Crash (The Immortal Chronicles Book 2)

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Crash (The Immortal Chronicles Book 2) Page 13

by Sloane Murphy

  “Maybe we should go back and regroup,” Kas says, trying to diffuse the tension. “We need more details and information before we make any decisions.”

  “I have an idea, although I don’t think either of you are particularly going to like it,” I say as we stand and head back toward the reservation.

  “Well?” Kas asks

  “Let me go in undercover – as if I’m going back to Cole,” I say. “As if I’m sorry I lost my temper with him. Let me see what I can find out. I’m the only one who can do it without too much suspicion.”

  The look on Xanders face cuts me deep.

  “I don’t know, Kaden,” he says. “What if he knows? Then he will capture you as well. We can’t afford to lose you.”

  “What if he doesn’t go in alone?” Kas suggests. “Michael and Celeste could go with you. Taking them with you as recruits gives you numbers, and it might even show Cole you’re being true. You are not exactly known for being humble, Kaden, so to apologize to him, and take back your actions in front of your own people. It might carry more weight.”

  “You’re probably right,” I say sighing. “Argh, I bloody hate grovelling, but if that’s what she needs, then I’ll do it.”

  Xander still looks sceptical.

  “Come on, brother. Do you see any other way for us to get the information we need? I want her out of there as much as you do.”

  “You have no idea.” Xander growls before stalking off ahead of us. His jealousy is becoming a block.

  “Good to see you guys are on the same page,” Kas chuckles.

  I shrug. “He didn’t want to come to me for help. He had no choice, he doesn’t understand…”

  “I’m sure he didn’t, and even if you two have cleared the air, this will still be hard for him. What happened between you both, hurt him deeply. I’ve been speaking with Dimitri. He said Xander never really woke up again until she was born; she gave him purpose. I think at first, it was a protectiveness then it grew into something more. I only know what you’ve told me about your time with her, but I think she affected you in the same way she did him. That’s going to be complicated – no matter what. But none of it matters if she doesn’t come home. You both know that.”

  “I won’t lie,” I say, dropping my voice so Xander can’t hear our increasingly dangerous conversation. “Yeah, she did change me – she reminded me of the life before – but that’s all,” I protest. “I just want to help.”

  Kas raises his eyebrow as if he doesn’t believe a word I say. We walk the rest of the way back in silence. It doesn’t take too long, and the walk helps my plan formulate better in my head. Now I just need to get Xander to agree.


  I’ve been making the most of my time here, watching the different people around me; reacquainting myself with the way the world works. I’ve slowly started to remember everything I was never meant to remember. My life before. It feels strange to remember who I was, and to be who I am now. It has been so long since I walked this earth, when I was here last the Fallen and the Vampyr Shades did not roam this realm; the world was run by humans and we let them be. It is only now, as I run through the memories of the girl whose body is now mine, I realise how far this world has fallen. I’m curious to find it saddens me that she and I are no longer one, but I have not yet remembered how to bind us together. Maybe in time, but for now, she is still quiet. Maybe she has quietened for good.

  “Aeveen, are you hungry?” Olivia asks. She is my friend. I think. I will not trust her, as I trust no-one here. These creatures have proven themselves to be ever fickle, but she, at least, seems to have good intentions. I shake my head and stay curled up on the sofa in the main room. Then there is banging on the door. Olivia strides over and opens it.

  “Jackson? What are you doing here? He’s going to be furious!”

  “I had no choice. I need to speak to him, it’s important.”

  I have not heard this name before. He is new to me. The door widens and Jackson comes in, his worried eyes darting across the room, unable to settle on any one thing until he sees me. His dark eyes grow wide.

  “Is that…?” he stammers before Olivia slams her hands into his back.

  “None of your god damn business! Now move your ass. You wanted to speak to Cole, not our guests,” she spits before jamming her hands into his back again, making him trip forward back out of the door.

  “Who was that?” I ask Logan, who is perched next to me.

  “No-one important. Just another of Cole’s many dogs. The guy has people all over the world who whisper to him. I guess that’s what happens when you basically run Hell for a few centuries.” He shrugs and leans back.

  “Is Addie still here?” he asks suddenly.

  I can tell he’s afraid of the answer. “She’s still quiet,” I explain, standing. “I don’t know what’s happening, I can’t tell you anymore.”

  I make my way down the hallway back to the bedroom Cole assigned as mine. It’s right across from his new office. As I reach my door, I’m stopped by the sight of Cole’s door not being shut properly and the sound of vicious whispered noises. I make sure not to make a noise as I stand in the hall, listening.

  “They’re up to something. They’re working with Kas, and as much as I try to persuade Kas not to get involved, he’s an old friend of Xander – he’s having none of it.”

  I hear a faint voice in my head. “Xander?”.

  “Oh there you are little bird. Is that what it takes to wake you?” I think.

  “Where is Xander?” she asks.

  “I don’t know Addie,” I whisper.

  I wait for a moment and I’m met with silence again. I have missed the rest of Cole’s conversation, but I can hear them moving about, so I slip inside my room before I’m discovered.


  It’s taken two days to get everyone on board and get the details settled, but Michael, Celeste and I are heading to Cole’s tonight at sundown. I’m in my room quietly preparing myself, when a quiet knock sounds before the door opens. It’s Xander. I wave him in. He looks so torn up right now, I still can’t get over how much this is all affecting him. I know how much he hates that he’s not the one going in.

  “Are you ready for this, Kaden?” Xander asks. “Like really ready? I know it’s been a long time since we fought on the same side, since we relied on each other, but I really need you right now,” he says.

  The vulnerability in his voice floors me. It hits me just how much he loves her. It kills me, because I know deep down that if I let myself admit it, say I love her, too, it would be irrecoverable. I can’t betray him like that – not again.

  “It has been a long time, but I’ve got this. I’m not risking too much; I’m just gathering information. Don’t get me wrong, if I can get her without getting us all being killed, I’ll bring her back with me – but I won’t do anything reckless,” I say.

  He relaxes a little and pulls me into a hug.

  “Thank you, Kaden. Thank you.” He says before leaving the room.

  Michael finds me a few minutes later sat on the bed, my head in my hands.

  “You ready to leave, Kaden?” he asks, looking me over like I’m going to break. I take in a deep breath and push everything down.

  “Ready as I’m going to be. Let’s get this show on the road.” I put on my leather jacket and pull my beanie down over my head. I catch myself in the mirror, my white t-shirt stands out against my black leather jacket. My faded blue jeans sit on my hips and finish sat on my black leather boots. I look like myself. No pretentiousness. Michael is topless, but that’s his way. He wears his ink proudly, I’m not sure I’ve seen him wear more than a jacket in a long time. We meet up with Celeste in the meeting room, and she looks as stunning as always. Her long red hair falls in waves down her back. She’s all in black.

  “Going for the cat-woman-look, love?” Michael jokes.

  “Eat me,” she retorts with a smile on her face.

  “Good to see some thing
s never change,” I say before heading down the stairs and out to the square where I find Kas, Jackson, Xander and Dimitri waiting for us. Dani is hanging on to Dimitri’s arm. Huh… never saw that coming. Kas walks forward and puts out his arm, which I grasp. He clasps my shoulder and draws me in – this feels too much like goodbye.

  “Good luck, brother. Come home safe,” he says before stepping back.

  “I will. We shouldn’t be gone more than a few days. If we’re gone more than a week, then you can worry. Otherwise, we’ll see you soon,” I say, unfurling my wings through the hidden slits in my jacket, relishing in the freeing feeling. Michael and Celeste do the same and we push off and soar into the darkness of the night.


  I pace back and forth behind my desk, waiting for the final pieces to fall into place in my mind. Everything is falling into place, but each string of the web is so intricate, each piece balanced – dependent on another string holding strong. Aeveen has awoken, but she is not going to be easily deceived; not like Adelaide. She is the Reborn, and once she remembers exactly who she is, I have a feeling she’s not going to be easily swayed. I need her to become attached to me before then, then she’ll already be on my side. I need to tread carefully. Play the long game and keep my temper in check.

  The door to my office swings open, showing Suki stood in the doorway arms crossed, looking more than a little pissed off. I roll my eyes at her. What the hell did I do now?

  “Suki, it’s wonderful to see you in such a pleasant mood. Please, come in.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Cole. Not today,” she says strutting into the room and slamming the door behind her.

  “And what, pray tell, has you spitting feathers today?”

  “I just saw your little protégée and I’m worried. I think she’s remembering. She doesn’t practice fighting because she feels at one with her powers. Her eyes become older each day as knowledge trickles from her subconscious. We cannot trust her, and we cannot rely on her,” she says, pouring herself two fingers of scotch from my decanter. She always was brazen.

  “Help yourself. Look,” I say, trying to hide my own concerns behind bravado, “you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about it. I have it all under control.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she scoffs. “You’re losing control a little each day, Cole, but your so blinded by a desire for vengeance, you can’t see it! You’re playing with fire using her this way. She could destroy us all.”

  I rush forward and grab her by the throat, my hand squeezing her delicate skin as I lift her from the floor. Her fingers claw at my hand as I hold her suspended.

  “Do not think to tell me what to do, Demon. You forget your place!” I spit before throwing her across the room. “You may be a ruler of Hell, but you will bow to me.”

  “Forgive me, Sir,” she says, her head bent in submission. “I did not mean to overstep. I am simply concerned.”

  “It is not your place to be concerned. Leave me,” I say, turning my back to her and gazing out of the window until I hear the door click shut.


  I watch as my drink swirls around in the bottom of my glass. The amber liquid burns as it goes down; the taste is strong and smoky-sweet. I savor the taste before swallowing. I’m waiting for Olivia and Micah to grace me with their presence. I’ve been unsettled by Suki’s earlier observations, and I want reassurance. This day has been too long already and I’d really rather get this out of the way sooner than later. In fact, I’d rather be anywhere but here, but these two have been, and continue to be, pivotal if everything is going to fall into place. I lift my head, glass in hand as they enter the room. Olivia closes the door behind them. They walk across the room in silence, each looking at the floor before stopping in front of my desk, which I’m sat behind. Apparently, news of my mood has spread across the compound.

  “Updates?” I ask. They both begin to speak before quieting when I raise my hand. “Micah, you first.”

  “Yes, Sir. Aeveen is now awoken as you are aware, so I’ve taken up my role again in training the Demons and Shades ready for the new war. The Demons, unsurprisingly, don’t require much work. The Shades, however, are another story; they’re unruly and ill disciplined, which I suppose is their nature. They will be better used as a distraction than a decent fighting force.”

  “Well done, Micah. Hopefully, we will not need it, but it’s good to have a contingency. We won’t use the Shades unless dire circumstances come to light. Now, Olivia?”

  “Thank you. Aeveen appears to be adjusting well. She has been reasonably quiet, but no more than to be expected. She’s been very inquisitive about certain things, emotions more than anything. She seems very conflicted about it all. I think dealing with her Fallen side, with the remains of Addie’s emotions, has all been a bit much, but she seems to be coming out the other side of it. Her and Logan are growing closer, although she still keeps us all at arm’s length. As I said, she’s conflicted. The only thing I am sure of, is her loyalty to you. We tested her by having a couple of Demons talk about dissention; they’re now recuperating in the med wing.”

  “Excellent,” I say clapping my hands together. “I plan to use her to get to Xander and Kaden. She will go back to them and infiltrate their ranks, gain their confidence before turning on them. Her role is to slay them in the dead of night, when they are least expecting it. It will be glorious. To know they’re finally gone - to the hellish depths they deserve,” I say with a growl.

  “How do you intend to do that? Her eyes give her away instantly,” Olivia asks.

  I grind my teeth between my clamped jaw before I bite her head off for daring to question me. Instead, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I’m satisfied to see her wincing.

  “They will know she is changed, but she will be adjusted enough to act as if she is Adelaide, and that she has merely merged – their love will make them see what they want to see.”

  “Will they not be suspicious of her return?” she asks timidly.

  I slam my hands on my desk and stand. I let the minx get away with her first challenge – but I cannot have her make a habit of it. “You dare question me, girl!” I roar, causing her to shrink back. “Why would they suspect it if they think they rescued her?”

  “I just want to have a clear view of everything. I want to make sure Aeveen knows her part to play thoroughly. How will she kill them? I did not think the Fallen could be killed. I thought they were Immortal,” she asks. Curiosity really is going to kill this cat.

  “Immortals are never truly immortal. Everyone has a weakness; it is just a case of knowing what it is. In this case, I’m at an advantage,” I say smirking. I push the buzzer on the intercom.

  “Ruby, will you join us, please. Oh, and bring it with you – Aeveen, too,” I order. The room is silent whilst we wait, and I pour myself another drink. Eventually, a knock sounds at the door and Ruby enters the room with Aeveen in tow.

  “Ladies! How nice of you to join us,” I say with a genuine smile on my face. Knowing how close I am to finally having my revenge on Xander is liberating. Freeing almost. “Please, sit.”

  I return to my seat behind my desk and motion for them to sit. Aeveen sits quietly, taking everything in. She observes each person in the room, the only emotion she betrays is the fire that lights in her eyes when they brush over Micah. There is still anger there, even though she is aware that what was done had to be done to set her free. Interesting. Ruby sits down, poised, as if she’s ready to strike. Her long dark hair pools on her chest, accentuated by the black corset she’s matched to her skin tight black jeans and thigh high leather boots. She takes herself and role seriously. The silver chain wrapped around her wrist and up her arm, doubles as a whip. Few know just how deadly she can be with it. She places a polished wooden box she brought in with her on her lap, clasping her hands over the top of it protectively – as if her life depends on it, and I suppose that’s fitting, because it pretty much does.

  “Is that
it?” I ask her, wanting her to confirm before my giddiness takes over.

  “Yes, Sir. I collected it myself this afternoon,” she confirms.

  “Did you watch its creation?” I ask with anticipation. The completion of my plan pivots around the piece.

  “I did, Sir. It was done in the old way,” she confirms.

  I can’t stop the glee that courses through my veins.

  “What is it?” Aeveen asks.

  “That, my dear, is the weapon forged especially for you. The only thing that can truly kill a Fallen.”

  I take the box from Ruby and open it. The pointed blade sits on blood-red velvet. I lift it out carefully, sure not to cut myself on it. “This is a blade made of iron. Iron forged in the blood of the Fae; the only weapon known to kill one of us - except of course, you, my dear. But this, this is a guaranteed kill once it pierces the heart,” I explain before placing the blade back in its box. Everything is finally starting to play out the way I wanted it to. Now to start the ploy of getting Aeveen back to Xander.

  “Why does it need to be me?” Aeveen asks.

  I smile at her kindly. She may be a fundamental tool in my vengeance, but she is still my daughter; I can’t stop the paternal feelings that sneak up on me when she seems vulnerable. “Because you’re special,” I say. “You alone are uniquely placed to do this. They trust the body you own. They trust the one who used to reside in it; they will never suspect you will hurt them. It is not just this, Aeveen, I mean it when I say you’re special. You are the Reborn. You will discover more power than any other on this plane. They cannot harm you. Even if they try, they will fail. I trust you. I know you can do this.”


  It’s a strange feeling, knowing you’re being manipulated. That you’re nothing more than a pawn. Emotional ties confuse me. I trust Cole; he bought me back to life. He created this body so I could exist. And yet, he wishes to use this body for his own gains. He needs me, and that in itself is potent – being needed. I find it hard to resent being used when I see how much he needs me. I want to please him. I want him to be proud of me; To have no regret over bringing me to life. While I’m not sure he can destroy me, I’d rather not find out. While I remember some things, I do not remember everything I once knew. The dark patches that fill my mind, stay empty, and I do not know if I will ever gain that knowledge back.


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