Catching Cara: Dark Horse, Inc: Book 2

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Catching Cara: Dark Horse, Inc: Book 2 Page 20

by Amy J. Hawthorn

  Although it sounded like a good thing, it hinted at bigger trouble. She placed a hand on his chest and looked up to Joe. “That’ll make him more dangerous, more likely to take bigger risks.”

  “Exactly.” Rick shut the cover on his laptop. “We’re all exhausted and heartsick tonight. Let’s take a breather and we’ll meet again after Joe has his meeting. Joe? Text me your location when you meet with the family?”

  “Sure. As soon as they tell me where we’re meeting, I’ll update you.”

  “Any questions?” Rick looked to the room.

  Holloway raised his hand. “I have a question. When are you going to get your own place? Or like a real office or something, at least? Nothing screams home business like having mission planning sessions in front of the TV.”

  Rick shot him the middle finger.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cara turned her back on sweeping green pastures outlined by white fencing and dotted with grazing horses. The heavy morning mist created a picture worthy of a thousand words. When molten chocolate and caramel eyes met hers, she felt no loss at the change in scenery.

  “I didn’t get a chance to say thank you for last night.” Quiet, a touch gravelly and far too serious, Joe’s voice warmed her. She looked past the soft, kissable lips that drew her attention and focused on his words.

  “Thank me for what? I didn’t do anything.” Baffled by his statement, she went back to staring at his mouth. Her hands found the solid muscle of his waist and held on.

  “You fucking amaze me. Does braving the summer’s worst storm to date and climbing down a lightless, abandoned, narrow mineshaft to rescue my daughter ring a bell?” He touched her nose with the tip of one finger.

  “Joe, I adore Kylie and, I’ll be honest, that adoration is sliding fast toward love, but I would have done that for anyone. It’s part of the job. It’s also what a decent human being does when another is in trouble.” He stared at her as if he didn’t know what to make of her. “What?”

  “You didn’t do that because you’re a member of Dark Horse. You didn’t get a paycheck for last night.”

  “Yes, I did.” She touched his nose as he’d done to hers.

  Anger flashed over his features. “Fucking Rick. I’ll—”

  “No, Rick didn’t pay me money. My payment, my satisfaction, came when I watched you carry her to bed while she chattered on about Trent’s horses. I saw you kiss the top of her head like she’s the most precious thing in your universe. When she spilled the last bit of her hot chocolate and you wiped it up without blinking. Then, when you got up in the middle of the night to check on her, even though she was safe in the same bed with your sister. Having a part ensuring that kind of loving relationship thrives and that Kylie lives a happy life is the only form of payment I need. She hugged me last night before you carried her to bed. The feel of her little arms around my neck will stay with me for the rest of my days. I don’t give a single damn about Rick’s bank account.” Indignation flashed through her, hot and bright.

  He relaxed and pulled her against his chest. When pressed against all that delicious masculine strength, she melted. “Cara May, you undo me. I didn’t think there were many more women like Kate and Leigh—strong, capable and hiding hearts of gold. I was wrong. I found one more. I’m not letting her get away.”

  She pulled back and looked up at him. A suspiciously warm glow bloomed deep in her chest. “What are you saying?”

  “I love you.” He kissed her soft and quick then finished. “I didn’t think I would ever find a woman worth the risk of upsetting Kylie’s world for, but I had it backward. I was being selfish, thinking about my heart as much as I was hers. I did find a woman worthy enough, but the trick’s on me. I’d be a fool to keep her out of my daughter’s life. I’d be cheating Kylie. I’m not sure I’m worthy enough of that woman’s love. Of your love.”

  “Joe.” She took a deep breath and looked into the eyes she…loved. Yeah, she loved those eyes and the man behind them, didn’t she? “Joe.” She didn’t know what to say. She owed him her honesty, but the feelings inside her swelled, overwhelming. Love. Honor that he considered her equal to the wonderful women in his life and awe that he felt her worthy of an important place in Kylie’s life. She blurted the first thing that came to mind. “It was the jeans.”

  “What?” There was that look again, the one that said he had no clue where her head was at.

  “The first day we met.” Embarrassed, she hid her face in his chest. “Those old jeans and your swagger. Kylie was an added bonus.” She spoke to the muscles beneath her.

  “The jeans with the hole near the—”

  “Yeah, those. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a man in well-fitting, faded blue jeans.” She looked up at him and grinned, hating the heat that flushed her cheeks.

  His grin matched hers then outshone it. “Well, then. I was doing housework and not planning on leaving the house.” When he laughed, her heart lightened. “I’m glad to see we’re on the same page.”

  “Absolutely.” She moved her hands so she could tangle her fingers in the hair at his nape.

  He shook his head and laughed again. Even seeing his amusement, she couldn’t let him walk away without sharing her true feelings. His gift was far too important to let go unacknowledged.

  She stopped him on the second shake by putting both hands at his jaw. Standing on tiptoe, she kissed him. Slow, sweet and tender she poured her love for him into their connection.

  “I love you too, Joe MacDonald.”

  “I don’t want leave you and Kylie, and I really don’t want to go to work today.” A heavy cloud of reality dimmed their sunshine as he touched her cheek with a single fingertip.

  “I know. We’ll be here waiting when you’re finished for the day. Stay safe.”

  Without another word, he headed for his truck and, while she watched his walk, she prayed that he’d be safe.

  She went inside and found Kylie, Leigh, and Kate in the dining room. They guys had set it back to normal before heading out well past midnight. Kylie waved a piece of toast at her in greeting. She finished swallowing her breakfast and beamed.

  “Trent’s going to take me to see Bonnie after breakfast.” She forked a bite of eggs into her mouth and Cara heard the thump-thump of her feet hitting the chair legs as she swung them under the table.

  “That’ll be fun.” Cara found a mug and poured herself some coffee. Kate handed her a plate and pointed to the stove where a mountain for food waited.

  “Can I be done now?” Kylie asked and then took a drink of milk.

  “Take your plate to the sink and go ahead. Trent’s in his office, waiting.” Kate pointed down the hallway with her spatula. “Cara, load up your plate. We want to talk to you about something as soon as Kylie leaves.”

  Curious, she did as instructed and fixed a plate. Kate must have made enough food for a small army. “Thanks. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” She sat at the table across from Leigh who sat with her hands wrapped around a coffee mug.

  “I enjoy it. I never had much family to fuss over and, now that I do, I plan to enjoy it to the fullest.” At that moment, Trent and Kylie came through. He stopped by to steal a quick kiss from Kate.

  “See you in an hour,” he murmured against her mouth. “And don’t get into any trouble while I’m away, beauty.” Though gentle and seemingly playful, something dark and sad lurked beneath his words.

  He met Kylie at the door where she practically hung on the door handle. He took her hand in his, opened the door with his other. Then they were gone and the kitchen filled with silence. Cara took a bite of her breakfast and waited, wondering.

  Finally, Kate sat with her own plate and began. “We have two things we want to discuss with you. I’ll let Leigh take the lead on the first and most important.” The ridiculously beautiful brunette pointed to her equally lovely cousin with her fork.

  Leigh met Cara head on, woman to woman. “Yes, first and absolutely most important. Joe
. Kate and I agree that you are worthy of my brother. We already liked you, but last night cinched it. Also, Kylie thinks the world of you. If we were given the option of choosing Joe’s next love, we couldn’t do better ourselves. If your relationship goes down that path, we’re more than happy to welcome you into the MacDonald fold. That being said, if you hurt my brother or my niece, I’ll hurt you.”

  Oddly, despite the threat, Leigh’s words filled Cara with a sense of welcome. She set her fork down and met their gazes with her own steady one. “I adore them both and hurting either of them would hurt me, too. I…thank you.”

  Leigh sipped her coffee and set her cup down. “Good. Now onto the nasty stuff. We need your bodyguard skills again.”

  “Okay.” When both women gave her the MacDonald look she’d come to know well, she wasn’t surprised. Like Joe, they didn’t know what to think of her.

  Kate spoke. “Don’t you want to know what the job is before you answer?”

  “Will it get me off the farm for a few minutes?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Leigh gave her head a little toss, much like her brother. “Okay, then.” She waved her mug at Kate.

  Kate set her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Okay. I talked to Trent last night and, after some persuasion, he agreed to let me go talk with Phillip Bailey. He doesn’t like me going at all and both he and Rick insist on going along. But I don’t think Bailey will talk if they’re in the room. The guys said they would only allow it if you came and stayed with us the entire time. I know he’ll be behind glass and I’ll be secure, but they hate the idea of me going alone.”

  “That makes sense. I agree that having a brooding Trent and Rick nearby would put anyone’s hackles up. Although the inside of a prison should be safe, I understand why, after everything that’s happened, they wouldn’t want to take any chances. I’m in. When do we leave?”

  “Mom is coming out to see Pickle for a bit around lunch time. She won’t rest until she sees for herself that she’s okay. She’ll watch her while we’re gone, if that’s okay.” Leigh stood and pushed her chair in.

  “Sure. That’ll give me time to run up to the big house to check on my mother.”

  Later that afternoon, Cara and Kate waited inside the county jail’s visitation room. With a presence capable of shaming royalty, Kate took a seat in a hard plastic chair. Even knowing the former beauty queen as she did, the transformation shocked Cara. She’d even dressed the part in a knee-length pencil skirt, killer icepick heels and a prim, but very flattering, blouse. With her back straight, hands in her lap and her ankles crossed just so, she could have been royalty.

  Cara stood with her back to the concrete block corner and tried to become invisible. Rick and Leigh waited in the lobby with a pacing Trent, who likely worried about far more than Kate’s physical safety.

  A moment later, a wild-eyed, disheveled man dressed in orange shuffled into view. His hair was a perfect milk chocolate at the ends, with a wide stripe of gray roots hugging his scalp.

  Something wild and scary flickered in his eyes when they honed in on Kate. A wide smile split his face. “Katherine, it’s about time you came to visit me.”

  Cara watched, fascinated and repulsed as Kate’s mouth flattened for a brief second before her perfect smile returned. “I apologize, dearest. I’ve had some trouble lately. That nephew of yours is it again. He’s made a mess of everything.”

  Rage flashed across Bailey’s face. “Boyd,” he spat, as if the word was the vilest potion he’d ever tasted.

  “Yes. I simply can’t bear his interference any longer. Can you tell me where to find him?” Cara had to hand it to Kate, she had the ice princess routine down to a science. She deserved an Oscar for her performance.

  “He’s hiding, always hiding. I curse the day I told Sutton to pull him out of Afghanistan. He’s caused me far more trouble than he’s helped. He promised me he’d take care of everything. He lied, but he should be good at it, since he’s done it all his life. It’s a Campbell trait. I still don’t know why I married into that family.”

  “I want to put an end to his lies. Do you know where he hides? Or if he works with anyone we can track?”

  “You and I were going places, Jackie. But you loved that Dawson and not me. No one understands my greatness.” A sad and wistful look eased his angry features.

  “I know, darling. We live in a cruel world.” Her words were kind, but they were filled with pity for his mental illness, not the hate and greed that had twisted it into something far worse.

  “I was going to the White House with you by my side. It’s gone now. He took it.” Bailey look down to his lap like a pouting child and his hair fell to cover his face.

  “He did. Boyd took it. Where can I find him?” Kate paused and a look of guilt crossed her face. She tucked a lock of her long hair behind her ear and took a deep breath. “Maybe we can get your dream back? Tell me where to look.”

  Bailey looked up at her as if she were daft and should know the answer. “Campbell Hollow. He won’t stay there, but he always checks on his sister at least once a week. She’s so pretty to be a daft little thing. Far too pretty to be so dumb. It’s a shame.”

  His cold words stabbed Cara in the heart.

  “His sister? Why don’t I remember her?” Genuine bafflement caused Kate to frown.

  “Yes. She looks like a much younger image of my Marilyn, but after the girl’s car wreck years ago, she was never the same. She had a major head injury and was in a coma for a month. Gorgeous, but she’ll never grow up. Boyd was driving when the accident happened. He still blames himself. She’s the only thing he cares about more than himself, but he hasn’t been the same since the accident either.”

  “Of course. How could I have forgotten? Thank you.” Abruptly she stood and turned. With a tilt of her head toward the door, she indicated she was leaving, a long, glorious lock of hair falling over her shoulder. Cara followed, admiring the woman’s strength. Courage came in many forms and, although it was an entirely different shade than the kind she was used to being surrounded by, it was no less powerful.

  They walked through the door and down a concrete hallway. Kate’s heels echoed loudly, out of place in this cold world. At the end of the narrow hall, they walked through another heavy door. The instant they stepped through, Trent pulled Kate into his arms. Cara watched as she leaned heavily on him, squeezing his waist tightly. He cupped her nape with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. Over Kate’s shoulder, his gray eyes met Cara’s.

  She gave him a thumb’s up to let him know his girl had done well. At that, he closed his eyes and hugged her even tighter.

  “It won’t take five minutes. We’ll be in and out before anyone knows we’re there.” Leigh, her voice full of frustration, spoke to Rick. Cara turned to see them locked in a serious discussion. Though she’d missed the first part of the debate while she’d been with Kate, she could guess what their disagreement was about.


  “I understand you’re worried about her. Believe me, I can’t sleep at night for the fear that tells me she’s in danger.” Rick crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Why don’t we take this argument on the road?” Trent broke in and gestured that they should take their discussion elsewhere.

  Full of temper, it looked as though Leigh just stopped herself from tearing into him before pursing her mouth and nodding. She shot Rick a look full of venom.

  They loaded into Rick’s SUV, but before the Leigh and Rick saga could continue, Trent turned to look behind him. “So? Babe, how did it go? You weren’t in there as long as I expected.”

  While Cara listened she watched Rick drive. His focus appeared to be on the road ahead, but she’d seen the tension in those shoulders before. From her spot in the middle seat, she didn’t need to see his white-knuckled grip to know he was torn.

  Leigh had put him between a rock and a hard place. Cara suspected the social worker’s big heart forced her to cause trouble
. Leigh stayed silent, closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on the window.

  Not knowing how to help, Cara did the only thing she could think of and took the woman’s hand in hers. Leigh’s gave a single squeeze, but held on.

  The car stopped with a lurch making Cara look up. They were in a parking lot outside an all-in-one grocery store. Rick bit out a curse then grumbled. “Kate, stay put and keep talking. Cara, update MacDonald. Let him know we’re making a stop on the way back. We’ll be back on the farm later than I expected. Leigh, you’re with me. Let’s go.” With a long-legged stretch, he climbed out and slammed the door.

  Shock marked Leigh’s beautiful face as she followed, shutting her door with a soft thump. Discreetly, she wiped an eye, trying in vain to hide her tears. Looking no less miserable, Rick pulled Leigh close and tucked her beneath his arm. Marked with sadness, she looked nothing like a woman who’d just gotten her way.

  With a shuddered breath, Kate continued, “Bailey said that he cursed the day he asked Sutton to pull Boyd out from Afghanistan. Then—”

  Trent already vigilant, straightened. “Fuck. Sutton? You’re sure that he said Sutton?”

  “I’m sure. Who is he?” Concern colored Kate’s voice.

  Something dark and sinister lurked in the periphery of her memory, just out of reach. Like a thin veil of smoke, she could just see, but not touch it. “He did say Sutton. I heard him clearly. What am I missing? It sounds familiar but I can’t place the name.”

  “Marcus Sutton of L and S Consulting.”

  Recognition and nausea smacked her at the same time. “Oh, no.”

  Joe sat with his back to a picnic table at the shelter house in the state park where the Grants had indicated they’d meet him. At their request he’d met them after his shift ended and driven his truck. They hadn’t asked, but when he’d stopped by his house to pack for Kylie, he’d changed out of his uniform. A few minutes early, he sat and waited wondering if something more than their child’s overdose had given them reason to go to such lengths or if that single tragedy was enough.


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