Abducted by the Dragon Lords: A Paranormal SciFi Reverse Harem Romance (Dragon Shifters of Kiyria Book 1)

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Abducted by the Dragon Lords: A Paranormal SciFi Reverse Harem Romance (Dragon Shifters of Kiyria Book 1) Page 9

by Lexa Lumos

  “Nor mine,” Jane said softly. “We’ve got a new home, Anya. We just have to take advantage of it. Where are you going?”

  Halfway to the door, she threw over her shoulder, “To see Taryk.”


  Taryk glanced up from the maps spread over the work surface in his pod. They would be deboarding in a few hours. It would take two, maybe three days to repair and resupply the ship, then they’d return to Earth for more women and make sure the Krull hadn’t discovered the location of the planet. Set up a line of defense if needed, which he was certain it would be.

  “Tell you what?” he asked cautiously. She was nearly bristling with annoyance. She sank down on the edge of his bed and stared at him. “That my government sold me to you for weapons.”

  Damn. Who’d told her? He swallowed. “Perhaps I should have told you, but I knew it would cause you pain.”

  “So you let me be mad at you instead.”

  He shrugged. “Seemed like the best of several bad options.”

  “You were trying to protect my feelings?”

  “I never want to cause you pain, Anya. You have had enough of it in your life.” He wondered if she truly understood. He couldn’t feel her emotions the way Erys and Fen could now, but they flitted across her face.

  She cleared her throat. “How do you know how I feel?”

  “I only have to look in your eyes, and I can see the anguish there. It is less now than it was, perhaps, but it is still there.”

  She buried her face in her hands.

  In one breath he was on his feet and at her side, pulling her into his arms. “I am sorry, so sorry. I did not mean to cause you anguish.”

  She glanced up at him. “It’s not you. Not really. It’s silly. It was so long ago now.”

  He pulled her closer and was surprised when she let him. “Who hurt you?”

  She drew in a deep breath. “I was married once.”

  His heart stuttered. “You were bonded?”

  She shook her head. “Not like you guys do. Like, we get married. Take vows to be faithful to each other and all that. It’s supposed to be for life, but it rarely is. And there’s no bonding. Not like I felt with Erys and Fen.”

  Unsaid that she hadn’t bonded with him yet. He hoped that in time this would change. “Okay. You were married. What happened?” For something must have. She was not living with a man when he’d taken her.

  “From the start he... wasn’t kind. He would do and say subtle things to make me doubt myself.”

  “What a krahtah.”

  “A what?”

  “Uh....” He searched his universal translator for an equivalent. “Asshole.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, that’s the word for him. After a few years, I just felt so low. I no longer believed in myself. I was beaten down. And then one day I found him in bed with another woman.”

  “He slept with another woman?” There was a dangerous edge to his tone.

  “Yeah. I kind of lost it. I keyed his car, smashed the headlights. I mean, I went on a rampage.” She laughed weakly. “Ended up losing my job over it. Lost my friends. Everything. I had to move out of state to get away from it all. From him.”

  “If I ever meet this man, I will rip his head off.”

  She grimaced. “Don’t do that.” She peeked through her lashes. “Maybe just an arm?”

  Was she teasing him? Her slow grin said she was. He laughed quite suddenly. It snuck up on him and spilled out before he could stop it. Then she was laughing with him.

  Then he was kissing her, and she wasn’t pushing him away, she was pulling him closer and making little moaning sounds against his lips. Her tongue danced with his, her body pressing tight into him.

  The mating bond stirred, ready to snap into place the minute he took her. He wanted that more than he’d ever wanted anything. He wanted to feel that closeness to her. To share everything he felt with her in that most intimate way.

  Hesitantly, he pulled back. She had no idea how much was riding on this. “Do you want this?”

  Her gaze was steady. “Yes.”

  “Are you sure? Once it’s done, there’s no going back.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “What do you mean?”

  He had to tell her, even if it meant losing her. “After you bond with me, you’re bonded to all three of us permanently. Until then, you have a choice. You can choose another triad or choose to be alone.” He almost winced as he said it. The thought of her not being with him, with them, was almost physically painful. “You can even return to Earth if you like.”

  She stared at him long and hard. He wished he knew what was going on inside her, but that wouldn’t happen until the bond was struck. Until then, he was as blind as any human.

  “I’m sure.”

  He swallowed. On the battlefield, he was strong, unfazed, brave. Here in this moment he was anything but.

  “I want you, Taryk.”

  That did it. He shifted one finger into dragon form so he could slice her clothes from her with a claw. She shivered but didn’t seem afraid, not even when he drew that claw slowly over one breast, eliciting goosebumps along her skin.

  He shifted back and kissed her again, long and deep, sweeping his tongue across hers in a claiming and a promise. That she would always be safe and cherished with him. With them.

  She gave as good as she got, squeezing and cupping and nudging him in all sorts of interesting places. With a groan, he ripped off his clothes before pressing her naked body to the bed.

  He wanted to take time to peruse her. She was glorious—all curves and softness—but his need urged him on. Rode him hard as he wanted to ride her. His mind was fogged over with lust.

  The scent of her arousal was heavy in the air, mingling with his own. He slid one finger along her cleft, moaning at the slick moisture there. She was so ready. He licked her honey from his finger, making her whimper. Her taste—musky and sweet—inflamed senses that were already on fire. She gripped his shoulders. “Now, Taryk. Stop dicking around. Take me now.”

  He meant to make it last, to take it slow, but the feel of her slick, heated passageway, as he slid into her, almost undid him. She was tight around him, her muscles rippling and contracting with his slightest move. One hard thrust and he was balls deep inside her. She writhed under him, keening his name, eyes rolling back as she tore at his shoulders.

  He stilled, afraid if he moved, he might explode. But her bucking threw him. He pulled out and thrust again, harder this time, pinning her to the mattress. She cried out, nails digging into his back in a move that was at once painful and erotic. It wasn’t enough. He needed more.

  He pulled back and thrust again, finding an age-old rhythm that made him nearly mindless with pleasure. She seemed to feel the same, because along with her wild bucking, the only thing she said over and over again was, “Ohgodohgodohgod.”

  He wondered vaguely who this god was she prayed to, what it had to do with sex, and if the All-Mother would be angered. Then the pleasure swept up his spine, tightened his balls, and spilled out his cock, blinding him in a white fiery blaze that consumed every thought, every emotion. The only thing left was pure bliss and a voice in his head.

  Fuck me, that was one hell of an orgasm.

  Chapter 16

  “What are you grinning about?” Anya eyed Taryk with suspicion. Something had changed In that one moment when they’d been as emotionally and physically connected as two people could be, something had... snapped. As if something had been broken. Or maybe something had been fixed. In that moment she’d been nearly overwhelmed with a rush of emotion she had no name for.

  For a split second, she thought she’d felt Erys and Fen, too, but that was silly. They weren’t even in the room.

  She basked in the afterglow, even as his weight pressed down on her and he grinned like a stupid idiot, eyes heavy-lidded. Overwhelmed by the surplus of emotion, she decided to defuse the situation.

  She tweaked his nipple.<
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  He let out a yelp and half-tumbled off her. “What was that for?”

  She smiled. “That was for grinning like a loon.”

  “I don’t know what a loon is.” He sounded affronted, but laughter danced in his eyes and a warmth suffused her.

  He was happy. She was feeling his joy mingled with her own. Being with her fulfilled him. She swallowed hard to keep from crying.

  He cupped her cheek. “Ah, Anya, I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

  “You didn’t.” But tears pricked hotly at her eyes and a hard, hot lump formed in her throat.

  “Then why?”

  “I feel too much,” she whispered.

  He gathered her close, tucking her head into the crook of his shoulder. His musky, campfire scent teased her senses and roused her all over again.

  “The reason I was grinning like a loon, as you call it, is because for the first time our triad is complete. We are no longer three but a fully functioning unit. We have our leader.”

  She peered at him. “I thought you were the leader.”

  “I am not female.” He said it as if that made perfect sense.

  “Uh, okay. So you were smiling because I get to boss you around?”

  “Yes,” he said with perfect seriousness. “And also, being with you feels good.”

  “Good is an understatement,” she said.


  She couldn’t stop the blush, which made her swear at herself. Why was she turning red like a randy teenager? This was ridiculous.

  “Does this mean I’m in charge of all three of you?” The thought was nearly horrifying.

  “In charge is perhaps the wrong term, but your say is final.”

  “This whole thing baffles me.”

  “I am Lord Taul, the warrior. I use my physical strength to keep us all safe, and I lead in your absence. Fen is our vizier. He provides wisdom and counsel, manages our finances and assures our household needs are met, and keeps us in touch with our spiritual natures. Erys is our vedic, providing medical and emotional care, ensuring our surroundings are peaceful and nurturing. It is the way of all triads.”

  “And me?”

  “You make the ultimate decisions for our unit. You are the bond that holds us all together. You represent our interests in the government and the social strata. You are, as you say, the boss.”


  He lifted a brow. “This is different for you, isn’t it?”

  “Just a bit,” she said dryly.

  “You will get used to it in time, just as you will get used to the bond.”

  She frowned, scooting away from him. “What is this bond? How does it work?”

  “It will take practice, but here, close your eyes.” He eased her back on the bed. “Open yourself to receive emotions.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  His hand skimmed over her breast. “Don’t think. Feel.”

  She tried to do as he asked. For a moment there was nothing. Then it nearly bowled her over. It was the warmth she’d felt from him before, only many times stronger. It surrounded her, protected her, loved her. But he wasn’t the only one.

  She felt another presence in her mind, soothing blue, cool and gentle. That was Erys, she knew without a doubt. And then a third... Fen, strong and steady, coiled and ready.

  “I can feel them.”

  “Now push thought toward them. Don’t worry about which one, just think something.”

  She couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say so she went with a rather lame, Hi.

  Hi, Anya. You’re here? She’s here!

  A barrage of thoughts pummeled her brain; she clapped her hands over her ears, not that it helped. The rush slowed. She opened her eyes. “It’s too much.”

  “It takes practice. Try again. This time focus on Erys.”

  It was as if he knew that Erys’s presence was the most comforting to her. She leaned up and kissed Taryk, then lay back and closed her eyes. She imagined Erys, with his blond hair and gold eyes sparking with blue. It was weird to think about one man while lying naked under another.

  Erys’s cool, blue presence hovered in her mind. Tendrils of calming energy curled lovingly around her. She felt cherished.


  Anya. Sorry. We forgot this is new to you. His contrition came through the bond.

  That’s okay. She wasn’t sure what to say. I’m... um... Taryk....

  I know. He sounded, felt, happy, not jealous. This is how we live. It’s our way. We want this. Need this. Taryk maybe even more than Fen and me. We are happy. His emotions inside her mind couldn’t lie. Being with Taryk really did make Erys happy.

  “Now try linking with Fen.” Taryk said.

  She searched for Fen’s energy on that dark plain, and there it was, green and gold. Where Erys’s energy had quieted, Fen’s braced, encouraged.

  Fen, can you hear me?

  Of course, love.

  He’d called her his love as if it were the most natural thing in the universe. She got a little choked up and lost the link.

  “Don’t worry,” Taryk said, running a hand down her hip. “He understands.”

  “They really don’t mind that I’m with you?”

  “Of course not.” He gave her a leering look as he gently pinched her nipple. “In fact one day, when you’re ready, they’ll join us.”

  The thought sent shivers down her spine and heat straight to her nether regions.

  Oh my.

  ANYA GASPED AT THE city spread out below her. Slender white spires topped in gold reached to the sky, shimmering under the midday suns. Artificial lakes and ponds of turquoise blue dotted the lush green of parks and greenways. She stared in open-mouthed wonder as a massive dragon swooped in front of their shuttle, making loops in the sky before streaking toward one of the spires.

  “Show off,” Taryk groused.

  “You know him?” she asked in astonishment.

  “He’s our neighbor,” Fen explained. “Zayden, Lord Dhal. He is directly descended from the last high queen, which gives his triad a lot of clout with the counsel.”

  Erys grinned. “He’s probably jealous we have a mate and he hasn’t.”

  “I thought it was up to the woman to decide,” she said tartly.

  Erys wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled her gently. “It is. Always. And you chose us.” He laughed like a giddy schoolboy. “He’ll find his mate. He’s just used to being first at everything.”

  She eyed the spire where the massive dragon had disappeared. “He’s very... large.”

  “Excellent warrior,” Taryk grunted. “He’ll make a fine mate for someone.” He didn’t say it out loud, but the message was clear: not for you.

  Don’t worry. I’ve no interest in Lord Dhal. I’ve got my hands full with the three of you.

  Their laughter echoed in her head. Smug bastards.

  After a few minutes of flying, they left the city center behind, the scenery becoming increasingly lush and wild. Taryk arrowed the ship toward an opening in the trees, where a white building with a pale blue dome loomed above what she could only think of as palm trees. Thin and tall, with giant, lacy leaves that had a tinge of blue in their green. Clusters of purple flowers drooped in large bunches under the leaves. They were stunningly beautiful.

  Taryk set the ship down in front of a building reminiscent of images she’d seen of those on Santorini. The white walls were almost glaringly bright beneath the twin suns, but the blue dome was cool against the sky.

  While Taryk shut down the ship, Fen and Erys ushered her into the house. The massive, arched front door was the same blue as the dome and carved with images of dragons entwined with a giant lily.

  “The insignia of our house,” Erys explained. “The Tauls were always known as the peacemakers, and that is the peace lily. It grows wild on our property.”

  Inside she was surrounded by floors and walls of cool, white stone. The ceiling was painted the same blue as the door and dome. Scattere
d everywhere were plush chairs and sofas upholstered in rich blues and reds, and low tables of dark, polished wood. Colorful landscapes adorned the walls, most of them views of the ocean, and thick carpets in purple and gold were scattered across the floor.

  “Doors open,” Fen said.

  The back wall of the large circular room slid back, revealing a covered patio next to a swimming pool that had clearly been designed to look like a natural part of the landscape, complete with a fountain bubbling over rocks. The sound was soothing.

  Erys took her hand. “Let me give you a tour.”

  He led her around the house, proudly showing off the kitchen and dining area, which were sort of a cross between American kitchens and the replicator stations found on the ship. He even showed off his bedroom which was, unsurprisingly, decorated in blues, greens, and earth tones. “I’ll let Fen and Taryk show you their rooms.”

  “What about me?” She hoped she didn’t sound as insecure as she suddenly felt.

  He grinned. “Best one in the house. Come on.”

  He dragged her to double doors at the end of the hall. When he pushed them open, and she saw what lay beyond, she gasped.

  In the center of the room was a four-poster bed draped in purple hangings and piled high with pillows, large enough not only for her but all three guys, with room to spare. Her mind immediately flooded with images of just what they could all do together in that bed. The images were so vivid, she jumped when Erys cleared his throat.

  “Oh shit, did you see that?” She could feel the fire in her cheeks.

  His gaze was heated. “Oh, yes, and don’t worry, we’ll get there. When you’re ready.”

  She fidgeted, unsure what to say, but he simply led her around, showing her a walk-in closet that would make a supermodel weep with envy and a bathroom with a tub big enough for half an army. She was again assailed with erotic images, and while she struggled not to let Erys see what she was thinking, she was wildly unsuccessful, which was obvious by the tenting in his pants.

  They’d just returned to the living room when the front door banged open and Taryk strode in. Frustration seethed off him, coloring his energy.


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