Sheikh's Destiny

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Sheikh's Destiny Page 7

by Leah Leonard

  “So you are actually going to pursue her? Even though she left you without a trace?”

  “I must. She had her reasons, I’m sure. I must see what they are for my own good.”

  “What possible reasons could a woman have for abandoning you?”

  “Her parents recently passed away. She’s in quite an emotional state, and I’m afraid I was a bit…aggressive.”

  “I see,” the Sultan said. “Probably for the best...”

  “What do you mean by that?” Uri asked.

  “You don’t have any other solid prospects at the moment, so although she may not be the most suitable―”

  “You introduced us, Father! How can you say that?”

  “I still don’t approve of your meddling, however I find Stephanie to be the most interesting woman I’ve met since…” Uri felt better in regards to Tamara after meeting Stephanie, but he still found it difficult to speak her name.

  “Did I not tell you there was someone out there for you? Go to her. Find her and force her to bend to your will. Discover what it is that she is running from and temper her spirit. You appear to be a good match.”

  “I will do my best to find her. Now I must go.”

  Uri finished the paper, had a third cup of coffee and continued waiting and watching hundreds of people disembark. Once it got to be 10:45 in the morning, he started getting concerned. From his best estimate, in all, he’d seen at least a thousand people. He checked every single one of them, but still, there was no sign of Stephanie anywhere.

  He decided to take the gifts back to the limo, lest the flowers would fade and her baklava would melt.

  He approached the car and knocked on the window. His driver leapt to attention. He had apparently been napping. He jumped out of the car and ran over to help Uri. “Your Highness, please, allow me to take these for you.” He put the flowers and sweets away in the limo’s refrigerator and asked, “Anything else, Your Highness?’

  Uri almost started to question his loyal companion about his judgment. What if they had picked the wrong ship to follow? There were several bound from Kusadasi to Istanbul in port yesterday. What if she was there and not here? “No. I shall return soon I hope. She has not appeared.”

  “She will sir,” the driver said, as if he sensed the question in Uri’s mind. “I called again this morning after we spoke and my friend assured me this is the correct ship.”

  “If you confirmed it, then I am sure it is,” Uri smiled, pulled one red rose from the vase. “I shall be back once we make contact.”

  “Very good, sir. I will be waiting.”


  Stephanie had no idea why she was having so much trouble getting ready today. Seeing Melody and Meg hadn’t done anything to elevate her mood, but still, she needed to get out and take a look around.

  She felt dull, like she was sleepy and suffering from the familiar low grade depression she’d felt ever since she heard about her parents. She had to push past these feelings and get out there and see this amazing city!

  Dressed conservatively in a white long sleeved blouse and khakis, she brought along extra sunscreen and a floppy hat to protect her fair skin from the elements. She got her belongings together and finally left the ship a few minutes past eleven in the morning. Several people who visited Athens before told her the metro station was nearby and easy to get to, so she planned to take the train, and go walking on her own today.

  The ship staff scanned her ID card and she walked outside into the bright sun. Shielding her eyes, she felt the cool breeze, smelled the fresh air and slowly started making her way to the street where she would have to ask for directions to the train.

  Crowds of passengers walked slowly in front of her and when she glanced up for a moment to see how much farther it was to the taxi stand and street, she caught a glimpse of a handsome dark haired man, who sadly reminded her of Uri.

  God she missed him! She had to get over this! She couldn’t continue ruining her vacation with thoughts of a person who she would never see again.

  She glanced in his direction again, hoping whoever the guy was he would leave. That figured. There were probably tons of gorgeous dark haired men in Greece, just like in Turkey, and she would have a hard time all day if she let that get to her.

  She made a beeline away from the man so she wouldn’t have to see him again and kept on walking, following the crowds, until she heard the sound of her name in the breeze.


  She ignored it and dismissed it as her overactive imagination. Then she heard it again, only louder.


  She turned around and saw the handsome stranger was no stranger at all. “Uri?” No it couldn’t be. She was obviously losing it.

  “Yes,” he beamed. He looked so wonderful in a white button down shirt and khaki pants. Strangely the pair matched. They couldn’t have planned it better if they tried. He held a single red rose in his hand. “This is for you.”

  The emotion of seeing him again hit her right in the heart. She threw her arms around his shoulders. “Uri, I’m so happy to see you!”


  All of the waiting and wondering was worth it once Uri held Stephanie in his arms again. The moment she turned around and saw him made him realize he was right to be here. He loved her. As crazy as it seemed, he fell in love yesterday, and he would make her his own. He never believed in love at first sight until he met her.

  “I’m sorry for leaving you.”

  He didn’t care. All he wanted was her. “You are happy to see me then?”

  “Of course, but how did you do this? How did you know where to find me?” she wiped her eyes, removed the cute little hat she wore. Her emerald eyes glittered in the bright sun.

  “It was not easy, but you are worth it.” He stroked her beautiful red hair, and rubbed her back, smelling her faint perfume, taking her into his arms. He hoped he would never have to be without her ever again. He pulled away, took her hands in his. “You are not angry I came?”

  She shook her head and a fresh wave of tears emerged.

  “Come,” he took her hand and led her to the waiting car. “My driver is here and we will take you wherever you wish to go.”


  They arrived to the limo and the driver greeted her, opened the door and the couple slid in the back. This one had beige leather seats and an oak colored interior. How spoiled could she get in two days time? It was amazing!

  Once they were in the back seat of the limo, the driver poured champagne. Stephanie noticed a crystal vase filled with gigantic red roses and an ornate foil box of candy sitting on the table.

  “These are also for you, my darling,” Uri lifted the lid off the box. “Baklava, a Greek treat. Want some?”

  “Sure,” she smiled, still unable to believe he was actually here.

  He fed her a piece.

  “This is delicious.” Stephanie wasn’t sure whether the baklava was giving her the chills, or if the sexy Sheikh was responsible. She thought it was most likely the latter. Uri was good enough to eat, for sure.

  “So dear, what was it you planned to do today?”

  “I was going to take a walk to the subway, get off in the city center, go to the Acropolis…Not much really. I just wanted to visit the main attractions and get a feel for things.”

  “Then we shall go to the city center at once.” Uri called to his driver, “Did you get all of that?”

  “Yes, Sheikh. Right away. To Athens.”

  The car pulled back from the dock and Stephanie gazed out the windows at the beautiful mountainous city of Athens. Like Turkey, white stucco buildings were stacked in the cliffs. Boats filled the gorgeous Aegean Sea harbor and the air was crisp, clear and the brightest blue anyone could ever imagine. “This is so gorgeous!”

  “As are you, darling,” Uri squeezed her shoulders.

  Despite the amazing surroundings, Stephanie still felt horrible for what she did yesterday. She didn’t think they co
uld keep going today until she said something about it. “Uri?”

  “Yes, dear?”

  “About yesterday…”

  “I am afraid I must apologize to you,” Uri said. “I was too forward, and I am sorry.”

  “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I’ve been through a lot lately, as you can imagine,” Stephanie began. “Not that I think that’s any excuse, mind you. I was rude. You didn’t deserve that.”

  “Please, Stephanie,” Uri held her tight. “I should have known you would not be able to think about a future when your past has been ripped away so suddenly. I am to blame. I don’t know what came over me…only that you, dear, are the loveliest creature I have ever seen. I would love to plan a future with you, however I must be patient and wait until you are ready and willing.”

  Stephanie realized Uri seemed to have it all thought out, and somehow blamed himself. She knew she should tell him about Buck, but was that really why she ran? And besides, what would be the point? As she already knew, the likelihood of this actually working out was so slim, she might as well enjoy the day. Uri seemed to understand she wasn’t ready for more, so why complicate things by reading too much into the situation? She decided the best thing to do was to try and enjoy herself and make the most out of the time they had together. With that, she leaned back, gazed out the window at the magnificent scenery, and enjoyed the ride.


  Within the hour, they arrived in the heart of downtown Athens. It was near lunchtime, so Uri had his driver call ahead to make a reservation at the best restaurant in town with a stellar view of the Acropolis money could buy. They arrived in the lobby and he asked Stephanie, “Shall we sit outdoors on the deck?”

  “Yes,” she beamed.

  The patio was made of ancient brick and the sweet smell of rotisserie lamb filled the air. The staff brought over two fresh Greek salads, a bottle of Greek chardonnay, and piping hot homemade bread.

  “I took the liberty of ordering for you, dear,” Uri said. “I want to make certain we have the very best of what this lovely city has to offer.”

  “I will take your word for it, and I appreciate it so much,” she said.

  “I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. If you want more, or if there is something else you would like me to order, please let me know and they will get it for you.”

  “No, Uri, everything is amazing and it’s all so much.”

  “Nothing is ever too much for you.”

  “This is incredible,” Stephanie smiled as she gazed at the ruins off in the distance. “I was so focused on seeing Turkey, I hadn’t even thought of Athens, until now.”

  “So you like it so far?” Uri beamed.

  “Yes, especially with you as my guide.”

  Uri lifted his glass. “To you, my darling. To our happy reunion.”

  Stephanie clinked her glass to his, took a sip.

  Uri wanted nothing more than to please her. “After our meal, we shall wander the streets a bit, do some shopping…Only if you’d like.”

  “Oh yes, that sounds great!” she said.

  He loved the fact that sweet Stephanie was so easy to please. So unlike other women. She was a true joy to be around.

  “We will then make our way over to the Acropolis to have a look at the ruins, and this time, since we are in no hurry to return, we shall take in all the sights and see everything you would like.”

  “Thank you, Uri,” she beamed.

  According to Uri’s high standards, the meal was exceptional, and he was most pleased to see Stephanie enjoyed it too. They finished up and left the building. Uri gave instructions for the driver to linger nearby, parking in certain locations in case they needed him, but for now, they would simply stroll through the city and take in the fresh air and sights on their own.

  He held Stephanie’s hand and couldn’t help glancing in her direction now and then.

  Her skin was shaded by her hat and sunglasses he half wished she would remove so he could see her gorgeous eyes. That said, she was tall and elegant, her high cheekbones and angular jawbone were stunning, and she looked perfect on his arm. She was an exotic beauty with rare and unusual features. The most extraordinary thing about her was not her looks, or anything on the outside, but her kind heart and good nature. Those traits were worth more to him than any physical beauty ever could be.

  One of the local shops caught Stephanie’s eye.

  “Want to go inside?” Uri asked her.

  “Can we?”

  He put his arm around her, “Indeed, dear, anything you wish to do is fine with me.”

  They walked inside and Stephanie began looking around at the shelves of Greek god statues, coffee cups, refrigerator magnets and the like. She found another area that had some beautiful brown clay pots with hand painted drawings on them.

  Uri came up and asked her, “Do you like these?”

  “They are beautiful,” she smiled.

  “Pick some. One for you, one for your aunt. And those are nice souvenirs, yes?” he gestured to the busts of Plato, “Get them as well. Anything you would like.”

  He loved watching her shop for some reason. She had such simple tastes. The task brought him great joy.

  Stephanie didn’t seem to be as interested in the statues, but she took one of them, perhaps to please him. She also found a coffee cup she liked, so they bought one of those, a tiny painting of the Greek beach, and the pottery.

  Once the clerk wrapped everything up, Uri turned to her, “Anything else, darling?”

  She shook her head, kissed his cheek. “No, thanks.”

  He took her hand, led her out to the street where the sun was shining brightly and rich smells of food and herbs filled the fresh city air.

  “This is so amazing, Uri. I love it here,” she smiled.

  He wanted to say ‘I love you,’ but dared not, lest she try and run away again. He held his tongue, for now, and said, “I am so pleased you are enjoying yourself.”

  “I am,” she squeezed his hand. “Thank you for being here.”

  “Darling, there is no other place on earth I would rather be.” Uri called his driver and had him relocate them to another part of the city and collect the shopping bags. “And now to the highlight of our trip.”


  By midday, the couple arrived at the Acropolis. Stephanie stood at the entrance to the incredible ruins unable to believe she was actually seeing them. She spent so much time thinking about how much she wanted to see Ephesus, when in reality, this area was far more historically significant. Her mom would have loved this place. She was lucky to be here. Tomorrow she would be on her way back to reality, so that made it even more important to try and enjoy the time she had here. Not to mention the man she had here. He was so kind to her, so attentive and interested in making sure this experience was everything she wanted it to be. Why he chose to forgive and continue their strange friendship she couldn’t understand, but maybe he really did feel something for her. Today he hadn’t mentioned anything of the sort. He must be treading carefully so he wouldn’t scare her away again, she thought.

  She loved being with him. He was so knowledgeable and worldly. So unlike anyone she had ever met before.

  Uri seemed to know his way around the city quite well.

  “This is absolutely amazing. I can’t believe we’re here!”

  “It is wonderful, yes, especially the first time, I suppose,” Uri said with a faraway look in his eye.

  “You’ve been here before?” she asked.

  “Yes, but not in many years. The first time I was here with my family, back when my mother was still alive. I came to Athens briefly on business a few years back, but I assure you, I’ve never been here with anyone as lovely.”

  “Thank you. I have the best guide I could ever hope for.”

  When they arrived to the Acropolis, the crowds were thinned out slightly, compared to earlier in the day. At least that’s what Uri told her. Apparently the driver kept an eye on the foot traffic
in the area and wanted to make sure they visited at the best possible times to see the most with the least amount of interference.

  Stephanie held Uri’s hand as they stood on the edge of the rocky outcropping and gazed down at the Pantheon. “This is a dream come true.”

  “As are you,” he turned and kissed her passionately.

  His touch sent shivers down her spine. She enjoyed it immensely, but still, a tinge of guilt came over her because of Buck. She shouldn’t be doing this. And worse, she shouldn’t be enjoying it so much. She pushed him away.

  Uri lifted his hands in surrender and backed off immediately. “I am sorry, dear.”

  “Please, don’t be,” she hated doing that to him.

  “I do not wish to frighten you.”

  “You’re not. I promise.” Stephanie reached up and caressed his cheek. “It’s not you, it’s me.” God that sounded stupid, she thought.

  “What do you mean, darling?”

  Stephanie never cheated on anyone, she never had anything exciting ever happen in her life, but here she was with a rich handsome stranger, and for whatever reason, even though she knew she’d never see Uri again, she felt like she was betraying them both if she didn’t say something. Her honest, Midwestern upbringing wouldn’t allow this day to go on until she did. “I know that sounds so cliché, and I’m sorry about that. It’s just…”

  “What?” He held her hands, caressing her fingers. “You can tell me anything, you know?”

  “Aside from the situation with my parents,” Stephanie began, “I guess I just got scared yesterday when you were putting jewelry on me. Especially that ring. I mean…come on, Uri. You won’t ever see me again after today. I don’t understand why you even bothered wasting your time coming here.”

  “You are many things, dear, but never a waste of my time.”

  “That’s sweet of you to say,” she began, wondering if she should still come clean about her life. Part of her didn’t want to because theoretically, the Sheikh didn’t know her, and would never be a part of her real life. Then again, they were here together now, and she decided she might as well let him know exactly where she stood on things. “And…um…”


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