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Fluff Page 18

by Kailee Reese Samuels

  “Issues is a good word to brush over my pain fetish,” I admit with a sniffle.

  “I get it, I do. I have a problem, but I put my trust in Serene’s hands. I give my need for pain to her; she takes my addiction and doses me with what I need. And I know it sounds like we all need a straight jacket and a padded cell, but pure sadists and masochists do exist without any other fetish. And when you can accept that, you will make real headway.”

  “I am not a submissive…” I whisper, feeling the light brighten in my world.

  “You are not a true submissive,” Sal acknowledges. “A true sub relishes in servitude. You only get on your knees to get whipped, and that is the distinct difference. I cannot ever imagine you crawling for the sake of anything other than to receive pain. True submissives are givers, they get off on the act of giving – whether cleaning their Master’s house or rising their ass in the air – subs exist to give. And you, my sweet girl, are not a giver. You are a taker. You like getting hurt. And there is nothing wrong with that.”

  “How many real subs do you know?”

  Lowering his head, he plants a simple kiss on my heart as his finger brushes over my cheek. “In the purest form, they are pretty damn rare—I’ve come across one here and there, but I am damn sure not one. They call me the Golden Boy sub, and I am—but they leave out the fact of how much a pain slut I am. The more technical proper label for me is switch.”

  “You are changing though,” I assess, twirling his curls on my finger. “The label is going to be pure Dom soon—Master Raniero.”

  “Probably,” Sal confides, “But I cannot see a world without Serene’s whip.”

  “What if D doesn’t push me hard enough?”

  “Ask for more?” Sal chuckles, “I got news for you, pretty. Serene is a sadist. And Dale Archer is, too. Come on, it is time to come out of the closet.”

  I snicker. Carefully, Sal gets up off the floor and offers me his hand. He is a gentleman and a bastard at times, but he always shows up for his fetish kin folk. We are not blood; we are deeper than that with an intimate kinky thread running through us all.

  The bedroom light is on, and I immediately notice the evidence of our sins is gone. Dale waits eagerly on the bed as Sal escorts me to him. I fall into his arms, kissing him slow and rededicating myself to our relationship.

  “I am so sorry I freaked out on you,” I whisper, standing between his legs and holding his cheeks in my hands. “I am sorry I asked for Raniero; he is my person.”

  “Sal’s been your only Dom for years. I am nothing but impressed by the loyalty, but I am not going to leave you again,” he assures, holding me tight in his arms, “This is for good. This is forever. We need a transfer of power, I’d like to have his place if you would do me the honor.”

  His statement sounds like a question hanging between us. But he isn’t asking for an answer, he is looking for actions.

  “I’m gonna grab a water and get,” Sal says. “I’m meeting Aimee in Taos.”

  “Wait,” I interrupt, “What?”

  Sal’s expression reveals a stunned disbelief. “You didn’t tell her?”

  Dale grumbles, “No, I avoided the topic.”

  “Dammit.” Running his hand through his hair, Sal sighs, “Aimee, Rach, and Dana are all set up in a rental house in town, we have a command center running 24/7 trying to figure out what happened to your house.”

  “Jesus…” my voice echoes through the room. “And you didn’t tell me!”

  “If you two can please start communicating,” Sal suggests, “It would save me a couple grand.”

  Dale snorts and gives Sal some sort of bro-shake. He kisses my cheek and heads for the door.

  “Hey, Nero!” Dale calls out.

  “Ya, Hoss?”

  “It’s late. Why don’t you stay the night?”

  Sal’s eyes flicker to mine and I shine in his glow. We both know what Dale really wants. He needs to see what five years training together looks like. The performance would offer the transfer of power like a ceremony acknowledging our intentions with Sal acting the role of officiant.

  Moving closer, Sal asks, “Are you really sure you want that?”

  “I am sure. You have trained her. So, why don’t you show me because I am feeling one-upped by someone almost half my age.”

  Deep in thought, Sal scratches his beard. “You are asking me to do something that isn’t easy.”

  “Yeah and I know why, but if you do this for me—I owe you.”

  Sal warns with a smile, “You touch my dick and I am gonna beat your ass, Hoss.”

  “Same goes for you, Kid.”

  * * * *

  In the darkened sky, the stars twinkled with a brightness I hadn’t seen since the first night in the truck. I remembered staring at their brilliance—alive and aware—at peace.

  I heard the rustle from the tree line, but before I could turn to see what was happening they had grabbed me. Wrapping their hands on my legs were two men I didn’t know. I screamed, fighting with everything I had—all hundred and twenty pounds of me.

  One husky man lunged his hand towards my crotch, and I slipped on the damp tailgate, knocking me on my ass.

  “Let me go!” I shouted, gripping my fingers into the tie-downs. Hands groped at me, yanking my ankles and legs. I kicked and screamed, “Leave me alone you motherfuckers!”

  The cold metal came down hard and fast against my already bruised skin. “Fuck you!” I wailed as the pulled me face down over the rough surface of the truck bed. With my pubic bone and nipples bruised, I flipped over and managed to grab one by the hair, pulling out a generous plug. He let go as the other wrapped his hands around my waist. The Hairless thug backhanded me twice, and the metallic taste of blood dripped into my mouth.

  Fighting was pointless. If I continued, we would both end up dead. Hearing the struggle in the cab, I focused my thoughts on what was occurring to Cy.

  Husky tossed me like a ball into the backseat of the car. A toothless man bound my hands with cable ties and gagged my mouth with a dirty t-shirt. I closed my eyes, remembering the names on the envelope – Dale and Virginia Archer. Maybe this was all for the best anyhow.

  I wanted to cry, but not for myself. I watched Husky beat the hell out of the man I loved as one I couldn’t see held him from behind. Cy’s face pummeled into the gravel as they stepped on his back without a care. Husky and Faceless ran to the vehicle and hopped inside. Cy staggered up and caught my eye, his face bloodied, but I could tell by the clench of his jaw—he was pissed. Still, he couldn’t stop them as the vehicle sped away into the misty air.

  I understood why they took me, but the attack had been on us both. I realized the severity of the situation quick, dire and dangerous. I grasped that they would win, and I would get nothing in return. I’d be lucky if I walked away with my life. Someone changed the rules. Someone dumped the fucking game board. Someone scattered the pieces everywhere, and I know why it happened—to change the way our story ended.


  THE NIGHT WITH Amber and Sal proves beautiful and unexpected. I didn’t know how I would feel having him involved, but I also understand Amber. In loving her unconditionally, I accept her challenges as my own. One of those being she needs the transfer of power to not only be a mental awareness but a physical reemergence. She is a beautifully broken butterfly with twisted wings and wicked colors.

  So, in the most awkward situation ever—I order pizza. We eat and drink and watch movies in bed. Midway through the second film, I notice Amber stroking Sal, slow and deliberate under the covers. The innocence of the evening quickly dissolves into a ravenous rapturing as I do the unthinkable in laying my hand on hers.

  Amber kisses Sal as the pair run down a darkened path in a zone I have never visited. My body trembles in uncertainty as the sludge dissipates to a halcyonic clarity. The feel of similarity awakens a deep ratiocination within my ego, shattering the known and breaking away from the accepted. Her hand withdraws, looping under my
body to my growing protrusion where the logic meets the truth.

  In a genuine act of kindness, Sal cracks, offering a moment to breathe. “I am gonna fucking beat your ass, Hoss.”

  “This is so damn weird,” I mumble. “I have never…”

  “Don’t try and think about it too much,” Amber suggests, “Just trust…”

  “Ya… But,” I argue.

  Amber straddles his body as Sal blinks my direction. “Stop thinking what I know you are—give up the pieces and parts and quit thinking chronologically. Find the energy in disorganized present, run towards the chaos.”

  I honestly want to slap the bejesus out of the Italian in that moment. “What the fuck does that mean Raniero?”

  “Stop the labeling in your brain,” he warns with a cohesive stare.

  Her hand drifts away, taken over solely by his. The stroking ignites a fire in me I never even knew existed. It is raw, visceral, and primal. My lips gape open in shock, realizing who led the scene.

  And he damn sure wasn’t me.

  “Go with what feels good,” he teaches.

  “Is this how you empower a fucking scene—you wing it?”

  Sal beams a wide, priceless smile at me. “Pretty much, Hoss.”

  His stroking intensifies on my shaft as I ask, “Every time?”

  “Pretty much,” he smirks.

  “You don’t plan,” I breathe a hush as I see Amber riding his dick. I didn’t even realize she slid his cock inside of her, I was so caught up in my own curious desire.

  “If I planned out every single moment, I would miss three-quarters of the mind-blowing ones,” Sal preaches with a smirk and a finger pointed in my direction.

  I am mesmerized by Amber; she is so high in the seizing of his cock within her body, I don’t even think she can hear us. It is amazing to take in her ecstasy and my shaft hardens under his grip.

  “Is it always like this with you two?”

  “It’s always like this with me,” Sal admits. “She is a bit gone at the moment,” he winks as her strides shift to an intense unparalleled degree. I have never seen her fuck so unashamed, so unabashedly unafraid.

  In the forbidden glimpse of Amber on another man, I realize I am not getting all she has to offer—sexually or otherwise. I have to open my mind and drop the excuses.

  “We throw up barriers to protect ourselves, but all that ultimately does is keep you in the box. You can’t stop anyone from hurting you. And you end up cheating yourself out of something wonderful when you try to prevent it. Don’t stay within the walls, fly out of the boundaries, and explore out of your comfort zone. And to more succinctly answer the question haunting your thoughts—No, this doesn’t make you gay.”

  Sal pulls his hand away and returns quickly as he slides the lube over me. I instantly grow harder and find myself embarrassed as I mouth, “I am sorry.”

  “You think I care? There is only one thing I won’t do anymore—no men—and I literally mean doing a man as in the ass.”

  I chuckle as I realize the significance of the statement. He is an alpha; I am an alpha. Yet, he says no men. “Okay, so no anal. But how far does your chaotic world expand? How far will you explore?”

  “Mine?” Sal rocks his fist on me as his other hand toys with her nipples. He confesses the heartbreaking truth – a pain so deep – I cannot believe he shared. “Far—I draw a line at anything involving playing catcher, but that is not so much from it being a man and more so about my history with Kaci. But you have to decide where you stop, no one can do that for you.”

  “Would you have sex with a guy?” I quiz before I can stop the words.

  Sal smirks with a flirtatious glint in his eye. “Are you asking?”

  “No, I want to know,” I say. “If the history wasn’t there, would you go that far?”

  “I don’t know that I would ever have any limits. What feels good, feels good,” Sal says as his eyes flutter closed. Amber is unapologetic in her taking, raping his body for her own twisted desires. “Apologies, she is about to come.”

  “You know that?”

  “Yeah, you can feel it if you stop focusing on your own dick. Remember that three-quarters I mentioned losing?” He reminds with a snarl and a point. “Focusing entirely on yourself gets you no where but down the same path.”

  “Never did I imagine having a philosophical sex lessons with you, Nero.”

  “I didn’t plan on giving you one either,” Sal sneers, bucking his hips into the love of my life. “You think this is wild, this ain’t nothing. Wait until I get power position back.”

  “Will that happen soon?”

  “Ya, as soon she comes…” he professes with a sheer honesty. “I will flip her ass over. We always start a scene like this.”


  “Loosens her up, put me in the right frame of mind. Her being on top is like a trigger for my body, her own special code. I know what she likes and responds to.”

  I study Amber, her long blonde hair strewn over her caramel peaks. Lost without a map, her cares no longer exist, and all that matters is his dick hard and savage inside of her womb. His free arm bends at the elbow and offers her hands an anchor as she swoops and dives, riding his cock like a wave. The escalation of their balance is a magnificent contradiction and beautifully addictive. I have no regrets about staying.

  Enjoying his hand entirely too much, I prod for clues, “Are you gonna shoot?”

  “Nah man, not right now. I get more out of it with Amber if I am poised to take it. I like to draw it out of her. I can’t do that with everyone, but she is malleable enough to give it to me.”

  “This is some deep shit, Nero.”

  Sal laughs.

  “The intricacies of your fucking,” I add.

  “It’s not just fucking,” Sal says, furrowing his eyebrows and biting his lip. A deep grunt escapes from his lips and morphs into a moan of pleasure. “Fuck baby, slow it down,” he reprimands, popping Amber on the ass. She smirks deviantly, and I recognize her naughty girl. “Sorry, she is trying to make me come and I know it. It’s about the connection and energy you can give and take from a scene. Stop worrying about the get off and concentrate everything you have on the journey.”

  In awe, I mumble, “This is some tantric shit…”

  “It can be but not with everyone,” Sal contends, removing his hand from my rod. “Excuse me, I cannot tolerate this behavior any longer.”

  Amber laughs hysterically as Sal swiftly plucks her ass up off his body and chunks her to the bed beside me. With her nipple right by my hand, I roll it between my fingers. She grabs my cock, hungrily pulling me closer as Sal positions her feet up on his shoulders.

  “Get your dick down her throat,” Sal commands, and I am not one to argue with that logic.

  Her lips swish around my shaft, swallowing me down and gagging slightly. Her eyes water and I am gone, lost in the serenity of her tears. I love it when she cries. I pump my johnson into her mouth like he belongs – there – and her mouth is her warm, sucking pussy. I fuck her face without remorse or hesitation.

  Sal rocks into her hard, popping her ass cheek every time she bucks to meet him. The dance between the two brings a pivotal shift in me as I realize I hadn’t been taking her to the hilt. He’s got her so well-adapted to his musings, it’s easy to see their connection. The frolic is a trip and a whirl and I am so grateful they put their magic show on display for me.

  Amber devours my cock. Transporting to her euphoric existence and drinking the dope she offers with her lips, I find myself intoxicated on the love. Sal taps my arm and opens his fingers in a show of strength and commitment. I grip his in my own as his eyes lock with mine. I understand what is happening, and I cannot believe after witnessing their fluidity that he would gift her to me. I am honored and humbled and beyond thankful.

  His eyes continue to capture mine and he backs away with a display of his hand as if to say, she is yours. My hand releases the grasp upon her nipple as I carefully pull my
body from her and move past Raniero only to find myself reborn where he was. The shadow he leaves behind is huge and I can only pray that I manage to be half the Dominant he is—wise, understanding, and fair.

  Reading her body signals, I thrust in with the buck of her hips and smack her ass as Sal had done. I glance in his direction, searching for an approval I never even knew I wanted, but now—his endorsement gives me a validation I need.

  In a haze of endorphins, Amber whispers, “You two are so fucking hot together. I am the luckiest girl in the world.”

  Suddenly, I feel pretty damn fortunate myself as I find myself asking the unthinkable. “After tonight, will you come back to visit?”

  “I will if I can,” Sal murmurs.

  “I know what this took for you to do this,” I acknowledge.

  “I don’t have a good history with these menage things, but it doesn’t make them any less desirable.”

  “You are welcome with us, anytime,” I offer respectfully. And now, I sound like the ring leader of this magnificent circus as some dark light passed from Raniero to me. “Please feel free to use my bitch’s mouth.”

  I glance down at Amber, smiling ear-to-ear up at Sal. Her comprehension of the transfer of power is evident as she beams a grin to me. I roll into her as I watch her suck down Raniero’s cock. The sight sends a surge of pre-cum spewing out of my dick. His hand grips her hair, leading her along as his eyes close and he rocks into the moment.

  I feel my own release speeding closer to the goal line. The worst part is I don’t quite have the control he does. I suppose I will need another lesson. I understand the lure of him, his face contorts in a beautifully twisted way. And in some bizarre way, I am getting off on watching him getting off. His excitement pulses through me as his eyebrows furrow closer together and he opens his eyes to find me staring.

  With a buck of Amber’s hips, I pop her without fail. She writhes and undulates on my dick, finding her own precious place of freedom. Her eyes are on free flow, but Sal pays her tears no attention.


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