Sheikh's Destiny

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Sheikh's Destiny Page 13

by Leah Leonard

  Her legs felt weak and she wanted nothing more than to collapse in his arms. Once he released her, she caught her breath and said, “I really am sorry for leaving like that.”

  “Never mind that now. I was furious with you for leaving me, not once but twice, but I could not go on with my life without pursuing you further and finding out if we have any hope for a future together. If we do, I should like you to accompany me to Turkey. Allow me to show you my life, my world.” He took her hands, gazed deep into her eyes. “I believe we truly have something, unlike anything I have experienced before.”

  “So did I,” Stephanie admitted.

  “I had to see you once more to find out if this is real. If you refuse me this time, and tell me you do not share my feelings, I shall leave here and never see you again. I cannot accept that is true though. I know what we have is real.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box, opened it and revealed an enormous diamond ring.

  Stephanie gasped. Seeing the ring both overwhelmed her and filled her heart with joy. The sight also confirmed what she already knew – there was a reason she couldn’t wear Buck’s ring. She didn’t want to be with him. She wanted Uri. She just never thought he would ever be a real possibility for her and now, all of a sudden, all of that changed.

  “I want you to be my wife.”

  “How can you say that when we barely know each other?” she asked.

  “I know. I knew from the moment I first saw you. That is why I have come, to take you back with me and allow you the time you need to discover what I already have – that you and I are destined for each other. I want you to come to Turkey and see what I have to offer, and if you still say no, you have my solemn word to leave you alone. But let me be clear – my goal is to take you to Turkey, marry you, and be with you forever. I love you, Stephanie. I have made my decision. You shall be mine.”

  Stephanie realized Uri was the biggest part of her crying spell yesterday. Crazy as it was, with all the tragedy she’d experienced these past several weeks, without him, the idea of staying here and trying to pretend he hadn’t happened would be like living a lie. A lie she could not endure. “I love you. I don’t know why, but I do. I loved you since the moment we first met. You’ve made me realize I never really loved Buck. I mean not in the way I should. More like a friend. I didn’t understand that until you came into my life. I know it’s not right. I feel terrible about that, and bad for hurting him, but I can’t help how I feel.”

  Uri pulled her close, kissed her passionately and for the first time since arriving back in this icy setting, Stephanie felt warm, safe, happy, and most of all, loved.

  Twenty Eight

  Uri really had no idea what to expect when he arrived at the farm, but so far, the trip was proving more than worthwhile. When he saw Stephanie, he knew more than ever she was destined to be his.

  “Come in, won’t you?” Stephanie asked, after they finished their kiss.

  “You are certain your protector won’t attack?” Uri chuckled and glanced into the living area.

  “I promise he’s gone now.”

  “Shall I call my driver to act as body guard?” Uri teased.

  “No. Come on in.” She led him inside to a sofa where they took a seat. “Want anything to drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  She leaned forward and held his hand. “Okay. So tell me. What do you have in mind, exactly?”

  “I want you to come to Turkey with me.”

  “When?” Stephanie asked.

  Uri shrugged. “Tomorrow? Today? As soon as possible. My driver is here, my plane is at the little airport not too far away.”

  “Your plane?” Stephanie asked. “I can’t believe you actually flew yourself all this way.”

  “Indeed. As I said, you are worth all the effort, dear.”

  She sat and thought about things for a moment, then said, “I need some time to talk to my aunt, talk to Buck. I owe them both that much.”

  “How long do you need?” he asked, encouraged by the fact she was willing to come with him.

  “I’m not sure. Can you stay somewhere? Not for too long, but just so I can work this out?”

  “Of course, darling.”

  “I know there’s a couple of hotels nearby. Did you come down the highway to get here?”


  “Good. If you go back the way you came and down to the next exit toward Des Moines, there’s a couple of nice places there.”

  Uri was definitely open to any demands his dear one might make, but he had to make things clear to her about what he expected. “Certainly. Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You will contact me by phone by tonight at the latest and tell me your plans.”

  “Of course I will.”

  “And you will not keep me guessing?”

  “No. I promise. Once you go, I’ll talk to Ellen at least and Buck if I can find him. I hope to let you know within the hour,” she said.


  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. One more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You will not run away from me.” He tried staring through her, hoping he could trust her to not pull the disappearing act on him again. “Ever again.”

  “That’s fair. I promise I’ll give you an answer, one way or another.”

  The possibility of her refusal was something Uri would not allow under any circumstances. “You are mine now. I will marry you. You will be my wife.”

  “You’re that sure of yourself, huh?” she asked.

  He stared deep into her eyes. “Of course.”

  “Okay. Right now, even though I don’t know how this can work, I do know how I feel. It’s real. This…”she squeezed his hands. “…is real. I think you’re right about wanting me to come to Turkey with you so we can explore this more.”

  “I do not need to explore anything.” He put the diamond ring up to her face again so she could have a closer look. “I am here to ask for your hand in marriage.”

  Stephanie looked stunned. “Uri, I can’t accept that right now.”

  “As you wish. No need to give your answer just yet until you speak with your family. Please know I will honor our agreement, and if you change your mind about us, even later tonight, and you decide this is not what you wish, I will leave you alone. In exchange for that, I need your total honesty. I cannot play games where my heart is concerned.”

  “You’re right, Uri, and again, I’m sorry. I should never have run off. Not either time, but as you can see…” she glanced around the living area, “my life may not be as extravagant as yours, but even so, I can’t just pick up and go off with you at the drop of a hat. I have the farm and my family to consider.”

  “I am not suggesting you abandon either,” Uri had thought a great deal about that. “I am fully prepared to pay any expenses here to hire whoever is needed to run things, and your aunt always has a place in our home. Whatever you wish, darling. Whatever makes you happy. She is welcome in Turkey.”

  “I appreciate you saying so,” Stephanie said. “She means the world to me.”

  “Of course she does. That is one of the things I love most about you, dear. Your loyalty, your caring for others.”

  Uri felt that same level of concern could easily be directed toward him and their future family, if only she would admit her feelings and stop running.

  She hugged him. “Can I talk to Ellen, then come see you in awhile at your hotel so we can talk some more?”

  Uri gazed deep into Stephanie’s eyes. He had no choice but to trust. He’d come this far, so why not? One more betrayal, and he would be finished with this woman for good. Touching her soft skin, gazing into those gorgeous green eyes made him hope that never happened. She was the sweetest person he knew and he wanted her in his life more than anything else he desired. “Agreed.” He stood to go.

  “Wait, you’re leaving? Already?” she looked genuinely di

  Her reaction pleased him greatly. “I am. My driver has not eaten, and I am tired from the flight.”

  “I’m sorry. Please invite him in and I’m happy to fix you both some breakfast,” she said.

  “No, I could not impose. Plus I want you to speak to your aunt as soon as possible.”

  “There’s a little café inside the hotel.”

  “I shall stay wherever you wish,” he told her.

  “There is a place I think would be best. Wait a minute and let me go find the phone number and address for you.” She disappeared into another room.

  Uri listened to the sounds of rustling papers and drawers opening and closing. He stood and walked around the living room, which appeared to be half decorated for the upcoming holiday. Photos of a young Stephanie and two people who he presumed were her parents sat on the mantle of the fireplace along with stockings, one of which said Buck. He ran his fingers along the edge and clenched his jaw.

  “Oh that,” Stephanie caught him holding the stocking. “We never had that up before, so…”

  “Are you serious about this man, Buck? Do you love him? I asked you before and now I demand a real answer.”

  “I didn’t ever expect to see you again, Uri. I had a life before we met. Buck was a big part of that. I’m sorry, but no, I don’t love him. Not like I love you.”

  “I trust you in that, dear,” he said.

  “I’m glad because it’s true,” she said.

  The more I think of it, I’ve felt like he was more of a brother than anything else. He’s been our neighbor since I was little. With you, it’s different. I feel passion and excitement and true attraction that I never knew existed until now.”

  “I feel the same for you,” he caressed her cheek.

  “You can sit and blame me for walking out on you, but really Uri, I came to your luncheon with all those other girls. What do I know about you? Who knows how many ladies you have waiting in the wings back in Turkey. Just because I don’t have access to your private life yet, don’t judge me for mine.”

  Uri had to admit Miss Stephanie was an impressive woman who knew how to hold her own in his presence. Exactly the kind of woman he needed by his side, forever. He realized she was right. He demanded she reveal every detail of her life, while he told her nothing about himself. “Dear, may we sit a few more minutes while I explain some things to you?”

  “Sure,” she took his hand and they resumed their place on the sofa.

  “Several years ago I met a woman named Tamara. We fell in love and were engaged to marry. Not formally. I never presented her a ring as I am doing now with you. I intended to, but she became gravely ill.”

  “That’s terrible,” Stephanie said.


  “What happened to her?”

  “She had a rare form of cancer and died shortly after her diagnosis.”

  “How long ago?” she asked.

  He cleared his throat to quell the growing emotion. “Five years.”

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Stephanie appeared sincere, which Uri appreciated.

  “Tamara has already been gone for many years. After her death, I became isolated. I have spent all of my time working, not dating, not ever believing I could find happiness with another woman. Until I met you.” He took her hands. “You changed me, Stephanie. My brother passed away and my father began pressuring me to marry. I told him no. He planned that event you attended, not me. I had no idea it was happening until I was there and all of the ladies arrived. I hope you believe me.”

  Twenty Nine

  Stephanie now understood the complex personality of the man who she loved. After losing his fiancé, it was no wonder Uri was so intent on finding out if they had a real connection. “So you didn’t plan that luncheon in Ephesus?”

  “No. You have my word.”

  She nodded. “I believe you.”

  “Then you should know that none of the ladies caught my attention at all until you arrived. Initially, I was furious at the Sultan for wasting my time.”

  “Not even Melody?” Stephanie teased. She had seen Melody turn heads wherever she went.

  “Absolutely not! My brother would have adored her though,” Uri laughed.

  “I’ll bet.”

  “But not me. You are the only woman for me, dear.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “You trust me then?”

  “I do. I really do.”

  “This pleases me more than I can say. I only want what is best for you, darling. For us…”

  “Thanks. I’m really glad you came. I want to find out if this can work for us and I’m ready to move forward with a plan. Take this,” she gave him the address and number for the hotel. “I’ll meet you there in two hours, maybe less. If I can’t make it within that timeframe, I’ll call.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  “I missed you after I left and I won’t be able to go on with my life unless I see what we have.”

  “I believe you,” he said.

  “Good. We have to trust each other and realize we both had lives before we met. I really need this time to talk to the family about you, about us… and yes, that includes Buck. He deserves to hear what happened in Turkey from me. Once I get things settled, we’ll make a plan.” With that, they kissed and Stephanie walked Uri to the door and watched out the window as the fancy car drove back toward the highway. What a day! She never would have imagined this!

  “Hey, girl,” Aunt Ellen came downstairs and into the living room. “I see your friend’s gone.”

  “Yes.” Stephanie’s legs were shaking when Ellen approached her. What would she think of all this?

  “How ya doin’?” Ellen asked.

  “All right, I suppose.”

  “I take it you hadn’t finished telling me about your vacation?” Ellen teased.

  “Uh no…”

  “I’m all ears,” Ellen took a seat on the sofa.

  Stephanie explained the strange offer she received to go to the Sheikh’s reception, how Uri followed her to Athens and that despite the fact they came from two different worlds, she believed she loved him.

  “Wow, that’s quite a story,” Ellen said.

  “If my mom had been there, none of this would have happened,” Stephanie said. “Or if you had decided to come along.”

  “Well then I suppose it happened for a reason, huh?”

  A tear trickled down Stephanie’s cheek. “I feel ashamed of causing such a commotion in the family. This has totally disrupted our lives.”

  “There’s nothin’ to be ashamed of. You were out, living your life. Some things are destined. God had other plans for your folks, and from the looks of the two of you together, I believe you were meant to meet your prince.”

  “Really?” she sniffled.

  “Look, I know you love Buck, we all do, but is it the kind of love to last a lifetime?”

  Stephanie shrugged. “I thought it was…”

  “The kind you read about in those romance novels?” she asked.

  “Well, no…”

  “See? Things change. Meeting new people and traveling to new places expands the mind. Marriage is a big commitment, girl, one you can’t take lightly. I don’t see how you can go through with marrying Buck or staying here until you see how this might play out. You owe it to yourself and to Buck to take the time to find out what you really wanna do.”

  Stephanie felt ill just thinking about all of the ramifications of her trying to start a new life with Uri. “Assume this did work out. I love Uri, I know that already, but how is it going to work in the real world? What about the farm? I can’t just leave it. You’re helping me now, but it’s not like you planned to stay here, and I doubt you would want to come with me to Turkey, although Uri said you are welcome to live with us, if I decide that’s what I want.”

  “So he’s proposed already?” Ellen asked.

  “Kind of. He brought a ring with him, but I didn’t say yes
or no and he didn’t actually ask the question in a formal way. He’s going to though.”

  Ellen lowered her gaze and a grave expression crossed her face.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Stephanie asked.

  “I was going to save this until after Christmas, but with all that’s happening, I guess now’s as good a time as any.”

  Fear seized Stephanie’s heart. “What’s wrong?”

  Ellen got up, went to the old oak desk in the corner and brought over a stack of paperwork. “Here.”

  Stephanie took the documents and saw the stamp across the top that read: PAST DUE. “What in the world is this? What does it mean?”

  “Your folks had been struggling for quite awhile trying to keep the farm afloat. I hadn’t known just how bad it was until they passed. Basically the bank’s gotta lien on the place.”

  Stephanie wanted to throw up, cry, or both, but she was simply too shocked to do either.

  “Luckily, you just received an offer to buy the place.”

  “I did?”

  “Yep, so you could always sell it, but not unless you want to, of course.”

  “Sell it?” she cried. “It’s not for sale!”

  “I know, but you know what they say about everything having a price.”

  Stephanie couldn’t believe anyone would offer to buy her farm, especially since she never had it on the market. “Who wants to buy it?”

  .”Buck’s folks.”

  “Oh,” she said. “I guess that makes sense. Do they know we’re in trouble?”

  “Yep. They offered to take it on even though they know about the debt, especially since the two of you are…I mean were…an item,” Ellen shrugged. “They made a real generous offer, but I don’t know what will happen now that the engagement’s off.”

  The situation with Uri had far reaching complications, Stephanie realized. Now that she and Buck were off, the farm was in real jeopardy. She really fell hard for Uri, and hoped this would all be worth the trouble in the end. “When did they mention this to you?”

  “They came over for lunch one afternoon while you were gone. Of course, I told them I’d tell you about it when you came back. It’s your place now, your decision.”


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