Enchanted Lover

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Enchanted Lover Page 8

by Scharon, Connie C.

  “Toby," she scolded. “I cannot play now."

  Toby looked at Asilinn with wonder. "Are you one of the fairy people?" he asked.

  Asilinn squatted down to his level and looked him in the eye. “I'm afraid not Toby."

  “You look like a fairy princess," Toby insisted.

  Jared laughed and Toby's mother shot her son a warning glance. The small boy gave a short bow, grinned, and ran off the way he had come.

  Asilinn straightened. “He's a fine lad," she told Flanna. Flanna beamed and thanked her sinking to a low curtsey.

  Jared turned to the stern-faced, square-jawed woman who had been eyeing Asilinn curiously. "Ivy is in charge of everything else. She's been with the household since I was a boy."

  “Lady Asilinn," the woman said politely. Asilinn nodded.

  The two were as different as night and day, or so Asilinn saw them. Flanna seemed eager to please, but Ivy wore a mask of cool disdain. Asilinn was sure Ivy remained courteous only because Jared was present.

  “Flanna, you may return to your duties. Ivy, you will accompany Lady Asilinn through the castle. We have need of some other furnishings for our room and I would have Asilinn choose the pieces she desires."

  “Milord, is your old chamber no longer to your liking? It would be less fuss," Ivy suggested.

  Jared's eyebrows shot up when he looked at the elderly servant. “The tower room suits my needs," he said firmly.

  Ivy dropped her head. "Very well, Milord."

  Morven rushed in just as Asilinn was about to embark on her tour. "Laird, I would speak to you in private." Abandoning Asilinn to the frown-faced housekeeper Jared nodded and excused himself.

  Jared found a messenger waiting outside the main door. From his colors, it was obvious he was one of Laird Innes' men. Jared's men stood in a group around the man.

  "What word do you bring?"

  The man stiffened. He seemed hesitant to deliver his message in front of such a large group. "Laird Innes directs me to tell you to release his daughter at once or face death and dismemberment."

  There was a snicker among Jared's men but he silenced it with one glance. "Please inform your master I have taken Lady Asilinn for my wife. I invite him and his son, Ian, to meet with me this evening to discuss an alliance."

  The man's shocked expression told all. Laird Innes had not foreseen this; he had expected some other response.

  "Dinna stand there gaping," Jared admonished. "Go and tell your laird he has a son-in-law."

  The messenger recovered his wits, got back on his horse, and retreated from the MacLean stronghold. Jared smiled and walked off to see to the arrangements for the evening.

  Chapter Seven

  It was late afternoon before Jared found time to seek out his wife. He climbed the tower stairs wondering how she had made out with Ivy. All day Asilinn had crept into his mind. He fought the urge to check on her earlier knowing he must concentrate on the upcoming confrontation. Still she had invaded his thoughts a hundred times. He must be cursed when it came to women.

  Reaching the portal he threw open the door and walked in. Jared was slack-jawed by the transformation. What had been a Spartan chamber was now a comfortable retreat. Asilinn had chosen several pieces from his former quarters to adorn their chamber. His desk and chair took up one alcove. Near the fire, there were two comfortable chairs and a table. He found it interesting she had not chosen the most elaborate pieces but rather the older more welcoming furniture that had proved itself by functionality.

  He didn't see Asilinn at first. She was behind the bed curtain struggling to adjust the position of the bed more to her liking. Jared quickly moved the bed to its intended destination. Startled Asilinn looked up and watched him survey the room.

  “I’m impressed. You have made our chamber a comfortable haven.”

  “I think of my own comfort not yours,” she said cheekily.

  “Aye, so, whatever was I thinking?” He turned his back to her so she would not see his grin.

  The clang of metal interrupted them. Jared looked up to see Flanna and Ivy bringing in an armload of supplies. He studied their wares. “A kettle?"

  "Aye, Milord, I thought it might be nice to be able to fix hot water here since we are far from the kitchen. Flanna will have a fresh pail sent up daily."

  Flanna set down a basket of dried herbs. “This is what I had of the things you asked for, Milady.”

  Walking over to inspect the bundle, Asilinn smiled. “Thank you, Flanna; it is nearly all I had hoped for. I must take a closer look at the stores, mayhaps tomorrow.”

  Asilinn probably intended to brew some concoction to poison him Jared thought morosely. “It reminds me of visiting Lord Ravenhurst in London. His wife saw each guest had a kettle in their chamber," he said.

  “You've been to London?" Asilinn’s astonishment showed on her face.

  “Aye, I've been a lot of places."

  “I have never traveled beyond the Highlands."

  “Before my father died he sent me to the courts of England and France. He wanted me to have a bigger picture of the world than the one presented by living one's whole life in one spot. I suspect he also was trying to keep me from dying in the bitter battle between our people but when he died I was forced to take up his fight."

  “What a shame you did not stay. I may have been saved the shame of becoming your captive whore.”

  The two servants stared at her in disbelief. Jared grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him. “You are my wife. I assure you a whore is very different.”

  Asilinn straightened and pulled away from him. “Your pardon, Milord, I must be addle-brained to draw such a conclusion about my circumstance.” She painted a demure smile across her face. “You must tell me about your travels.”

  She probably planned to escape to a country where the king would not force her to uphold her marriage vows. “Mayhaps some other day.” Jared turned his attention a different direction.

  “Ivy, why was my wife trying to move this heavy bed by herself? Did I not tell you to be certain Lady Asilinn had all the help she needed?"

  “Aye, Milord, but…."

  Asilinn broke in. “It wasna Ivy's fault, Milord. I decided I wanted to move it after I sent my helpers away."

  “You should have called them back. It is too heavy a job for a woman."

  “Aye, Milord."

  Jared addressed the servants. “Return to your duties. And, Flanna, find us something special for the evening repast. I am expecting guests."

  “Aye, Milord." Flanna and Ivy left the room.

  “Who is coming?"

  “Your father and brother are to be our guests this evening.”

  Asilinn's eyes sprung open in surprise. “They are coming into the castle?"

  “Your father sent me an ultimatum. I returned an invitation. I'm sure he'll come. I told him of our marriage and invited him and your brother."

  Asilinn took a deep breath. “What am I to do?"

  Jared's face hardened. “Your choice was made when you spoke your wedding vows Asilinn. You are my wife. Naught will change that. Dinna think you can leave with them."

  “It is a lot to ask if your peace is unsuccessful."

  “I dinna ask, I just state fact." He pulled her into his arms. She tried to push him away, but he found her mouth and kissed her.

  Jared released her reluctantly, fighting his own battle over whether or not to press the point. Deep down he knew he could prove his claim on her body if he gave it his full effort. But he should not be swayed by his lust for her in his negotiations, he let her go. Asilinn wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as if his lips had soiled hers.

  Fighting down his irritation, he took a few steps away from her. “I will talk to your father and brother alone first. Then I'll have Wynne fetch you."

  “I would be present for all, Milord. Am I not deeply involved in this mess?”

  “There may be harsh words between us when I first meet them. I will not have you h
ear their curses.

  “I have heard the like before."

  “I wilna have you there."

  “He is my father!"

  “Aye, and I dinna have to let you see him at all. I will speak to them first and I'll send for you. Afterward you may see them alone if you wish.” He watched her face for a reaction.

  Asilinn's jaw drew taut. “I forget my place, Milord,” she said sarcastically. “Your whore-wife apologizes for her mistake.”

  “You are my wife! Dinna forget your station or your purpose.”

  She held her stance but he saw the tremor rippling through her. She was afraid and with good reason. “I wilna forget.” She drew a ragged breath.

  “Good, because if you call yourself a whore one more time I may be tempted to let you become just that.”

  Would he share her with his men? Asilinn blanched at the thought. She must try to keep her tongue in check.

  He grasped her face with his hand and stared down into her eyes. “Do you hear me? I’ll not have my wife called whore not even by her own lips. One such wife was enough.”

  Asilinn tried to suppress her shock. His first wife, the one it was rumored he had murdered, had been a woman of ill repute in his eyes. God’s teeth, she played with fire if she stirred his ire. “Aye, I hear you,” she said. “I wilna insult you again with my careless anger, Milord.”

  He glared at her in silence for a full minute before he responded. “Good.”


  Jared waited in the main hall. By his own order, he stood alone to await the arrival of Laird Innes and his son Ian. Morven and Keith had been sent to greet them and Liam awaited his command outside the door.

  A commotion from below told Jared his guests were on the way. He heard Flanna offer them welcoming refreshment, but Laird Innes' gruff voice ordered her out of the way. Jared braced himself for the upcoming confrontation.

  The fierce-looking, blond warrior with a full beard and ice-blue eyes barreled through the doorway. His son followed and Liam brought up the rear. Jared stood at the front of the hall on the raised platform. He waited for the angry Scotsman to approach him.

  “Greetings, Laird Innes."

  “Where is she?” Angus thundered. “I dinna have the time or the disposition for idle conversation. Give me my daughter and I'll leave this house of the devil!”

  Jared's face tightened. “Asilinn is now my wife. Would you have me cast her aside now I have taken her innocence?”

  “Liar, my sister wouldna lay with the likes of you.”

  “If you have hurt her,” Angus snarled, “you'll be a eunuch before morning!”

  “Asilinn and I were married yesterday morning. I took her to the marriage bed last night. She is my wife in every sense of the word.”

  “You bloody bastard!” Angus drew his dagger and lunged for Jared's throat.

  Liam and Ian yanked them apart. Angus was practically breathing fire. Jared understood but he had to find a way to diffuse the situation.

  “I would speak calmly of this if you think you can manage it.”

  Angus shrugged off his offspring's restraints and stood toe to toe with Jared. “The girl is but a child.”

  “Most girls her age are already married.”

  “If you have raped her….”

  “I didna harm her. She came to me willingly.”

  “I dinna believe you,” Angus roared. “She is my only daughter. She wouldna turn traitor to her clan.”

  “Asilinn has not betrayed you. Our rightful king, Sir Robert the Bruce, supports our union in the hopes it will make peace between our clans. Asilinn agreed to the marriage and submitted herself to me for Scotland’s greater good. If we are to have our freedom, the Highlanders must unite against the English.”

  “Give her back to me and I'll leave with no reprisal.”

  It was a lot for him to offer and Jared knew it. “Mayhaps you didna hear me. I have taken her. She is mine. Even now, my seed may be growing within her womb. I wilna have her taken from me.”

  “What game do you play, Laird of Dunbocan? Would you have me believe this tale of peace and harmony for the sake of my daughter's lost innocence? If she came to you freely, which I dinna believe, you tricked her with your treachery. She was not yours to take. Perhaps you lie about having had her at all. I am her father. Give her back to me!”

  “Which part do you doubt? If you look at the balcony above you, you will see her virgin's blood on our marriage bedding. I have told you the truth. There is no other story.”

  Angus looked up and saw the stained sheet hanging from the balcony rail. A ragged cry tore from his throat. “Is this some crude trophy of your conquest?”

  “I only offer it as proof of our union.”

  “If Asilinn be fine, why is she not present?” Ian asked.

  “She will join us shortly.”

  “I would see if you speak the truth,” Angus said. “Call her now, if you have naught to hide.”

  “Liam, tell Wynne to fetch Lady Asilinn.”

  Liam hesitated. He looked back and forth between the father and son who glared at Jared. “Would you like me to send in Morven while I'm gone?”

  Jared shot him an angry scowl. “I have no need of protection from Laird Innes. Go!” Liam left the room.

  “Why did you do this? Why did you use an innocent girl to punish me?”

  “‘Twas not meant as punishment but a solution to a problem which has plagued both our houses for generations. I want the feud to die here. The children Asilinn will bear will be half Innes and half MacLean.”

  “And the sons and daughters of a halfwit who erroneously believed he could cure a hundred years of war with one foul deed.” Angus snorted.

  “I'm glad you agree I will be their father.” Jared broke into a wide grin.

  Angus leaped for Jared's throat again but Jared pushed him back with a single parry. “Cease or you will not see your daughter.”


  Asilinn sucked in her breath as she prepared to enter the great hall. Facing her father's wrath wouldn't be easy. He loved her, but he was a hard man and not inclined to take perceived insults lightly.

  She was surprised to see the hall was not filled with people. Instead, a single table was set at the front. The pungent aroma of burning peat filled the chamber—a smell that made her fight the memories of the first vision her gift had given her. It was more a curse. Now she desperately wanted to know the outcome of this confrontation and her only peek into the future had chilled her to the bone. Would Jared, or mayhaps her own kin, decide the murky depths were to be her fate?

  She looked at him—the Dragon of Dunbocan, her husband, stood beside the table his arms akimbo and his eyes blazing. Beside him were her father and brother. Their familiar forms bent her heart.

  Asilinn fought to keep from running to her father's arms. His angry visage told her such an action might not be welcome. Besides, if she made a spectacle of herself Jared might not grant her privacy with her father and brother later.

  As if sensing her thoughts Jared motioned her to his side. Her father stood ramrod straight. She could tell he was fighting to control his temper. Giving her father and Ian an uncertain smile she went to stand beside Jared. He wrapped his arm possessively around her waist.

  “Welcome, Father. I trust Laird Jared has told you the news.”

  “Oh yes dear daughter, he told me the wonderful news and showed me all his trophies.” Her father pointed to the sheeting draped above them.

  Asilinn looked up and gasped in horror. She felt Jared’s grip tighten around her and fought the urge to run from the chamber. If only he would keep his word and allow her to speak with them in private.

  “Let's be seated and Flanna will bring some refreshment.”

  Asilinn sank to her chair, her knees weak from the crude display. Angus leaned across the table staring her in the eye. “I would hear it from your own mouth child. Laird MacLean says you went willingly to his bed that he did not ravage you. Is this true?

  “Aye, Father,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I did it because our king said I must for the purpose of peace.”

  Her father shot an angry scowl at Jared. “Did the bastard hurt you?”

  She could feel her face turn scarlet. “Nay, Milord, he did not.”

  Ian let out a strangled gasp of disbelief and turned his head from Asilinn. Her brother's reaction brought prickly tears to her eyes. She could feel the warm moisture streaking down her cheeks.

  “Our meal has arrived,” Jared said. He motioned Flanna to the table with the food.

  They ate in silence. Asilinn watched while the clan chieftains measured each other in quiet observation. “You claim to desire peace,” Angus began. “Why should I trust you when you have begun it with an act of war?”

  “Is it war to take a wife and cleave to her?”

  “You talk in riddles, Laird of Dunbocan. Your motives cannot be as pure as you pretend. You have deceived this innocent child into believing your lies. I am not so naive. If you would steal my daughter, what prize do you offer me in return?”

  “The prize of peace,” Jared responded evenly.

  “God’s teeth!” Angus shoved his half-eaten supper across the table. “I dinna trust any of this! I want my daughter back!”

  “You cannot have Asilinn, but you can extend your hand in friendship to your new son-in-law.”

  “Asilinn will return to Cairngorm Castle with me, otherwise, there will be no talk of peace.”

  “Asilinn will stay here because there will be no talk of peace if she leaves me. She may even now be carrying my child. Do you really think I would let her leave me?”

  “Is it true girl or has he put you up to telling me a story? Did you consummate your marriage with this man? I would know the truth!”

  “How many times must I say it?” Asilinn felt a warm flush. Her hands perspired. “As much as you hate him I tell you our bedding tells the true tale. He speaks the truth.”


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