Scandal of Love

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Scandal of Love Page 3

by Janelle Daniels

  Shock pumped through him. “You’re not Lady Sera?”

  “What?” Now she was the one who looked shock. “You thought I was Lady Sera?”

  “Yes, her name was announced before yours but you walked in first.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Oh. Yes, I could see how that would cause confusion. I’m Lady Aubrey, Lady Sera’s friend.”

  She was Lady Aubrey. That meant—could it be true?

  He looked wildly around the room until he locked eyes with the woman in ivory. The woman whom he had thought was his fiancée’s best friend. The woman who was to be his wife.

  He almost stopped breathing as he looked at her, taking in every inch. She would belong to him, only him. A fierce wave of possessiveness and satisfaction swept through him. She would be his.

  To everyone else in the room, everything was put to rights. Although he had asked the best friend to dance, he was gazing longingly at the woman whom he supposedly loved. He just seemed much more the gentleman to dance with the less beautiful woman first.

  His eyebrow arched when he saw a twinkle in her eye. Had she guessed what had happened? She seemed to be amused by the situation. He hoped she was.

  “I apologize for the confusion,” he said, turning his attention back to Aubrey. “This shouldn’t interfere with our charade.”

  “I agree. Everyone seems to be going back to their own business. As long as you dance with Lady Sera next, it should be fine.”

  He nodded in agreement as the music began.

  The quadrille was an intricate dance, but he had memorized the steps long before. At this point, it was muscle memory that got him through the movements. Every thought was on Sera.

  After the last bow, signaling the end of the dance, Quinton escorted Aubrey back toward Sera. “Lady Sera, might I claim you for the next?” he asked, his voice a rich timbre.

  A small smile appeared on her lips. “I would like nothing more.” She favored him with a deep curtsy.

  The room quieted again, and Quinton felt everyone’s eyes on his back. He didn’t care though. All he could think about was this woman: how she looked, smelled, moved. His whole body seemed to be in tune with her.

  Placing her hand on his arm as if they were familiar with each other, he led her to the floor. The first few notes of a waltz began, casting the room in a romantic tone. A few sighs could be heard from across the room as he slowly brought Sera against him.

  He wanted to pull her into him, plaster her against his frame, but that would only cause another scandal. No, they had to behave with the utmost propriety, but he could dream about it.

  As the introduction music ended, Quinton began the steps that had them twirling in each other’s arms around the floor.

  She fit against him so perfectly. They seemed in tune with each other’s steps. So much so that he had no problem leading her through the music, their steps light as they swirled through the room.

  He knew everyone was watching. Everyone was looking for evidence of their passion. And he was never one to disappoint. He had been prepared to feign desire, but with Sera, no pretense was necessary.

  He wanted her. And it was plain for everyone to see.

  He wondered if she felt the same pull as he, if she were just as in tune with him as he was with her.

  He wanted this moment to last, to draw out every last ounce of music. It was with much regret when it came to an end and he had to take his hands off of her.

  Wondering how soon he could get her back into his embrace, he escorted her to her companion. He hoped it would be soon.


  To say that Sera was surprised was an understatement. She was shocked. This gorgeous, black-haired man who had eyes the color of fresh moss was Lord Devericks?

  After a few deep breaths, Sera was prepared to dance with him, only to have him ask Aubrey first. Confusion settled within her, but it only took a moment to realize what had happened. He thought Aubrey was his fiancée!

  She could tell the second he learned of his mistake, and it took every ounce of her control to stop herself from laughing aloud at the expression on his face.

  She had to hold her laughter inside. It would only cause suspicion for her to laugh at her fiancé during their first appearance together.

  The humor began to fade, quickly replaced by another feeling as he looked to her. He gazed at her with such blatant hunger that she almost gasped from the intensity.

  Telling herself to break away from his eyes, she tried to look at another part of him that was less imposing, less powerful, but she couldn’t. She was held captive by his stare.

  Blushing, she realized he wasn’t looking away from her. He was absorbing her from the top of her head to her toes. Nothing seemed to escape his notice. When his eyes returned to hers, the look he gave her was filled with such appreciation that she couldn’t help but blush again.

  When the music began, he turned to dance with Aubrey, which Sera was grateful for. She wasn’t used to being looked at with such possessiveness. She hadn’t realized how powerful it would make her feel.

  She felt proud that he was attracted to her. Not that she had anything to do with her own looks, but she felt womanly, beautiful. More so than she had ever felt before.

  He moved well, she noted. Watching as he performed the intricate patterns of the quadrille with Aubrey, she saw that he never missed a step.

  Unable to stop herself, her gaze lingered over him. His shoulders were broad, heavily corded with muscles that tapered down to a narrow waist. His legs ate up the floor as he danced, strong and sure. He was about a half a foot taller than her, but he seemed so much bigger, so much more imposing. There was something about him that didn’t seem quite tame. His clothes were of the highest quality, but it was the man himself that seemed to be a bit uncivilized. Was it his travels on the continent that had given him a touch of the wild?

  The dance ended in a flurry of bows, and her heart began to beat heavily in her chest as he came to claim her for the next.

  Placing her hand on his arm, she felt the muscles bunch underneath her touch. The give of his skin through the layers of his clothes felt so intimate. Why had she never noticed that with another man before?

  His arm came around her as the music began, and that was when she stopped thinking. She could only feel.

  Her pulse melded with his as they glided through the steps. Completely in tune with him, her body moved and swayed with the music. Everything seemed to dim, the music, the lights. Everything except her heartbeat. The deep, even rhythm had picked up, almost keeping pace with the tempo of the music.

  Looking up, she closed her eyes against the cascading fire that shot through the crystals in the chandelier. Were they sparkling as brightly a moment ago, or had they just started?

  She didn’t understand it. She couldn’t.

  What was happening to her? Did Lord Devericks feel it as well? Trying to be inconspicuous, Sera glanced at his face, trying to discern if he felt something out of the ordinary.

  He seemed composed, his features serene. Almost as if he didn’t realize everyone was watching them. But did he feel the pull between them? Had he felt how the world seemed to dim when she stepped into his arms?

  He was a stranger. There was no reason he should have such an effect on her. But for whatever reason, he did.

  The final note of the song drew out, ripping her out of the trance. It was over so soon? It felt as if they had just come together.

  With a final curtsy, she took his arm, hearing the noise level raise, no doubt in conversation about what they had just witnessed.

  He leaned down to her ear. “I think we’ve passed the first hurdle. Everyone seems convinced.”

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear her thoughts. “Yes. I wonder if that is all it will take.”

  “Probably not. We should try to stay within eyesight of each other the rest of the evening to keep up appearances.”

  “Of course,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant even
though her pulse raced. What was it about him that made her so unsteady?

  “I’m sorry that we haven’t had a chance to talk yet. I hope to remedy that very soon.”

  “I would like that,” she whispered. And she would. She desperately wanted to know about the man who would be her husband.


  She nodded her agreement. “Soon.”

  He bowed once again before leaving her with Aubrey. Another dance began, and the other guests seemed to return to normal.

  “Well, how was it?” Aubrey whispered.

  “We seem to dance well together,” she said, trying to make light of her feelings.

  Aubrey’s eyebrow rose in disbelief. “He seems very attracted to you. Although I can’t say I’m surprised. Almost every man in this room is.” She let out an inelegant snort. “Were you as surprised as I was when he thought I was you? I couldn’t believe it when he asked me to dance first. I’m sure others were equally as shocked.”

  Sera chuckled softly. “I think I saw Lady Bransberry choke on her lemonade when he offered you his arm. He handled himself quite well though.” They laughed as they thought of the ton’s biggest gossip being taken by surprise.

  Aubrey nodded. “I think you might be able to convince everyone that it is a love match.”

  “I hope so. Or else this will all be for nothing.” Sera looked toward the opposite side of the room where the refreshment table was. “I’m rather thirsty. Would you come with me to get a glass of lemonade?”

  “Of course. It’s quite hot in here,” Aubrey agreed.

  Why weren’t any of the windows open yet? It would only get worse as the night wore on.

  Sera nodded toward Aubrey’s hair. “One of your pins has come loose.”

  Raising a hand, Aubrey reached up to the fallen curl. “Bugger,” she said under her breath. “I’ll go repair it quickly. Wait for me here?”

  Sera nodded before Aubrey took off toward the lady’s retiring room.

  Gratefully accepting a cup of lemonade from a server, she sighed. The first sip of the tart beverage was like heaven on her tongue.

  “Well, I must say that I am surprised to see you here,” a silky smooth voice announced from behind her.

  Sera closed her eyes on an oath. Lady Victoria. She should have known the viper would seek her out so quickly.

  Turning with a smile, Sera greeted her. “Hello, Lady Victoria. You are looking well this evening. That shade of blue is quite becoming on you.”

  In a feminine gesture, Lady Victoria reached down to smooth her skirts. “Yes, well, I have often been told so. That ivory gown is also lovely. Although, I must say I am surprised you aren’t wearing red.”

  “ I’m not quite sure what you mean,” Sera said, but she did. Red was worn by experienced women, especially ones of the demimonde, but she wasn’t going to give Victoria the satisfaction of becoming upset by her comment.

  Victoria smirked. “Oh, come now. I know the truth, Sera.”

  Sera’s smile became brittle as dread filled her belly. Could Victoria possibly know that it was all a hoax? No, no one knew that. She was just fishing for another scandal.

  It seemed that from the moment Sera had made her entrance into society, Victoria had been waiting for her downfall. Victoria was beautiful. With rich black hair and crystal blue eyes, she was the most sought after debutant. At least until Sera had entered society. From that moment on, Sera had been the most popular, and Victoria had come in second. She had never gotten over that fact and rejoiced in making Sera’s life miserable whenever she could manage it.

  “The truth of what?” Sera finally replied.

  Victoria looked over her shoulder then leaned forward as if to tell her a secret. “I know that your engagement was set because of the scandal. You and Lord Devericks are no love match.”

  “Really? And how would you know that?”

  Victoria shrugged. “It’s rather obvious. I can tell he doesn’t really care for you. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he started the gossip himself so that he could secure your dowry.”

  Sera’s gasp only seemed to encourage Victoria. “I can’t blame him though.” She picked at one of her nails. “If I were in such terrible financial straits as he, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same.”

  Could it be true? Sera hadn’t even considered that Lord Devericks would do such a thing until that moment. He had motive, but why her? There were many girls that had large dowries. And it wasn’t as if he wanted her for her looks since he had first thought Aubrey was his fiancée.

  No, she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t. Yet, the doubt continued to grow within her. Victoria had planted the seed and it seemed to take root.

  “Lady Sera, I hoped to claim the next dance. Are you available?” Lord Devericks asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Why, yes. I would be delighted,” she said shakily, glancing back at Victoria who was fuming from Lord Devericks’ attention.

  He whisked her toward the middle of the dance floor, well away from anyone that could hear them. “Is everything all right? You seemed really upset,” he whispered in her ear.

  Had he been watching her entire conversation with Victoria? “Yes.” She tried to shake off the doubts that lingered in her mind. “She doesn’t believe that we are a love match. She thinks it’s a sham, which of course it is, but it makes me wonder if others don’t believe as well.”

  He scanned the room, seeming to take stock of people’s reaction. “I don’t think there is anything to worry about. Most of the women that are watching us don’t look disbelieving.”

  Sera glanced around the room while taking position for the next dance. She had to agree; most were, in fact, looking at her fiancé with longing.

  She could understand the women’s attractions. Her fiancé was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Did he realize the reactions he was setting off? Glancing up at him, he seemed oblivious.

  Could he have started the rumor? The arm around her waist was protective, and she was glad he had scooped her away from Victoria’s claws, but could she trust him? Was he the type to manipulate someone else for his gain?

  If only she had time to get to know him before they married. It was impossible.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  “I was wondering if you were trustworthy.”

  Her bluntness seemed to surprise him. “I would like to think so. I try to conduct myself with honor.”

  Searching his face, she looked for any reassurance that she could believe him. She wanted to, but didn’t know if she should. “I will keep that in mind.”

  His hand tightened on her waist. “You may always ask me anything. I would like us to be friends.”

  Friends. The word seemed so tame compared to what she had hoped to have in marriage. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate him reaching out to her, she did. She just wished there was love between them.

  At least they would be able to start their marriage on friendly terms.

  “I would as well. I hope that we can come to trust each other,” she said softly.

  “I trust you.”

  She glanced up at him in surprise. “You do? Why?”

  “Why not?” He shrugged slightly as he lifted his arm to spin her. “I see no reason not to.”

  “But I have done nothing to earn your trust.”

  “I would like to give you my trust until you do something that makes me feel otherwise.”

  She shook her head. “That’s silly. You don’t know anything about me. How could you possibly know if I am honorable?”

  “I don’t. But it is my hope that you are. You have made a commitment to marry me, even though you know nothing about me, and I know you will keep your end of the bargain. You already are by pretending this is a love match. You have already begun to prove yourself to me.”

  She wished it were simple for her as well. She wanted to trust him as blindly as he seemed to be able to do. O
h, why did Victoria have to mess with her? She would have never suspected Lord Devericks if it weren’t for her interference.

  They gave one another a final bow before he escorted her back to the refreshments.

  “I’ll be close by if you need anything,” he whispered to her.

  She appreciated his offer. He was being much more kind than she expected him to be. Much more attentive.

  “Lord Devericks asked you to dance again?” Aubrey asked once he had left Sera at her side. “I’m surprised he would ask so soon when you’re only allowed two dances.”

  “I was grateful for his assistance. He interrupted a conversation with Victoria,” she whispered.

  Sera didn’t need to add anything else. Aubrey was well aware of the woman’s behavior and easily guessed what had happened.

  Leading Sera toward a private alcove between potted plants, she whispered, “What did she say?”

  “Oh, it isn’t worth repeating.” Sera tried to wave off her friend’s concern.

  Aubrey’s brow raised in a golden arch. “We both know that isn’t true. She’s a jealous viper that would love to see you ripped apart. I can only imagine what she said once the two of you were alone.”

  Sera sighed. “She said she knew that this wasn’t a love match, and that Lord Devericks was probably responsible for the scandal in the first place.”

  In any other instance, Sera would have found Aubrey’s open-mouthed reaction hilarious, but she couldn’t muster up the laughter now.

  “That vicious…” Aubrey trailed off, taking a deep breath. “You know that isn’t true. She’s just saying that to get under your skin. I can’t believe she would sink so low now that you are out of the picture. You would think she would leave things alone now that you are engaged.”

  “I doubt she’ll ever leave me alone.”

  Aubrey studied Sera’s face. “You don’t believe her do you? You know she would say anything to upset you.”

  “I know.” Sera rubbed her temples. “I know she only said it to upset me, but what if she’s right? What if he actually did start the rumor?”

  “Why would anyone do such a thing?”


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