Code of the Alpha: Shifter Romance Collection

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Code of the Alpha: Shifter Romance Collection Page 27

by Lola Gabriel

  “No, not at all.”

  “Did any of your brothers—”

  “No, they would never do that. They detested them as much as I still do. It was because of them that we had to move away from Minnesota the first time around. I always suspected my brother Cole knew something I didn’t, but I never got him to admit to anything. It doesn’t matter. We separated, and my family is here now, with my pack.”

  “Tell me more about the night you split up.”

  “It’s a long story,” Wren sighed.

  “I’ve got time,” Liya said and looked expectantly at Wren.

  Wren proceeded to tell her the story from the night his parents died, and the last time he saw his brothers.


  Liya glanced at Wren, who sat motionless on the couch beside her. The story he had told her about his family made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge. Wren’s eyes were drawn and Liya was almost too afraid to ask or say anything.

  “I always suspected the Cole and my father were trying to recruit Crescents to our pack, but I never knew for sure. Actually, I am not even sure who burned our house down. It’s all a mystery to me,” Wren eventually said.

  “And neither of them would tell you, even if you asked?” she questioned, her voice feeling small.

  “No,” he answered simply.

  “Not even now?” she asked.

  Wren looked at her with glistening eyes. He was quiet for a few seconds before saying, “No.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know what Cole is like. He pledged loyalty to my father first out of all of us, and he’s not going to go back on that. That’s one of his traits—when he promises something, he’ll keep his word for as long as he’s alive.”

  “It would make sense why you guys had to leave. Maybe the Betas, or even the Alpha found out what your father was doing and he just wanted to protect his family.”

  “Why are you defending my father?” he asked. “Do you know anything about this?”

  “No, I just want you to consider that maybe your dad and Cole weren’t as bad as you thought, or think,” Liya answered and reached out to take his hand. “You don’t want the memory of your father to be one that makes you upset or ashamed. I’m sure your father loved you, all of you.”

  “No, he died with that secret.”

  “Wren, that’s not fair.”

  “You didn't know him, Liya. He was...” Wren grumbled and ran his free hand through his hair.

  “He was your father, Wren, and it doesn't matter if he was a bad guy, or how much you think he hated you, because he didn't. I know that if he was alive today and he could see you, the Alpha of your own pack and how great you were doing, he’d be really proud of you, and so would your mother,” Liya said, her voice softly caressing his insides.

  “My mom was always proud of me, even if I didn't do anything,” he whispered.

  “I can see how she would be,” Liya whispered in return.

  Wren glanced at her, and she knew that his heart thawed slightly as her words struck a chord inside him. His eyes were luminous in the darkness and all she wanted to do was hold him. She shifted closer to him and held her hands out to him. “Come here,” she murmured and he looked at her reluctantly.

  “Fine, then,” she said as she sat on his lap and put her arms around him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m hugging you because clearly you need it,” she answered.

  “What makes you think I need a hug?” he asked.

  “The way you look at me with those doe-brown eyes of yours. They’re filled with pain and regret, guilt and feelings that you were never good enough,” she answered, holding him tightly against her.

  His arms folded around her waist and he held onto her.

  “You are good enough, and don’t you ever forget that, okay?” she whispered.

  She felt him nod against her, and he held onto her even tighter. After a few seconds, Liya heard his soft sobs, and her heart broke from all the pain and self-recrimination washing over him.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered to him, over and over, consoling him.

  She wasn’t sure how long they sat like that, but when his grip on her loosened, she pulled away, still sitting on his lap, and looked down at him. His eyes were red but he was still beautiful in all his vulnerability.

  Without a word, Wren gripped her waist and lifted her off him onto the couch and stood up.


  He held his hand up in the air as he walked out of the room and disappeared down the hallway. Liya stood up after a second but didn't follow him. She knew that he needed a bit of space, so she went to check on Illa, who was sleeping soundly in the room, her arms stretched out to the sides, resembling a starfish. Liya smiled as she carefully felt her diaper, but it was surprisingly okay. She noticed the full and untouched bottle beside Illa and watched her sleeping baby for a while.

  She heard Wren walk past the bedroom and back into the living area and she kissed Illa on the cheek. “I love you so much,” she whispered before leaving the room.

  Wren stood in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips. His hair was damp around his hairline and his eyes weren't as red as they had been. Liya approached him and asked, “Are you okay?”

  His eyes were dark and broody as he looked at her, not saying a word. She took another step towards him and smelled his scent. His closeness was overwhelming, more than before, and she knew it was because of all his emotions that had now been brought to the surface. Judging by the look on his face, he was overwhelmed by it as well.

  “Wren,” she asked again, “are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? You don't have to apologize to me, especially not because you showed your emotions,” Liya said to him in a reassuring tone.

  “The last time I cried like that was the night of the fire,” he admitted. “That night I promised myself that I wasn't going to get swept away by my emotions again, because I knew that it didn't help me one bit. Crying and getting emotional wasn’t going to change or rectify the situation.”

  “You’re not a machine, Wren. You have feelings too, and it’s okay to let those feelings out once in a while,” Liya said and touched his hand.

  “So now I should be good for another few decades,” he mumbled.

  “Hey,” she said and pulled him closer to her, “you don't have to hide when you’re around me. I’m the Concealer, remember?”

  “Thank you for putting up with me,” he said gratefully.

  “If I don’t, then who will?” she joked. “But seriously, Wren, I’m here, and neither your moods nor your emotional overloads are going to scare me away. You’re stuck with me.”

  Wren put his arms around her and smiled weakly. “I can live with that,” he said and touched her chin, tilting it up. He leaned in closer to her and kissed her on the lips, tenderly and filled with emotion.

  They spent the rest of the night talking on the couch until finally, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. The warmth of Wren’s nearness heated her entire body, and she felt completely and utterly safe with him.

  Liya wasn't sure what time it was, but she was shaken awake by a loud crashing sound. Her body jolted upright at the same time Wren’s did.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  Illa’s cries made her head snap up and they rushed down the hallway. They barged into Illa’s room and found the window shattered, shards of glass on the ground beside the bed. Illa sat upright, crying and holding her arms out for Liya. Liya rushed to her and scooped her up, consoling her.

  “Careful of the glass,” Wren cautioned as he stepped closer to the window.

  “They know we’re here,” Liya said as she held Illa and turned to Wren, who already had his phone against his ear.

  “Sutton, we have a problem.”

  Liya didn't hear the rest of the conversation, as she was too focused on the brick that lay at her feet.
Her eyes filled with tears and she backed away.

  “Sutton and a few of the pack members are on their way,” Wren said and turned to her. “Liya, what is it?”

  “Look at that.” Liya pointed to the brick by her feet and Wren crouched down to retrieve it.

  “I know that smell,” he said with wide eyes.

  “Hunter’s scent? You know Hunter’s scent?” Liya asked with a horrified expression on her face. “How?”

  “I have no idea,” he answered and stood upright. “I’ve smelled it before; I just don’t know where.”

  “Well, that’s not comforting,” she muttered.

  “Wait, here’s something written on the back,” Wren said and showed the back of the brick to Liya.

  “I want her,” Liya read with a gasp and held Illa a little tighter against her chest. “No. He’s not getting her. He’ll have to pry her from my cold, dead hands. There is absolutely no way that I am giving Illa to him.”

  “I know. I won’t let you either,” Wren said and touched Illa’s head. “Are you okay, little girl?”

  Illa looked at him and held her arms out to him. Wren scooped her up in his arms and held her tight. “It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?”

  Illa placed her head on his shoulder and Liya blinked her eyes several times, suppressing the tears that already threatened to run down her cheeks. Wren glanced at her, and his eyes glowed in the moonlight.

  “I mean it, Liya. I won’t let anything happen to either one of you. You’re my family now, and I’m not going to let the Crescents take you away from me,” he said. “Not again.”

  Liya nodded and leaned against him as she stared at the broken window.

  “They’re here,” Wren said suddenly and Liya’s eyes widened in terror.

  “Who? Hunter?”

  “No, I asked Sutton and a few of the Zetas to come over, for protection,” Wren said.

  “Okay,” was all Liya could say. Words failed her as the fear of losing Illa almost consumed her, but she knew that neither she nor Wren would allow that to ever happen. She followed Wren, who still held Illa, as he walked to the front door and opened it. In the doorway stood Sutton, a tall, dark-haired guy with bright blue eyes, and four others whose names she didn't know.

  “Come on in. Thanks for coming so fast,” Wren said as he stepped aside, allowing them to enter.

  Liya noticed the strange expressions on the others’ faces as they looked at Wren holding Illa, and Liya felt rather honored that Wren had cozied up to Illa in such a way, since he wasn't the emotional type.

  “You all know Liya,” Wren said and motioned to Liya.

  Liya smiled politely and looked at them.

  “This is Jace, Krew, Ash and Torin,” Wren said, motioning to each of them.

  “Hey,” Liya said with an awkward smile and looked at the four of them standing in front of her. They were all brawny guys with broad shoulders and had the type of pensive looks on the faces that would make any person think twice about approaching them. They were tough, Liya could see it, and they wouldn't take any shit from anyone, which was a good thing.

  “This is Illa, Liya’s daughter,” Wren said with a smile, and Illa smiled at them as well.

  “She’s cute,” Sutton said.

  “Thank you,” Liya replied.

  “You’re going to go to Mommy for a bit, okay?” Wren said to Illa and he handed her back to Liya. Illa pouted slightly and Wren smiled at her. “It’s just for a bit, okay? I just have to—”

  “Wren, she’s one. You don’t have to explain to her in so much detail,” Liya pointed out.

  Wren laughed and then focused his attention on Sutton. “Come on. Let me show you.”

  Wren and Sutton disappeared down the hallway to the guestroom, and left Liya standing there with Illa and the four others. It was strange—they didn't say a word, or even look her directly in the eyes.

  “Are you guys not allowed to speak to me?” she asked.

  “We’re just the brawn,” Krew said in a really deep voice that didn't surprise Liya at all. “We’re not here to make polite conversation.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true,” Liya said with a half smile. “Can I get you guys anything to drink, or to eat?”

  The four glanced at one another and Ash stepped forward. “Requesting permission for a cup of coffee, ma’am.”

  “Gosh, don’t call me ma’am. That’s my mother,” Liya scoffed and walked to the kitchen. “Come on, you guys.”

  She had the four guys sit at the kitchen table, made them coffee and set out a plate of cookies, which they devoured in a matter of seconds. They were like four little boys, eating cookies and making jokes.

  A few minutes later, Liya saw Wren and Sutton enter the kitchen and Sutton frowned at the four Zetas.

  “What’s all this?” Sutton asked sternly.

  “Well, if they’re going to be watching the house, I don't want them to get hungry in the process,” Liya answered.

  Sutton looked at Wren, who simply shrugged his shoulders. Sutton huffed and shook his head. “Alright, teatime is over. Ash, you take the east. Krew, you’re on the west point. Jace, you’re in the front of the house with me, and Torin, you’re at the back.”

  “Yes, Sutton,” the four of them muttered and stood from the table.

  Krew turned to Liya, handed Illa back to her and smiled slightly. “Thank you, Liya.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said with a nod.

  Sutton shook his head and followed them outside.

  Liya looked at Wren apologetically. “I’m sorry, I didn't want to get them in trouble.”

  “You don't have to apologize. You’re the lady of the house now. You can do whatever you want.”

  “Is that so?” she asked and raised her eyebrows. “Because I’ve been thinking about moving some of the furniture around.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  She narrowed her eyes slightly and nodded. “I’m kidding. So, anyway, Sutton isn't going to punish them or anything?”

  “Because you gave them cookies and coffee? No.”

  “He looked really angry,” Liya said.

  “Sutton needs to relax, so don't even worry about it,” Wren suggested. “Besides, you treated them well, so they’ll make sure that no one comes remotely close to this house.”

  “That’s good to know,” she responded. “Are all Zetas bodyguards?”

  “Not all of them, no. These guys are four brothers, so they’re bound by more than the moon.”

  “Family loyalty,” Liya said simply and glanced at Wren, whose jaw clenched. “Hey,” she said, and he looked at her. “We’re your family now, okay?”

  Wren nodded simply and placed his hand on her shoulder. “You’re my family now.”

  About an hour later, Wren and Liya lay on his bed, with Illa lying between them, drinking her bottle.

  “I have a confession to make,” he whispered.

  Liya glanced at him and pouted slightly. “What’s that?”

  “Before I met you and Illa, I never thought that I would ever want to have kids,” he said. “I think I had this fear that I would turn out just like my father, and that kind of made me avoid it at all costs.”

  “You’re not your father, Wren, and you’re great with her. She totally loves you.”

  “Well, I love her, too.”

  Liya smiled and looked at him. She had never found him as sexy as she found him at that very moment. He lay on his side, his head resting on his pillow, and his hand rubbing Illa’s stomach. Even though he had never thought that he would ever be a good father, he was totally Daddy-material at that moment, and every other moment he spent with Illa. It definitely lit a fire in all the right places in Liya’s body, and if their lives weren't in danger, and if Illa wasn't lying in between them, she’d definitely be calling him ‘Daddy’. A smile formed on her lips and he looked at her with a grin, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “You shouldn't look at me like
that, you know,” he said in a low and sexy tone.

  “Why not?” she asked with a pout.

  “Because I might just have to tell Krew to take Illa for an hour,” he said with a wink.

  Liya giggled softly. “I don't know what you mean,” she said innocently.

  “What I would do to you if I could,” he whispered.

  “Tell me,” she whispered back and raised an intrigued eyebrow at him.

  He asked hesitantly, “With Illa here?”

  “She’s asleep,” Liya said and looked at Illa beside her.

  “Simple. I’d just rip all your clothes off and make you feel things you’ve never felt before,” he answered.

  “Wow, you don't waste any time, do you?” Liya gasped.

  Wren smirked and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making Liya giggle quietly.

  “I’m not even touching you and I’m all fired up,” Wren whispered.

  “Same here,” Liya said and looked down at her feet. “Wren, I’m sorry for dragging you into this whole mess. I never wanted to involve anyone in this. I just want to be safe, and Illa to be safe.”

  “You’re kind of ruining the mood here,” he said.

  “I know, but I’m serious. I know you didn't exactly sign up for this, but thank you. I don’t really have the words to express how much I appreciate you.”

  Wren reached over and brushed a strand of blonde hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. “You’re welcome, and you didn't drag me into anything. I could have said no. I could have driven away when you hit my car. I could have chased you out of my house when I saw your tattoo, but I didn't. Not only because we imprinted but because I chose to. I chose to be a part of this, and if I could go back and do it all over again, I’d choose the same path. Over and over again.”

  Liya smiled and glanced at Illa, watching her little chest move up and down as she breathed peacefully. Liya would never tire of looking at her daughter sleeping, and she remembered when Illa was a newborn, she would spend most of her nights and days looking at her sleeping baby with a heart filled with love. It didn't matter if she was tired from the lack of sleep associated with being a new mother. Liya loved every moment of it, and even Hunter backed off from her for that while, which she was grateful for. She had never considered having a baby, but it was something that happened, and she was happy about it. Now Liya could not imagine her life without little Illa.


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