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Nawashi Page 15

by Gray Miller

  Now. He struggled to bring his mind back to the now, to focus on his breath, on the feeling of the air on his body, the scents wafting across the room. As his breathing deepened, he found he could sense the indrawn breaths and soft exhalations of Sullivan and Vashte, already in sync with each other. He took a moment to meld his breath with theirs.

  “OM MANI PADME HUM.” Sullivan’s full baritone filled the room as he began to chant, the sound echoing impossibly in the small chamber.

  “Om Mani Padme Hum.” Vashte’s dry voice replied, in some ways more powerful than Sullivan because it matched in intensity without requiring volume.

  The two of them repeated the chant, over and over, creating a rhythm between them that drew Brian deeper into the trance.

  “So, ready for our nightly kink?” Bec asked, swinging a leg over Jake and perching in his lap. He pressed the remote and the credits to Alias disappeared from the screen.

  “Sure, babe, what’d you have in mind?” Jake’s voice was a rich bass, belying his small frame, and his neatly trimmed black goatee framed a smile that was never far away. “Are we going to test your ‘training’ again? Did you wash the plugs?”

  Bec blushed, just for a moment, and said, with a bit of pique, “No, I think that Brian did quite a good job of training me, as you found out last night.” She paused, then seemed to make up her mind. “But I’m glad you asked, anyway. It does have to do with him, and something he’d like you to help me with… ”

  She stood up and suddenly took off her shirt, her full breasts pushed up by a black velvet bra. She pushed down her jeans, too, revealing a black thong with a Felix the Cat head on it. Jake laughed. “Oh, you have the cutest pussy I’ve seen… ”

  Bec smiled, her eyes taking on a glow as she again straddled her lover. “I’m glad you like it.” Reaching behind her, she unsnapped her bra. “See anything else you like.”

  As his mouth descended on her breasts, she threw her head back, loving the feeling of his soft lips closing on her nipple… and thought of Brian, her husband.

  When Sally entered the room, she was the only one dressed, wearing a slight cotton shift thin enough to show the dark shade of her nipples through the fabric. Walking with small, measured footsteps, she crossed the room to where Vashte sat, and knelt before her. After a moment of breathing together, Vashte reached to her side without looking, and lifted a bowl filled with a shining oil.

  Slowly she lifted the bowl, dipping two fingers in, and daubed each of her nipples with the slickness, then dipped between her legs, anointing her mons as well. Her hand rested on her right thigh, palm up in invitation, and Sally leaned forward, her tongue reaching out to taste Vashte’s nipples, one after another, then bowing her head down slowly and giving a slow lick to her vulva. Vashte’s chant never waivered, but Sally saw the darkening flush of her skin, and repressed a smile.

  Picking up the bowl, she turned and made her way to the center where Brian knelt, breathing deeply into the trance. She knelt in front of him and set the bowl next to her legs, within easy reach. For a moment they simply sat their, bathing in each other’s eyes, letting the power that was now so familiar slowly simmer and rise, thickening the air around them.

  After a time—no one could say how long—Sally suddenly knew it was right, and she dipped her two fingers into the bowl, coating them with the sweet oil. Lifting her hand, she reached up and began to trace the scars on his body with the liquid, letting her hand lightly caress each line and curve as it travelled around his nipples, down his belly, across his ribs.

  As her fingers brushed him, he felt for the first time his cock beginning to stir, her light tracing causing the vessels to swell. His testes felt heavy where they rested between his legs, and as his cock lifted, they seemed to twitch at the sudden sensation of the cool air.

  She had to dip her fingers in three times before she was able to complete the tracery, moving around him to his back, feeling the muscles there tensing as her fingers passed over sensitive areas and aroused him further. When she was done, the last finger trailing down his back and curling to the right, she sat for a moment, still behind him, letting her awareness envelope his presence, feeling his arousal and letting it flow into her. She felt her vulva swell, and as she adjusted herself she could feel the sudden slickness between her thighs.

  She dipped her head down to where the final scar had finished its curlique, and reached out the tip of her tongue to begin to trace it back.. The oil was sweet, his skin hot and smooth, and she closed her eyes, not needing them to sense the mark of power as it covered his torso.

  She began to lick her way through the pattern of power.

  Bec was on her knees before Jake, resting her arms on his thighs as she massaged his penis through his jeans, feeling it grow harder and fill her hand. He had his head back, eyes closed, enjoying the ministrations of her hand as it rubbed up and down, wrapping fingers lightly under his crotch to caress his trapped testes. As she curved her fingers to let her nails graze the bulge, she felt the cock twitch in response, and she suddenly found herself unable to wait any longer. Her strong fingers opened the jeans, pulling down the zipper and digging into the flap of his boxer briefs until his cock stood tall in her hand.

  She brought her mouth close to it, inhaling the clean musk of him, letting her thumb run up from the base along the underside, wrapping her fingers loosely around the tip and pulling down, the foreskin revealing the tip glistening with pre-cum. Leaning forward, she blew gently, letting her breath cool the shining liquid, and was rewarded with a growling moan from his chest.

  For just a moment she squeezed his cock as hard as she could, forearm trembling with the effort… and then moaned herself at the unyielding hardness of it, letting the strength of it overpower her. She rubbed her cheek against the tip, letting it flow down to her neck, where she rubbed it up and down, beginning to shiver as she felt its caress. Thank you, Brian, for giving me the freedom to enjoy this…

  Again she let it draw a glistening trail from her cheek down to her collarbone, then back up, and once more… holding the image of her husbands cock in her mind as firmly as the one in her hand… and then she could resist no longer, and she wrapped her lips around it with a devouring passion.

  Sally was also thinking of Brian’s erection, as it lay inches from her cheek while she traced the last of the the mark with her tongue. The light oil had not coated it, had been more like a spice highlighting the connection of her lips and mouth to his flesh. She held a moment crouched down, enjoying the proximity of his cock, tempted to reach out one more time with her tongue and just taste it.

  Desire. Beauty. Discipline. The words resonated within her, and she straightened and met Brian’s calm eyes, folding her hands into her lap.

  Brian let his breathing continue to match the rhythm of the chanting avatars on each side of the room, letting the soft hot sensation of Sally’s tongue fade into his skin, highlighting the pattern and drawing its energy up and to the surface. He began to let his own presence expand outward, merging his energy with Sally’s as they both felt the pulse of desire slowly build with the smooth chanting.

  “Om mani padme hum… ”

  Reaching to his side, he picked up the rope. It seemed to uncoil itself in his hand, the soft strands falling across his palm and the back of his hand with the same caress as a lover, as he lifted it to Sally, and began to weave a pattern over the cotton shift, an ebony rope harness that pressed the material into sharp outline along her curves, encircling each breast and dipping between her legs in one single long connected strand of rope. Brian turned her body with firm pressure from his hand as he threaded the rope around her and through itself, pulling all the joints in the rope tighter and tighter, until she felt as if she could be held up by the pressure of the strands alone. Finally he drew the tails up to either hip, and wrapped each slender wrist in three loops of rope, securing them to the ropes tightly crossing her hips. He pushed her down to her knees again, joining her in a quick folding of hi
s legs, and again they looked at each other, now having anointed each other with their fetish. She felt the ropes digging, caressing, pressing into her in so many points at the same time that she lost any hope of keeping track of the stimulation, and simply had to relax into it. Their eyes met, and after a time, a wordless question was asked, and assent given.

  Reaching up behind her neck, he pulled her head down, and her open mouth took his cock in. She closed her eyes and left her body, visualizing how her bound form must look bent over his cock, mouth wrapped around it. A low, soft hum came from deep in her throat.

  Sally was happy.

  “I think we need a little more than this,” Jake’s deep voice startled Bec out of her absorption into the worship of his cock. “I think a little scene would be in order. I want you to scoot your knees back and put your ass in the air, like the wanton you are, and I’m going to help you imagine.”

  “I’m going to let you keep on tasting my cock, keeping it in your mouth, your hands, doing what you love. But I’m also going to be reaching behind you. Spreading you. Drawing your cheeks apart, spreading your lips, opening that pussy wide.”

  “And when I do that, Bec, I want you to think about your husband’s cock driving into that pussy, at the same time that you’ve got your hands and mouth on mine.”

  Bec had her eyes closed, picturing every word he said. She moved her knees back, quickly spreading them apart at a harsh command from Jake. She cried out suddenly as his hand swatted her ass, twice, hard and punitive slaps, so startling that for a moment she struggled to remember what he had said. She realized what it was, a moment later, and in a soft, melodious, breathy voice, said “Yes, sir.”

  Her arms were stretched in front of her, both hands wrapped around Jake’s long cock, squeezing, pumping, stroking it and losing herself in its hardness. She felt his strong hands reach over her and grasp the cheeks of her round ass, pulling them apart, and the the night air seemed to rush in and caress her anus and perineum now so fully exposed. His hands moved deeper and she felt his fingers on either side of her vulva, pulling the outer labia open with a sudden firm pinch on each side. He had to move forward to do this, and she moved her mouth immediately to engulf his cock, sucking it deep into her throat and letting her tongue caress up and down its length as it filled her mouth.

  Her labia minora felt more engorged the longer they were exposed, open like this, and she was picturing vividly Brian’s body taking her from behind, his own thick cock, wet from her own mouth, ready to drive into her. She was concentrating on it, and on the cock in her mouth, so that when Jake stroked a finger up the inner surfaces of the labia, she screamed around his girth at the sensation. Jake smiled, and did it again, this time letting the finger rest along the length of her slit, bending the knuckle just a bit so that there was the vaguest suggestion of impending penetration. He waited for her mouth to resume its motion on his cock… and then he began to lightly tap his fingers on and around the hooded button of her clit.

  She screamed around his cock again, lost to the pleasure.

  Sally lifted her head from Brian’s cock and knelt up again, her lips feeling swollen and full. Her mouth was small, and his cock was thick, so it was a wonderful stretching feeling for her every time she took him in her mouth. But he had lifted her hair, ever so slightly, and she instantly obeyed, moving her body gracefully within the ropes and cotton shift she wore.

  She did not know what would happen next—when they’d discussed the ceremony, they had not told her of anything past this point, though Brian and Vashte had discussed it together at length while she and Sullivan had shared a cup of tea.

  No matter. She waited patiently, knowing that by doing so, she was serving her master, and was therefore happy. Her mind and presence were thoroughly in the “now” state, and she felt ready for anything that might happen.

  Except for what did happen. Brian rose gracefully from seiza in a half crouch, spinning on one knee to face Sullivan who sat in lotus, his cock jutting up like the tail end of an incense burner. Brian knee-walked over, keeping his legs under him as they swooped along the rug, and came to rest directly in front of the hairy man.

  Then Brian leaned forward and kissed Sullivan, soft and full, on the lips. Bending over, he placed an equally full kiss in the palm of each of Sullivans hands. Finally, with great dignity, he lowered his head slightly and opened his lips to take in Sullivan’s cock, a formal fellating that seemed to Sally something of a cross between an erotic caress and a military salute.

  Straightening, Brian looked into Sullivan’s eyes, and the two of them shared a moment of intimacy brought tears to Sally’s eyes. She stole a quick glance over to where Vashte was chanting, and saw the tears streaming down her face and spilling onto her erect nipples.

  The beauty of the moment was so intense that Brian thought he might burst and happily die. Sullivan held his eyes for a moment longer, and then reached to his side, lifting a strange, curved knife, almost like a steel claw, and offering it to Brian.

  Sally felt her stomach twist. The blade frightened her, as did all edged and pointed implements; she was known to be terrified of the tiny pinwheel, even. Surely Brian woudn’t…

  He would. He carried the knife back to where she knelt in his black harness, and placed it before her, taking a moment to bow. She couldn’t tell if it was a bow to the knife, or to her, or to both. He lifted it slowly, letting the sharp point and strange serrated edge fill her vision… and suddenly she was blind.

  As the scarf was tied behind her head, she realized that Vashte had left her seat and moved behind her. She felt the woman’s strong arms grasp her, holding her upright, and then heard the first terrifying sound along with a slight tug, just for a moment, on the sleeve of the shift.

  It wasn’t until the sleeve fell to the floor next to her that she realized that the knife was so sharp it had sliced directly through the sleeve. She had not even heard the fabric parting. She felt him move again, and another tug… and suddenly her left breast was half bare, the flap of cloth fluttering against her skin with a soft kissing sensation. Another tug, barely perceptible, and the breast was bare.

  Shortly he had her almost completely naked, but for occasional straps of cloth and the black rope that wrapped around her. Her reduced senses were wired to such a fever pitch that they shivered with every passing air current, and she cried out when Vashte suddenly released her grip, leaving her suddenly feeling very lost and alone behind the black blindfold.

  Then she felt his hand on her cheek, and knew that her Master was there. She nuzzled it, feeling it rise up and caress her, then gasping as his thumb pulled down on her lower lip, opening it and forcing her mouth, still swollen from going down on him, open just slightly, the force of it somewhere between a thrusting invasion and a deep soul kiss. She moaned again, letting her tongue creep out and just slightly touch the soft edge of his skin.

  The fingers tightened behind her neck then, and just as in the club, she felt her body held immobile, suspended by his one hand at her neck.

  Then she felt the tip of the blade begin to trace along the edge of the ropes, and she screamed out her fear, a rush of erotic energy surging out of both them, outward… .

  Bec gave a sudden gasp as a wave of sensation hit her. She was on her back, having been commanded by Jake to masturbate for him. Her fingers rested on either side of the hood of her clit, too delicate to touch directly, and she was moaning as her fingers rubbed the hood quickly between them, stroking the clit. It had been feeling good, but suddenly she had felt an extra wave of warmth and support wash over her, like a lighter version of an orgasm. Her legs, splayed out to either side, had jerked up with the sensation, and as she let them relax, she felt Jake moving up in between them. “I think you need a little bit of help here, lovely Bec,” he said. “You want my cock in your pussy while you touch yourself?”

  She moaned and arched her back in answer. “Yes, please, Sir, I want your cock deep inside me. Please!”

  He kn
elt before her, his posture almost identical to the seiza form Brian had assumed hundreds of miles away. Slowly he stroked the latex-clad tip of his cock up and down the length of her vulva, causing her to buck and twist, trying to capture it inside of her. At the same time she was moving her hands furiously, still suffused with the sensation that had passed over her, the familiar sensation of…

  Brian. Suddenly she knew what she had felt. Somehow she’d felt the connection between Brian and whatever his lover was doing. She didn’t think about the how, she simply reached out again to try and find that connection… and so was all the more open to the pleasure as Jake drove his cock deep into her wet lips. The pulse of sensation flared between them, and they both froze in a rictus of deep penetration for just a moment, backs arched away from each other, breath stopped, and in that moment, Bec made connection.

  Brian knelt over Sally, who was trembling as he ran the blade around the ropes that bound her back, tracing the outline of the patterns into slight red scratches on her skin, the designs mirroring his own permanent marks. When the connection hit them, Brian threw his hands up in the air like a preacher invoking the holy spirit, his hand suddenly clenching the knife. In that moment, he could feel the penetration of Jake’s cock into his wife, feel both her joy at the sensation and her love for both of them, from the sweet basic antinomy of loving his cock and missing Brian’s at the same time to the deeper levels of the soul, where he could not verbalize but could only feel, the immense gravity of the desire, affection, and respect all rolling into one piece of attraction between souls who have chosen to share lives together.


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