Enchanted Lover

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Enchanted Lover Page 12

by Scharon, Connie C.


  Jared kept her chained to his bed for a week. Every night he came to her, coaxed her body to his will until she craved their union, and then took her roughly. He made her want him but there was a terrible coldness about the whole act that left Asilinn feeling dirty and ashamed of her own raw need—a need he unleashed with his magic touch.

  They had just finished another such episode and she was lying beside him still breathing hard. He turned his back to her and settled in the bed. “Jared,” she whispered. When he didn’t respond, she put her hand on his back. “Jared.”

  He turned to face her, his eyes wary in the dim firelight. “What Asilinn?”

  She could feel her eyes filling with tears. Asilinn tried desperately not to let them fall. “You told me not to call myself your whore, but that is what you have made me.”

  He just stared at her in the darkness for a long time and then turned over. Asilinn pressed her head into the bedding and wept.

  Chapter Ten

  When Asilinn woke the next morning, Jared was not there. She flung back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. No weighty chain restricted her movement. The manacles were gone from her ankle—gone from the bedpost. He heard her. She crossed herself and thanked God for her good fortune, then rose to dance wildly about the room in celebration of her freedom.

  It was during this display Wynne arrived with Asilinn’s breakfast.

  “Ah, Milady looks well pleased this mornin’.” Wynne grinned. “Milord wished me to tell you he hopes you feel well enough today to begin yer duties as mistress of Dunbocan.”

  “Aye, so, I will let milord see my worth by setting his household straight, anything to get out of this room.”

  “Milady, it will be a difficult day at best. He wishes you to help him with Skye.”

  Asilinn arched her brows. “He tests me. And I must prove I deserve my freedom. Very well.”

  Wynne helped her find a suitable work gown. When Asilinn finished dressing, her hair was tied back in a single, long braid. Her plain shift and surcoat were suitable for her intentions.

  Her first stop was the kitchen. Flanna greeted her warmly. “I’m glad to see yer feelin’ better.”

  "I'd like to see the stores," Asilinn said.

  Flanna looked a little taken aback at her request. “Lady Asilinn, there be plenty of food for your table. Do you really want to go down below and inspect it?”

  “Aye, Flanna."

  With a shrug, Flanna lit a candle and showed Asilinn to a door at the far end of the room. A staircase led down into the blackness. Flanna used her candle to light the torches affixed to the wall illuminating the room. The large cellar extended far beyond the room above.

  Asilinn was pleased to see how clean it was. In one area, there was a large selection of smoked and salted meats hanging from hooks, in another, sacks of four.

  “Do you have a problem with mice or rats?”

  “Milady, 'tis nigh impossible to keep the vermin out, but I do the best I can.”

  “We could bate them with some poison herbs.” Flanna's eyes grew wide and Asilinn smiled. “Certain flowers when dried and ground can be used for such purposes.”

  “How do you ken this, Milady?”

  “My grandmother was a skilled herbalist and I learned her trade before she passed on. There's much to be gained if you use nature to your benefit.”

  “You know cures and such?”

  Asilinn nodded noncommittally. As they walked back toward the stairs, Flanna indicated another passage to Asilinn. “There's a wine cellar with a door beyond. It leads to a spring, plenty of fresh water in case of a siege.” Flanna's face flushed crimson. “Oh, Lady Asilinn, I didna….”

  “It is all right. I know Laird Jared is well prepared for war. ‘Tis all we've known, is it not? But now milord thinks we have a chance for peace.”

  “From yer lips to God's ear.” Crossing herself, the housekeeper followed Asilinn up the stairs.

  When they were back in the kitchen, Asilinn looked into the cupboards and inspected the shelves. “It appears you are doing a fine job here, Flanna. If you could find me a good place to dry herbs, I could make some of my cures.”

  “We could hang them from the rafters above the ovens.” Flanna pointed to a beam over the line of stone hollows used to bake the bread. “The heat rises nicely when I'm bakin'. They would dry in no time.”

  “Now all I have to do is collect them.” Asilinn doubted she would be allowed to venture outside the castle walls to find what she needed.

  “If you tell me what you need, mayhaps I could get them for you,” Flanna offered.

  Asilinn smiled. “I will discuss it with Laird Jared.” Her response seemed to please Flanna. No doubt, the poor woman was sure Asilinn practiced the black arts by now.

  Asilinn was walking out of the kitchen when she remembered her other chore for the day. “Flanna, have you seen Skye this morning?”

  Flanna avoided meeting Asilinn's eyes. “Nay, Milady.” She dropped her voice to a soft whisper. “Lady Skye has been actin' very peculiar lately. Please dinna be insulted by her behavior.”

  “What do you mean? Is she ill?”

  “Nay, Milady.”

  “Well, what is it? You can tell me. I wilna be angry. I'd be grateful for your confidence.”

  “Skye is furious with her brother for marryin' you,” Flanna said. “She has taken to roamin' around late at night and sleepin' most of the day. I even caught her comin' in late one night dressed in men's britches. The laird loves his sister, but she has been too long without a lady's influence. God's truth, she'd like to be a man and fight with Laird Jared's warriors.”

  Asilinn sighed. “Wynne tells me Jared wants me to help her choose some new gowns. I am supposed to help her become more lady-like.”

  Flanna's face lit with a radiant smile. “Oh Lady Asilinn, I'm so glad. I been worried about Skye. I feared our laird with all his more pressin' problems might not notice. Ivy keeps a closer eye on Skye than anyone. Mayhaps she can help you find her.”

  Asilinn thanked Flanna and went off to find the stern housekeeper.

  Ivy looked up warily when Asilinn entered the room. “Good morning, Lady Asilinn. I see Laird Jared released you. He must have felt bad after the news about your father and brother. Is there somethin' I can do for you?”

  A cold dread swept Asilinn. “What about my father and brother?”

  “There was an attack on them when they left the castle the night they visited with Laird Jared. I thought you knew. But then, you have been chained in your chamber since it happened.”

  For an instant, Asilinn couldn't catch her breath but she had to ask—had to know. “Are they all right?”

  “‘Tis said they are both fine,” Ivy said. “I was told they came and spoke with Laird Jared right after it happened, then returned to their camp.”

  Liquid fire snaked through Asilinn's veins. Jared had known when he used her to fulfill his lecherous desires. Morven had come to get him and Jared had not told her what had happened, instead he had coaxed her into…. Her father was right. He was the Dragon Lord of Dunbocan. He probably sent his men to kill those most dear to her. And now it was clear Ivy knew of her imprisonment. It was probably all over the castle. Asilinn stood like a statue clenching and unclenching her fists while she fought for control.

  Ivy smiled. Asilinn would dearly like to have struck the woman for the look of satisfaction now covering her face. “Mayhaps milord didna tell you because you were being punished for trying to escape. How can I be of service?”

  Asilinn drew a deep breath. This was something to be settled later between her and Jared. For now, she must play the role in which she was cast. Her father and brother had gone back to Cairngorm Castle and she was on her own. To that end, she forced herself to remember her mission.

  “Laird Jared asked me to find Skye and go over her clothes with her. He thinks she needs some more adult gowns made and wishes me to direct her choice. Whe
re is she?”

  “The laird has not given you an easy task. Mayhaps I should handle it for you.”

  “I’m sure I can handle it. Where might I find Skye?”

  “No doubt she still lies abed. Lately she has a lazy streak. We seldom see her till afternoon. She's on the second level above the great hall next to what used to be Glenna's room.” Ivy's face paled. “Third door on the right,” she mumbled scurrying from the room.

  Jared's whore had been well ensconced before he had decided to take a wife. Asilinn didn't know why she found it aggravating, but she did. Climbing the stairs to the upper hallway, she rounded the corner and came face to face with the red-haired beauty.

  “Lady Asilinn,” Glenna purred. She bowed slightly when she paused on the narrow, winding steps. “I am glad to see Laird Jared has seen fit to release you.”

  “Good morning, Glenna,” Asilinn said briskly. She exhaled sharply. Glenna knew too. “I am surprised to see you here. I thought Wynne told me Laird Jared gave you a cottage near the east gate.”

  “Aye, Milady, but he allows me to roam freely through Dunbocan. Before he sought the peace through marriage, I shared his bed.” She gave Asilinn a broad smile. “Mayhaps if he gets you with child, he'll need me again. Once you have served yer purpose… well, who knows a man's mind?” Lifting her skirt well above her ankles, Glenna continued down the stairs.

  A brief vision of Glenna lying willing beneath Jared scorched across Asilinn's unwilling eyes. She closed them tight and willed the ugly specter to disappear. When it did, she leaned back against the wall shaking. Was this a vision of the future or the past? She didn't know, for she was capable of both perceptions. Trying to push it from her mind, she hurried to Skye's chamber.

  Rapping on the door, Asilinn awaited her next confrontation.

  “Go away!” Skye cried. Asilinn swept into the room to see the slim, young girl still under the covers in her bed. “You bitch!” Skye screeched. “I dinna want company. Get out!”

  “Skye, it is midday. Jared wants me to go over your clothing so Wynne can make you some new gowns.”

  “You mean to tell me my brother is going to have Wynne sew for me. I thought she was too busy increasing your wardrobe.” Skye pulled the covers over her head. “Go away, Asilinn! I dinna want your help. I'll make do with the dresses I have.”

  Asilinn walked up beside the bed and ripped the cover off. “Get up! Jared wants you to have some new gowns and by God, you will have them if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to Wynne's door."

  Skye was momentarily speechless, but her eyes sparkled mischievously. She sprung partially clad from the bed. Coming toe to toe with Asilinn, her face suffused with a wide grin.

  “I compliment your high spirit. My brother has always had need of high-strung women to satisfy his lust. Do you know you are one of many?”

  “I dinna doubt it,” Asilinn snapped. “But I am his one and only wife.”

  “Is it different from being his whore?”

  “Mayhaps you should ask him.” Asilinn spun around in anger and stalked over to examine the collection of clothing hanging on pegs in the corner. She picked up each gown and gave it a critical appraisal before either throwing it on the floor or laying it over a nearby chair.

  The young girl stood fuming while Asilinn flung most of the gowns on the floor. After Asilinn's anger was spent, she regained her composure and turned Skye's way again.

  “Please try on these for me,” Asilinn directed, handing the dresses on the chair to Skye. “The others are totally unsuitable.”

  Throwing the gowns in a heap at Asilinn's feet, Skye walked over to pick up one of the dresses Asilinn had discarded. “I'll try this one on for you. It is one of my favorites.”

  “Very well, try it if you must.”

  Skye seemed surprised by Asilinn's agreement. Caught off-guard, she inadvertently showed some of her vulnerability. It was obvious she loved the garment she had selected. She took great care in sliding it into place over her youthful body.

  The girl was lovely. She was taller than Asilinn with long, slim legs and good bone structure. Her breasts were just beginning to swell starting her transformation into a young woman.

  Finished dressing, Skye turned to Asilinn for her approval. Asilinn walked around her assessing the garment. “I'm sorry, 'tis out of the question. Since your body has started its development the bodice is much too tight and the length is wrong.”

  “I hate you!” Skye’s eyes filled with tears.

  Asilinn ignored the jibe. “I agree the color is magnificent on you. The style is good. It is a little too youthful. I'm sure Wynne can make you another gown similar to this one, but with accommodations for your physical changes.”

  Asilinn could see a fleeting look of uncertainty flash across the girl's face. “Skye, you're such a lovely young woman. You have your brother's black hair and those stunning emerald eyes. I want to see you dressed to fulfill your part as the sister of the Laird of Dunbocan. Think how surprised Jared would be to see you properly attired for a change.”

  “I didna think he noticed I was not. He calls me imp and teases me incessantly. He sends others to care for me instead of giving me his time.” Skye whirled away from Asilinn. “I dinna know why I tell you this. You must be the witch Glenna said you were, enchanting me with some spell to gain my trust.”

  “I am nothing Glenna says I am. If you seek her out as a confidant, I daresay your secrets are misplaced.”

  “You only say that because she was my brother's whore. He wouldna have cast her out if he had not needed to find a bride for his peace plan. You are nothing to him but a way to end the war!”

  “That may be, but if it is my destiny I will fulfill it. Let us get to the task at hand.”

  “You will let me choose?”

  “Show me your favorites and we'll see what can be done.”

  The hint of compromise seemed to please Skye. She began her own pile of gowns on the bed. “There are a few more things in the trunk,” she said, pointing to an ornate chest in the corner.

  Asilinn went over and opened the lid, pulling out a few other dresses until she came to the pile of dirty clothes in the bottom. Holding them up, she realized they were men's clothing. It looked like something a stable boy might wear. As Asilinn shook out the shirt, a gray mask fell to the floor. She jumped back and stared it.

  “Skye, where did you get these?” Asilinn tried to keep her voice from quavering.

  “You look like you just saw a ghost,” the girl replied. “I found them in the barn. I kept them and even used them once or twice to sneak out riding at night. I bet you never did anything adventurous when you were my age.”

  Asilinn tried to shake off the feeling of evil that shot over her. “You may be surprised at what I did,” she commented more to herself than to her young sister-in-law. “Come on, let's get started.”

  As Skye tried each of her favorites on Asilinn gave her an accurate accounting of their condition. Soon they called in Wynne and fittings began. Asilinn couldn't shake the feeling the sight of the mask had given her but no one seemed aware of her discomfort while she carefully attended to the task at hand.

  When they were finally done, Skye surprised Asilinn by asking her to go for a walk around the grounds. “I'd like that,” Asilinn said, ready for a breath of fresh air.

  “Mayhaps we could stop by the kitchen for some food,” Skye suggested. “I'm starving.” Asilinn laughed and they made their way downstairs.

  Just when they arrived in the kitchen, Ivy burst in wailing. “Flanna, come quick! Toby has fallen into the lake! I fear he's drowned!”

  Flanna shrieked and ran out the back door. Asilinn and Skye ran after her. Heads turned to gawk as the new mistress of Dunbocan sped through the gates of the castle in pursuit of her kitchen maid. Asilinn ignored their curiosity. Soon a crowd followed anxious to see what was happening.

  The women ran down through the throng of people gathered at the lakeside. Toby lay on the
bank near the drawbridge. Flanna grabbed him crying uncontrollably.

  “He's dead,” Ross said, wringing out his wet clothes. “I tried to save him, but….”

  “How long has he been without breath?” Asilinn asked.

  “Long enough,” Ross replied.

  “Flanna, stand aside,” Asilinn ordered. The crowd moved in threateningly but Flanna obeyed Asilinn.

  Dropping to her knees, Asilinn put her ear to the boy's chest. Flipping him over, she pushed down on his back until a stream of water gushed from his mouth. Toby started choking and crying all at the same time. Flanna rushed to aid Asilinn as the boy sat up rubbing his eyes.

  “Oh, how can I ever thank you,” Flanna said, gratefully hugging the small boy to her chest.

  Asilinn straightened and turned to face the crowd. “She's a witch!” an angry voice accused. “The boy was dead and she's brought him back to life. It is the devil's work!”

  The throng closed in jeering and repeating the accusation. Skye tried to keep them from Asilinn hurrying her toward the protection of the castle. The people followed them still incensed.

  Asilinn didn't see the first stone coming. It hit its mark striking her temple. The blow made her eyes sting and her head throb. What was happening? Had she not saved a life?

  A pelting of rocks struck her as the cry went up. “Stone her! Save the soul of our laird!” Asilinn fell to the ground trying futilely to block the assault. Ailleagian cantered through the sea of people just as the angry mob closed in.

  Jared was stunned when he saw what was happening. “Cease!” he shouted. The crowd drew back in fear. Skye helped Asilinn to her feet. Jared pulled her up on the horse in front of him. She buried her bruised face in his chest without a word. Jared held her close and addressed the crowd. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Lady Asilinn brought Toby back to life after he fell in the lake and now these people think she is a witch,” Skye said.

  “Ignorant fools! If a man falls into a lake, his lungs are full of water. Any person could save the man by ridding his chest of the water. You make false accusations against my wife. I'll hear no more of it. The next one of you who raises a hand to Lady Asilinn shall lose his head!”


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