Love Under Two Quarterbacks [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Quarterbacks [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Cara Covington

  “Oh, oh yes.” Relief and excitement, joy and an achingly precious horniness, these emotions and sensations arose and swirled inside her. She undulated her hips, the movement practically instinctive. Hands moved on her as lips continued to kiss and tongues laved, and Ari let go for the first time in her life. She let go of control and just let herself be carried away by the pure pleasure permeating her every pore.

  “That’s it, baby. Just give yourself to us.” Jackson’s deep voice reverberated against the wet flesh of her nipple.

  “You taste so good. You’re so responsive, Red.” Cord brushed his hand down her stomach, and then strummed his fingers back and forth over her mound. “So smooth, like silk here. I like that you keep this naked. I like that you don’t want to hide your cunt behind your curls.”

  “Oh, God.” The combination of their fingers and lips and words transported her to a realm of erotica, a realm she never thought to visit.

  “I can smell your juices.” Jackson nipped at her nipple, and then began to kiss a trail down her body. “Your scent is making my mouth water. I love pussy. I love touching it and tasting it and fucking it. I have a feeling I’m really going to love your pussy.”

  No man had ever done that, put his mouth on her cunt. Jackson nuzzled her, blowing warm air against her already wet folds.

  “Mmm, yes, hot and wet and ready to eat.” And then he opened his mouth over her cunt and proceeded to do just that.

  “Ah!” Ari cried out as the last vestiges of control she’d sought to hold deserted her. The light and seductive tendrils of arousal exploded into a heat and horniness so huge, it felt manic. Shivers wracked her as her flesh pebbled all over. More thrilling than she’d truly imagined, those sensations swirled and soared with each swoop of Jackson’s tongue on her cunt. He found her clit and she imagined that tiny nub quivering and swelling, because she was quivering and swelling.

  He closed his lips over it and sucked, and Ari cried out as her first ever climax hit. Wave after wave of shimmering tingles washed over her, each one stronger, headier than the one that came before. The fire of Eros filled her, and the power of the Greek god of love burned through her and through all her doubts, all her pain. She lifted her cunt and pressed against that magic mouth, craving more and still more. Jackson hummed, and the added vibrations became another tendril, another facet of this amazing jubilee.

  Her orgasm began to abate, and she whimpered, straining within, wanting it to continue, wanting it back. Jackson chuckled against her wet folds. Then he moved slightly, and she felt his fingers there, stroking, delving, and entering her.

  “Oh, oh, more, please.” He was doing something to her, something she didn’t understand. He’d released her clit and she felt him staring at her.

  Unable to resist, she looked down and met his gaze. His face was saturated with her juices, his gaze hot and inflamed.

  He moved his fingers inside her as he watched her, and she wondered, worried—

  “Oh, oh! What…” Jackson’s smile showed her what male satisfaction looked like. He moved his fingers again, and she cried out with the hot sudden flood of excitement that drenched her.

  “He found your sweet spot,” Cord whispered. He moved closer to her and she felt the heat of his erect cock press against her hip. Unhesitant, she reached down and fisted him.

  “Yeah, you pump me, sweetheart, just like that. Jackson’s going to make you fly again.”

  Ari’s gaze went from Cord, to Jackson. As if that man was just waiting to have her focus once more, he treated her cunt to a long, lush lick. And then he sucked her clit into his mouth with one strong pull, and moved those amazing fingers inside her again.

  “Yes!” Rapture rose up, volcanic, exploding out of her core to every part of her body. Not an inch of her didn’t feel the electric sizzle of ecstasy. Ari screamed as she came and came, as the fire of her passion made her new and whole. And as the beauty of that rapture covered her, and lifted her, Ari Stein burst into tears.

  * * * *

  It didn’t surprise Cord one bit that Ari cried. It did please him, because he knew that for women, tears were a different sort of release, but just as necessary as an orgasm. One that he suspected she had needed for a very long time.

  She’d let go of his cock as her tears took her from the apex of climax into some place she’d traveled alone for far too long. He turned her into his arms and held her while she wept. Jackson left the bed for a moment and when he returned, he had a box of tissues in his hand.

  His smile told Cord they really were on the same page when it came to this woman. He, too, understood that these tears could only be good.

  So many things Cord had learned about Ari before they’d cornered her at Chloe’s wedding. He knew the first time he watched her that she was a woman who held herself in too tightly.

  Brian’s revelations only confirmed his own suspicions and had never been far from his thoughts, as well.

  “Oh, God, I am so sorry.”

  Cord could tell Ari was working to get herself under control. She tried to pull away, but he wasn’t having any of that.

  Jackson moved in and spooned her, so that they had her surrounded by their heat, and, though she didn’t know it and wasn’t ready to hear it yet, their love.

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Tinker Bell.”

  Cord took some tissues and blotted her cheeks. But he didn’t release her. He knew she finally got that message when she exhaled heavily and fully relaxed on his chest.

  “Nothing to apologize for? That must be a huge turnoff—having some bimbo burst into tears during sex.”

  “I’m going to give you a pass this time, so no swat. But I don’t ever want to hear you refer to yourself as a bimbo again.”

  Cord recognized that tone in his brother and bit back his smile. Jackson liked to be in charge and that had never bothered Cord one bit. He was happy to follow where his brother led. And on those rare occasions when his brother was leveled by the twists and turns—well then, he’d step in and gently nudge him in the direction they should go. But for now, and with their woman, he liked Jackson’s dominant side coming out just fine.

  “As to our being turned off”—Cord took her hand and showed her that his cock was still hot and hard and waiting for her—“if all we wanted was a quick fuck, maybe we would have been. But we want more than that, Ari. You won’t find it easy to give us a try a couple of times and then just walk away from us.”

  Her breathing hitched, part of the aftermath of her crying jag. Then she sighed.

  “I did think that, yesterday. Then earlier, while I was trying to decide if I should turn into the driveway or just leave, I was actually hoping for more than a one-night stand.”

  “Good,” Jackson said. He kissed her shoulder and ran a hand down her arm. “Can you tell us why you cried?”

  “I’m not sure I know why. I’d never had an orgasm before, and the reality…the beauty…it was just too much all at once. It was the best feeling in the world and then…and then the dam simply broke.”

  Cord met Jackson’s gaze over her head. He said, “We’re both pretty damn glad that we’re the first ones to make you come, Red. At the same time, we’re pretty damn pissed at the ones who couldn’t be bothered to love you properly. They told you that you weren’t good at lovin’ to cover up the fact they weren’t.”

  “Do you know, that never occurred to me? I just took it as a given. They said I was no good at sex, and since they both said the same thing at different times, I believed them.”

  This time when she tried to move, Cord maneuvered her so that she was on her back, between them.

  “You’re attracted to us,” Cord said. “You like us.” He stroked his hand down her body, a long, soothing caress that had just a hint of the naughty to it.

  “I am and I do.”

  “You weren’t with the other two. You were neither attracted, nor did you like them.” Jackson’s tone brooked no argument.

  “How do y
ou know?”

  “I just do. Maybe you thought you should date, or got pressured into it. Maybe you figured that you were old enough to move on, and you decided to give it a try with the first man who seemed like he was interested.”

  “You think you know everything.”

  “Jackson is kind of like that. It can be a pain in the ass, let me tell you, the way he’s right so often,” Cord said. Then he decided it wouldn’t hurt to seal that deal. “And we already established that men will say just about anything to get laid. The problem is, that just as you owned up to some of the members of your sex being less than honorable? We’d have to say the same for ours.”

  “There are a lot of men who will say damn near anything to get into a woman’s pants,” Jackson agreed. “It’s unfortunate, but I believe those first two were just like that.”

  “You could be right.”

  “Oh, I’m right,” Jackson said.

  “There’s something else you need to know, too, Red. Something else we’re going to tell you that we’re right about.”

  Cord tried to bite back his grin as she looked from him to Jackson and back again. He could see the edge of doubt and a shadow of suspicion in her pretty hazel eyes.

  “And that would be?”

  “We’re not going to be having sex with you,” Cord said.

  “We’re going to be making love with you,” Jackson said. “We’re building something here between us, something that we aim to do our best to see last.”

  Cord turned her face gently so he could meet her gaze and let her see how serious he was. “And for a hell of a lot longer than you’ve been telling yourself it’s going to last, too.”

  Chapter 8

  Ari didn’t know if they were arrogant, demented, or…right.

  “You convinced yourself that you didn’t want romance, and that you just wanted to try us on for size,” Jackson said.

  “But we think you need to look inside your heart, because we think you might be falling for us, just like we’re falling for you.”

  If any other man, or men, had made such a claim she would have dumped them like a cold plate of day-old fried catfish.

  She was used to being in charge, and in control, the one who came and then went…and it had all landed her right here.

  There was something growing between them, damn it. But that didn’t mean it was love, or that it would last for a lifetime. But she’d promised herself she’d be honest with herself, and them. That meant admitting the idea didn’t frighten her the way it would have before she’d moved to this town and gotten to see that there was, indeed, such a thing as lasting love.

  “Maybe I am, a little. But I don’t know what it will be. I don’t know where it will take us. I…I’m not a real good bet. I don’t exactly come from good stock. My daddy left my mother when I was a baby and she couldn’t stand to be without a man.” She heard the bitterness in her tone. “She told me as a point of pride that the second time around she had held out for a man who looked like he could amount to something…yeah, he amounted to something all right. Fucking pillar of the community outside the house.” Ari closed her mouth tight.

  For a long moment, neither man said a thing. But they kept on petting her, stayed close beside her so that she felt cosseted, and her tension eased.

  She licked lips suddenly gone dry. It occurred to her that she was completely comfortable being naked with these two men, and that had never happened before. Maybe they were the answer. Maybe the time had come for her to let go of the past and dare to reach for a future.

  “We don’t expect a declaration of love right now, Ari. Not now, not even anytime real soon. All we ask is that you give us a chance.” Cord placed another kiss on her lips, and then took her left arm and raised it above her head.

  “When you feel the walls closing in too tight, you let us know. We’ll push you some, but only because we really believe it will be best for you.”

  Jackson, too, kept his hand on her, stroking her arm and her side. Then it wandered down her stomach, sliding lower until he stroked over her slit. Back and forth, he kept up the motion. When she met his gaze, he changed his stroking to up and down, and worked his way between her folds.

  “You’re nice and wet.” Jackson slid two fingers into her, and eased them out again. “Hot, and wet, and so damned sexy.”

  Ari wasn’t very experienced, sexually, but she knew the arousal stirring within her had as much to do with Jackson’s words and the look in his eyes as it did the way he touched her.

  “I want you.” She looked over at Cord. “I want you both.”

  “You’ll have us both,” Cord said. “But we’ve been learning a thing or two about sharing a woman, Lusty style.” He paused and the look that came over his face made her think of a young boy about to admit to having stolen a cookie from the cookie jar. “We have shared a woman in the past, a couple of times.” He leaned over and kissed her. “That’s how we knew that sharing suited us so well. As far as Lusty style, well, Jackson is older than I am by several minutes. That means he’s the one who decides things. That suits me fine.”

  Ari did want them both, and that want was growing stronger as the late-afternoon shadows stretched across the floor.

  “I’ve heard some things, too, about doing things Lusty style.” Ari looked from Jackson to Cord, and back again. “I never thought I would ever want to experience anal sex, but it’s one good way to have you both inside my body at the same time.”

  Cord grinned. “I happen to have already been having hot dreams about your sexy ass, Miss Ari.”

  Jackson had moved his hand subtly while she and Cord had been talking. Now the heat of it lying there against her stomach felt heavy, and somehow incredibly sexy. Drawn, she turned her head on the pillow until she met Jackson’s dark and heated stare.

  “We have another request, sweetheart. We’ll use condoms, for now. But we really want to be naked inside you. So we’ll all get tested, and then condoms will only be used for when we fuck that pretty ass of yours.”

  The brothers Benedict were both arrogant and domineering. Or was it dominant? How can these men be like this and it only turns me on?

  Ari didn’t have any answers. She only had questions—questions, and a hunger for these men that defied everything she’d ever known or thought about herself.

  “You’re pretty bossy.”

  “I am.” Jackson moved, so that he was lying half on, and half off her.

  That move had been far from subtle, very swift, and left her with a pounding heart and incredibly firm nipples. Excitement skittered through her. She licked suddenly dry lips.

  Maybe she could be bossy, too. “I need you to kiss me, now, Jackson.”

  “Slide your arms around me, Tinker Bell, and I’ll do just that.”

  She loved the heat in his gaze and the way he focused on her as if she was the center of his world. Dangerous thinking. Men are very good at playing this game. Be careful.

  Ari told her inner imp to make up its mind. Then she slid her arms around Jackson’s neck and sighed when he lowered himself so that his chest brushed her nipples.

  She expected him to devour her and instead, he treated her to teasing, gentle kisses. He sipped her, and the image formed of a man who didn’t want to rush this treat, who aimed to make what they shared between them linger.

  The scent of him—pure man—and the taste that was uniquely his with what she knew to be a trace of her own nectar seeped into her bloodstream. Soft and sweet, hot and hungry, his kisses began to work a kind of magic on her. Nothing existed but this, and Ari felt everything inside her open to this man.

  His tongue delved into her mouth, coaxing hers to dance and slide, to dip and glide. Wet and wonderful, his lips caressed hers, both feeding her and creating a hunger within her for more.

  His hand brushed her breast, then cupped, then squeezed. Ari moaned into his mouth. His lips stretched into a smile. She’d never had a kiss evolve into a smile before.

Now I’m going to gobble you.”

  Jackson moved down her body and electric shocks traveled in his wake. He sucked on her nipples, first one, and then the other, and she closed her eyes and simply savored. Arching her back, she let him know how good it felt, and how much she needed him to keep feasting on her. His hum of pleasure, wet lips vibrating against sensitive flesh, made her hotter and wetter.

  He made a place for himself between her legs, setting his mouth on her, thrusting his fingers into her he began to fuck her with both tongue and fingers.

  She had no time to brace, she could only accept the rising heat, the spiraling arousal that raced up and up until it pulled her into a freefall of orgasm. Ari felt as if she spread her wings and let her soul soar off the precipice, a graceful glide as she felt the heat of pleasure carry her on a dizzying path.

  Jackson moved, and snagged the small packet his brother tossed him. She heard the tear and opened her eyes and watched as he very deftly rolled the latex into place.

  She might have made a smart-ass comment about his smooth move, but he executed another one and was over her, his condom-covered cockhead resting against her slit in seconds.


  She met his gaze, knowing that was what he wanted. His gaze never left hers as he pressed forward and began to thrust into her.

  “You’re so hot and wet and sexy.” Jackson’s cock entered her, but he held back, pushing slowly.

  He wants my gaze on him so he knows if he’s hurting me. The realization shifted something inside her. His care began to heal a wound she had accepted as normal because it had lived within her for so long.

  “You feel so good. Hot and hard.”

  His smile, arrogance personified, somehow tickled her.

  “More, now.” His thrust felt measured, and his arms trembled slightly, supporting his weight, but his cock moved into her a bit more and it felt…it felt wonderful. Yes, she was tight. She knew that because he was stretching her. But she felt no pain, just a fabulous, full sensation.

  He was being careful of her and she knew that careful had been perfect for that first full thrust, but that wasn’t what she really wanted—or needed. “Give me more, please. Give me all of you.”


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