Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series)

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Mating Instinct (The COMPLETE Ridgeville Series) Page 20

by Kyle, Celia

Carly shimmied and wiggled, tugged and tore at her bonds. No. She wouldn’t let him do this to her. God, she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but fight. Her rabbit, all for getting the hell away from this fucker, urged her on, shoved forward and became desperate for the change.

  She let a little of the furball’s power slither through the walls that kept her bunny at bay. In a blink, the rabbit pushed, yanked control, and forced her wrists and hands to change.

  While the pain of a partial change tore through her, she kicked at Alistair, nailed him in the thigh and then again between his legs.

  The male roared and reached for her jeans, tore them from her body, exposed her. With his grab, her panties followed, leaving her bare from the waist down.

  The rabbit helped her then, got her wrists free of her bindings with a quick slice of her claws, releasing her arms. Hands free, she used them to brace her as she struck out with her leg again, fighting with all that she had. Alistair staggered back a step.

  Taking advantage of the distraction, she scrambled for the knife, crawled and clawed until the handle of the ten-inch blade rested against her palm.

  Hand wrapped around the hilt, a roar of triumph grew in her chest. But it was short-lived. A scream erupted when searing hot, near debilitating pain roared through her hip and leg. She was flipped over, Alistair’s shifted claws digging into her flesh, slicing through the fat and muscle of her body. Without thought, she struck out with the blade, cut and carved at his hands and arms, uncaring of any damage she may have caused to herself. She wouldn’t be raped by his filth, and refused to let the demented male take her kit from her.

  Another swipe and she caught his face, the blade traveling over one cheek, across his nose, and then against the other cheek. Now he had a new scar to go with the other.

  “Bitch.” He pulled one claw free and then sunk it in again, gripping her waist and tugging her toward him, wicked nails cutting down to the bone.

  Alistair bared his fangs, saliva dripping from his extended canines and dropping against her exposed skin. She sliced at him again, repeating the move yet the man didn’t seem to notice. She gave him another cut, even deeper and Alistair snarled in response, his jaw elongating to resemble the polar bear he held inside his body.

  The male froze, body half over her, Carly’s blood pouring from her wounds, and he tilted his head to the side. “It sounds as if the cavalry has arrived. Apparently the sniveling male did not do very well.” He released her in an instant, claws retracting from her flesh, and he rose to his full height. The rabbit wanted to jump to her feet, cut and claw at the male, destroy him. She’d kill him or die trying. “Until we meet again.”

  With that simple goodbye, he melted from the room, leaving Carly alone with the pale-faced, white-eyed Naomi and her ex-friend’s body.

  Damn, but she wished she could bring Andrew back so she could take a piece out of his hide.

  Carly breathed deep, chest heaving and heart struggling with every beat. The minute she woke up, she’d figure out a way to bring Andrew back from the dead so she could kill him again.

  She just needed a tiny nap first.

  * * *

  Six hours later, Neal was still shaking, lion pacing inside his mind, stalking back and forth while he fought the urge to join Ricker’s hunt for Alistair McCain. He battled the urge to snarl at the thought of the man’s name.

  He couldn’t do anything while he waited for Carly to heal. Her injuries were severe, deep enough to reveal bone, and the blood loss was staggering. He only hoped that the cub had survived. He knew his mate would have been devastated with the loss of their young, and he wanted to spare her that news.

  Neal traced each of her delicate fingers, noticing the pale hue of her skin, and he could see the blue of her veins within. God, he’d almost lost her to the jealousy and the destructive plans of an insane male.

  Freedom. He snarled.

  Alistair had preyed on Andrew’s demented feelings and convinced the male that Carly’s death would be the answer to his prayers. No one would have the female that belonged to him.

  Instead, Andrew had ended up dead, and Naomi…

  “You know she’ll be fine. Little Bit’s always bounced back.” Ian joined him, standing tall at the end of the bed. “Did she tell you about the time she got caught by a fox?”

  Neal turned to him, eyes wide. “You’re joking.”

  His mate’s brother shook his head. “Nope. She’d gotten mad at our mother, shifted, and ran off into the woods. She’d been gone for an hour or so, our parents frantic, before she came hopping back, bloodied from head to toe and dragging that fucking fox behind her. At seven she informed our mother that foxes did not play fair.”

  Carly stirred, muscles twitching and legs shifting beneath the thin fabric of the sheet covering her and he stroked her hand, trailed his fingers over her cheek. “Shh, I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  Ian’s hand rested on his shoulder. “She’s tough, cat. By morning she’ll be ready to hunt down Andrew and skin him alive. Not that there’ll be anything left of the body, since we’ll burn it, but she’ll still try and figure out a way.”

  God, Neal hoped so. He could deal with an angry, vengeful Carly any day.

  A knock on the bedroom door yanked their attention and they found Alex standing in the hallway. Smart man. Neal wasn’t sure he could tolerate an unrelated male near his woman right then.

  “We need you two in the living room. Ricker would like a word. Neal, Maya will stay with Carly until you return.” With that, Prime disappeared and the very pregnant Maya waddled into the room, worry etched into every line of her face.

  Neal rose from his chair and stepped aside. The woman toddled even faster and practically fell into the seat he’d vacated. She snatched up Carly’s still hand. “You utter bitch. You go on another adventure without me? I bet we coulda sliced and diced that ass. Remember when…”

  He smiled at Prima’s railing and turned to follow Ian out of the room. His mate would be well cared for by her best friend. Now he had other things to deal with, and he was anxious to hear what the council’s tracker had to say.

  In the living room, Alex and Ricker waited for them; Max and his enforcer had left as soon as they’d seen the cats and rabbits home. They didn’t want to leave their wolves alone while Alistair was in the area and Neal couldn’t blame them.

  Ricker sat in one of the chairs, elbows resting on his knees. He’d been hunting for hours and looked exhausted. “I lost him on the other side of the lake. Fucker hopped into an SUV and took off. There were tracks of at least three others, but I caught the scent of another two that had probably stayed in the vehicle. A hard scent of fear hung around, which means they’ve either got a reluctant Freedom member or they have their hands on someone else.”

  Neal clenched his hands, fought the urge to shift and roar, take off into the wilderness and hunt the bastard, the leader of Freedom.

  His mate. His mate had been hurt.

  He ached for the death of every member of that fucking organization. He wanted the blood of Freedom members to flow in rivers so that they couldn’t hurt anyone else.


  The tracker stood and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll be gone as soon as I pack my stuff. The council staff are running the tire treads and checking on recent rentals. I’m going to ground for now and waiting to see if there’s any whispers.”

  “What about Naomi?” God, she was crazed after what she’d been through. Her body had been battered, bruised, and broken in several places, but she was human. Knowing enough about shifters to have sex with them and bear their cubs was one thing…seeing the violence they were capable of was another.

  He didn’t know how she’d fare or what to tell the kids just yet. He wasn’t sure if he should lie or tell the truth…their mother wouldn’t be the same, either way.

  Ricker crossed his arms over his massive chest. “It’s your call. She’ll be damaged, maybe permanently, an
d she knows a lot about y’all. More than the average human. As far as the council is concerned, it’s an internal matter unless she starts talking.”

  Neal nodded, quickly followed by the other two males, and Ricker seemed to relax. The male probably had enough of dispensing judgment on others and he apparently didn’t want to be saddled with a human’s future. “Good.” He jerked his head in a quick nod. “I hope to never see you again. At least, not when blood’s involved.”

  He shook the male’s hand, Ian and Alex repeating the gesture in turn, but Alex held fast. “You are always welcome on our land and in our pride, Ricker. We won’t ever forget this. If you decide to retire, you have a home in Ridgeville.”

  Neal watched the tiger stride from the house and, while his lion was respectfully fearful of the huge beast, a part of him couldn’t help but be sad at the male’s departure. Their pride would be stronger with him in it. Maybe…

  Maya’s voice cut into his thoughts. “Neal? She’s asking for you.” The woman smirked. “And when I say ‘asking’, I mean ready to gnaw your ass if you don’t get in there ASAP. She said she’s horny, hungry, and hormonal from the kit which is your fault. In that order.”

  Praise Jesus hallelujah amen. She’d live.


  Carly would kill him. Really. Tear him limb from limb. Arms, then legs, then cock. Wait. Maybe if she just got rid of the arms and legs, she could still use his cock. Then he wouldn’t have a way of defending his manhood. She should Google.


  Huge asshole.

  She’d healed already. No more pink lines from her wounds. No nightmares. Nada.

  Carly was safe, damn it.

  Ricker was off hunting Alistair and reports indicated he’d abandoned Ridgeville.

  Naomi had been sent on ‘vacation’. And by ‘vacation’, she meant a mental health facility. After being captured by Andrew and Alistair, the human woman had a few ‘issues’.

  With a sigh, she fell into bed. Alone. She’d waited for him last night, all naked and ready…and had fallen asleep. The coward had waited for her to pass out. That had to be the only explanation.


  “Cccaaarrrlllyyy!” Aw, little—but very loud—Elijah was up. Carly found Neal’s kids adorable, but her mate had assured her that her opinion would change after more than a handful of days. With Naomi ‘on vacation’, they’d welcomed the cubs into their home and Carly couldn’t remember why she’d been so upset about their existence. Part of her wished that their mother never got better. Only a little part. Teeny, even.


  “Cccaaawwwyyy!” Carson echoed his older brother.

  A loud, roaring cry rent the air, which meant that baby Ryan was up, as well. Whew, that boy took after his daddy.

  With a groan, she rolled from the bed and snagged her robe. Neal was probably up and feeding the cubs, so she could relax for a bit, but she enjoyed joining them all in a raucous breakfast.

  She padded through the house and into the kitchen to find her men surrounding the table. Both Elijah and Carson fed themselves (mostly) while Neal spooned wet cereal into Ryan’s mouth as he sat in his high chair.

  “How are my boys?” She got four smiles in response.

  Moving around the room, she dropped a soft kiss on the top of each little head and gave Neal something that was nowhere near chaste. Her male moaned, but quickly pulled away, glaring at her with a frown.

  Butthole. She’d keep teasing until he gave in.

  A rapid knock of knuckles against wood came from the front of the house and she waved Neal away when he began to rise. “I’ve got it. Keep making sure they all eat.” Carly wasted no time in answering the door, revealing Maya and Alex waiting for her. “’Morning.”

  “Hey. We’re here to rescue you.” Maya smiled wide.

  She raised a brow at Alex. “Didn’t you do that already?”

  He just rolled his eyes. “We’re ‘borrowing’ the kids so that we can get ‘practice’.”

  She turned her attention to Maya. “Translation?”

  “We’re stealing them so you can bowchickabowbow with your mate. I’m tired of hearing you complain.” Maya stuck out her tongue.

  God, that’s why she loved the she-cat.

  Opening the door wide, she gestured for them to enter. “By all means. My vagina thanks you.”

  Maya giggled and Alex looked like he was gonna be sick. Apparently thinking of other women’s vaginas didn’t agree with the man. What the hell else should she have called it? Pussy? Hell no, she’d never say that to anyone other than her mate.

  Her BFF swept past her, Alex trailing behind, and Carly was met with a chorus of “Uncle Alex!” and “Auntie Maya!”

  Somehow, in what seemed like mere moments, the three children were spirited away within minutes, leaving just her and Neal in the house.

  She was going to seduce him, damn it.

  Carly found Neal in the kitchen, table cleared and dishes piled in the sink. He had his back to her, hands moving over the plates and silverware with a soap-coated sponge. Man, she loved a guy who cleaned. She just may keep him.

  Tiptoeing across the room, she used all of her sneaky-sneak skills that she had acquired over the years and crept up behind him. She raised her arms, determined to surprise him and enfold him in a hug he wouldn’t want to end.

  “I can feel you, Carly.”

  She stopped, planted a hand on her hip and huffed. “You could have played along, you know.”

  Her mate turned on her, holding a towel as he dried his hands and gave her that smirk she both loved and hated. “But then…” He tossed the towel onto the counter. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”

  Neal reached for her, wrapped his strong arms around her waist, and brought her body flush against his.

  He dropped his head as they collided, brought his mouth to hers, and seized her with a dominating kiss. He forced his tongue between her lips, tangling it with hers and tasting every part of her. Carly responded in kind, stroked and teased him, explored the parts that she'd forgotten, familiarized herself with her mate once again.

  Carly’s body responded to his assault, her nipples hardened against the smooth fabric of her robe, the silk tempting her with what would assuredly come. The male was going to fuck her now. Even if she had to tie him to the bed to do it.

  Tied to the bed…

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, increased the pressure between their mouths, showed him without words how desperate she was. It’d only been a week, but it felt like years.

  Neal sucked on her tongue, traced her teeth, taunted her with his intimate kiss. Her body became restless with the possessive torture, pussy growing heavy with every breath, breasts tingling and aching for attention. She craved him like a drug.

  She could feel his erection, his hardened cock pressing against her belly, only the material of her robe and his jeans separating them.

  Her mate eased the kiss, slowing their tangle, their tasting, and pulled his lips from hers. “Hey, angel.”

  “Mate.” She breathed the word, licked his upper lip, savored that hint of his flavor. “My mate. Need you.” She whispered, repeated the action.

  She was desperate for him and wasn’t afraid to admit it. The male was her perfect partner and she wasn’t about to go without him for another second.

  Neal growled, wrapped his arms around her, cupped her ass and lifted her with ease. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, trusting him to support her. He strode across the kitchen and into the hallway.

  Carly couldn’t wait to taste him again, though. She nipped and sucked on his neck, spring rain and daffodils burst across her tongue and a tortured groan came from deep within her mate’s chest. With a thud, her back hit the wall and she was held suspended between his body and the hard surface behind her.

  “Pants. Pants, pants, pants…” His voice was barely recognizable, but she got the gist of his demand. After all, she was all for his je
ans disappearing from between her thighs and his thick cock taking their place.

  Snagging her mate’s lips in another desperate kiss, she wiggled her hands between their bodies, fought with the button on his pants and came out the victor. A rip and shove had his dick leaping into her hand, the fat shaft filling her palm just as she remembered.

  Her pussy throbbed in celebration, the memory of him stretching and filling her, sliding in and out of her slick heat. She moaned against his mouth, clawed at his shoulders and pushed herself higher along his body. Hand still clasping his erect dick, she placed the head of his prick at her entrance and then released her hold, allowed her weight to force his invasion.

  His cock glided into her moist pussy, her juices easing his way as Neal filled her to bursting. Inch after inch slipped into her waiting hole, slices of pinching pain blossomed into pure pleasure as the head of his dick grazed her G-spot. A shudder of arousal pulsed through her pussy, clit throbbing with the friction of their bodies.

  Carly’s hiss was echoed by Neal’s groan. Her mate lifted her with ease, pussy clinging to his shaft as he forced her heat to release him and then welcome him once again as he lowered her body.

  She tore her lips from his, their mouths hovering a hair’s breadth apart as she whispered against his lips. “So full. So good.”

  Neal repeated the movement, lifting her up and down along his hard shaft, stroking out and then back into her waiting, soaked warmth. Her pussy contracted along his length, rippled and throbbed.

  “So tight, angel.” He withdrew and shoved forward. “So. Fucking. Tight.” Each word was punctuated with a fierce thrust.

  Carly growled and nipped at his lower lip, laved the droplet of blood that gathered and let his sensual flavors roll over her taste buds.

  “Yes! Big. Fuck. More.” She grunted and groaned along with him, breasts jiggling with his every move. She shared her mate’s breath, both of them unable to do anything more than pant their pleasure as they let their desires loose.

  God, even a week had been much too long to go without his sensual touch.


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