Flight to Romance

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Flight to Romance Page 6

by Tracy Sinclair

  It was a moment before Ayesha realized that Jennifer was connected in some way with Kalim. But once it registered her eyes narrowed in a thorough appraisal. Jennifer felt pale and wan before this flashing beauty who never released her proprietary grip on an unresisting Kalim. So this was the kind of woman he preferred. Like all men, he would make a pass at anything that might be available, but this volatile, curvaceous Venus was his real choice.

  "Your passport?" Kalim's impatient voice recalled her attention.

  Jennifer started to open her purse and then stopped. She had always heard that you should never let your passport out of your sight. "Why do you want it?" she asked suspiciously.

  "It is necessary to surrender it at the registration desk," he explained. When she continued to look doubtful, he added, "I assure you it is the custom in every country."

  Jennifer flushed under his sardonic look, aware that she had revealed her lack of sophistication. But it was no crime to be ignorant of foreign ways, she told herself angrily. Undoubtedly, the glamorous well-traveled Ayesha knew everything there was to know, so why didn't he just go off with her?

  Raising her chin haughtily, Jennifer said, "I can take care of it myself. I wouldn't want to detain you."

  Kalim's eyes turned cold and his mouth tightened. "Will you stop acting like a little fool?"

  Jennifer's spine stiffened, but before she could answer Ayesha tugged on Kalim's arm, asking suspiciously, "Who is she?" as though Jennifer were an inanimate object.

  "I am sorry. Where are my manners?" As Kalim made the introductions, he was once more the suave, poised male, regarding the two girls with an amused understanding.

  Jennifer acknowledged the introduction politely, but Ayesha turned to Kalim and spoke rapidly in a foreign tongue.

  "You will speak in English," Kalim told her evenly. "Jennifer does not understand our language. In answer to your question, she is my… aide."

  Ayesha's sulky mouth expressed both jealousy and displeasure, but a steely quality about Kalim warned her to keep silent. Even his favorite had to toe the line, Jennifer noted gleefully, but her small triumph faded rapidly. Ayesha undoubtedly had her own special way of getting around him when they were alone.

  Kalim took care of their registration in a minimum of time for which Jennifer was devoutly grateful, although she still felt doubtful about relinquishing her passport. The small booklet was her only tie to home and she felt very alien in this exotic country where one person had already made her feel like an intruder.

  Ayesha's manners in no way matched her beauty. While Kalim was busy at the desk, she withdrew a small mirror from her purse and examined her flawless complexion, not even making a pretext at polite conversation. When he finished his business, her charm returned.

  Going up in the elevator, she bubbled over with bits of gossip and by turning slightly managed to isolate herself and Kalim. Jennifer was aware of being regarded as a nuisance, probably by Kalim as well, and she inched her way uncomfortably toward the back of the car.

  "Do you feel unwell, Jennifer?"

  She looked up to see his intent gaze scanning her face. "No, I'm fine," she said in a small voice.

  The elevator stopped at their floor and he took her arm, oblivious to the quick hiss of rage from the dark-haired girl on his other side.

  "I will see you to your room and you can refresh yourself," he told Jennifer.

  "Kalim, everyone is waiting in your suite," Ayesha protested. "We are having a welcoming party for you."

  They were approaching an open door where loud music and the sound of many voices could be heard— the party had evidently started without him. But Kalim's arrival was announced by a lookout and a horde of beautifully dressed men and women erupted into the corridor, greeting him in several different languages.

  Once more Jennifer was the outsider and felt like she was intruding, although no one even noticed her. She sighed. There was nothing to do but wait until Kalim remembered her existence—if he ever did! Why hadn't she asked for the key so she could slip away to her own room? Shrinking into a corner was becoming a habit, Jennifer reflected bitterly. But she wasn't as invisible as she supposed.

  Spotting her hovering uncertainly on the fringes, one of the men left the chattering group and approached, eyeing her charms appreciatively. Taking her completely by surprise, he captured both of her hands, gave her a radiant smile, and proceeded to rattle off a fast stream of French. Since her knowledge of that language was minimal, she couldn't decide whether he was telling her she had lovely hair or that the weather was beautiful. While her soft brow furrowed and she was trying to disentangle herself, Kalim plowed through the crowd of well-wishers.

  "Do not allow René to alarm you," he laughed, pulling her gently to his side. "He is quite harmless."

  "The little golden doll is English!" René exclaimed, in her language this time.

  "No, I'm American," she told him.

  "Ah, America! I have visited your land and it is tres magnifique. We must have a long talk about it."

  "Later, René," Kalim advised. "The little golden doll"—he looked down at her in amusement as he repeated Rena's endearment—"has had a long journey. She wishes to unpack her clothing." He looked over the crowded corridor and as though by magic Habeeb appeared. It was a little spooky, Jennifer thought as Kalim said, "Habeeb will take you to your room."

  She stiffened against him. "No! I… I can find my own way."

  For a moment his arm tightened protectively, as though he sensed her unspoken fear. Then he said softly, "Trust me, little one. And trust Habeeb."

  There was nothing else for her to do but to follow the giant. Fortunately, her room was only at the end of the hallway, and after unlocking the door, he quietly handed her the key. She thanked him haltingly, but he merely inclined his head before moving off in that silent way that was so amazing considering his size.

  The room assigned to her was so luxurious that Habeeb was immediately erased from her mind. A huge king-sized bed dominated one wall, but what made it memorable was the lush canopy over it, a peaked awning suitable for sheltering royalty. Ceiling-high windows were draped in peacock blue satin to match the swagged folds over the bed and the thick carpet was in the same blue surrounding a pattern of deep red roses. There were comfortable chairs and tables scattered about the spacious room and a wide seat heaped with pillows was built into the recess of the tall windows.

  A partially opened door revealed a modern bathroom with a sunken marble tub and an oval sink inlaid with Egyptian figures in blue and deep rose.

  After Jennifer had inspected every inch of her temporary domain, she ran a bath, adding some of the scented bath salts that were on the ledge. While the huge tub was filling, she unpacked and shed her traveling clothes, feeling as though she had worn them for weeks instead of the long weary hours it had been. Standing in front of the mirror, she pinned her long thick hair on top of her head, careless of the silky little curls that escaped at the nape of her neck.

  A long soak in the fragrant water relaxed her completely. Climbing out, she toweled dry. A thin cotton robe provided more than enough covering in the warm Egyptian climate.

  As she tied the sash around her slender waist, a knock sounded and she paused uncertainly. Who could that be? Opening the door a fraction, she was surprised to see Kalim.

  "I came to see if your accommodations were adequate," he informed her.

  "Oh, yes! They're perfectly beautiful," she assured him.

  Pushing the door open, he brushed past her. "I wish to see for myself."

  Jennifer pulled her robe together nervously, uncomfortably aware of the fact that it was quite thin and she wore nothing under it. "This really isn't necessary."

  "I believe it is." He regarded her cynically. "Would you complain if your room were not comfortable?"

  "No, I guess not," she admitted. "But all of this is a delightful surprise. I would have been happy with much less."

  "You are easily satisfied."

  "It comes from not being to the manor born," she told him dryly.

  "Meaning?" His eyebrows rose questioningly.

  "Meaning that I'm not accustomed to the luxury you take for granted."

  Moving closer in order to watch her reaction, he said, "You resent my position, do you not?"

  The room was very quiet and Jennifer was quiveringly aware of the fact that they were alone in her bedroom and she was practically unclothed. Would it have been as distracting a situation with anyone else? Or was it Kalim? She only knew that being so close to his tall, muscular body, so blatantly male, was making her bare legs tremble.

  Attempting to keep the knowledge from him, she forced her voice to remain casual. "Of course I don't resent it. If I had been asked, I'm sure I would have chosen to be born rich."

  He shrugged. "A woman does not have to be born rich. She can always marry money."

  "I've heard that's the hardest way to earn it."

  A mocking smile tilted the corners of his mouth. "Some women might not agree with you."

  Ignoring his impudent tone, she said, "Besides, the average girl doesn't stand much chance of meeting a millionaire."

  "I am not really interested in the average girl. Let us talk about you—would you like the idle life of the rich wife?"

  That, at least, was easy to answer and she shook her head. "I don't think I could ever just sit around and do nothing no matter how much money I had."

  "Don't women spend a lot of time having their hair done?" His derisive tone made her bristle.

  "I wouldn't know," she told him. "I do my own."

  "Amazing!" He reached out and took a strand of her hair, winding it around his finger like a shining gold band. His light touch was tantalizing and Jennifer moved away from his disturbing hands, but he closed the distance between them, adding, "I have also heard that ladies can occupy themselves for many hours over lunch and shopping."

  "Some do," she admitted, "but it sounds deadly to me."

  "Then what would you do with yourself if you did not have to make your own living?" he persisted.

  Wondering why he was finding her likes and dislikes so interesting, she nevertheless thought it over. "Oh, I'd like to travel, of course, but I'd also want to be involved in something important. Working with the handicapped perhaps or getting involved in this children's project you're putting together. That's really so worthwhile."

  His eyes suddenly darkened. "Yes, the little ones of the world do not deserve their fate."

  Gazing at his somber face, Jennifer was ashamed of ever having doubted his sincerity. He might be ruthlessly male when it came to women or business, but his dedication to defenseless children was clearly evident. What a strange man he was!

  She touched his sleeve tentatively, wanting to lighten his mood. "But you, at least, are doing something about it and I think that's truly wonderful."

  A dancing light appeared in his dark eyes, chasing away the shadows. "If that is true, then why was it so difficult to persuade you to come here?" he teased.

  As if he didn't know! But Jennifer refused to be drawn into a discussion that would leave her on the defensive. Besides, now was the time to say something that had been on her mind.

  "Kalim, you and I might not always get along, but I believe with all my heart in what you're trying to do and I just want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to help." A curious smile curved his lips and, misinterpreting it, she stiffened and added defensively, "I realize I'm completely ignorant about it now, but I intend to learn. I'm not like your luncheon-going socialite friends."

  An unreadable emotion flickered in his dark eyes. "I was aware of that from the first and I was not laughing at you, Jennifer. I was thinking… something quite different." And then the teasing smile reappeared. "So you do not fancy being a rich man's plaything?"

  "Never! Just keeping a man happy isn't a full-time job."

  "Would that not depend on the man?" His tone was definitely suggestive this time.

  "Oh! Why do I ever bother to answer you seriously?" she cried. "You have a one-track mind!"

  His sensuous glance took in her flushed face and tousled hair. "Perhaps it is your fault for looking so adorably provocative."

  "I don't consider that a compliment," Jennifer said scornfully. "You consider all women irresistible!"

  "Do I indeed?" he murmured. "Or do you perhaps underrate yourself?"

  The throbbing note in his voice lit tiny flames of desire and her response to his blatant masculinity shocked and frightened her. And from the amused look on his face, Jennifer was afraid that he was aware of it.

  Her composure was rapidly disappearing and she backtracked in earnest this time, afraid that if he touched her again he would be able to tell how fast her heart was beating. It seemed imperative to put distance between them. But in her haste, disaster fell as the edge of a low table struck her just below the knees, throwing her off balance.

  Flinging her arms out, she caught at Kalim, who reached out to steady her. As she swayed toward him, her sash untied and the thin robe flew open.

  His arms closed automatically around her and Jennifer, unable to right herself, was thunderously aware of the feel of his hands sliding over her bare body. In the heart-stopping moment that it took to regain her balance, she was aware of his firm muscular thighs thrusting against hers and the feel of his hard chest through the thin silk shirt he wore pressing against her breasts.

  An avalanche of emotion swept over her, making her even more frantically embarrassed and she struggled to free herself, but his arms tightened around her. The hands that had reached out to steady her were now aware of their unexpected prize and they stroked her nakedness slowly and sensuously. The feeling was indescribable.

  A fire that seemed to start at her toes spread upward through her trembling legs and her awakened body was achingly aware of his maleness. As his warm hands curved over her hips and thighs, Jennifer couldn't restrain a small gasp of pleasure.

  "Yes, my darling, give in to it," Kalim murmured huskily, his lips trailing down her throat to the soft hollow between her breasts.

  Jennifer wound her arms around his waist, her hands moving across his muscular back as a hunger and a wildness filled her. Those expert caresses were carrying her to a peak of passion she had never visited before and she trembled in anticipation, craving the fulfillment only he could give.

  But somewhere reason triumphed, although the voice that announced it didn't seem to belong to her. "Kalim, let me go," she pleaded brokenly.

  He looked at her with drugged eyes and his hands molded her hips, pulling them closer to his. "You are so exquisite. I knew you would be like this."

  The feelings aroused by slow movement of his body against hers were almost unbearable in their ecstasy. She wanted to throw her arms around his neck and hold him even closer, beg him to make love to her. It was only the training of a lifetime plus superhuman effort that enabled her to struggle against the fatal desire and say instead, "Kalim, you mustn't. This wasn't part of the…"

  But his mouth silenced her protest. Pulling her gently back to him, his lips claimed hers as though they belonged to him. When she tried to deny his superior strength, one hand fastened around the back of her head, forcing her mouth against his while he parted her lips with a warm probing male dominance.

  Jennifer shuddered as a wave of yearning ran over her traitorous body and he gave a low growl of pleasure. His other hand moved up to caress the soft curve of her breast and the tender exploration left her weak.

  She clung to him, accepting his kisses and returning them as she never had with any man before. When his palm made slow, sensuous circles on the vulnerable point of her breast, Jennifer cried out in delight, and he crushed her close, murmuring endearments into her neck.

  Her fingers tangled in his thick dark hair, glorying in the smell and feel of it, and his hands slid up her sides, drawing her naked body against his. Tearing open his shirt, he moved her breasts slowly back
and forth against his bare chest.

  The exquisite sensation breached her last defense and she allowed her quivering body to surrender to his hard urgent need for her. Exulting over her crumbling defenses, he lifted her effortlessly in his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down tenderly. For an earth-shattering moment he knelt above her, and Jennifer stole a look at him through long lashes that veiled a sudden modesty.

  There was molten passion on his face, tempered with something that looked almost like regret as his lips kissed the pulse beating wildly in her throat and then slid to the rose-tipped breast that begged his attention. "Forgive me, my darling, I am only human."

  As Jennifer reached up to curl an arm around his neck, there was a loud knock at the door. For a moment the intrusion had no meaning. They were on an island in Eden and there was no world outside of themselves and the pleasure they gave each other. Then the knock sounded again, accompanied this time by a shrill voice.

  "Kalim! Are you in there?"

  It was the voice of Ayesha and it affected them both, but in different ways. Jennifer returned to reality with a shuddering jolt. Grabbing the edge of the spread and dragging it desperately over her nakedness, she looked up in horror. But whether at him or herself, she wasn't quite sure.

  How had a thing like this happened? How had she allowed it to? Curling into a tight ball, she buried her face in the pillow while wave after wave of shame washed over her. If it hadn't been for that interruption… She couldn't bear to think about it!

  Dimly she was aware of Kalim's indrawn breath and the fact that he was moving toward the door as the knock came again.

  "Ayesha, my dear, were you looking for me?" The deep voice held no hint of embarrassment.

  How could he, Jennifer wondered? How could he act as if nothing had happened after making such passionate love to her just a moment ago? Her body still pulsed with shameful desire for him, but he evidently felt nothing. How could he turn off his emotions as one would turn off a water tap?

  Was it possible that the longing had all been on her side and he was merely accommodating her as men are always ready to do? The thought turned Jennifer's heart to lead and with a feeling of loathing she tightened the covers over the soft breast that his warm mouth had tasted.


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