Flynn, Joyee - Sheriff Found [Hiding Hounds 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Flynn, Joyee - Sheriff Found [Hiding Hounds 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Joyee Flynn

  “But we came to bring medicine, supplies, and pack my things so I can move in with Randall,” Toby said with a sniffle, and Randall could feel the intense grief coming from his mate. “Besides, even if we were staying, how could I help except to give you the copies of what I’ve paid to the pack?”

  “Toby, you’re the pack’s main source of income,” Grady answered gently, glancing up at Randall, who nodded to go on. “If you tell everyone what you’ve been giving to my father versus what he’s been spending on the pack, they will agree to the change in leadership. We shouldn’t have to survive on what a few members are able to make. We need to be working on getting everyone their own source of income and teaching people what’s really out there in the world.

  “Your mate brought up a really good point to my father, Toby. If we had people come in here, we’d be powerless to do anything more than shift and scatter. I mean, it’s great that you got the cell and cable tower put in. It’s helped everyone a lot. But if something happened, who would we ever call for help?”

  “I–I don’t know,” Toby stuttered, twisting in Randall’s lap so he could look at his mate, too. “Help me, Randall, please? I’m a graphic designer. I don’t know about how a pack should be run or protected!”

  “I know you don’t, baby, but I do,” he answered as he rubbed his hands over Toby’s arms before focusing on Grady. “I agree with what you’re saying, Grady. There need to be changes made. But if you take over leadership, how would you fix the security problem?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Grady admitted, eyeing Randall over. “But I have a feeling you do, Sheriff, and I’d be grateful for any wisdom you’d like to give me.”

  “Is Grady a good man, Toby? Do you trust him and that he has the pack’s best interest at heart?”

  “Without a doubt,” Toby answered, looking up at him. “Grady’s not power hungry or ever gotten involved when things ran smoothly. He risked his own father’s wrath and his Alpha’s ability to punish him for going around him to get us help. That’s a big deal in our world, Randall.”

  “First, we’d need to figure out what you’re father’s been up to, Grady,” Randall said, having already come up with a plan. “Then we need to establish a new leadership while Toby and I work on moving up here.”

  “What?” Toby gasped, turning around to straddle Randall’s lap as he stared up at his mate. “I thought we were living with you?”

  “Baby, we talked about the fact that both of us have jobs and roles in our communities that helped people,” Randall said gently as he cupped Toby’s cheek in his hand. “Wenatchee can vote in another Sheriff. I’ve a couple of Deputies that are more than capable to handle the job. But your pack needs you, maybe even needs both of us, Toby. My home is with you now, and your family needs you. That makes this the place we need to be.”

  “I love you so much,” Toby whispered as his eyes filled up with tears. Leaning forward, Randall kissed his little mate gently. “Thank you, Randall.”

  “I second that thank you,” Grady said, looking years younger suddenly. “I want to change things so we’re not so reliant on Toby and can find other means of income. But as things are right now, we wouldn’t survive without him.”

  “I see that now,” Randall replied before kissing Toby again. “Then if we do this, I want you to name me as your pack enforcer, or whatever the title is for pack law enforcement. Don’t take this the wrong way, but none of you guys are all that scary. You’re father was immediately afraid of me, and that doesn’t bode well for the survival of your pack. Plus, I know how to protect people and keep them safe.”

  “Done,” Grady said without hesitation as he smiled at Randall. “I appreciate that you’d be willing to take that role on. Everything about you screams authority and that you’re not to be fucked with.”

  “Plus, he’s just hot.” Toby giggled as he licked Randall’s chin.

  “Glad you think so, baby.” Randall chuckled before thinking of something else. “But I am just one man, Grady. We need to talk to your council about either getting people from other shifter packs loaned out for security up here or permanent placement of some sorts. If it ever comes down to it, you need a few people who can fight off other shifters.”

  “I agree,” Grady replied with a nod. “After I figure out what’s been going on, I’ll need to contact them anyways and explain the change in leadership. Once that’s settled, we can figure out how to get some other shifters up here that won’t care that we’re pup shifters or try to take advantage of our more passive nature.”

  “Then we have a plan,” Randall said, feeling better about the situation at hand. “You figure out what Alpha Ed’s been up to while we work with Cameron on healing the pack. Then we’ll go from there.”

  * * * *

  I kept glancing over at my mate as Randall helped Cameron set up my living room as his own makeshift clinic. Grady had come back with a list for them of everyone in the pack so they didn’t end up treating someone twice and could make sure everyone got what they needed. He’d also brought me what he’d found of the pack accounts.

  I felt like such an ass when I found out my friend was right. Alpha Ed wasn’t using even half of the money I’d been giving him on the pack. As we worked through ideas and what the pack’s immediate needs were, I looked at Randall again.

  “I can feel your fear, baby,” Randall said gently through my mind as he stared at me from the other room. “Us moving here is the right thing to do, and I’m not going to change my mind or resent you. I think we can be very happy here and help make your pack thrive. I told you when we first met—I’m not the type of person who needs a while to make decisions.”

  “I love you, Randall.”

  “I know you do, Toby. And that’s why I don’t mind giving up my position as Sheriff to move up here with your pack, your family. There are capable people that can replace me as Sheriff, but your pack would be lost without you. And your company would suffer if you lost your employees because you moved down the mountain with me.”

  “Toby?” Grady said as he glanced between me and Randall. “Is being mated really as wonderful as it sounds? I know you love Randall, but I think I just need to hear it.”

  “He’s more than I could have ever hoped for,” I replied with a nod, still staring at my mate. “I would do anything for Randall.”

  “As it seems he would for you, my friend,” Grady replied with a smile. “I’m truly happy for you. Maybe one day, I’ll get to find my mate as well, or at least it’s something I hope for.”

  “You will,” I said, knowing Grady deserved to be as happy as I was with Randall. “What else do you need from me?”

  “Nothing. This gives me what I need to approach the council,” Grady answered as he collected the papers. “I’m sorry you were used like this, Toby. It’s not right. I hope we can start coming up with plans to make our members self-sufficient.”

  “I have some ideas on services we can trade to get protection,” I said brightly, excited that I’d thought of them while waiting for Grady. “For one, now that we have a real mode of transportation with Randall’s truck, we need to start selling goods down in town. Mrs. Boyd and some of the women make those awesome quilts that could be sold for a bundle. We can set up a PO Box and start an Internet business for it. I can have Quaid and my other guys set it up really fast.”

  “I like it. What else you got?” Grady asked with a smile as I got up to get us some drinks. “I’d like the webcam businesses to be shut down. I don’t like members of our pack feeling they need to show themselves naked and jacking off to have money of their own. I mean, I know Quaid likes the attention, but others do it to survive. They need to be focusing on their education with those computers you got, not pimping themselves out.”

  “I didn’t know that was going on,” I replied, completely shocked as my eyes went wide. “How did I not know this?”

  “Because you’ve always got your head in your work, Toby,” Grady snickered. “Hell, Sla
de’s got his webcam set up in a spare room that pack members take turns with so they can all get some money. There are men and women of the pack that let people watch them touch themselves, use toys, give oral sex, and even fuck. They get paid per minute per user watching if they go into a private live chat.”

  “That’s horrible,” Randall said as he moved up behind me. His strong arms wrapped around me as I leaned against the kitchen counter. “I get what you’re saying about Quaid wanting to do it, and to each his or her own. But feeling that they have to because there’s not another alternative isn’t right.”

  “I didn’t know,” I whispered, shaking in my mate’s arms. How had I not seen this? Had I really been so selfish about my own work to not know my own pack were selling themselves because they were so desperate for money?

  “Stop feeling guilty, Toby,” Randall said gently as he pulled me over to one of the chairs. I sat down on his lap as he ran his hands over my arms in comfort. “You didn’t know, and what’s done is done. Now, we focus on fixing what’s broken and making things better, okay?”

  “Okay,” I answered with a nod, trying to keep my emotions in check. “I know some of the men make furniture. That would be another thing we could sell in town. We’d have to work with a few of the shops in Wenatchee. But there are goods the pack makes that they could start selling.”

  “And that’s also why I wanted to talk to you about keeping my house,” Randall said as he nuzzled my neck. “I think there’s going to start being a lot more back and forth. It also makes sense that there can be some form of home base down there or a place we can sneak away to if we want some times alone, away from the pack.”

  “My mate is so smart,” I replied, leaning to lick along his jaw line.

  “Behave, pup,” Randall growled playfully as he nipped my lower lip. I felt myself get hard with the attention he was giving me. He was as well, and I wiggled my hips on his lap to let him know I noticed.

  “Quaid!” Cameron exclaimed, drawing our attention to them. My friend was humping the doc’s leg, naked, of course. “Does everyone have to see your assets constantly?”

  “I was horny and got myself ready for you,” Quaid pouted as he turned to show Cameron his ass. The doc started cussing up a storm as he lifted his mate and threw Quaid over his shoulder.

  “I’ll be back,” Cameron said as he raced toward the door with his prize. The three of us shared a look before laughing so hard we cried.

  “Oh, god, Cameron is getting just what he deserves with that one.” Randall sighed as he hugged me. “I’m happy for them if Quaid doesn’t drive Cameron up the wall.”

  “He will,” Grady replied, looking sad as he stared at me. “You know there’s a lot more to Quaid than anyone knows, right? I mean, you ever wonder why he’s always bending over or getting on his knees for everyone?”

  “No, I just know he was cool when I said no to his advances,” I answered, trying to think about what I knew of our friend. “I mean, it seems he uses sex sometimes to get what he wants from people.”

  “Not what he wants, Toby,” Grady said quietly. “Do you remember that time you shifted and peed on the carpeting in our house when my dad was yelling at you?”

  “Yeah, not one of my finer moments,” I groaned. “Everyone was teasing me for months.”

  “You were busy with being embarrassed, but I noticed Quaid and my dad were missing from the room shortly after that,” Grady replied as he fidgeted with his hands. “I’m pretty sure Quaid was giving my dad a blow job to calm him down and defuse the situation. I think that’s how Quaid deals with anger around him. He uses sex as a distraction.”

  “Why would he do that? I mean, Alpha Ed wasn’t even upset with him.”

  “I’m not sure I know the answer to that. I just know there’s more to our horndog friend than he tells us.” Grady sighed as he leaned back in his chair. “I think there’s something he’s been keeping from all of us about his past. I’ve tried to get him to talk about it, but the next thing I know, we were naked and fucking like animals. Quaid doesn’t seem to be able to deal with conflict. I just don’t know why.”

  “Maybe finding Cameron will be just what he needs, then,” I replied as Grady nodded. I wasn’t sure what Grady was talking about, but I trusted him to be more astute with the goings-on of the pack than I was. But then again, I seemed to have missed a lot most of the time.

  Chapter 10

  “I’m waiting for you, Toby,” Randall called out from the bedroom a few hours later after everyone had finally cleared out.

  Cameron had come back about twenty minutes later with a smile on his face as he spent the afternoon and early evening testing and treating members of the pack. He’d also taken samples of the water, soil, and the few crops we could grow up here. Once that was all done, he’d agreed to run down the mountain tomorrow and start testing the samples while working on securing more supplies. It seemed the good doc would be moving up here with his mate.

  I raced from the kitchen into the bedroom at my mate’s announcement, skidding in my tracks as I got there and saw my mate laid out on my bed like an offering. Not one to turn down such a present, I sauntered over to the bed, climbed up, and straddled his hips.

  “I think it’s time to show each other, don’t you, baby?” Randall asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I leaned forward and kissed him gently. “I’ll go first, okay?”

  “I’d like that, Randall,” I said, vibrating with excitement at finally getting to see his tattoo. I watched as he pulled off his shirt, my mouth watering as I took in his strong, muscular form before stopping at the bandage over his chest. “You got it on your chest?”

  “Yeah, I wanted you over my heart,” Randall replied as he pulled off the protective bandage the tattoo guys told us we needed.

  “Randall,” I gasped, tears in my eyes as I saw his tattoo. Glancing up at him, he smiled and nodded at me, giving me permission to touch it. I traced my fingers over the beagle pup he’d gotten. It was about the size of my palm with my name written in cursive over it. “It’s amazing, Randall.”

  “I wanted you to know you’d always be in and on my heart, Toby,” he said as he reached up to cup my cheek. “I love you so much, baby. I wanted you to see how you’ve touched my once-frozen heart and thawed it.”

  “I don’t want to show you mine anymore,” I cried out, shaking with grief at the mistake I’d made. Before I could even realize it, I’d shifted right there on his lap. When I tried to jump off my mate, he grabbed in time and sat up. Randall stared down at me in confusion as he rubbed his nose against mine.

  “Talk to me, my mate,” Randall whispered gently as he stroked my fur. “I know something is very wrong. You’re as upset as if someone you loved just died, but I don’t know why.”

  “Y–you got the most loving, sweetest, wonderfully caring tattoo anyone could ever have,” I rambled, stumbling over my words. “And I got something that I thought you would think is sexy and hot and would help make me seem less childish and innocent in your eyes.”

  “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, baby,” Randall replied after a moment. “You got what you thought I would like best as I did you. One isn’t better than the other. I was hard inside until I met you, Toby. I needed you to see how you’ve changed my heart and my life. You needed to show me another side of you, I think. I won’t know until I see what you got, though.”

  “Yours is so thoughtful and motivated by love,” I whimpered, still crying. “Mine’s about lust and trying to be sexy.”

  “Toby, I love you,” Randall said as he set me down on his lap. “Please show me what you got for me, my mate. I can’t answer any of this or help you feel better if I don’t know what you got. Please, baby? Shift back for me and let me see what you got.”

  “You’re going to be disappointed,” I whispered in defeat as I shifted back on his lap. The bandage, along with my clothes, had all fallen off when I’d shifted the first time, so now I was sitting there naked on h
is lap.

  “Where is it? I don’t see anything?” Randall asked, and I could feel the confusion coming off of him as he searched my body.

  Without saying a word, I turned around and leaned forward so he could see my tattoo. I’d gotten Randall’s in three-inch-tall letters on my lower back with an intricate vine coming down from the R and the S that ran over the top of each cheek of my ass. I thought getting a tramp stamp with his name that ran down toward my ass made it very clear whom I belonged to, but after seeing Randall’s loving gesture, I felt horrible. I heard my mate’s gasp, and the tears started to fall again.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered as I went to get off of him. He grasped my hips and let out a low growl. I’d been so busy with my sadness and feelings of inadequacy I’d missed the lust and delight racing through my mate. I turned to look at him over my shoulder. “Randall?”

  “I’m so fucking hard right now I think I’m going to burst just from seeing this,” Randall said as he traced the letters on my back. “This is truly the sweetest, hottest, sexiest, and most goddamn beautiful tattoo I’ve ever seen, Toby.”

  “It is?” I squeaked in shock as he kept staring at it. “But yours is so full of love and touched my heart. How can you like this?”

  “Because it’s what I needed, baby,” Randall answered as he finally glanced away from the tattoo and up at me. “And it is so full of love, Toby. I can’t think of any other person that would ever get their partner’s name tattooed above their ass like this. You needed to know that you’re in my heart and that I love you as much as you love me. I needed to feel that I’ve claimed you as you did me. You thought of my need for everyone to know that you’re mine and got a huge tattoo on your body to declare it.”


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