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Long Road Home Page 5

by Chandra Ryan

  The burning returned as Hank slid slowly into his ass. “No flirting.”

  “No flirting?” The words didn’t make sense to his desire-fogged brain.

  Hank pulled back until only the tip of his cock was still inside then pushed back into him. “With the doctor.”

  “Oh.” The word came out in a long moan. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Good.” Hank wrapped an arm around his waist and took his cock in his hand. “You ready?”

  Everything else became lost as he fell into a world of total sensation. Nothing existed other than the man behind him fucking him relentlessly. Until his spine arched and he called out with the blinding pleasure of the release, he couldn’t even remember his own name. He got the definite impression Hank didn’t do things by half measure as they panted, awash in the afterglow. He put as much into the act as he demanded in return. Since Thom had willingly given him complete submission, he knew Hank had given him every ounce of himself.

  “You play dirty,” Hank said.

  The accusation snapped him out of his moment of tranquility. “Excuse me?”

  “I didn’t want to fuck you, but you used jealousy to overcome my caution.”

  His heart twisted at the words. “You didn’t want to fuck me?” He thought he remembered there being more to the statement, but he couldn’t think straight. Of every truth he knew in this world the biggest would be the man had indeed wanted to fuck him. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. You manipulated me.”

  He didn’t think he could hurt any worse but this statement added a new layer of hell to the pain echoing though him. “Get the fuck out of my bed.”

  There was no heat or desire in the growl this time. “No.”

  “I didn’t fucking manipulate you. I didn’t even know you were the jealous type. I was teasing.” He pulled the sheet around his body to act as a barrier. If Hank didn’t want to leave, he certainly couldn’t make him. He didn’t have to take these accusations, though. “If you don’t want to fuck me, why the hell do you want to stay in my bed?”

  Hank held his jaw locked but he bared his teeth as a garbled noise escaped him. If he’d been a betting man, Thom would’ve sworn he’d said, “Mine.” He refused to bet on anything when it came to the other man. Hank took a deep breath and relaxed. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t fucking accuse me of manipulating you to get you into my bed. If memory serves, you’re the one who came on to me.”

  He took another deep breath in though his nose and out his mouth. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  He didn’t look apologetic. No matter how badly Thom wanted to curl into his warm strength, he couldn’t. Hank’s words still haunted him. They destroyed every ounce of happiness he’d felt after his orgasm. “Fine. You won’t leave, I will.” He got up with enough speed to avoid being captured but regretted it when his leg throbbed under his weight. He had to clutch the wall to stay upright.

  “I said I was sorry.” Hank took another deep breath. “You aren’t going to call the doctor to get even with me, are you?”

  Thom looked over his shoulder as he wobbled through the door. “I don’t make empty promises and I don’t accept empty apologies.” His heart and his leg hurt as he made his way down the hall and into the guest room.

  Chapter Five

  Hank stayed in the bed for the remainder of the night. He didn’t sleep worth shit, but being surrounded by the other man’s scent did keep his Wolf from insisting they go find the human and tie him to the bedposts. Why did humans have to be so fucking stubborn and illogical?

  Okay, maybe he’d been a little out of line when he’d accused the man of intentionally manipulating him. He should’ve taken a deep breath and asked the man if he’d made him jealous on purpose. Given Thom’s lack of knowledge and experience with Werewolves, he should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt.

  He growled at his anger. It fed the guilt plaguing him and made him feel worse. He had to find some way to fix the misunderstanding—some way where he managed to keep his and the pack’s secrets.

  When the sun painted the room with golden light, he gave up on the idea of getting any sleep and stumbled out of the bed. Thom had made coffee. The aroma called to him and made him salivate. He forced himself to throw on some sweatpants and a T-shirt before he gave into the temptation of going downstairs. His Wolf had taken an emotional bruising last night. He refused to walk into another fight naked.

  He took the stairs two at a time. The action made a loud thumping noise, but he wanted the man to be prepared for his appearance. When he stepped into the kitchen, however, the other man stood at the sink, his weight supported by a pair of crutches, looking out the window, and didn’t turn to acknowledge his arrival. The slight made his gut burn but he pushed down the impulse to react. Instead, he crossed to the coffeepot and poured himself a mug of the brew before making his way to the small table and claiming a chair as his own.

  “Sleep well?” Thom asked.

  His back was still toward Hank but the trucker decided to take the words as some sort of peace offering. “Nope. You?”

  “Like shit.”

  Hank took a deep breath. “I owe you an apology.” The words weren’t as difficult to say as he’d originally imagined they would be. “A real apology. My emotions were amped up after the drama of this week. I let them get the better of me. I shouldn’t have accused you of manipulating me.”

  He shrugged. “You don’t know me. It’s an understandable assumption. I shouldn’t have taken it so personally. I’m sorry.”

  The words were icy daggers in his hard-fought control. “I’d like to think I know you some. Especially after everything we’ve gone through this week.”

  “The shooting? You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and chose to do the right thing. Says more about you than it ever will about me.” Thom swung around to face him and Hank wished he hadn’t. He lacked any noticeable emotion. He appeared cold and distant.

  “Not true. You followed me out into the yard. Shows you’re brave.”

  “Stupid is more like it.” Thom said with a snort.

  “You own one of the few family farms left. Shows you’re dedicated.”


  He had to smile but he managed to hold back the bite of laughter. “Stubborn isn’t a bad thing. I’ve been called worse.”

  “I can imagine.” Thom’s dry tone told him the man hadn’t forgiven him.

  He took a drink of coffee and savored the warmth. “Okay. So maybe we don’t know each other very well. We had a fight. It happens.” He put the mug on the table. “I want to get to know you. If you have no interest in getting to know me, I’ll leave.” The words made his chest hurt and his gut cramp, but they had to be said. He’d camp out in the woods until he became certain the threat had passed, but he didn’t hold with staying where he wasn’t welcome. If the farmer wanted him out, he’d leave.

  Thom took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want you to leave.” He hobbled over to the table and sat across from him. “I should, but I don’t.”

  He relaxed. “What do you want, then?” Whatever answers he gave, Hank would happily take it. Nothing could be worse than the thought of leaving the man unprotected.

  “First of all, I want you to stop treating me like an invalid. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Even injured.”

  Hank gritted his teeth against the urge to argue with him. When he trusted himself to speak again, he agreed to the stipulation.

  “I’m not an idiot, however. I am injured. Although I can take care of myself, I should try to take things a little easy. I do appreciate your offer to help, and I’m happy to take you up on it until I am completely healed.”

  Hank didn’t need to hide his reaction to this request. His Wolf wanted to howl with approval. He craved nothing more than the desire to be needed. “Thank you.”

nbsp; “Only when I ask, though. If I say I can do something, let me do it.”

  “Got it.” He made a mental note to be one step ahead of the farmer. If he found all the jobs needing to be done before Thom could, there would be no need for him to attempt to do them on his own.

  “As to the sleeping arrangements….”

  Hank’s mouth became dry and his stomach pitched with dread.

  “You’re more than welcome to sleep in my room.”

  He shifted, uncomfortably aware of the fact Thom hadn’t said he’d sleep in there with him. “Where will you be?”

  “You say you want to get to know me. I’d like to get to know you. I’m not going to lie. I enjoyed being fucked by you.”

  Dear God! Why does he have to drag the answer out? Doesn’t he realize the hell he’s putting me through?

  “I plan on sleeping in my bed as well. If this is going to be a problem, you can sleep in the guest room.”

  He smiled broadly as his body relaxed. “No problem for me.”

  “Good.” Thom smiled back at hm and nodded. “In the interest of getting to know each other, you should know I don’t play games and I don’t manipulate men to get them into my bed. I don’t need to.”

  “You should know I’m jealous and overprotective.”

  “Figured that out all on my own but thanks.”

  He chuckled at the man’s jibe. “I wanted to say it out loud so you’d realize I know I’m a pain in the ass and it’s not going to change.”

  “I’ve already agreed to not have sex with anybody else while you’re my guest. There’s not much else I can do. Either you’re going to trust me or you aren’t.” The challenge lacing his words couldn’t be missed.

  “I trust you. I’ll do my best to talk to you before I let my emotions take control again.”

  He cocked his head as if Hank’s response had been a surprise. “Huh. Okay. Guess I can’t ask for more.” He held his hand out. “I believe he have an understanding.”

  He took Thom’s hand in his.

  “When the doctor gives me the all-clear, we’ll revisit the terms.”

  The reminder made a small pit of nerves form in Hank’s stomach, but he nodded nonetheless. “I’m at your disposal for the next two weeks, then.”


  When Thom made the original agreement with Hank, two weeks had been so far on the horizon he hadn’t given it any real thought. When the days, not to mention the nights, sped by, however, he started to worry. A week had already passed. They’d reached the halfway point. Yet he hadn’t gotten over his initial infatuation with the overprotective and slightly intimidating man. If anything, he grew more attached to him every day.

  “I’ve checked on the crops, patched the broken fence out by the southwest pasture, and finished replacing the boards with bullet holes in the barn.” Hank sat down and picked up the coffee cup with a smile.

  The list made his head swim. The sun had barely risen. How had the man found the time to do a full day’s work before even having a cup of coffee? “You’re”—he paused as he searched for the correct word in his sleep-addled brain—“impressive.” Irritating would be more accurate, but he didn’t want to offend.

  “I’m a morning person.”

  He took a drink of his coffee and grimaced at the bitterness. Hank’s coffee always tasted better than his own. Then again, he did everything better so coffee shouldn’t come as a surprise. “I’ve gathered.”

  “Did you sleep well? I tried not to wake you when I got up.”

  At the memory of their night together, his irritation changed to desire and his cheeks heated. “Yes, you wore me out. I was dead to the world until a half an hour ago. I doubt I would’ve woken up if you’d had a marching band come through my bedroom.”

  “Good.” Hank’s smile contained a hint of swagger. The man’s cockiness turned him on and annoyed him at the same time. Why did he have to be so damn good at everything?

  “So, what are your plans for the day? Since you’ve finished my chore list, maybe I can help you with yours?”

  The other man’s smile fell flat as if he were fighting to keep it in place. “I thought I’d drop you off at your physical therapy then go see Drew. He’s said something about ordering another shipment of crops.”

  “If he wants to order more produce I should be the one to talk to him.” His voice came out a little sharper than he’d intended. “It is my farm, and my crops, after all.”

  “Of course.” Hank’s smile disappeared altogether. “But his schedule is kind of crazy right now, and you’ve got PT today. Also, I needed to talk to him about something else anyway. I thought it would be helpful if I got some initial numbers from him since I was headed out to Los Lobos. I’ll have him come over tonight after you’re back from town.”

  Remorse made his stomach turn. The man had been true to his word. He hadn’t once done something Thom had told him not to do. More importantly, he hadn’t told Thom he couldn’t do something because of his injury. It would be nice if he left a couple more things for Thom to do, but he couldn’t fault the man because he happened to be a morning person. “How about you go over the initial numbers with him and write up a report for me to look over tonight? I can schedule some time to meet with Drew early next week to go over any changes that might need to be made before we finalize it.” It would be win-win for him. He didn’t like meeting with Drew. Hank acted different around the man. He took charge of every situation. Thom had to fight to keep the reins of his farm firmly in his grasp. The other man would happily take the farm work over as well. He deferred to Drew, however.

  At first, he hadn’t noticed. He’d been too sleepy to notice much of anything when he’d first gotten home from the hospital. When he’d gotten better, he’d started observing more. When he’d asked the man about his relationship with Drew, he’d said they were old friends. Then Hank had switched the meetings from the farm to the commune. Something didn’t add up. Drew obviously meant more than he would admit to him.

  He chuckled when he realized he sounded as jealous as Hank.

  “Something funny?”

  He jumped. He’d forgotten they were in the middle of their morning coffee. “Sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts.”

  “You seemed a million miles away.”

  “Nope. Only a couple miles at most.” He pushed the remnants of jealousy and uneasy out of his mind. “I think you’re starting to rub off on me.”

  “Lord knows I rub up on you often enough.” He winked. “Guess it was only a matter of time.”

  Thom’s heart sped, and his cock twitched at the flirtatious innuendo. “Rubbing sounds good. Too bad we’ve got plans today.”

  “If we focus, we can be done with our meetings and finish our chores by lunch.” Hank looked down at his watch. “I think I might be able to talk my boss into letting me have the afternoon off.”

  “Your boss? Who would that be?”

  Hank tipped his head back in a full laugh. The rich bark of merriment made him smile even though he didn’t understand the joke. “You are.” Hank got up and came around the table to steal a passionate kiss. His head swam with desire by the time Hank released him.


  “Yeah.” The other man took a ragged breath before taking a step away. “Unless you want to reschedule your whole morning, I suggest you go get ready.”

  “Is rescheduling and option?” he teased. In his heart he knew he couldn’t miss his PT appointment. He needed to get better—stronger.

  Hank shook his head. “Nope. What we do might be classified as cardio, but it’s no replacement for your therapy.”

  “Fine.” He stood up and stepped away from the table. “The only reason I’m not fighting you on this one, though, is because I happen to agree with you.”

  “Of course you do.” Hank slapped his ass as he walked by. “Because I’m right. Can’t argue with that.”

  When he stood under the warm spr
ay of water from the shower, he realized he only had a week of therapy left. One week and he wouldn’t need the other man. Why did everything about the statement hit him wrong? He’d never needed him to do the chores. He could’ve checked the crops and had his farm hands patch the fence and replace the damaged areas of the barn this morning. Hank enjoyed helping out, so he let the man do some of the work.

  After having the man live with him for the past week, however, he found he needed him in other ways. He slept better with Hank’s warm, strong body pressed against his. He woke with a smile on his face when he smelled coffee brewing. Before, his farm had been his life. Since Hank had been here, however, he rushed through his work in order to get home and spend time with the man. He wouldn’t be able to forget their nights together for some time.

  His hand froze. In one week, the man would be free. He would move on. Thom’s stomach pitched and rolled. There would be nothing left to hold Hank to the farm. Whatever sense of obligation he felt toward Thom would be gone once he got the all clear from the doctor.

  What would he do then?

  “Then again. We do have some time to kill before your doctor’s appointment.” Hank’s voice startled him as the man opened the shower door. “I’m sure we can find some way to put each and every minute to good use.”

  His cock went hard despite the conflicted emotions filling him. He hadn’t needed Hank to do any of the chores and jobs he constantly offered to do. He needed the man for all the things he had never once alluded to. He needed the man because he’d somehow fallen in love with him.

  “Are you okay? You feel tense.” Hank pulled Thom to him until their bodies were snuggled together under the hot spray of water.

  “I’m a little nervous.”

  The soft sound of Hank sniffing followed Thom’s words. “A little nervous? It seems like you’re really upset about something.”

  He shook his head. “I’m worried about the physical therapy. It always leaves me sore and tired.”


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