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Fluff Page 22

by Kailee Reese Samuels

  “Yes, Si—Dom.”

  Dom smiled wide with a genuine chuckle. Now that Cy or Dale or whatever you wanted to call my ex had left my world, Dom seemed far more relaxed and like the man I remembered in the office.

  Glancing up, I smiled and he casted his eyes down, giving me a smirk. “I really want you to fuck me like the horny slut you are.”

  Undoing his pants, I ran my hand over his erection and smirked. The fabric dropped to the ground and suddenly, everything clarified with the sight of two artificial limbs.

  With no emotion, he asked, “Can you still do this?”

  “Can you?”

  “Better than you, sometimes,” he winked.

  “Fake girlfriend?”

  “Fake girlfriend,” he said with a nod. “I can’t handle the outcome of a real one. So if you don’t think you can do this, don’t even try.”

  “Can’t handle what?” I said, pushing him back to the bed. “You aren’t going to be saying all those dirty fucking words out of your calves.”

  For the first time since we met, Dom really laughed—hard and beautiful and sweet and sincere. And suddenly, everything felt right.

  I didn’t know it at the time, but Dale had sent me to stay with a former SEAL, Dominic Gennaro, who had a few kinks himself. Dale did it to keep me safe, away from Pock and out of Scuz’s grasp.

  Daddy’s money was a real thing to Dom and he had plenty—all dirty, but we overlook such things round here. We played and played hard. We spent his thirtieth birthday in Paris and my nineteenth in New Zealand. He acted the perfect gentleman until we got to the bedroom, and then I was every kind of expletive he could think of. His pain was never as extreme as Dale’s, but we had a good time until we weren’t. After three years, we became close friends and occasional fuck buddies.

  Early on, I went to work at Gina’s, stripping and dancing. Dom eventually found a girl he almost married until he slipped and called her a slut. She tossed the ring and gave him a black eye. Six months after Scuz died, Evie got out of jail and ‘unknown forces’ quickly moved her to an undisclosed location. I still don’t know where she is. I never saw Dale Archer again until the signing.

  In 2009, everything started to shift. And by 2010, everything changed. There was a new player on the field. The boys bonded over Italian heritage and Dom taught the details as he would never again feel comfortable exploring the extremes of the fetish world. In a bizarre way, Dom was one of many who raised him.

  But that’s another story…


  WE HEAD HOME to Austin two days after Scuz’s death. Pock had still not been located, but Rach and Aimee were on it. Sal’s bullet graze required only a few stitches. Nonetheless, Amber insisted Sal ride with us—in the front seat with me driving. He spent the entire time texting and singing with radio, and I wanted to beat the crap out of him by Dallas.

  So, things were getting back to normal.

  Making eyes at Amber in the rearview, I smile at how beautiful she looks with Mae. She will be the perfect mom.

  By the time we pull up into my sister’s farmhouse, I cannot wait to take her to my place. It’s been a long day of driving, and tomorrow we will go visit my mom. Thankfully, Dana has been staying with her nonstop since the incident.

  “Give me that baby,” Sal says, taking Mae from Amber. He is an excellent uncle even if a bit off. He kisses Mae, Amber, and then me—on the cheek.

  “I love you man,” I break my resolve as we give each other the bro-hug. “Call me if you need me, Kid.”

  “You got it, Hoss. Same same,” he says with a smile, stealing one more kiss from Mae and handing her to me.

  “Lady Mae…” Sal flirts.

  “Master Nero,” she giggles.

  “Be fucking good!”

  Hugging close, Amber says, “Thank you for everything.” She kisses his lips quick and says, “I love you! Don’t let that girl break your heart.”

  “I don’t have a heart,” he cites with a half-smirk and a wink.

  Amber says, “I call…” They all in unison chime, “Bullshit!”

  “Get outta here and go make me another baby,” Sal laughs, waving and punching in the code on the garage door.

  Amber lays her head on my shoulder as we watch him get in safely like he is five. Admittedly, we are ridiculous. She asks, “Is he going to be okay?”

  “He’s gonna be fine. Hell of a partner I got there,” I say as the garage door comes down.

  “He would take a bullet to the head for you, you know.”

  “You don’t want to hear my response to that.”

  “I already know,” Amber informs. “Take me home Mr. Archer.”

  “Hell, I thought you would never ask!”

  Making the hour long drive from Sugargrove up to my place in Austin, I hold Amber’s hand the whole way. It’s getting late. By the time we pull into the gated lot at my condo, darkness is upon us. Amber carries Mae as I gather everything up.

  Once inside, I take the baby and put her in the crib. Amber is standing in my condo—it takes me a moment to adjust to the reality that she is actually here after all these years.

  “You can make yourself at home,” I offer.

  “Are we really doing this D?”

  I peel off my shirt, grab a couple of beers from the fridge, and hand her one. “It seems we are.”

  We watch the news, relax, and chat like any normal couple. It feels good. “Where is the bathroom?”

  “There is one in the hallway and one in my room, feel free to use either,” I say, watching her make a path to my room. Taking the bottles to the kitchen and killing the lights, I didn’t know if her bathroom request was a cue or not.

  I close the door as she appears from the bathroom—completely fucking naked. I lift a brow and unsnap my belt, ripping it through the hoops.

  “Oh, god,” she whispers. “You aren’t really going to…”

  “The fuck I am not,” I growl, pushing her onto the bed. The belt meets with her flesh, and it sounds so good driving my johnson to full staff in no time.

  “You know when I get you pregnant, we are going to have to calm down,” I warn, caressing her back with the leather.

  “Can we like wait a little bit for that?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, darlin. We can wait, but we are damn sure gonna be practicing.”

  “My body is yours for the taking,” she retorts as I unzip my jeans.

  Taking her up on the offer, I pull her the edge of the bed and ram my cock inside of her wetness.

  “Oh god,” she cries out. “Fuck my hungry little hole. I have missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you my horny little slut,” I say, greeting her ass with the belt again. My hand grips her hip as I ride into her hard. It’s been too many days. “Keep going, use your dirty mouth.”

  “I am a bad girl… I fingered myself in the bathroom twice on the way home.”

  “Did you come… thinking of what Raniero and me did to you…”

  “No, I was actually thinking about being tied to that board.”

  “Oh, that could be arranged,” I suggest. “I mean I am sure I could get Raniero if you really need him.”

  “I don’t need Sal,” she assures. “What I need is for you to push me—why don’t you ever take my ass?”

  “Seriously, bitch? You are going to ask me this now?” I drop the belt in lieu of using my hand. There is something so hot about skin on skin. I can feel her warmth and she can feel mine. I lift up her hips, propping her against mine. One hand holds her as the other gropes her breast, twisting and pulling her nipple.

  She gasps and I want to gag her, but I know that’s asking too much for the day we have had. There will be tomorrow and I relish in that thought.

  Finally, I come back with a response, “You ever had anal?”

  “I was with Dom for three years.”

  Dropping her hips, I roll on a rubber, grab a dollop of lube, and coat my monster. Thrusting inside of her tight, darkness, I g
rowl, “Oh, fuck.”

  “I was just thinking that,” she says. “Why did we never do this before?”

  “We weren’t the same, you didn’t really know you wanted to be my whore.”

  “And I do now?”

  Smacking her ass hard, I leave a decent welt. I do it again and again and before I know it, I have fingerprints all over her flesh. Marked up good, she will definitely have bruises by morning. I take as much pride in this as she does. She doesn’t know this of course. And then when I least expect it, she says the thing to make me hard as stone.

  Pulling out, I flip her over without a care and jet my aching cock back into her ass. It’s a tight target, unforgiving and unable to lie. I plunge in deep, forcing her to relax. “Give it to me baby, tell me what a bad girl you are…”

  “Make me cry D… Hurt me.”

  I grab a couple cable ties out of the drawer next me. The look on her face is priceless. She thought we were past this point, but what she doesn’t know is we are just getting started. This is just the beginning. There isn’t anywhere we can’t go now.

  I zip her wrists—tight, cinching the skin. She is going to have bad marks in the morning. I notice a couple clothespins in the drawer and I snap them quick to her nips.

  “Holy!” she screams as the tears come to her eyes.

  “Someone isn’t used to that…” I cackle, stroking my dick in her ass. She is a sheath, covering my sword and finding sanctuary in her leads me back to a place of intimacy. “Keep yourself in check, slutbaby or I will have to gag you.”

  I flick the pins, sending waves of fire through her body. Her tears fall in earnest, and I know I am a bastard as I rock us into our twisted oblivion.

  And damn if it ain’t the best thing ever.


  WAKING UP EARLY, I sneak out of our bed to go make coffee. I walk past Mae’s room and hear her cooing and gurgling—my heart melts.

  Tears come to my eyes as I pick her up. I am actually capable of feeling real, pure joy. I manage to change her diaper and head to the kitchen. Instantly, I regret it as I have no clue how to make a bottle on my own. She starts quietly protesting and that quickly turns into a full blown wail.

  I wait patiently in the kitchen for my hero to appear. He rushes in panicked. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have no idea how to make a bottle.”

  “You’re serious?”


  Still half asleep, he is laughing. “If this is our biggest problem of the day, it will be a beautiful day.”

  I smile, taking mental notes of how to feed the small human. She’s an odd one, kind of like me. And hopefully nothing at all like me.

  After breakfast, D draws me a bath and does the sweetest thing ever—bringing Mae to me. He lays her on my chest and once again, the tears come to my eyes. I never knew I could love like this. Not a man. Much less a baby.

  I hold her tiny fingers as he runs water over her body. She is perfect and precious in every way. I understand why he couldn’t wait any longer. I wouldn’t have waited on me either. Being a mother was never on my agenda, but now that I have had these moments with Mae, I cannot imagine passing it up.

  Like a normal, happy family, we dress and pile in the car for the trip to see Dale’s mom, Virginia. I am anxious and scared. Does her only son really belong with a stripper?

  I push the thoughts away and glance at Dale all fussed up in a dress shirt and slacks. He looks amazing. Mae is playing with her mobile attached to the car seat. She is wearing a pink gingham dress with matching ruffles on her bottom and headband. The ensemble was a present from her uncle. I have a dress Dale went and purchased this morning along with some other essentials as I have nothing. I desperately want to go home, and Dale assures me we will as soon as the construction is completed.

  On our way to the hospital, my phone rings. It is Colette. There is a book signing in Denver. I try and dissuade the issue, thinking the last time did not fare the best. Dale gives me that look and whispers, “Reserve it! Now! I will get us a hotel.”

  Reluctantly, I agree and hang up the phone.

  “Look, lady…” Dale says, darting his eyes around at what he said. I am waiting for the Mae, but it never comes. “Look, lady… You have a career, and you may not live off of me. Unless of course, you want to, but if you enjoy the work, I don’t mind. I have a career I cannot seem to get away from.”

  “And a young man depending on you,” I remind.

  The visit with his mother goes as I expect. She is thrilled to see Dale and Mae, but sketchy about me. She seems to connect my presence with the fact that her husband is now deceased. I am pleasant and conversational, but she is still distant.

  Leaving the hospital, Dale tells me to give her some time. Some people are very broken and can take years to heal.

  We drive by his mom’s house and Dale immediately calls Sal. He is on speakerphone, and I cannot help but listen. “I need you to get eyes on my mom’s house, get security outside of her room, and I want a full profile on everyone current and former working at Archer Agency, specifically the Grambles, father and son.”

  Sal says, “You got it, Hoss. Anything else?”

  “You know a good real estate agent in Sugargrove?”

  “As a matter of fact…” Sal banters.

  Dale jokes, “How many times have you fucked her?”

  Sal laughs and offers a solution. “If you are concerned, why don’t you come stay in the guest house out at the farm? Serene won’t care, she is rarely here. Besides, you have a built in babysitter uncle.”

  “Babysitter uncle?” I interrupt, giggling. “We will be there in time for dinner!”

  “Ay Ay, Capt’ness!”

  The phone call ends and Dale looks at me. “What?”

  “Look at you, all grown up and making decisions all over the place.”

  “Dale Lee, if you are concerned enough to put security outside of your mom’s room, we don’t need to be staying at your condo.”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  We stop by the condo and Dale grabs a few things. He will return with Sal and his truck tomorrow to get the crib and other large items. It all sounds good. It all feels right. But I know, for the rest of my life we will both forever be connected to people who want to cause us harm and do us wrong. And maybe that’s why moving closer to people who care about us – Sal and Serene – gives me an unexpected comfort. The joy of a family I have never known.

  We arrive at the farmhouse which smells amazing. Sal has gone out of his way to make fresh gravy and rigatoni and meatballs. Several hours later I am stuffed and slightly tipsy on red wine. I catch a glimpse of Sal dozing with Mae safely tucked in his arms, there is no way we are getting her away from him tonight.

  We make our way to one of the bedrooms and I strip down. It’s been another long day. Dale is watching over me and smiling like a fool. “I am going to take a shower if you would like to join me.”

  I cast a glance over my shoulder to find him down on one knee. My hand covers my mouth as the tears well up in my eyes. “Amber Leigh Rosen, I asked you this once, but I would like to do it again—properly this time.”

  Biting my lip, I can hardly wait to answer the question I have waited so long to hear.

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I squeal giddily, “A thousand-million-bajillion times over I will marry you!”

  Sliding the beautiful filigree diamond on my finger, I awe at the moment. He stands and picks me up, carrying me to the shower. We wash each other tenderly. As we dry off, he notices the bruises on my bottom, but hesitates to say anything. His reaction leaves me slightly confused as we head to bed.

  Tucked in the covers in the dark, I feel the heat emitting off of his body. I love this man. Without a sound, I roll over on top of him and straddle his body. We kiss—soft, delicate, passion filled kisses. Unable to make out more than a shadow, I garner the gumption to ask the question plaguing my mind. “Do the bruises bother you?”<
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  “I want to say yes. I think I should say yes,” he whispers as I feel his cock flex under me. “But I can’t. The marks turn me on. Seeing you cry still turns me on. Even after everything we have been through.”

  “You want me to wear your collar still?”

  “You are going to wear my collar for the rest of your life just like your wedding ring,” he assures confidently. “If no one understands us, it doesn’t really fucking matter. We is not a word that includes them.”

  Quietly, I move to slip his cock inside of me. Taking my time and savoring the moment, I move slow and find a pleasure I never knew. For better or worse, we are on this adventure together now. I will never take it for granted. I will cherish the time with him until my last and final breath. Whether we are making love or twisting dark and dirty, I am choosing this man I cannot imagine ever being without.

  And in that moment, I am finally whole.


  FIND me:

  Email: [email protected]

  Website: kaileereesesamuels.com

  Goodreads: Kailee Reese Samuels

  Facebook: Kailee Samuels

  Twitter: @KRSamuels

  Pinterest: KRSamuels

  Instagram: kaileereesesamuels

  G+: Kailee Reese Samuels





  Wandering through the Juliet world:


  Kinky Sex Magic

  The Story of Salvatore (The SOS Series)

  The Initiation

  Tea for Two


  Hopechest (July 2017)




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