Ice Dreams Part 1

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Ice Dreams Part 1 Page 3

by Melissa Johns

  Carter shook his head. “It’s ok, just be careful. It’s dark and cold.”

  Hunter lightly touched her arm. “I will go with you.”

  Alicia smiled and grabbed Carter’s arm before he could say anything to stop them. “We will leave the deck lights on for you.” She said as she pulled Carter into the house.

  Hunter reached for Madison’s hand and led her down the wooden staircase out onto the sand.

  “Take off your shoes. I assumed this is your first beach experience. You need to feel the sand between your toes to really enjoy it.”

  Madison looked at him strangely. He smiled back at her. “Trust me.” She slipped her sandals off and left them on the staircase. She smiled as she felt the sand go between her toes and shape around her feet.

  “Wow that feels strange.”

  Hunter extended his arm to point the way down the beach and waited for her to lead the way. “From what Carter has told me, you had a rough childhood. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It wasn’t rough until high school. I started to see everything that I was missing out on and started to resent everyone around me including Carter.”

  Hunter stopped her and pointed toward a large rock. “Have a seat. You will love this view.”

  Madison sat and looked out over the water as the moon reflected on the waves from the sky above. “Wow, it’s breathtaking.”

  Hunter looked at her. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Madison blushed and looked back towards the water. “Tell me about yourself.”

  “I was born in upstate New York and my parents still live there. My story is similar to Carter’s about hockey. I was just traded here last season and my contract is up for renegotiation at the end of the season so I’m praying I will stay here.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “I have a brother. He was the smart one and became a lawyer.”

  Madison laughed. “I never attended college. I went right to work when I graduated from high school.”

  “Have you thought about going to school now?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I have some money saved up but not enough.”

  “You know that you could ask Carter. He would give you the world if you asked him.”

  Madison frowned and looked down at the sand. “I would never ask him.”

  Hunter nodded. “I can understand that but just keep it in the back of your mind.”

  “How long have you and Carter been friends?” Madison asked as she changed the subject.

  “Since I was traded here, he and I shared a hotel room on the road in the beginning and we became like brothers right after that. We just clicked and he took me under his wing.”

  “How old are you?” Madison asked.

  “Twenty three, am I too old?” He laughed.

  Madison looked down at her hands. “No, not at all,” she paused. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  “How in the world would you do that?”

  Madison didn’t say anything as she hopped off the rock and started to walk back towards the house, “A story for another day.” Her thoughts went back to the earlier conversation with Alicia. No one realized how inexperienced she was when it came to relationships but she felt comfortable around Hunter, maybe this was her chance.

  Hunter grabbed her arm and stopped her. “One thing you should know about me Madison, when I set goals for myself, I achieve them. The minute I saw those beautiful big brown eyes look back at me, I knew I wanted to get to know you better. You can trust me with anything. I know you don’t know me at all but I really want you to get to know me better.”

  Madison looked back down at the sand. She felt his hand slide up her arm and over the side of her face. She was so close to him that she could smell his cologne. She looked up into his eyes and watched as his hair blew in the wind. His chiseled features were highlighted by the moonshine. She could feel her heart beating against her ribs as his fingertips traced her lower lip. She could understand why the hockey groupies threw themselves at him. She quickly realized the situation she was in and pulled away from him. “I’m sorry.”

  Hunter whispered but not letting her move far away from him. “Why are you sorry?”

  “I’m so out of my element right now and I don't think I'm your type,” Madison nervously laughed.

  “And what exactly is my type?” He asked as he sounded upset.

  Madison looked up at him. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that I’m not like those girls that came on to you earlier tonight.”

  Hunter smirked. “Thank God for that!” He grabbed her hand and walked her back towards the house. “Madison, I’m actually happy about that. I’m sick of dealing with those immature girls. I’m ready to actually have a conversation with one.”

  “Well, I’m nervous but still looking forward to our outing.” Madison said as she slipped her sandals on and headed up the stairs. Carter appeared at the back door as they walked across the deck.

  “Did you enjoy your walk, Maddy?” he asked.

  “I’m in love with the beach and your house. I think I will make this a nightly thing.”

  Hunter grabbed his belongings and looked at Carter. “No practice tomorrow so enjoy the day off. Madison, would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?” Hunter asked.

  She nodded quickly. “I would love that.”

  Hunter waved at Alicia who came out on the deck as he left. They all headed back into the house as Madison kicked off her sandals.

  Carter stopped and wrapped his arms around her. She paused and then tightened her arms around him. “Thank you for allowing me come and stay here with you,” she whispered.

  “You are welcome here at anytime, Maddy.”


  The sun poured through Madison’s bedroom window as the morning arrived. She smiled as she stretched out in the strange bed. She leaned over and grabbed her cell phone.

  “Why are you calling me so early?” Jessie groaned into the phone.

  “I wanted to tell you that I arrived safe and sound.”

  “Oh my God, I forgot that you traveled to the States yesterday. I’m so sorry, Maddy.”

  “It’s ok.” she yawned.

  “How’s Carter?”

  “He’s great. Alicia is also wonderful and I have some big news.”

  “What’s that?” Jessie yawned.

  “I have a date tonight,” Madison said to complete silence. “Hello?”

  “Did you just say that you have date tonight?”

  “Yes, he is on Carter’s hockey team. He asked me out last night.”

  “I can’t believe it, who is it?”

  “Hunter Longo.”

  Jessie gasped. “Your first date is with the Godsend Hunter Longo?”

  Madison couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, it is. He’s so sweet, Jessie. He walked with me on the beach last night and we talked about our families. He was so easy to talk with and he’s gorgeous.”

  “Maddy, I know this is exciting and new to you but please be careful. He’s a hockey player. I’m sure he’s been around the block and back again. You are so sweet and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Madison sighed. “I will be fine. I just want to go out and get to know him, that’s all. Alicia promised me that he was a great guy and Carter wouldn’t allow me near him if he wasn’t.”

  “Good point, call me tomorrow, ok?”

  “Of course I will, have fun studying.” Madison hung up the phone and headed into the bathroom. She took her shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She ran her fingers through her short hair and smiled. She thought back to last night’s walk on the beach with Hunter. She loved the way his eyes focused on her when they got close to each other. She read in books about how your body would respond to certain situations but never imagined it would be anything like it was.

  Alicia passed by her room and poked her head in, interrupting her train of thought. “Good Morning.�

  “Good morning, is Carter up too?”

  She nodded. “He’s out on his daily run, should be back shortly though.”

  Madison nodded. “Would you like me to make breakfast for everyone?”

  “Oh no, you are on vacation,” Alicia paused. “Can I ask you a question?”

  Madison nodded, “Of course.”

  Alicia sat on the bed. “From what Carter and you have told me, you lived a very sheltered childhood and I’m going to assume that tonight will be your first date. Am I right?”

  Madison sighed as she paced the room. “Is it that obvious?”

  “It’s not that. Carter is just worried about you and we will be sisters soon so I want to be a part of your life and thought you would be more comfortable talking to me about it than him. Hunter is a wonderful guy and I have no doubt he will be a gentleman and show you a wonderful time but if he does anything that upsets you, I will hurt him.”

  Madison sat down next to her. “I’m very nervous about tonight. You are right, I’m new to this and I’m so afraid that Hunter will see that and run in the opposite direction. I’m not his typical date.”

  Alicia smiled. “I’m sure he will not care about that, just try to have fun tonight and see where the future takes you.”

  “Alicia? There is something else.”

  “What’s that?”

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’ve never been kissed.”

  Alicia sat in silence. “How is that even possible? You are so beautiful. Some stupid guy in high school didn’t try to sneak one in between classes?”

  “Strict parents, remember?”

  “Oh Madison, now I’m really excited for you tonight.”

  “Why? Do you think it will happen tonight? I’m going to have a heart attack. I don’t know what to wear or how to act. I don’t even know how to kiss a guy. I’m going to hyperventilate," Madison exclaimed as she nervously paced around the room.

  Alicia pulled her off the bed. “Everything will come naturally. It’s about time that you and I have out first outing as sisters. We will hit the mall with Carter’s credit card because if it does happen tonight, we want you to feel special.”

  As soon as they finished breakfast, Alicia whisked her away to the local shopping district. As they walked from store to store, Madison became more nervous. She wanted to impress Hunter but had no idea how to do that.

  Alicia pulled her into one of her favorite stores as she started to sort through the racks. “What are you comfortable wearing?” Alicia asked.

  Madison pointed to her jeans and t-shirt. “I like something comfortable.”

  She shook her head. “This is a big night for you and I want you to be stunning! How about wearing a dress like this?” She held up a light blue cotton sundress. It was pretty but also would cling to her in all the right places.

  “I couldn’t wear something like that,” Madison said as she frowned.

  Clearly not listening to her, Alicia said, “Come on, let’s see if it fits.” She grabbed her hand and pulled her into the dressing room. “Now, go into that room and put it on.”

  Madison grabbed the dress and convinced herself this was part of the change that she wanted in her life. She removed her clothes and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She was happy with her body. She wasn’t a typical girl who thought something was too small or too big. She thought her breasts were perfect for her body and everything else was in perfect proportion.

  She slid the dress on and stared. It hugged every twist of her body and came down to her mid thighs. It was a comfortable fabric and nothing too tight. The dress was strapless and showed off her bare shoulders. She opened the curtain to find Alicia with her mouth open. “You are stunning!”

  She blushed as she walked towards the mirror. She felt the dress move with her as she spotted a couple of guys staring at her. She quickly turned back towards Alicia. “Is it too much?”

  “No, you need to buy that dress. You even walk with more confidence. If you want, we can buy you a light shawl to go over your shoulders.”

  Madison took one more look and decided it was the right thing to do and bought the dress. After they finished a little more shopping, they headed back home. They spent the afternoon on the deck enjoying the sunshine. Carter ordered lunch for everyone and they talked about their childhood.

  “I never realized how much attention I was getting. I was so wrapped up in my hockey routine that I just assumed that you were living your life,” Carter explained.

  “I don’t blame you, Carter. I blame them. They could have learned how to manage two children but they chose to ignore me. During high school, there was one boy who asked me to a school dance and I wanted to go so badly but when I asked mother she said no. You had a hockey tournament that weekend and I was going to Aunt Barb’s so I wouldn’t be in the way.”

  Carter sighed. “It is stuff like that. I can’t make it right for you. You will never have that moment again.”

  Madison smiled. “I love that you are back in my life. After you left for college and you were drafted, I thought I lost you forever. They wouldn’t let me call you or write you. The excuse was always that you were too busy for me.”

  “That’s not true, Maddy. Yes, I was a major dumbass during that time but I would have loved to see you.”

  “Well, it’s all in the past and now I have to get ready for my first date.”

  “I’m still not happy about this,” Carter groaned.

  Alicia laughed. “Hunter wouldn’t dare upset you, Carter. Let her have some fun tonight!”

  Carter nodded. “Have fun, Maddy.”

  “By the way, Hunter called earlier and asked if he could help me plan your party tomorrow,” Alicia said.

  “Really, he wants to help out?” Madison asked.

  “Yep, you are going to have the time of your life.”

  “Can you help me get ready for tonight?” She asked.

  “Oh my God, of course I will!” They stood up from the table and headed upstairs.

  After Madison’s shower, she slipped on her new dress and watched as it fell into place around the curves of her body. Alicia also bought her a pair of strappy white sandals with a small heel that would bring her up to Hunter’s level. They found a white shawl that she could bring with her as the evening got cooler. Alicia applied her makeup and when Madison opened her eyes, she couldn’t believe what she saw.

  For the first time in her life, she really felt beautiful. Her hands ran down the cotton fabric and she took a deep breath. Her brown eyes popped with the makeup that Alicia chose for her. She pinned her hair back and Alicia allowed her to borrow her diamond earrings and the matching diamond necklace which sat perfectly in her cleavage.

  “Alicia, you have a gift for making someone look beautiful.”

  She laughed. “It’s not hard when you are working with a natural beauty like yourself.”

  Madison blushed as she heard the doorbell. She started to shake and felt her palms get sweaty.

  “You are going to have so much fun tonight, Madison. Just let go and enjoy yourself.” Alicia disappeared and headed downstairs.

  Madison grabbed her purse and looked in the mirror one more time. As she approached the bottom of the staircase she spotted Hunter waiting for her in the living room with a few long stem roses.

  “You are breath-taking, Madison,” Hunter said as he handed her the bouquet of flowers.

  “They are beautiful. Thank you.”

  Alicia came over and grabbed the flowers. “I will put them in water for you.”

  Carter hugged her. “Maddy, this is the first time I’m seeing you as a grown woman. Where did my baby sister go?”

  Madison smiled and looked back towards Hunter. He was dressed in a pair of khaki’s and a dark green polo shirt. “You look great.”

  He smiled at her. “Ready?”

  Madison nodded and said goodbye to Carter and Alicia. As they approached his truck, he opened the door a
nd paused before he helped her inside. He didn’t say anything right away as his eyes closed briefly, when they reopened his eyes were dark green and focused on her. “You are so beautiful tonight, Madison. I just wanted to make sure you knew that. You have honestly taken my breath away.” He reached out his hand and helped her step up into his truck.

  Her heart raced as she watched him walk around the front of his truck and step into the driver’s seat. She looked down at her lap and softly asked, “What are the plans for tonight?”

  “First, I’m taking you to dinner and since you enjoyed the beach so much, there is a beach that I would love to show you.”

  “Sounds great, I really did enjoy our walk last night. It was nice to talk and have someone actually listen to me. For some reason, I’m very comfortable around you.”

  Hunter smiled at her. “I’m happy to hear that, I want you to be comfortable around me. It’s fun to get to know someone new. I just want you to enjoy yourself.”

  When they arrived at the restaurant Hunter opened the door for her and held her hand as they walked across the floor to their table. She could see a few people recognize him and smile at her. She tensed up slightly as he turned towards her and pulled out her chair. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing, just nerves,” Madison explained as she sat down and watched Hunter take his seat across from her.

  They talked with the waiter and ordered their meals. Hunter barely took his eyes off of her since had he picked her up from Carter’s house. “Tell me about your job,” he asked.

  “Nothing really to tell, it’s a small office complex and I’m the assistant to the manager. We are small real estate broker.”

  “Are you happy working there?” he asked.

  “Happy? I’m not unhappy. It’s just a job to me.”

  “What is your dream job?” he asked.

  “I always wanted to help people. I thought I would go to college and become a nurse but that never happened.”

  “Have you ever thought of moving somewhere different, away from your parents and starting over?”

  Madison nodded as she took a drink. “Honestly, several times and now that I see how beautiful it is around here, I would really love that.”


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