His Redheaded Sl*t (The Cocktail Girls)

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His Redheaded Sl*t (The Cocktail Girls) Page 5

by Vivian Ward

  “Of course, Mr. Anderson. I’ll text you the details as soon as I have them. What’s the pet’s name?”

  I roll my eyes as I say, “Pancakes.”

  She laughs, “Okay, and is the surgery urgent or is any time in the next week or two good?”

  “Please schedule it stat, and I’ll handle the bill personally.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As soon as I hang up the phone with Theresa, I’m on the phone with the owner of the casino and what an interesting conversation we have.



  When I get to work, I duck into the back and quickly clock in—for the second time today—hoping that my boss has left for the night. After having to see him this morning, the last thing I want to do is listen to another lecture from him.

  “What are you doing here?” Kennedy asks. She and I have been waiting tables here for about the same amount of time, but we rarely cross shifts. “Weren’t you here this morning?”

  Looking around the corner, I crane my neck to see if the fat jerk is still here. “Yeah, Maximo had me come in so he could chew me out. What are you still doing here?”

  “It’s been busy today,” she says, blowing loose strands of hair out of her face. “It died down about an hour ago, but it’s supposed to be busy tonight. There’s a big event tonight. I think,” she pauses as she tries to remember. “I think there’s a comedian tonight? I can’t remember. Dane something.”

  My eyes bulge into giant saucers. “Dane Cook?” I spit out.

  She nods, “Yeah, I think that’s his name.”

  “Kennedy! Do you really have no clue who Dane Cook is? He’s so damn funny!” Every time I think of him, all I can hear him saying is, “What are you going to do? Sit around eating noodles all day?” And all I can think about is him imitating women being brain ninjas. The dude completely cracks me up.

  “Guess not,” she seems unenthused.

  “There you are!” I hear Maximo. “Were you late clocking in? You don’t want to give me more reason to fire you, do you?” He snorts as he huffs and puffs his way closer to me.

  “No,” I shake my head. “I clocked in on time.” He cocks his head as though he doesn’t believe me. “You can check the time cards in the system.”

  Satisfied with my answer, he barks at Kennedy and me to make sure everything is stocked for this evening. I’m surprised that he’s still here so Dane coming tonight must be a bigger deal than I originally thought. I wish I were off work so I could see him perform.

  Filling the front ice chest, my jaw drops when I see Kitty’s father walk in. I’ve only seen him a few times; though, she talks about her dad all the time. As the owner of the hotel, he doesn’t have to come in often for everyone to know who he is. I smile up at him, “Hello, sir. Can I make you a drink?”

  He nods to acknowledge me, being cordial, but merely makes eye contact with me until we’re standing face to face. “Are you Scarlett?”

  Holy shit! He knows my name. Why does he know my name? This can’t be for anything good. We’ve never spoken before, and now that he knows my name after the trouble I was in this morning, I’m worried that he’s going to fire me.

  I swallow and slowly nod my head as my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. If I get fired, I won’t be able to afford Pancake’s surgery. “Yes, sir.”

  “Please, call me Mr. Craig. And actually, I’ll take a scotch on the rocks if you don’t mind.”

  The fact that he’s asking me to make him a drink and not clock out has to be a good thing, right? My shaky hand reaches for a clean glass, and I make his drink while he looks around. “Thank you,” he says, taking the glass from me.

  “You’re welcome,” I smile and hope to god that I’m off his radar.

  But how did he know my name?

  I watch him walk into Maximo’s office, and my mouth goes dry. Why is he going in there?

  Kennedy comes over to me and gives me a knowing eye. “Do you think it’s because of you or the big event tonight?” It’s like she can read my mind.

  “I’m hoping the event,” I whisper.

  I try to busy myself with wiping down the bar, the tables, everything that has a surface but no matter what I do, I can’t stop staring at the office door. I wonder what’s going on in there, what’s being said?

  Just when things can’t get any worse, they do. Aaron strolls into the LBD like he owns the place. Rushing over to his side, I tell him he’s got to go. “You can’t stay here,” I insist. “I could lose my job. I already got in trouble this morning, and when I came in, he told me not to give him more reason to fire me. Please. Just go,” I beg him.

  Aaron smiles at me, cool as a cucumber. “You worry too much, my little firecracker. Relax. I’ve taken care of things.”

  He nods toward Kennedy, “I’ll take a Tom Collins if you don’t mind.” She smiles and quickly begins making his drink as I stare in disbelief.

  “What do you mean you’ve taken care of things? You can’t just come in here ordering drinks,” I whisper-shout.

  “Make that two,” he tells Kennedy. “She’s wound up,” he points at me.

  “I am not! And I cannot drink! I’m on the clock,” I protest. But I could use that drink and when Kennedy hands them to us, I down it anyway.

  “See? It’s not that hard. You’re a daring little thing,” he winks at me. “And Maximo is a thing of the past. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  The look of shock on my face makes his smile more prominent, and I love when he does that because he looks like a damn movie star. “What do you mean I don’t have to worry about him anymore?”

  “Mr. Craig and I go way back,” he sips his drink. “After the stories you’ve told me about that pompous ass and how he treated you this morning, I put in a call. He’ll never bother you again.”

  My mind is trying to wrap around the words he’s speaking, but it’s like they’re foreign and I can’t understand them even though I know what all of them mean. Maximo is the most powerful man in my world. How can he tell me not to worry about him? Who is he that he has the authority to do anything to Maximo?

  Before I can say any of the thoughts that are running through my mind, I see Mr. Craig and Maximo filing out of the office with my boss leading the way. His fat face is red, and his eyes stare at the floor as he walks, avoiding all eye contact with anyone who might look in his direction.

  Mr. Craig straightens his tie and walks Maximo over to the entrance where they stop, and he has a few more words with him before Maximo leaves. His head is hanging in defeat, and I wonder how it’s possible. He’s always loud and in charge, but right now he looks like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

  Once he’s out of sight, Mr. Craig joins Aaron and shakes his hand. “Aaron, long time no see! What’s it been? Almost a decade? And you still look the same.”

  The two of them shake hands and start chatting like their old best friends—and that’s when I learn that they are! I try to make a quiet exit, slowly backing away from their private conversation but Aaron pulls me right back into it.

  “Scarlett,” he says, “don’t be rude. Come and sit with us for a moment.”

  “I c-can’t. I mean, I really shouldn’t. We have a big event tonight that we should be preparing for and I want to make sure everything’s stocked.”

  “Nonsense,” Mr. Craig says. “The place looks great, and I would like to speak to you for a moment if you don’t mind.” His brow shoots up, almost daring me to say no to him—which I would never do in a million years. I value my job too much.

  “Of course,” I say, stalking toward them.

  “Aaron tells me that Maximo has been quite a problem around here. I wish you would’ve brought it to my attention much sooner.” I feel my cheeks heating up as he continues speaking. “If anyone ever makes you ladies uncomfortable or treats you wrong, don’t ever hesitate to come talk to me. It doesn’t matter if it’s Maximo, the bartender, the bouncers or any of the clients
that come in here.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say, dropping my gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry,” he says, taking my hand in his—not in a creepy way. It’s more like a father would, to soothe you, and now I understand why Kitty’s the way she is. She’s sweet, sympathetic, and watchful—just like her dad, but I also know he’s not a man to be fucked with. He protects his daughter in every sense of the word and keeps her somewhat sheltered from the real family business. Everyone knows the Craigs are into crime, and I don’t let that escape my thoughts for one second.

  How do they know each other again?

  “I hope you know that Maximo has been suspended from his duties for the next three days. You have my word that he will not be a bother to you again, but if he does anything foolish, you will let me know,” he says it as a question, but it’s more of a statement.

  “Absolutely,” I nod.

  “Good.” He turns his attention back to his drink. “Aaron says you need the day off tomorrow for your dog’s surgery, but I noticed you’re scheduled to work a ten-hour shift. I had Maximo fix that before he left and you now have the next two weeks off to care for your pet.”

  My mouth opens and closes before the words finally come out. “No, his surgery isn’t tomorrow. It’s—,” Aaron interrupts me.

  “No, it’s tomorrow. We’re taking him to the best vet in Vegas tomorrow at 8 AM. Make sure he doesn’t have anything to eat or drink after 8 PM tonight. He’ll be good as new.”

  “What? I can’t afford that. I have an appointment with Broadway Animal Clinic because they’ll allow me to make payments on his surgery.”

  “I had my secretary take care of everything this afternoon. It’s a done deal, and now you have time to take care of him after it’s over.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say.” I can feel my heart ballooning in my chest for this man. Is it possible for your heart to automatically inflate? I think so because mine is.

  “Say you’ll have Pancakes ready at 7:30,” he winks at me.

  “You want her to get up and cook you breakfast before she takes her dog for surgery?” Mr. Craig asks.

  I laugh, “No, Pancakes is my dog’s name.” Tempest strolls in with Lucy, and the two of them are smiling. “Excuse me,” I say to the men. “I’ll be right back.”

  “What are you doing here tonight?” I ask Tempest as she clocks in.

  “Maximo called me about twenty minutes ago and asked that I come in and cover for you tonight. He said you needed the night off because Pancakes has surgery in the morning.”

  “Yeah, apparently, Aaron scheduled his surgery for me tomorrow morning and is taking care of everything, and he managed to get me two weeks off to take care of Pancakes.”

  She smiles, “See, sweetie, I told you he was a good man. Congrats, maybe I’ll find one for myself.”

  I hug her. “If you find one even half as good as Aaron, hold on to him,” I say. “Thanks for coming in. I’m going to go talk to Mr. Craig.”

  Walking toward the men, they stop talking in my presence and wait for me to speak. “Thank you for everything, Mr. Craig. Tempest just told me she was called in to cover for me tonight.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you. Your vacation doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, but I’m giving you the night off—with pay, of course, for dealing with Maximo this morning—so you’re well rested. Again, I’m sorry you were treated so poorly. I meant it when I said you can always come to me.”

  “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

  “Are you clocked out?” Aaron asks.

  “No, not yet. I wanted to make sure I had permission,” I say, turning toward Mr. Craig.

  “Yes, please. Go clock out.”

  After I punch out, Aaron tells me of our plans for dinner as we walk out to the parking lot. That’s when I make plans of my own for dessert.



  Pulling up in front of her home, she invites me inside so I can finally meet the infamous Pancakes whom she loves and adores so much.

  I love seeing this side of her; the side that cares and is so passionate about something she loves. Up until now, all I’ve seen is worry and anxiousness from her. Well, unless it was the drunk her. The drunken version of Scarlett is very slutty, and I love it. But this side of her, this carefree side, is something that I like even more.

  “And this is my Pancakes,” she says, as he greets us at the door. Her giant dog impatiently sniffs me and paws at my hand. “He wants to shake,” she explains. “He does it to all his friends.”

  Kneeling down on the floor, I shake Pancake’s paw and pet his head. He’s a sweet dog, which doesn’t surprise me.

  “Come with me, and I’ll give you a tour of my place,” she says.

  “I’ll see you in a bit, Pancakes,” I say, standing up to follow her.

  Her place is small but very tidy. She has everything neatly organized, and I quickly notice how nothing seems out of place. Her home looks lived in but not lived in at the same time. It’s an illusion that magazines give you when they photograph a room, except all of Scarlett’s rooms look like this.

  “Impressive,” I say. “Not one thing is out of place. You do much better than me,” I laugh.

  “Well, I don’t have a cleaning lady like you probably do, and I hate cleaning, so I try not to make a mess.”

  We enter the last room of her apartment, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed that the only room I’ve not seen is her bedroom. I wonder what the room she sleeps in will look like. How will it be kept? Is her own secret fortress where anything goes so everything’s all over the place because the room is off limits to others? Or is it impeccable like the rest of the house?

  The door opens, and I immediately notice it’s flawless, just like everything else. I smile because she’s so predictable and I love it. There’s not a doubt in my mind that this woman is for me and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  “And this,” she says, flipping on a lamp near her bed, “is my getaway. It’s where I have all my fun.”

  She licks her lips, and I notice right away that her nipples are poking through the fabric of her dress. She wants me, and I want her. I waste no time giving either of us what we want.

  Grabbing her wrists, I pin her down on the bed and hike her dress up over her thighs. Her body immediately responds to my touch, and I watch her nicely toned legs spread wide apart, opening up for me. I slide her G-string out of the way and use the pad of my thumb to slowly rub her clit.

  She’s already so wet for me. A slight moan escapes her perfect lips, and that’s all I need to hear before my cock comes to life. Reaching down, I undo my belt, then the clasp of my slacks. My cock springs from my boxers the instant I pull them down, and I want to be inside her, but I wait.

  Slowly, I tease her. Sliding the tip back and forth against her sex, I let it glide in her wetness, passing it back and forth. Alternating from her clit to her entrance, I let my tip put just enough pressure to make her beg as her body writhes beneath me.

  “Please,” she moans. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  And I want nothing more than to give it to her but I like watching her like this. Spread open on full display for me with her cheeks flushed, and her hair spread out. I could stare at her like this all day, every day.

  “Beg,” I command. “Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “Fuck,” she bites her bottom lip. And for a minute, I’m jealous that I’m not the one biting her lip, but I don’t stop what I’m doing. I keep teasing, giving her just the tip. “I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you come inside me.” Her eyes go wide, “I want you.”

  Growling, I can’t resist the urge any longer. Pushing my way through her entrance, I feel her wrap around me. Her tightness is so snug against my cock, and I wish I could be here forever—inside her. Bucking my hips, I start off with a rhythmic pace, but it doesn’t last long. Her legs wrap aro
und my waist, pulling me deeper inside her and I can’t help it. I have to fuck the shit out of her.

  Picking up my pace, I fuck her harder, watching her perfect, natural tits bounce each time I inch my way deeper inside her. She reaches up, grabbing onto my shoulders for leverage and that’s when I have her in the perfect position. She no longer slides up the mattress, and I no longer lose my footing as I try to give it to her how she wants—rough and hard.

  Holding onto her waist, I fuck her so hard that all I can see is my cock disappearing for a second at a time as my balls smack off her ass. “Oh, God,” she cries out. “Fuck me harder.”

  The veins in my forearms pop out as I grab onto her even tighter and move at lightning speed. She begins coming instantly, and I can feel her pussy clamp down and pulsate around my cock. Her cries echo around the room as I deliver thrust after deep thrust. When I look down at her hardened nipples that are spilling out of the top of her dress, I can’t hold out any longer.

  My cock begins to spasm as I shoot spurts of hot cum inside her. With each thrust, I can feel her coming as we get off together and now I’m the one seeing fireworks. Sweat beads off my brow as I collapse next to her and we both try to catch our breath.

  “That was fucking fantastic,” she says. “If I smoked, I’d need a cigarette right now.”

  The two of us laugh through our labored breathing. “I don’t smoke either, but I’d say I could use one right now, too.”

  After a few minutes, the room seems to cool down and I notice goosebumps breaking out on her skin from the air conditioning. Pulling her closer to me, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. “We should probably get some sleep soon. Pancakes will need to be at the vet a few minutes before his appointment in the morning, and we have to beat rush hour traffic in the morning.”

  Her gorgeous eyes look into mine. “Thank you. For everything,” she says. “I’d say I think I’m starting to fall for you, Aaron Anderson.”

  I smile and kiss her soft lips. “I told you to give me one night. That’s all I needed.”


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