Pursuit of Justice

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Pursuit of Justice Page 28

by DiAnn Mills

  She’d smelled the cinnamon and butter combo earlier, but her mind was elsewhere. Working to solve the murders was at the top of her priorities, not breakfast. Those she loved and cared about had been affected, and when she remembered how Darren had been poisoned and how Yvonne had been shot in the head, she wanted the killer found today.

  Her brothers and sister were more involved than she wanted to admit. Mair had left them for Brandt, which meant she didn’t care what happened to them. No safety net there. He could use any of them to persuade Bella to resign from the case, and Swartzer had indicated that possibility. I’ve got to find Brandt and end this rash of killings.

  Too many innocent people had fallen under Brandt’s treachery. Some she knew only by name or how they’d died. But she’d give more of her own blood before another victim fell prey to Brandt’s insatiable appetite for lost treasure.

  Wesley knocked at the back door, breaking her thoughts. Lydia invited him inside with her typical “Breakfast is ready” greeting.

  “Mornin’, Lydia,” he said. “Is Bella where I can talk to her?”

  “Right here drinking up your coffee,” Bella said. “So you’d better hurry and get some before I finish the pot.” She wished she could sound more welcoming, but too much weighed on her mind.

  Wesley stopped in the doorway, his gaze capturing her attention. “I heard there’s been a fifth murder.”

  “You heard right.” She slid into a chair at the table. “Brandt Richardson is making his rounds. The victim was Yvonne Taylor, Daniel Kegley’s fiancée.”

  “This has gotten crazy,” Wesley said. “Do you know why?”

  Bella took a sideways glance at Lydia. The dear woman had already heard so much about the investigation. Plus she’d been threatened. But she was strong.

  “I interviewed Yvonne almost two weeks ago about the case. She mentioned a fourth man who met with the three murdered victims, but she said he didn’t resemble any of the photos we have of Brandt. At the time, I suspected she knew more than what she was telling. From the looks of things, she must have recognized him.”

  Wesley leaned against the wall. “Makes me wonder who else is behind these killings.”

  In Wesley’s eagerness, would he be the next victim? “Brandt has help. He’s quite the manipulator.”

  “What kind of a lowlife would fall for his bull?” His young face reflected his hatred. “He’d better hope I don’t get to him first. I don’t know who wants to see him dead the most, me or Roano.”

  “Keep your head, Wesley.” Bella didn’t want to lose another friend. “The task force works together.” She needed to remind herself of the same thing.

  “Uncle Darren taught me well. In case you’ve forgotten, he was poisoned.”

  “None of us have forgotten. And every day that goes by increases the likelihood of the killer deciding it’s too hot to stay around here.”

  “He won’t without the treasure, and he can’t dig at night. We’d see the lights.”

  “Who knows? If we could figure out how his mind works, then we’d have him.” She forced a smile. “Am I shoving my bad mood your way?”

  “Nope. It’s already there.” Wesley took a chair across the table from her. “I also heard Professor Miller’s wife turned in his journal. Did the contents help?”

  “Nothing there. But I’m running a lead this morning.” She held up her hand to stop any more questions. “Can’t discuss it right now, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have verification on a set of fingerprints.”

  * * *

  The moment Carr entered the sheriff’s office with Bella, he felt the chill, like stepping into a freezer. Folks new to rural areas always had a hard time fitting in. Some never made the grade. But at this rate, Carr was going to have to hire his own bodyguard to protect himself from the local sheriff’s department.

  Sheriff Roano leaned back in his chair. “Mornin’, Sullivan. Are you here to turn yourself in?”

  The next election could not come soon enough. “Old joke, Roano,” Carr said.

  “Sheriff Roano to you.”

  I’m behaving as immaturely as he is. “All of us want the murderer found. I’m out to do what I can to help the task force, just like you.” How many times did he need to repeat those words?

  Roano moistened his lips and took a deep breath. “But you’re still my number one suspect. And don’t forget it.”

  Carr chose not to respond verbally or physically. Instead, he’d wait until Roano discovered the real killer.

  Roano nodded at Bella. “Glad to get your call this morning. Let’s see what you’ve got and how we can help.”

  “Fingerprint check and then we’ll go from there. I also need to talk to Pastor Kent Matthews.”

  “He was here earlier. Left his cell phone on my desk, so I doubt if you can reach him.” Roano picked up the slim cell phone. “He’ll stop back later when he realizes it’s missing.”

  Carr studied Roano. Many times he’d wondered about his loyalty. Since Darren’s death, the newly appointed sheriff had made sure half the town knew he suspected Carr Sullivan. Even when Roano blacked his eye, Carr questioned if his grief and revenge were a ploy to throw off any evidence that he was involved in the murders. He still remembered Roano’s words. “You might think you got away with murdering Darren, but I’m smarter than you. You’re now a part of the curse.”

  * * *

  Within the hour at the sheriff’s office, Bella had her answer about Aros Kemptor’s fingerprints. She snatched up her phone and speed-dialed Swartzer in Houston.

  “I thought you were recovering,” he said.

  “Soon. I’ve too much at stake in this.”

  “Out-of-control emotions can get you killed.”

  But she had her training and her faith. “I’m being careful, and Frank is hovering over me like a mama. I’ve got a new development.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “On Saturday, I talked to an attorney by the name of Aros Kemptor out of Abilene, who I suspect is involved in these murders. I lifted his fingerprints and found they matched Professor Howard MacGregor, who taught law at the University of Texas until about eighteen months ago, when he disappeared. He was associated with Brandt and the Spider Rock treasure. He didn’t leave a forwarding address in Austin. Frank and I are putting together a team to pick him up for suspicion of murder.”

  “Call me once he’s arrested. Do I need to have you arrested in order to get you well?”

  Bella hoped he wasn’t serious, and she wasn’t about to quit when they were so close to apprehending Brandt. “Give me a little longer. Kemptor doesn’t seem like the type who’ll go down without leading us to Brandt.”

  “I agree, and we need him in custody. Got a lead on Mair in Waco. I’ll get back with you on that. Probably notify the Dallas office to pick her up.”

  For the first time in her career, Bella thanked God for the leads in solving the murders. She asked Him to protect her team and to lead them to those involved in the crimes. The more she trusted God, the more peace filled her. What a great equation.

  Bella made her way to Roano’s vehicle. With her bandaged arm, she needed the sheriff to drive her to Abilene to join Frank and Abilene’s police department in arresting MacGregor. Roano would then return to Ballinger. Carr opened the passenger door. She understood his trepidation. If the situation were turned around, she’d want to accompany him too. “I’ll call later.”

  “I know. Be careful.” His eyes betrayed his feelings for her.

  “This is my job.” Did he hear what she could not say?

  “A part of your life that scares most of us.”

  “Oh, but it sure gets the adrenaline going.” She plunged forward. “Would you check on the kids? make sure they’re okay?”

  He touched her arm. “Whatever it takes.”

  “Gotta get going. Frank’s waiting with Abilene PD.” Maybe someday they could talk about what they really meant.

  Chapter 52

sp; Brandt skimmed a stone across the creek and watched the ripples spread farther and farther. Effortlessly. Like this last hurdle of obtaining the treasure and joining Rachel so the two could spend the rest of their lives together. Brandt needed to grease up Aros’s pace so the digging could begin. The weasel thought he had the edge with the mineral rights and Sullivan’s will. But Brandt knew the exact location at the butte, and he had Shep Wither’s map. Stupid old man, as if Brandt ever had any intentions of handing over a cent of the gold to anyone.

  However, keeping one step ahead of the FBI had begun to wear on him. His left knee burned when he walked, and the surgery couldn’t be postponed much longer. If he could trust Aros, he’d slip down to Mexico City for a while and have it taken care of. But that was impossible.

  The estate in Brazil had cost over two million dollars, but it was ready for Bella. She’d be so pleased. Ten thousand square feet of luxury—everything she’d ever want. They’d be happy there.

  Brandt’s cell phone rang. The caller was unknown.

  “We’ve got problems.”

  Brandt recognized the voice. “Give it to me.”

  “Aros’s fingerprints have been traced to MacGregor. Bella and Frank are on their way to arrest him. Abilene police are assisting.”

  “Have you called him?”

  “Yes. He’s left the office and is on his way to the hotel.”

  “He’ll name all of us. You’d better get to him first.”

  “I’ve been on the road since I saw the fingerprint check. I’m on it.”

  Brandt refused to let this go south, not when he’d staked the last two decades of his life on it. “Call me when you’re done. We need insurance.”

  “Which one of them?”

  “Anne. Just keep an eye on her.”

  “What about Mair?”

  “I’ll handle her.”

  Chapter 53

  By the time Bella and Frank arrived at Aros’s office on the south side of Abilene, police and SWAT had staked out a perimeter around the building. The law enforcement officers waited for a signal from her and Frank to enter the premises. MacGregor had not been involved with anything illegal prior to his association with Brandt, which meant no one knew how he’d react to an arrest.

  “You’re still the lead in this investigation,” Frank said.

  “Don’t think so. Go for it.”

  “Sorry. You worked him. You charge him.”

  Being near the end did have a lot of satisfaction. “We need him alive,” she said as the two stepped from opposite sides of the car.

  They made their way with several members of the police force inside the black-glass building and up to the third floor housing Aros Kemptor’s law firm. She expected a locked door, but Frank had his own method of opening inaccessible areas. A barren office greeted them. Nothing but furniture. Even an empty trash can.

  “Let’s check with the security guard in the parking garage.” Disappointment diminished her expectations to conclude the investigation. “And I want a sweep of this office. Someone notified Aros within minutes of the fingerprint confirmation for Howard MacGregor.

  “Only a handful of people knew about this,” she said to Frank.

  “That should narrow it down—Roano, the four or so deputies inside the sheriff’s office, Carr, you, and me.”

  She studied Frank. In the heat, his sunglasses had slipped down his nose. “You forgot Kent Matthews. No man is ever beyond being seduced by money.”

  “I’ll call for a report on him.”

  “Make it fast.” The thought of Kent’s possible involvement would upset a lot of people in the community.

  * * *

  Patience was not one of Carr’s finest traits. He’d paced his library, the kitchen, the back porch, and now the stables. How long did it take to arrest a man? Over four hours had passed since Bella had left Ballinger. His head rang with all the possibilities of what could be happening, interrupted by flashes of Why aren’t you trusting God? Bella had taken the lead on this investigation for two reasons: her abilities as an FBI agent and her familiarity with the case. She had Frank with her and Abilene’s police force. This was candy. Then why was he twisted in apprehension?

  Bella hadn’t called, and the news sites carrying the latest happenings in Abilene were void of any FBI arrests. Twice he’d fished his cell phone from his pants pocket to call or text her, but he could be putting her in danger.

  “You doing all right?” Wesley leaned against the side of the stable door, his lanky frame blocking the sun streaming through.

  “Hardly. Wish someone would call.”

  “Roano is as antsy as you are.” He made his way toward Carr, his boots tapping on the concrete. “I’m as shocked as everyone else. Aros Kemptor spilled a lot of money into this community.”

  “Looks like he had reasons.” Now Carr understood why Aros had attempted to deter him from probing into the Spider Rock treasure and manipulate him into giving up mineral rights. And then there was the matter of his will. “My hope is he spills his guts about Richardson.”

  “If he doesn’t, he could be charged with four counts of murder—and that’s just for starters. He nearly killed Bella and shot you. So many times today I wanted to be out looking for him, but I understand my responsibilities.”

  Carr briefly recalled all that had happened since the Monday afternoon he and Jasper found the dead bodies. “I appreciate you, Wesley. Darren was proud of all your accomplishments.”

  The young deputy smiled. “All our lives have been on hold while we wait for this to end.”

  “Yeah. Soon. Maybe right now.”

  “Oh, I nearly forgot what I came out here for. Lydia got back with groceries and wonders what you want for dinner tonight.”

  His appetite had left him early this morning. “I’ll help her put things away. Gives me something to do.”

  “All right. I have a phone call to make, and then I’ll be right there.”

  Carr made his way across the yard to the back porch and inside the house. Wesley must have already carried the groceries inside. At least Carr could help her while they all waited to hear from Bella.

  Lydia had already separated pantry items from the food that would be stored in the refrigerator and freezer. If he could only be as organized. “Point me in the right direction,” he said as lightly as possible.

  She glanced up, pale. Sometimes he forgot she’d been threatened and how that must be constantly on her mind. “Pantry items. The shelves are labeled. Have you heard from Bella?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Hopefully soon. Do you have any requests for dinner?”

  “I don’t think either of us is hungry.” He gathered up a handful of items and carried them into the walk-in pantry that was more like the size of a small bedroom. He sorted through her dry goods and noted a large box of specialty chocolates. “Who’s the candy for?”

  “Wesley loves Godiva,” Lydia said. “I make sure I have a stash for him. Poor guy. Having to stand over an old woman all day has to be boring. The least I can do is supply his favorite chocolate.”

  Chill bumps raced up Carr’s arms. The candy wrapper found at the beginning of the investigation that had Darren’s fingerprints on it. The same brand. Surely not. Paranoia had attacked his logic. This was a coincidence and nothing more. Darren could have seen Wesley’s interest in the chocolate and had one himself. He’d ask Wesley about it later.

  “Where was Wesley earlier? I saw one of the other deputies when I came back from Ballinger.” Carr stepped out of the pantry, his thoughts racing.

  Lydia opened the refrigerator and placed carrots and parsnips inside the vegetable crisper. “Said he needed to purchase an engagement ring for his girlfriend. Guess he works during the store’s normal working hours.”

  “I’ll have to congratulate him.”

  “Oh, he asked me to keep the information to myself until her family has an opportunity to make the announcement.”

  Less than a month ago,
Darren said Wesley complained about the lack of girls around Ballinger. Carr swallowed his fears. What a joke. Darren’s nephew involved with something illegal? No way. Wesley was rock solid. Had been for a long time.

  “Sure glad that nephew of mine changed his outlook on life,” Darren had said.

  Carr recalled Darren telling him about Wesley’s habits prior to Carr’s move to the High Butte. “Underage and always in trouble. Once that boy hit the age of fourteen, he didn’t have a lick of sense.” According to Darren, the local police couldn’t prove Wesley had been involved in a convenience store robbery, but they strongly suspected him. Drinking became a problem as well as fighting. That’s when Darren stepped in and helped Wesley make some changes.

  Taking a deep breath, Carr remembered his own failings. God had picked him up, dusted him off, and sent him on his way with a new purpose. Much like Darren had done for Wesley. But as much as Carr tried to shove away the nagging thoughts about Wesley, the thoughts persisted.

  Darren trusted Wesley. Loved him like his own son.

  Wesley had access to all of the task force’s communications.

  Where was Wesley when Bella’s tires were shot out?

  Where was Wesley when Bella and he were shot?

  Where was Wesley when the rattler was placed in the hotel room?

  Where was Wesley when Darren was poisoned?

  Who could have stolen Carr’s rifle and then later returned it?

  Wesley had been present at Zack’s baseball game. Had even called his replacement for Lydia because he had a hunch about Richardson attending the game.

  And where was Wesley earlier today?

  The morning of his death, Darren was concerned about something regarding the case, and he hoped he was wrong. Later he told Carr that “it” was worse than he expected.

  Or was Carr nuts? He didn’t have anyone to call about his qualms except Roano. And knowing him, he’d toss Carr’s concerns. He finished putting the pantry items away and waited. If Aros or MacGregor—whatever his name was—had been picked up and Wesley was implicated, it would be only a matter of time before Bella and Frank made their way to the High Butte for another arrest.


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