Home > Other > SLAUGHTER > Page 3

by Tessier, Shantel

  Stay away from him! You’ll end up dead!

  I try to move my lips to ask him what the hell he is doing here in New York. Standing in front of me in a women’s bathroom nonetheless. But all I can manage is whispering his name. “Avery …”

  His hand shoots out, wrapping around my neck, cutting off my words. He spins us around, slamming my back into the closed door.

  If he wasn’t cutting off my air, I’d gasp. He never put his hands on me back when he loved me … I stop that train of thought. That was a long time ago. A lot has changed since then.

  But the force and his dominance makes my pussy tighten. My legs threaten to buckle, and the room begins to spin. I stare at him unable to move. Still in shock as my eyes look over his sharp jaw and blue eyes. They’ve changed over the years and are darker now. As if he has seen too much evil. They’re still framed with long dark lashes that made me jealous and those soft lips I loved to kiss. And dark hair that I would play with when he slept with his head on my chest. It’s longer now and styled to a messy perfection. He’s what most women would call a fuck-boy. He was once my boy.

  His hand loosens to allow me a breath, and his free hand goes between my thighs. Still no emotion in those smoldering blue eyes. His fingers gently crawl upward, setting my skin on fire. He does it as if he owns it. And in a way, he still does. No matter how many men have been there, he always has.

  My hands are free, but I don’t push him away. I don’t fight him. I’m not sure what to do. What to say. My mind has shut down, and my body has come alive—it physically shakes with fear and with need.

  “Do you still taste as good, Bunny? Like the sweetest fucking piece of candy?” He moans, closing his eyes, and I take a ragged breath. They open and drill into mine. “Goddamn, I can still taste that cunt on my tongue.”

  Him saying cunt has me whimpering. He never spoke to me that way back when we were in love. Now he hates me.

  I hate him just as much, if not more!

  His hand tightens on my throat once again as if he’s reading my mind. My lips part, trying to suck in a breath but get nothing. His eyes trace my lips before they meet mine. I’m reminded his hand is still between my legs when his fingers reach their destination. Without permission, he pulls the black soft fabric of my thong to the side and runs a finger along my pussy. “Are you that excited to see me, Bunny?”

  I’m wet.

  Soaking. Fucking. Wet.

  Goddamn him!

  I always was for Avery. He was everything I ever wanted. Until he wasn’t.

  He removes his hand from my throat along with my pussy with a look of satisfaction on his gorgeous face.

  I’m able to pull myself out of the fog now that he’s no longer touching me. I take a deep breath, and my anger sets in.

  I slap him across the face as hard as I can. Eleven years of pent-up aggression released in one hit. His head snaps to the right. The sound bounces off the bathroom walls over the music booming on the other side of the door.

  I fist my stinging hand while he turns his gaze back down on me. His dark blue eyes narrow. “I’ll allow you that this one time.” He growls before lifting his hand as if he’s gonna strike me back.

  I don’t flinch.

  I’ve had worse. My mother used to tell me don’t dish out what you don’t want served back to you. Just because you have a pussy doesn’t give you a pass to put your hands on a man. He’ll retaliate, and it’ll be twice as hard.

  But instead, he places it on the door by my head, caging me in, and leans toward me. His overpowering scent almost knocks me to my knees. “Not so sweet and innocent anymore, are you?” My chest tightens, and he knows those words affected me because he gives me the coldest smile I’ve ever seen, freezing me to my core.

  “What do you want?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  He says nothing; instead, he presses his hips into mine, and my breath catches when I feel his hardness. He wants to fuck!

  “No,” I say, placing my hands on his hard chest over his black button-down and pushing him back. He doesn’t budge.

  Instead, he laughs as though I’m joking.

  “Avery,” I growl.

  “Where’s your brother?”

  I didn’t expect him to ask me that. But then again, when I woke up this morning, I didn’t expect to be drunk and locked in a bathroom with my former lover. “How the hell would I know?” I snap.

  He removes my hands from his chest and pins them above my head to the door. And just like before, my body betrays me as my knees threaten to buckle, and my lips part as I take in a shaky breath. “Avery …” I whisper. “Don’t …”

  “Don’t what, Bunny?” he asks. As he grins down at me, that million-dollar smile looks more threatening than friendly. “Don’t make you want me?”

  “I don’t want you!” My voice is breathless while my pussy reminds me just how much I’ve missed him. It’s getting harder to breathe.

  His eyes drop down to my cleavage as my breasts bounce from my heavy panting. He laughs again. “You always were a terrible liar. Your pussy is wet, and your knees are shaking.” My hands fight for him to release me, but he doesn’t. His free hand comes up and wraps around my neck loose enough to still allow me to breathe. He tilts it upward, leaning his face toward mine. His eyes drop to my lips. My heart beats wildly in my chest, knowing he’s going to kiss me. Eleven years I’ve dreamed about him. Wanted him. And here he is. It’s like a nightmare come to life.

  I lick my lips and push forward, but his hand pushes me back, pinning me to the door. Instead of his lips touching mine, he moves them to my ear. “Tell Preston I know what he did. And I’m looking for him.” Then he pulls away, letting go of my arms and neck.

  I grind my teeth in frustration. He’s playing with my emotions.

  He looks at me with indifference as if I’m some stranger he is passing on the street. Not like the girl he once planned to marry. And I hate how much that hurts. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Bunny,” he says before opening the door, shoving me forward and walking out.

  I run over to the sink and almost fall into the counter. I turn on the cold water and splash my face, not caring that my makeup will run. I grab some paper towels out of the dispenser and then push my back up against the wall. I slide down to my ass and pull my knees to my chest as memories flood me like a fucking hurricane.

  We’re lying on his bed on a rainy Sunday night. Remember the Titans plays on his TV.

  I sneak a glance over at him to find he’s already staring at me. “What?” I ask.

  He reaches out his right hand, pushing my blond hair behind my ear. “Just admiring how beautiful you are.”

  I blush and bite my bottom lip. Every time he says that to me, it makes me nervous. His eyes stay on mine, and I look back at the movie, wanting to avoid his stare. But it shuts off, enveloping us in darkness.

  “Hey,” I whine.

  “You’ve seen it before.” He laughs softly, and then I hear the remote hit the floor. Shifting on the bed, he pulls me to him. His hand slides up the back of my shirt, and I hiss in a breath at his touch. Lightning strikes, lighting up the room, and gives me a glimpse of his blue eyes. They’re staring at me with a need I can’t explain. My body heat starts to rise, and my heart pounds.

  “Avery,” I whisper. We haven’t had sex yet, but I want to. I want him to want me the same way I want him.

  “Yes, Bunny?” His voice is rough, and I lean my head back when I feel his lips gently touch my neck. “What do you want?” he asks.

  I moan. “For you to want me,” I say honestly.

  “I do.” His lips trail across my skin.

  “Then show me.”

  “You’re not ready.” He denies me once again.

  I feel a pain in my chest at his rejection. A part of me thinks he’ll never want me that way. His father teaches him and his brothers to treat women like nothing. But I want to be his everything.

  “Do you love me, Bunny?”

  My breath
catches at his question. Of course, I do. This boy means everything to me. I’d be lost without him. But I’ve never told him that because I’m afraid he doesn’t feel the same. The dark room gives me the courage to say what I’ve wanted to say for years. “Yes,” I whisper so low that I hope he didn’t hear me.

  Lightning flashes again just as he pulls away from my neck. I look up at him, and he gives me a soft smile. “That’s enough for me.” Then we’re covered in darkness once again.

  The door to the bathroom swings open and in walks my best friend, Alex. “Girl, what the hell are you doing in here?” she demands.

  “This is the women’s bathroom,” I reply, looking around aimlessly. I can still feel Avery in here. My body is covered in goose bumps. My skin burns from where his hands were on me. I can still smell him. And my pussy still begs for another touch of his fingers.

  “I know, but you’ve been gone forever. I got worried.” She places her hands on her hips. “Why are you on this nasty ass floor?”

  “I … uh …” I lick my suddenly dry lips. “Needed a second,” I lie lamely.

  She arches a dark brow as if she knows I’m full of shit. “And what is on your face?” Her nose scrunches in confusion. “Is that sweat?” I shake my head and hold out my right hand. She grabs it in hers and helps me to stand. “What the hell have you done to yourself?” she asks, yanking the paper towel from my free hand to clean the black streaks off my cheeks. I stay frozen in place.

  My legs shake, and my mind is still foggy from the man who was dead to me. But like a ghost, he has come back to haunt me. And even though I haven’t seen the man in eleven years, I know nothing good can come from his presence. “I need a drink,” I blurt out. That’s what I need. More alcohol.

  “Well then, come on. They aren’t gonna serve you in the bathroom.”



  I’VE BEEN IN NEW YORK for two weeks now, and I’m ready to leave. This is not the place for me. I grew up here in New York City but moved to Vancouver when I was nineteen. Right after Bunny broke my heart. I couldn’t bear to be anywhere near her. I knew the odds of running into her were too strong because our circle was too tight. Our parents had been best friends before we were even born. We grew up together and then fell in love. After she left me, my father suggested I move to Vancouver with my grandfather.

  I never looked back until I got that phone call two weeks ago and realized her life was in danger. I’m her only hope, but I have to be honest, I won’t be the kind of help she wants.

  I may hate her, but they don’t deserve her. She would be useful to me. And if anyone is going to use her, it’s gonna be me. She owes me that! She owes me fucking everything!

  I’m being a selfish prick, but I don’t care.

  Tonight has been like any other night. She left her house and went out to a bar dressed in a little skirt and top with all of her assets on display. She caught every man’s eyes, but one caught mine. The same black-eyed man from the club last weekend who took her picture. Well, tonight he decided to make his move. Damon must know I’m on her. It’s not like I’ve tried to stay under the radar, but someone must have seen me, so he ordered them to make their move. She took the bait so fucking easy, making me want to slap the fuck out of her.

  I sat back all night and watched her drink like a fucking fish until she accidentally stumbled into him, and then he offered to take her home. He’s like all the others I’ve seen over the past two weeks—too eager to fuck her. All she has to do is look their way, and they start panting with need.

  It’s sickening.

  But I know this guy is different. She doesn’t know he’s a hired rat. He won’t just fuck her; he’ll take her afterward, and her world will never be the same. I may be no different, but I am the better choice.

  I sit in the back seat of the blacked-out Mercedes across the street from her house. It’s smaller than I expected. Her mom and dad left her and Preston with millions when they died, so I figured she would have a penthouse overlooking Central Park. Instead, she lives in a little townhome. Preston sure does live it up. The guy blows as much money on real estate around the world as he does on his expensive whores and drugs.

  “Sir?” Kayn breaks the silence from the driver’s seat. “What’s the plan?”

  “Wait,” I answer.

  They stumble up the stairs to her front door. Well, she really does stumble, but his is just for show. She throws her head back laughing when she almost trips, and he grabs her by the arm just in time when they hit the landing. They trip over each other’s feet and fall against her front door. His hands go to her hips, his face to her neck, and she closes her eyes while her bright red lips part.

  My cock hardens even as my jaw tightens. When did she become such a fucking slut?

  He finally pulls away, and she opens her door before they disappear inside. I take a drink, finishing off the scotch, and then place the now empty glass on the seat beside me. “Let’s go,” I order, climbing out of the back of the car.

  “Am I waiting on you, sir?” he asks while making our way toward the house.

  “No,” I answer, straightening my black tie. I’ll get a ride.

  I place my hand on the doorknob and turn. It opens for me, and I silently curse her for being so caught up in the idiot that she left it unlocked.

  The sounds of moans and sighs fill the entrance of her house. It’s nothing as I expected it to be. Her favorite color used to be pink, but now it seems to be black and gray. Void of any color and lacking any pictures or décor. It feels cold and empty. Just like her heart.

  “God, baby …” He groans.

  “You like that?” She gives a soft laugh.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  I walk down a long hallway, Kayn following me.

  “Do it again …”

  I shove open the door at the end of the hall, and it hits the interior wall with a loud bang. She sits up with a scream, and he looks over his shoulder at me still straddling her hips. “What the fuck? Get the fuck out!” he shouts at me.

  Kayn walks right over to the bed and yanks him off her without saying a single word. He tries to fight him, but with his jeans down around his knees, it won’t do him any good.

  “What the hell, Avery?” she snaps, pulling her skirt down over her pussy.

  “Avery?” the guy shouts, yanking his jeans up. “I know who you are …”

  Kayn shoves him forward, and I punch him in the face. The man falls to his knees on her floor.

  “Avery!” she squeals, but I ignore her. I’ll deal with her in a minute. Bending down to his level, I speak softly so only he can hear me. “I know who you are too.”

  “Fuck you.” He spits blood onto her white rug. “I won’t tell you shit.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I lift my right hand and motion for Kayn to get him out of here. Kayn grabs him by the back of the neck and drags him to his feet before he removes him from the room. I turn toward her bed to once again face the woman I loathe.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she demands.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” I respond calmly although I’m far from it. If I hadn’t been watching her, she’d be drugged and on a plane to Cuba already.

  She jumps out of bed and storms over to where I stand. She stops a foot from me, and her glassy blue eyes narrow on mine. Then just like last time I saw her, she slaps me.

  This time, I slap her back.

  The force makes her move back two steps, and she places her hand over her cheek while gasping in surprise that a man who had never laid his hands on her could now slap her without a second thought. She recovers quickly and lifts her hand to slap me again, but I shove her back, causing her ass to hit her long dresser and making her things rattle. “I told you I’d give you one pass.” I lean my lips down to hers like I did in the bathroom and almost kiss her. “Gonna yell for help?” I ask.

  Her eyes narrow on me. “You don’t scare me, Avery,” she says, br
eathing heavily.

  I chuckle and grip her hips. She tries to twist out of them, but I keep her pinned between me and the dresser. “You should be very afraid of me, Bunny,” I say honestly.

  “Go to hell!” she yells in my face, her fists punching my chest.

  “Okay, Bunny. You wanna act tough?” I remove my right hand from her hip and run my knuckles down her reddened cheek where I just slapped her. She doesn’t even flinch. “But just know that I warned you.”

  “What’s there to be afraid of?” she asks, and I want to slap her again. If only she knew.

  “Me.” It’s simple.

  “You’re just a man,” she snarls.

  My eyes narrow on her, and my hand grips her hair, yanking her head back. It hits the mirror on her dresser with a thud. She doesn’t make a sound even though I know it hurt. I like the way she takes pain. Almost like she needs it even though she always seemed so fragile. I don’t know if the time apart has changed her, or if I could have been this rough with her all along. “What does that mean?” I demand.

  She gives me a sinister smile as if she’s the one holding me in place and not the other way around. “It means you think with your dick. Even at this moment, I can feel how hard you are.” She licks her lips slowly as if she wants me to shove her to her knees and fuck her pretty little mouth. Images of her looking up at me with tears running down her face flash before me. But I’m brought back when she continues. “If I told you to fuck me right now, you’d do it.”

  “Is that what you want? Want me to fuck you, Bunny?” I ask with a smirk.

  She lifts her chin. “You weren’t the guy I planned on fucking tonight, Avery.”

  I’ve had enough of her shit! She isn’t the same Bunny I remember. And I don’t like it. “Maybe I’ll do it anyway. I don’t need your permission.” Her lips thin. “Plus, from what I’ve seen, you don’t care who it is.”


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