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Trapnights Page 9

by AP Jermaine

  “Man fuck that square ass bitch. She didn’t have no problems when I was spending my money and getting her up in all the fly ass spots. She was in the room, so that was her shit. I gotta keep it movin bru. It’s too much money for us to make out here for me to be locked up for some shit I didn’t even get caught with myself. Feel me dog?”

  “Yeah, I feel you bru.” Big Joe lied. He was furious. “So how long you say the wait was gonna be?”

  “Give me till about 11:30 and hit me back. Its 9:45 now. I got some new shit I’m gonna hit you with, that can take a five and still have cats sucking they own dicks nodding.”

  “Aight dog 11:30. Peace. Yo mister.” Big Joe yelled over at the female guard with a smirk as he ended his call. “Get her paperwork ready. My lawyer on the way with the money now.”

  The police wasted no time, informing Monique that she was banned from the school premises, per Duke University. In the blink of an eye her worst fear had come to pass. Her scholarship was no more. The only people she actually considered herself knowing in Durham, were Archie and Muhammed. Anyone else she’d met were simply passers by. Reluctantly she accepted Big Joe’s offer to stay at his crib until things blew over. With thirteen dollars to her name and only the clothes she had on her back, she didn’t have much of a choice.

  It was slightly after midnight when Joe dropped Monique at his house and finally got the chance to call Muhammed and tell him that he was on the way. “Yo bru, I’m ready where you at?”

  “I’m at the Marriott Hotel, downtown Big dog. Room 681. Just come on up its cool.” Muhammed answered quickly, thinking about the money he’d just lost in the raid, and how eager he was to make some of it back.

  “Aight, give me ten minutes.” Big Joe looked over at his partner. “Kenny, you ready?” Kenny’s only response was to ratchet a bullet into the chamber of his nine-millimeter, pull his fitted hat down low, and his hood up over his head. It was all the response that Big Joe needed. Fifteen minutes later, Big Joe pulled up and parked around the corner from the hotel. If the hotel had cameras on the outside, he didn’t want them capturing images of his vehicle. Walking the short distance to the hotel, he and Kenny waited another ten minutes before someone eventually walked out the side entrance, allowing them to slide in undetected. To not be seen by the desk clerk was also a plus. Taking the stairs two at a time, they reached the sixth floor and found room 681. Knock…knock…knock… Big Joe tapped the door. A few seconds later, Muhammed answered the door grinning from ear to ear, wearing Carolina blue sweat shorts and a wife beater to match. His long curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and his diamond filled Jesus piece almost blinded them as he stepped aside to let them in.

  “What’s up my niggas? Yall come on in.” Big Joe always wanted at least a half an ounce of dope, but Muhammed was hoping that tonight he wanted to buy more since he’d told him the dope could take a five, meaning that he could cut it five times over and still have good heroin. As soon as Kenny stepped in the door behind Big Joe, his eyes filled with lust when he saw Archie lying across the bed in boy shorts, flipping through T.V. channels. Archie was in fact a bad bitch, with her caramel mocha skin, runway model long legs and Smooth Magazine phat ass. “What’s up Kenny?” Muhammed asked after following his hungry eyes to his woman lying on the bed.

  “Ain’t shit player, just enjoying the view,” Kenny grinned devilishly. He still made no attempt at averting his eyes from the exotic pussy in front of him.

  “Look homeboy I thought yall came to do business. I don’t know what you looking at but if…CRACK!!! Muhammed never got to finish his sentence, before Kenny had whipped out his pistol, and smacked Muhammed in the mouth with it! The thick blood that ran from his mouth was instantaneous, as Muhammed hit the floor minus a few teeth! Archie dived from the bed screaming at the top of her lungs, just as Joe pressed his pistol to the side of her head!

  “Shut the fuck up bitch! You wanna make your next breath your last, keep screaming!” Quickly Archie complied, although the look of terror in her eyes said it all. The bone shattering blow from Kenny’s pistol had rendered Muhammed nearly unconscious, but the menacing kick that Kenny delivered to his ribs, awakened his conscious immediately!

  “AAAAGGGH!” Muhammed groaned out loudly! Instantly Kenny was down beside him with his pistol pressed against Muhammed’s bloody mouth! “What did… What did I do? What’s wrong man!” Muhammed’s voice trembled with terror. He didn’t see this situation going well.

  “It’s not what you did motherfucker, it what you didn’t do!” Big Joe’s voice boomed from across the room as he stuffed a cloth in the whimpering Archie’s mouth, covering it with duct tape that he wrapped around her head.

  “Please man! You can have the dope! I got 250 grams right there in the suitcase under the bed! You can have it man, please just don’t hurt her please!” Muhammed begged.

  “You act like you telling me something I don’t know motherfucker! I know I can have it! Its mine!” Big Joe pushed Archie down to the floor beside her trembling and bleeding boyfriend. “So now that we got through all the shit I do know, tell me something I don’t know. Like the man said in the movie, do something to make me feeeel gooood. Now where you be getting this dope from?”

  “I don’t know his name man I just… “WHACK!!! Kenny brought the butt of his pistol down on Muhammed’s face, nearly detaching his eye from its socket!

  “Mmmmph!!!” Archie tried to no avail to scream through her duct taped mouth!

  “You know Muhammed, I used to like yo bitch ass.” Big Joe spoke menacingly as he walked over and stood on top of the semi-conscious dope dealer. “But here I come to find out, you aint nothing but another racist piece of camel shit!”

  “No man, I swear I’m not! Yall my niggas!” THUMP!!! Big Joe gave Muhammed another brutal kick to the face.

  “I aint yo nigga motherfucker! Watch yo goddamn mouth!” Big Joe growled as Muhammed’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. That is, until Big Joe reached down and choked him back to awareness! “Now, since you wanna play games and not tell me what I want to know, I gotta teach you a lesson. Watch that nigga.” Big Joe barked as he got up, snatched Archie up off the floor and tossed her on the bed. Archie fought, kicked and struggled against Joe, until a right hook to the side of her head from the huge man, knocked the fight straight out of her.

  “No man please!” I’ll tell….”

  “Shut the fuck up and watch! You take your eyes off and you’re dead!” Kenny screamed in Muhammed’s face, as they watched Big Joe yank down Archie’s boy shorts, then rip off her pink thong panties, to reveal her clean-shaven womanhood.

  “Umph…. Umph…. Umph… Look at the fleas on Fluffy,” Big Joe grinned while unbuttoning his pants to reveal a rock-hard erection. Reaching out, he grabbed onto Archie’s leg and yanked her to the edge of the bed before speaking menacingly. “If you fight, I’ll make sure that this lasts all night.” Joe growled as he flipped Archie over onto her stomach, spit into his hand before lubricating his dick with it, and went straight into her ass, not giving a damn about the bone chilling screech trying desperately to escape from her duck taped muffled lips! In fact, it actually turned him on more. Despite his warning, the excruciating pain Archie was in caused her to continuously struggle desperately, as Big Joe ravaged her from behind with one hand locked onto the back of her neck, and the other pressed down with his body weight into the small of her back. This shameless and disgusting act of sodomy went on, until finally with an inhuman, animalistic growl, Joe came inside her rectum, oblivious to the blood and shit that now covered his dick. “Whew! That bitch got some good ass!” Big Joe smiled down at Muhammed as he took Archie’s panties and wiped his dick off with them, before throwing them in Muhammed’s face. Muhammed could only lay shaking and crying like a school girl, praying that they’d take the dope and leave. Big Joe walked over and bumped fists with Kenny as if he’d just hit the winning basket in a championship ball game. Archie lay on the bed bleeding and unconscious
as the smell of blood and feces grew stronger by the minute! “Damn. Bitch don’t look so cute now do she?” Big Joe laughed in Muhammed’s face. “Oh, now you wanna cry? You didn’t care about Monique crying when you left her in jail to rot for your shit did you? Did you pussy!” Suddenly Muhammed became even more frightened, as the realization of why this was happening to him, suddenly became crystal clear!

  “Oh my god man! I’m sorry! I didn’t know you knew her! I swear I’ll go straighten it out man! Please, just don’t kill me!” Muhammed begged and cried with snot bubbles coming from his nose and mouth.

  “I tell you what homeboy. I’ll make a deal wit you. Now. Somebody gotta die here tonight….”

  “Oh God! No!” Muhammed screamed before Joe got a chance to finish.

  “Shut up bitch ass nigga! You didn’t let me finish.” Muhammed’s cries dulled down to a whimper. “Now, as I was saying. Somebody gots to die here tonight for the injustice that’s been done to my Nubian sister. Now, I feel like you and her both, meaning “Ms. Good Ass” here, are equally responsible in the matter. So, I’m gonna give you a choice. Since you’re the man, I’ll let you choose. Either I’m gonna kill her, or kill you. Either way, one of you has to die tonight.” Meanwhile, Archie had almost regained consciousness. Although her right eye was swollen almost closed, and she literally looked as if she’d been run over in traffic, she still was able to muster enough strength to lean up off the mattress slightly, and whisper Muhammed’s name, before falling back to the bed exhausted. With terror filled eyes, Muhammed spoke,

  “Shit man, she already about dead. It might as well be her.”

  “You know Muhammed, you a real bitch ass nigga. I’d already made up my mind that if you’d been a man of honor and chose yourself, I was gonna let you live. But now…” A nod from Joe to Kenny was all it took. From his back, Kenny whipped out a glistening seven- inch blade. Holding it high over his head, he slammed it down through Muhammed’s neck before he even had a chance to make another plea for his life! His scream was caught in between his throat and the blade, as blood spattered across the rug, and ran rapidly from his neck, mouth, and nose, like someone had turned on a faucet inside his head! Gurgling sounds continued to come from his neck as the life slowly disappeared from his eyes. Empowered by the strength of fear, Archie rolled her battered body off the bed onto the floor, as she made a weak and futile attempt to crawl to the door! Even with one of her eyes nearly swollen shut, you only had to look into one to see the terror she felt! A foot to her back from Big Joe stopped her snail like progress, as Kenny pulled the bloody knife from Muhammed’s neck with a sickening suction like sound. Walking over to where Archie lay terrified, battered, and broken; Kenny reached down, pulled Archie’s head back by her hair, and sliced her throat from ear to ear.

  “Sorry about that beautiful. I wish we could have taken our relationship further. You really did have some sweet ass,” Joe spoke to her now dead body. Quickly Joe raced over, snatched the chain from Muhammed’s neck, emptied his pockets and drug him over to the bed. “Yo help me throw them on the bed.” Big Joe yelled at Kenny, as without haste they proceeded to throw the two dead bodies on the bed. “Yo look up under the bed and grab the suitcase with the dope so we can get the fuck up outta here,” Big Joe ordered. Immediately Kenny reached down under the bed and sure enough, just a Muhammed had said, the case was there. Unfortunately, as soon as Kenny began to rise from his knees with the suitcase, Big Joe with lightening quick speed and accuracy, whipped out his pistol, leveled it on the back of Kenny’s head, and blew his brains all over Muhammed and Archie’s already dead bodies! Big Joe reacted even quicker, as he reached out catching Kenny’s dead weight in his arms, and tossing him onto the bed beside the other two bodies. “Sorry homeboy. But 250 grams sounds a lot better to me than 125. Aint no need to be looking at me like that. You know I always been a greedy motherfucker.” Big Joe laughed as he stared into Kenny’s lifeless eyes. The penthouse suite they were in, was one of only two that took up the entire sixth floor. The other suite was unoccupied. Yet and still, Big Joe knew that it could possibly be only a matter of minutes, before a nosey guest from below came to investigate the loud boom from above. Reaching into his back pocket he retrieved a cigarette pack sized canister of gasoline, and wasted no time dousing it all over the bed, bodies, and curtains, before using his lighter to ignite the gasoline soaked room, leaving a bloody and torched crime scene behind him.

  That was over three years ago. And in that time, Big Joe had miraculously gone from minor to major in the heroin game. Monique as expected, was expelled from Duke University. Having nowhere to go and feeling utterly defeated in spirit, she moved in with Big Joe, and eventually, inevitably, gave her virginity away to him. Even as he showered her year after year with clothes, jewelry and such, she still felt no love for the man. Her repeated unfortunate circumstances that had seemed to gather like a snowball rolling downhill, had hardened her heart. Her sweet shyness was long gone. In all actuality, she wasn’t even attracted to Big Joe. He was merely a convenience. She really didn’t have many girlfriends. She’d met Keisha through a small party Big Joe had thrown for his birthday three years ago. Keisha and Hood came, and somehow her and Monique clicked. Big Joe who usually tried to keep Monique away from other girls, for fear that they would introduce her to another nigga, didn’t object to her and Keisha’s friendship. He knew that Hood didn’t have the balls to cross him, and would probably inform him to anything close to a nigga trying to holla. On the other hand, Monique knew that Big Joe was a “big trick”. She really could have cared less, but still gave him the cold shoulder when he came in smelling like sex and still tried to have sex with her. She still had respect for herself and refused to let him trick off with every chicken head in the street and then try to stick his dick in her. He’d smacked her around a few times, but never before had she endured the kicking and beating that he’d unleashed on her today. Standing in the mirror she looked at her right eye that was almost swollen shut and her top lip that had split and ballooned to almost twice its normal size, and she cried. She cried for her mother, she cried for her scholarship, her virginity and for the beating she’d just taken. She cried for her miserable life. How could her life that once seemed so simple; end up in such a fucked up place? Her right eye was swollen closed so tightly, that tears only ran from her left. Monique nearly jumped out of her skin at the creaking sound of the bathroom door opening behind her! She found herself shivering, as Big Joe stepped in and towered over her! “Bend over,” Big Joe growled as he unfastened his pants. Obviously not moving fast enough for him, Big Joe snatched her up around the throat in his bear like grip, and smashed her head into the wall! Her body went limp as she almost lost consciousness. Big Joe, holding her up by the back of her neck with one hand, yanked down her jogging pants with the other, entered her roughly and pounded inside her like a deranged maniac until he came with a loud roar! “Aaagh! Umph! AAAAHH!” Satisfied after emptying himself inside her, he pulled out and let her semi-conscious body fall to the bathroom floor. “Now; you ungrateful, tar baby ass bitch. Since you don’t like it here, get the fuck out. If you didn’t come here with it, then don’t take it. My next bitch might want some of that shit. I’m leaving now to go find me a new bitch. Don’t be here when I get back. You dismissed. Oh yeah, if I ever see you again, you one dead black bitch.” With that being said, Big Joe walked over, bent down, spit in Monique’s face and left.

  Chapter 18 “New Pussy”

  Pussy is always plentiful for a hustler. I never had a problem from the jump street getting pussy, but now that bitches knew I had cake to go along with this legendary pipe, it seemed to be wetting every pussy I came across! Of course, I still did a lil tricking. Just because I could. Bitches that smoke cocaine are some of the best dick suckers in the world. They suck yo shit off on a misson! They aint go no time for bullshittin! They wanna get a hit as soon as possible! So, in turn they wanna suck you off as quick as possible! They wanna get paid! The sh
it was crazy how a nigga could pull up on the block, see one of the so called baddest bitches he’d went to school with looking for some get high, call her around the building, pull his dick out and she’d fall to her knees and start sucking. All for a rock! Crazy! Any nigga out there that says he trapped on the block and aint never let a chic suck his dick while he was out there, is either lying, or the nigga aint trapped on no block. Some shit just comes with the job. Now don’t get it in your head that all smokers are ugly and stinking with dirty clothes and rotten teeth. That’s some T.V. shit. A lot of chicks that smoke don’t look no different than your sister or your girlfriend. Hell, some might be your sister or your girlfriend, you just don’t know it yet. Let’s also keep in mind that all tricks don’t smoke crack. A lot of women trick for clothes, shoes, a bill paid etc. I had a stable of bitches that I could go fuck at any given time. Bad bitches. Dime bitches. But to me they won’t nothing but tricks, because all they wanted to fuck with was drug dealers. Even if I wasn’t giving them nothing but thick dick and cum milkshakes, they were satisfied just to be able to tell their homegirls they were fuckin me. A trapstar. Anyway, any nigga young or old, knows it aint nothing like “new pussy.” I was always baggin new pussy. I might fuck a broad tonight and it might be two or three months before I get around to fuckin her again, because I was always fuckin something new. Of course I did had a couple, that I kept in regular rotation. But a broad had to be a stone cold superfreak to be put in that elite circle. Hood’s girl Keisha was one of em. I made sure to fuck her, or let her suck me off at least once a week. Lately I’d had to ease back a lil bit though, because the crazy bitch was starting to act like she was catching feelings. To me she was strictly a “jumpoff.” Even though she was a superfreak, I basically kept my dick in her mouth because I didn’t like Hoods bitch ass. I can always sniff out a snake, and Hood was a copperhead. It had been over a year since I started trappin. Shell had started selling heroin, and the shit seemed to be booming! Although, I was increasingly getting the feeling that he was getting high off of his own supply. He was still hanging out with that nigga Luke who I still didn’t fuck with. One of my lil jump-offs who stayed in Lincoln Apartments, had informed me that Shell showed up at her door with Luke one late night, and asked if they could use her kitchen to bag up if they paid her. For a quick fifty-dollars she agreed. But the hour or so they said it would take to do it, ended up being all night, because they couldn’t stop nodding long enough to handle their business! I asked Shell about it and he said the bitch was crazy. I left it alone. He’s still my nigga, if he don’t get no bigger. I just knew “I” won’t fuckin wit it! I loved being in the street close to the action. I was copping anywhere from a brick to a brick and a half every month, depending on how the streets was looking. The connect that Latonya had hooked us up with had the best coke around. I would sell anywhere from a gram to a whole bird, as long as I made a profit. That’s what any kind of hustle whether legal or illegal is all about. Bringing back more than you spent. Doubling, tripling, whatever makes a profit. I always bought powder and cooked it up myself. Fucking with Keisha, I’d become a master motherfuckin chef when it came to cooking coke. Better known as “whipping work.” Off a kilo of good powder, I’d usually bring back forty - three, forty - four ounces. That’s six or seven free ounces. Of course, you know a kilo weighs out at thirty - six ounces, and at the price I was getting my shit for, I could always throw out a price just a lil bit better than the next niggas. Trap politics. Money was coming in faster than I could count it, and I’ll admit that I did start to splurge a little. I copped two whips. A 1992 Toyota Camry that I used for trappin, and a 2000 BMW 535 I with 20 - inch chrome Gazetti feet on it. That was my baby. I grew tired of driving back and forth down Highway 70 to Raleigh every day, so I gave up my crib on Six Forks Road and got a townhouse in Durham out past Martin Luther King Blvd. I put it in one of my square bitch’s name. Her name was Latifah. She worked at the D.M.V., and had A-1 motherfuckin credit. She was also down for a nigga like two flat tires. My neighbors were still mostly white and minded their own business. But still, just to be on the safe side, I left the house every weekday morning around seven, and didn’t return until after four. If I had to name my weaknesses, I’d have to say exotic weed and clothes. I stayed high, in the flyest shit. My shoe game was even sicker. Everywhere we went, niggas and bitches alike knew who we were. We got top respect and even more pussy.


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