Sheikh's Destiny

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Sheikh's Destiny Page 18

by Leah Leonard

  When we glanced into his office, the Sultan was sitting inside the room, sipping tea and gazing out at the grounds. “There you are. I was wondering how much longer you planned to keep me waiting.”

  Uri sighed. “Couldn’t this wait?”

  “No, it could not.”

  “I have company and I need to get back to her, so please tell me what you need.”

  “It seems we have an opportunity in our grasp, but we must take action immediately.”

  “What kind of opportunity?”

  “For the future of our company and holdings,” the Sultan said.

  “And this couldn’t wait until morning?” Uri asked.

  “No. We are hosting a dinner party. Tomorrow night. Some of our associates want to pursue a joint venture that will be in everyone’s best interests.”

  “What associates? Anyone I know?” Uri asked.

  “The negotiations are quite delicate on this enterprise, so we shall see who exactly shows up, but I assure you, it is urgent and we must act now if we are to succeed.”

  “Surely you realize I have plans with Miss Stephanie.”

  “You will need to change them.”

  “I shall do no such thing! She is my top priority. I insist on you moving this arrangement to a week or two from now.”

  “I understand this is not ideal, however it is—”

  “Not ideal?” Uri shouted. “Of course it is anything but! Stephanie is my ladylove, and I am here, trying to convince her to marry me and to join me in this life. That was what you wanted, or so you told me, so I can surely say your party is anything but ideal. It is blatantly inconvenient. Not for you, perhaps, but I am happy with her, Father, and I insist you show her the respect she deserves, and honor the precious, limited time we have together.”

  “Excuse me,” Stephanie said, her face white as a sheet. “Am I interrupting anything?”

  “No, dear,” Uri said. “Father was just leaving. Weren’t you?”

  “Miss Stephanie,” the Sultan bowed to her. “A pleasure to see you again. I trust you had a good journey?”

  Thirty Four

  Stephanie didn’t like the tone of Uri’s voice and wondered what she had just interrupted. She came all this way to get to know Uri’s father better, but unfortunately, he looked incredibly disappointed to see her, which was the last thing she wanted to have happen at the beginning of their relationship. She hoped she was wrong and could fix whatever was bothering him, but for now, she decided to try and pretend she hadn’t heard a word of the conversation and see if she could smooth things over. “I had a great trip, yes, thanks to Uri.”

  “Well Father, I feel it is only fair to ask Miss Stephanie if she minds attending a boring business meeting while she is here.” Uri turned to her. “Darling, Father has apparently invited some people over tomorrow night. I had other plans for us to dine alone in a private setting somewhere downtown, but apparently he feels we need to host this event. What do you say?”

  Stephanie didn’t really like being put on the spot. She couldn’t exactly refuse to go to the dinner, or to host it, or whatever she would be expected to do. Then again, she did come here to see what Uri’s life was like, and if she went to a dinner party, it would give her a lot more real world information about what a Sheikh lived like, than if she and Uri spent the whole time alone. “Yes.”

  Uri looked surprised. “Are you certain you would not mind?”

  “Of course not. I wanted to see your life, so to me, it seems like a good opportunity.”

  The Sultan beamed and smiled from ear to ear. “Uri, you have a wise lady by your side.”

  “Trust me, I am fully aware of that fact. Oh, and on that note,” Uri reached out for her hand. “Come dear.”

  Stephanie came and stood next to him. “Yes?”

  Uri put his arm around her. “You are now speaking to the future lady of the house, my soon to be bride-to-be.”

  “So it is set,” the Sultan said.

  “No, not just yet,” Uri beamed, putting his arm around her shoulders. “We are still discussing the details, however I thought it was important for you to know that Miss Stephanie will soon be my wife.”

  A huge knot formed in Stephanie’s stomach when she saw the look on the Sultan’s face. Wasn’t he the one who set up the luncheon in Ephesus so she and Uri could meet in the first place? Now, for some reason, their news made him look suddenly ill.

  “Grand news,” the Sultan managed a weak smile. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Thank you, Father,” Uri said. “Now if you will excuse us, my fiancé and I have important matters to discuss.”

  The Sultan stood and placed his empty teacup on a silver tray. “Of course you do. And so I shall count on you both for tomorrow evening?”

  “Yes,” Stephanie answered, hoping to make the Sultan’s strange behavior dissipate a bit. Sadly, it wasn’t working. The idea that she would be privy to whatever they had planned for tomorrow was not at all a hit with the elder man. “We look forward to it, don’t we, Uri?”

  “I will also bring over a few extra servers from my staff to assist,” the Sultan offered, “and we will see you tomorrow.”

  “The additional staff would be a help, yes,” Uri said. “And the menu?”

  “My head cook will tend to it. Don’t worry yourselves. Go, have a wonderful day tomorrow and the party will arrive at seven to have drinks, followed by dinner.”

  “Who’s coming to the party?’ Stephanie asked, even though she was sure the Sultan didn’t want to share.

  “Good question, darling. Father says it’s a surprise,” Uri glared.

  Completely ignoring her question, the Sultan walked over to Stephanie and shook her hand. “Have a restful evening, and thank you for your support.”

  “Of course,” Stephanie said.

  Uri walked him to the door, and then rejoined her in the office, pacing around nervously. He sighed. “Thank you for that.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said.

  “Seriously, darling, if you want to tell him no, I can simply make the space available and you and I can easily go elsewhere. I would prefer that, actually.”

  “No, we can’t do that.”

  “We could…” he said.

  “No. I really do want to see you in action.” Stephanie said. “I want to be a part of events like this. If we’re going to be married―”

  “If?” he demanded.

  “When… we marry,” she giggled. “I need to know everything about what you do, what kinds of businesses you own. All of it.”

  “You really want to assist me? Be my true partner in life?”

  “I do,” she said. “To the extent you’ll let me.”

  “Come,” he took her hand and led her back to the dining room. “We have our whole lives to learn about each other, but for now, sit, and I will answer any questions you have.”

  “I want to hear it all,” she told him, leaning in and anticipating his every word while the staff served a light sponge cake with fresh strawberry topping along with more wonderful tea.

  Uri began telling Stephanie all about his life. “I always did the numbers for our company.”

  “You have an accounting background?” she asked.

  “Yes, that and finance. My family owns several commercial and residential properties all around Turkey, some oil interests, and other holdings where we are investors only, but do not run daily operations. We finance many business ventures in our country, in hopes to help expand and stabilize our economy.”

  “Sounds complicated,” she said.

  “Indeed, I suppose it is, however you, my dear, are the perfect companion to be by my side in such dealings. The way you handled my father today was…admirable.” He kissed her fingers, “…not to mention sexy. You made me want you more than ever.”

  “I’ve just lived a quiet life on our family farm, Uri, nothing as extravagant as this, but I do know something about how to support people who are running busi
nesses and doing important work.”

  The servants cleared the dishes and Uri leaned in for a kiss. “Speaking of that dear, I have some important work for you.”


  “Indeed,” he whispered, “In the bedroom.”

  Stephanie giggled. “Then I want to support you in that, for sure.”


  That was all the encouragement Uri needed.

  He waited for his staff to clear the table, then he lifted his love from her chair, carried her in his arms down the hallway, through the entrance to his private suite, and placed her right in the center of his freshly made bed. “Sad to mess this up again, however I’m afraid I cannot resist you, dear.”

  “Oh well.” She giggled in the special way she always did. He loved her laugh!

  He slowly undressed her, flipping her to her side and tenderly unzipping the silky gown. “God you are gorgeous.”

  Stephanie rolled on her back, kissing his neck and chest while she unbuttoned his white shirt, unhooked his belt and lowered his slacks, admiring his full erection.

  To his great pleasure and surprise, she took him into her mouth and pleasured him until he reached the brink of desire.

  He stopped her and returned the favor, tasting her sweet nectar, and taking his fill until he could stand the wait no longer. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” She opened to him

  The lovers melded together, their bare bodies pressed into one form.

  Uri rolled her to her back and entered her, gently, yet powerfully taking her and emptying himself deep within her. Never had he enjoyed such full and complete satisfaction as now.

  His sweet Stephanie fulfilled his sensual desires, stimulated his mind, and thus far, had proven herself to be the perfect partner and companion for him.

  They held each other in silence. Soon, the long day and high emotions brought a deep and restful sleep. With his arms wrapped around her, Uri never felt more confident and certain about anything in his whole life. She was the one he was meant to be with. She loved him, and he cherished her more than anything in the world.

  Thirty Five

  Stephanie and Uri woke at dawn and enjoyed yet another lovemaking session before climbing out of bed.

  She watched Uri walk toward the windows and stretch his muscular arms overhead. God he was sexy! His rippled torso and firm backside drove her mad. To look at him, she sometimes forgot he wasn’t some model in a magazine, a fantasy, rather than her new reality. She could only imagine what people in the States would think of such a gorgeous man. He put George Clooney to shame!

  Here in Turkey, there was definitely no shortage of beautiful dark skinned people, of course, and yet Uri was still the most handsome man she’d seen overseas by far.

  He gazed out at the tangerine light as the sun peeked over the horizon, then turned back toward the bed and smiled when he saw her looking at him. “Like what you see?”

  “I do, very much.”

  With that, he got back in bed, took his angel in his arms and ravished her once more. When they finished, he kissed her forehead. “I cannot wait to show you my city today.”

  “This is a dream come true,” she kissed him.

  “I would so enjoy another session, or to stay here with you all day, however I have already arranged for my driver to meet us within the hour, and I’m afraid someone will come calling if we do not show up for breakfast.” He paused to kiss her again. “Unless you want to stay here? I can call and let them know we are…busy…if you like.”

  Stephanie giggled. “No, I definitely want to see Istanbul today, but just know that I also want to see more of this.” She reached and squeezed his firm buttocks, giving him a little spank.

  Uri leaned in and nibbled her neck. “I see. Well, if you continue to discipline me in this way, I fear we may never see the light of day again.”

  “Not such a bad punishment, is it?” she arched her back while he kissed her neck, collarbone and found her breasts.

  Uri ran an appreciative hand down her thigh, spread her and joined her once more, until they both fell back on the bed in a breathless state of ecstasy.

  Twenty minutes later, he out of bed without a word, started the shower. “Join me?”

  She couldn’t refuse. “If you’re sure we can get downstairs on time.”

  He reached his hand out for her. “Come. I believe your back needs to be washed, after all our morning activities, does it not?”

  “I would think so,” she giggled and climbed inside the shower, allowing the steamy water and Uri’s touch to stimulate her. She kissed him.

  He soaped her up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him so their wet bodies meshed together in a sudsy web. He spun her around, massaging the soap into her back, waiting while it all ran down the drain, and once she was completely soap free, he lifted her leg with one hand, cradled her bottom in the other, and entered her.

  “Ahh,” she gasped as he sank himself deep inside her.

  “Hurt?” he asked, slowing down his pace.

  “Not at all,” she leaned her head back. “I’m going to—” Before she could complete the thought, she tilted her head back and felt the contractions of her orgasm against his hardness.

  This sent him over the edge yet again.

  Once that tension settled, she washed her hair and stepped out, kissing his cheek. “I’d better hurry and get ready.”

  He swatted her bottom. “Indeed you should hurry or I shall have to call and cancel everything for today.”

  “That isn’t going to happen, sweetheart.” She stepped out, toweled herself off and dressed quickly so she could run down to her room and finish getting ready.

  Within the hour, with Mrs. Balik’s help, she managed to get her hair and makeup fixed and raced to the dining room.

  Uri was sitting at the head of the table enjoying a cup of hot tea. “Darling…”

  “Sorry I’m late,” she kissed his cheek and took the seat next to his.

  He reached his hand across the table and caressed her fingers. “You are fine. We are in no hurry. I explained to my driver we would be a little late as you were still tired from your journey.”

  Stephanie smiled. She was tired all right, but not from the trip, and definitely not in a bad way.

  “There is no worry here. We shall go when we can. My only meeting today is mid morning and we have plenty of time to explore a bit before that.”

  The servant showed up and poured her some tea.

  She held the steamy cup in her hand, allowing the sweet liquid to wake her up while the staff served a gourmet breakfast, including freshly baked breads and pastries, fruit and the best omelet she had ever eaten.

  Another server came to clear the breakfast. Uri stopped him and asked, “Have you had enough, dear?”

  “Oh yes, thank you,” she smiled and turned to him. “This was incredible. I loved it. Thank you.”

  The servant bowed. “I am pleased it is to your ladyship’s liking.”

  “As am I,” Uri reached across for her hand, kissed her fingers gently, and then checked his Rolex. “Shall we?”

  She followed him outside, where the driver waited next to the open door of the limo. She stopped in the driveway before getting into the car to take a look around at the spectacular scenery she almost forgot since, so far, she’d spent most of her time in Uri’s bed.

  The property sat atop a soaring mountain with lush green trees all around and waterways off in the distance. “This is gorgeous.”

  “As are you, dear,” Uri placed his arm around her shoulder. “Come. I want to show you everything.”

  They slid into the back seat of the limo and held hands as the driver descended the cliff and began winding around the city below. “This is amazing, Uri. I can’t believe I’m here.”

  “I am so glad you are, darling,” he told her.

  The driver wound through the city and stopped near the arched doorway and twin towers of the Topkapi Palace. Stephanie had seen the pa
lace in books, but being here in person, especially with Uri, was incredibly special.

  The driver parked and the couple climbed out to start exploring. To her surprise, there wasn’t anyone there but them. “Where is everybody?”

  “Did I not tell you I want your trip to be special?” he asked.


  “Well, I have arranged for you to see this privately, with me, for the next hour.”

  She turned and threw her arms around his shoulders, kissed him. “Oh thank you, Uri. This is one of the best days of my life.”

  “I agree. Come.” He took her hand and led her into the spectacular courtyard. “This palace was once home to the Ottoman Turkish Sultans, my ancestors, and it was here they held important ceremonies for deaths, births, weddings...” With that, Uri came to a stop in the middle of a stunning marble floored courtyard and fell to one knee.

  She gasped. “Oh Uri.”

  “My darling,” he began as he gazed up at her. “I know I told you before I want you to be my wife, and I am more certain of that now than ever.” He pulled the velvet box he showed her earlier from his pocket, opened it, and there, once more, was the enormous, stunning diamond ring. “This belonged to my late mother, and there is no other woman in the world who should wear it but you. I have never presented this to anyone before, nor had my brother. Those past things were not meant to be, but you are my future, my destiny, and I want you to be my wife, so please my sweet Stephanie, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Tears rushed down her cheeks as she nodded her acceptance.

  Uri placed the ring on her finger.

  “Yes, Uri, yes, I will marry you.”

  He took her head in his hands and kissed her before embracing her in his loving arms.

  They held each other for several minutes while she kept quietly crying.

  Finally he pulled away slightly, lifting her chin so she could look into his eyes. “Happy tears, I hope?”

  She nodded. “The happiest tears I’ve ever had.”

  Thirty Six


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