opened his bedroom door wide. Nate got decent just in time.

  "Is the house on fire?" Brent asked Georgie.

  "I don't know. I want cereal, and Nate said not to climb on the counter," she said while looking up at Brent and ignoring his glowering expression.

  "Are you being good?" Brent leaned down as if taking a closer look at her. "Who are you, and what have you done with my Georgie?" Brent asked her.

  "Daddy, you are crazy," Georgie said to him rightly.

  "Yes," Brent told her.

  "Stop confusing her," Nate said, stepping in. He told Georgie, "You did good, honey. We'll be right down to give you breakfast."

  "While I go hungry?" Brent said after the door was closed, and he saw that Nate was putting on pants.

  "I guess you still have some growing up to do," Nate decided as he got dressed and Brent pouted.

  Chapter 29

  Quin had just brought the kids home, and Brent was giving them their after school snacks. Since the snacks were whole wheat crackers with cream cheese and chives topped with a cucumber slice, the kids were giving him dirty looks.

  John came in and saw him as he tried to get the kids to at least try them.

  "It's like you're the manny," John told him.

  "What's so strange about me taking care of my own kids?" Brent said.

  "Who are you?" John asked, echoing the question Brent had put to Georgie that morning.

  Brent decided to echo her answer.

  "I'm love crazy," Brent said. Then he pulled John further away from the kitchen table where the kids were trying to dare each other to eat the snacks.

  John waited for Brent to speak, but he was suddenly tongue-tied. Brent finally blurted out, "You know how love can fill you up, rush through your veins, make your head all fuzzy and clear at the same time?"

  "Yes," John admitted grudgingly.

  "Now I do too."

  "Well don't expect it to go away."

  "I don't want it to go away. I want it to last forever," Brent looked at John earnestly then he asked, "Do you think Nate has that feeling too?"

  "The crazy feeling. Obviously he does, or he would never let you near him. And why are you asking me?"

  Brent didn't address that, he said, "I thought maybe he was too sane."

  "Maybe he was sane before he came here, but he's not sane now that he's under your spell."

  Seeing Brent smiling like an idiot, John smiled too.

  Meanwhile, Georgie was trying to make Ricky eat by shoving a cracker in his face.

  "You are about to have a food fight on your hands," John informed him and left him to mop up.

  Brent got the kids to eat a few bites by showing them the crackers were nontoxic by eating a few himself. He then gave them a banana each and took them outside.

  When Nate got home in the evening, the kids ran to him excitedly, talking over each other to get his attention. It was clear how much they missed him, and Brent did too. They had dinner then Brent did the dishes under Georgie's supervision. According to Nate's instructions, she yelled, "Keep scrubbing!" even though that was the dishwasher's job. Nate and Ricky were tucked away in the library.

  "Look at those guys," Brent said as he and Georgie walked in.

  Both Nate and Ricky looked up. They had each taken a desk and had their noses buried in books.

  "They are always reading," Georgie complained.

  "Let's go bother them," Brent proposed. Georgie was always up for that.

  "You already are," Nate told Brent, who winked at him.

  "Why are they always bothering us?" Ricky said. He looked at Nate with a pout.
/>   "Because they like us," Nate told him.

  He was right about that. Seeing them reading together, so different and so alike, warmed him up inside. Brent was glad he had brought someone into Ricky's life that he could identify with. And Brent wasn't going to be shy about taking credit. Even if he didn't do anything else right, he made Nate a part of their lives.

  Brent sat on the floor with Georgie in his lap and read to her. He chose Pinocchio because he wanted to become real too. Brent was surprised by how scary some of it was, both the illustrations and the text, but Georgie just urged him to keep going. Hopefully, it wouldn't give her nightmares. Ricky joined them, sitting down next to Brent. He leaned over to look at the book. As he got into the story, he rested his head against Brent's arm. Nate came over next and stretched out on the floor with his hands behind his head. From his expression, Brent could tell that he was listening to the story as well.

  The kids didn't want him to stop reading, but Brent decided it was enough for one day. They went off to play.

  "It's too much?" Brent said and went to lie down on the floor next to Nate.

  Nate gave him a questioning look.

  "All this. I'm too happy, and I haven't earned it. I made a deal to live in comfort, not happiness," Brent said while staring at the ceiling.

  "That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be happy." Nate shifted closer.

  "Do I deserve to be?"

  Nate was resting on one elbow, facing him. When he spoke, his voice was low.

  "Just take my word for it. This is your home, these are your kids, and you deserve to be happy."

  Brent felt Nate's kiss on his shoulder.

  "OK. As long as you stay and keep bad things from happening," Brent said and reached for Nate. He rubbed the back of his head and pulled his hand to his chest.

  Instead of telling him he was crazy, Nate agreed. "If I have that power, then I will."

  Even as Nate said what he wanted to hear, Brent felt the pain that had become so familiar since Nate had come into his life.

  "Why does it hurt so much to want to be with someone even when you're with them?" Brent asked. It was such a strange pain, like love was some sharp, hot thing he wanted desperately but couldn't handle.


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