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Chance Encounters - Preludes to Love & Death

Page 5

by Urban Fiction


  I woke up the next morning with Chance lying next to me, watching me as I slept. He had the strangest look on his face, as though he was almost mesmerized. He said that last night had to be about the hottest sexcapade that we ever had, and I agree! The passion over flowed from every angle. When I got out of bed he grabbed my hands and said, “You better go get those nails fixed. They’re lookin’ a little rough,” and he laughed.


  “Oh! Thanks for remindin’ me. I need fifty dollars and don’t even give me that look. If yo’ damn dick wasn’t so big I’d still have my nails! So… cough it up Big Daddy! Never mind. I’ll get it myself, I know where yo’ wallet is, and I need to get a few things from the grocery store anyway. So, better make it an even hundred,” I said rushing to beat Chance to the shower.

  That evening as I returned home from the grocery store, the telephone rang. The caller I.D. said Chicago Hilton. “Who could this be?” I thought to myself as I answered.


  “Hello Miss Davis. I know you ain’t forget to call me?” It was Iesha.

  “Girl… I was just about to sit down and call you; I just got back in from the store. What’s goin’ on?” I asked excitedly.

  “Well, I hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t wait to talk to you; so I looked you up. Luckily it ain’t that many Evan Chances in the phone book,” Iesha said sarcastically.

  I guess I forgot to give her my number at the restaurant. Anyway, we got to talkin’ about old times and gettin’ caught up on the latest gossip; like, how this person was doing and who that person was doing. We use to girl talk for hours. Iesha told me that life in the world of high fashion wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be, and actually she wasn’t even all that involved in it at the moment. She said, “Girl listen, I had to make some hard choices. In New York City you grow yo’ ass up quick, fast, and in a hurry! I thought L.A. was tough... All I had to depend on was me but I surprised myself. I realized that I had talents and abilities that I wasn’t even aware of, like this amazin’ power over men! I started to find that men just wanted to be around me and would pay alotta money for the privilege. I learned to do what I had to do to survive and I even learned how to get rich doin’ it.”

  Iesha and I both sat in an awkward silence for about 5 seconds. Then she said, “Well girl, don’t just sit there and hold the damn phone. Are you still there? At least say somethin’. Please? Hello? I knew I shouldn’t have told you. I just thought you of all people would understand…”

  Finally I responded. “Are you tellin’ me that rich men are payin’ you for yo’ time, company, and conversation; or are you really sayin’ that they are payin’ for the coochie? Cuz’, either way you must be handin’ out refunds left and right.” We both laughed uncontrollably. The same way we did when we were roommates in college.

  I said, “Look girl, I ain’t mad at you. At least you are gettin’ paid. Shit, most bitches out here fuckin’ for free; givin’ the pussy to a nigga that ought to be payin’ for it anyway! At least you are smart enough to realize that ain’t a damn thang free and if a mutha’fucka wanna play, he damn sho’ gots to pay! Shit, I ain’t about to sit up here and judge you. We both know that I would be a hypocrite. I know you remember everything we use to get into and the games we use to run. So I would never judge you but seriously, I just gotta’ ask, why? I thought you said that once you got’cho’ degree you were through with that shit. You said you would never go back to gamin’ no matter what,” I reminded her.

  Iesha paused.

  “Sure… I could go to work for some fortune 500 company, punchin’ a clock, pretendin’ to fit into their neat little corporate box but I’m smarter than that. That’s not me; it never has been and never will be. Plus, last year I made over $250,000” Iesha bragged.

  I said “Damn! That’s alotta’ coochie.”


  “Girl… You ain’t never lied!” She said as we laughed again.

  “That’s enough about me for now. Tell me all about you and Mr. Chance. How did you land that sexy ass nigga? I know his ass gotta’ be paid,” Iesha asked curiously.


  “Girl, why is everything with you always about money? It’s not even about that with Chance. Look, I spent years running from love; gettin’ wit’ niggas cuz’ I thought they had this or that. The crazy thing is I was runnin’ game on them while they thought they were runnin’ game on me! Yeah, sure Chance is doin’ well as an artist and his family has money but I got my own shit! I learned a long time ago not to depend on nobody but me. Shit, fuckin’ wit’ Tico taught me that,” I said. Tico Vega was my ex-boyfriend from college. He was a small time dope boy, wanna-be-pimp from Watts, who thought he was doin’ big thangz. He was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I have made some big mistakes!

  “So, how did you meet Chance anyway?” Iesha asked.

  “Well, I was with some friends at the Chicago Arts Invitational; one of their paintings was on exhibit. Chance was also being honored as one of Chicago’s most talented new artists. He was fine as hell in that black tuxedo and I just had to meet his ass. One of the girls I was with just happened to know him from school, so she introduced us. We hit it off, and the rest, as they say is history.” I explained.

  “What? Girl, that had to be the first time in yo’ life you ever took a chance,” Iesha said jokingly.


  “Well, how is it? Iesha asked.

  “How is what?” I responded.

  “Girl, don’t make me jump through this damn phone and choke you! How is the sex? Is it good? He looks like he’s gotta’ big dick,” Iesha asked. I knew it wouldn’t take long for the freak to come back out.

  “Well, you know I don’t like braggin’ but he is off the muthafuckin’ chain girl! I never would have guessed that a dick that big went along with those little bitty ass size 8 shoes, and thank God he only got shorted on the feet. I swear girl, the first time I went over to his house and got a good look at those tiny ass shoes I was about to turn around and go back home. I wasn’t even about to waste my time. However, luckily nothin’ could have been farther from the truth; he had it goin’ in every way that mattered” I said unashamedly.


  “Is he freaky? I mean, alotta’ niggas got dick hangin’ down to their knees but don’t know what the fuck to do with it… Just a damn waste of a big dick in my opinion! Plus, if a nigga ain’t got no tongue to go wit’ the dick, I mean if he can’t eat the pussy right then he’s already missin’ 50 out of 100 points!” Iesha stated.

  “Girl, I see you ain’t changed one bit; still just as nasty and nosy as ever,” I said.


  “Just makin’ sure that nigga is handlin’ his business, that’s all. So, have you heard from Tico? You know he’s supposed to get out this month. He wrote me askin’ if I knew how to get in touch with you; talkin’ about he’s still in love with you and you gon’ always be his woman. Tico was talkin’ about getting’ back in the game when he get out. He wanted us to come back to L.A. to help him get started. Girl, you know how Tico is, still on the same bullshit. He also wanted to know why you never wrote or came to see him. He asked me if I thought you might have set him up to get busted,” Iesha said pausing slightly; as if she was waiting for a response. I remained silent.


  “Does Chance know anything about Tico?” Iesha asked.


  “No. I never told him any of that shit! I spent the last three years of my life tryin’ to put all that behind me. After everything went down the way it did and Tico got locked up, I just wanted to start over. I barely made it through college messin’ around wit’ that nigga. He had me doin’ all kinds of fucked up shit that I knew I had no business doin’! Boostin’, trickin’, runnin’ his dope all up and down the 405. That nigga ain’t give a fuck about me! All he cared about was his money. If he did care he never would’a... fuck it. I don’t even wanna talk about it no more; besides, I’m in love with Chance and t
hat’s what’s up. Now that’s what’s really good right there,” I said.

  “Girl… Tico is a balla’! He gotz mad paper! Girl, Tico…” Iesha said.


  “Bitch, Tico kicked my ass for two years; in case you forgot. I know I haven’t. I’ll never forget what that nigga put me through. I remember when he found out I was pregnant and made me have a fuckin’ abortion! Then I find out a week later that this nigga got another bitch pregnant at same time that I was but he let that ho keep her baby, and made me get ridda’ mine! Remember when he had his baby mama and her sisters jump me? Those ho’s almost killed me! I was laid up in the hospital for like two weeks! Do you remember that shit? I sure do!”

  I had to check Iesha’s ass. She was known for trippin’. I had to put her back in her place right away and let her know that shit wit’ Tico was dead! Iesha was cool but sometimes she had a way of fuckin’ wit’ me; I guess to see where my head was. Sometimes it was as if she was tryin’ to purposely get me mixed up into some bullshit. Iesha was a master manipulator. I have seen her operate too many times. I had to let her know that I was not that same stupid little girl she met freshman year in college.


  “Alright! Alright! Take it easy girl! You are like a baby sister to me. I’m just tryin’ to make sure that this new nigga is doin’ you right. I admit it sounds like he might be holdin’ it down but it’s hard to tell with you cuz’ you’re so closed mouthed and hush-hush about everything. I guess it’s that he seems so different than anybody I ever knew you to fuck wit’ before. He’s just so sweet, quiet, and lame,” Iesha mumbled under her breath; “But in a sexy way” Iesha added.

  “So, anyway girl. How the fuck did we go from talkin’ about sex to talkin’ about Tico Vega’s sorry ass?” I asked.


  “Well, since we are back on the subject Chance must be the bomb! Damn girl, he got yo’ ass sprung! He must got dat OUWEE!” Iesha exclaimed. She could be so ignorant!


  “If you are that curious, you should find out for yourself. I mean, if you really wanna know.” I couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth and I’m sure that Iesha couldn’t believe it either I knew she wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. I saw the way she looked at Chance, Plus Iesha never could never resist my seconds.

  “So what’s up girl? You are still a professional right?” I asked Iesha provokingly.

  Iesha paused silently. “Girl, what are you askin’ me? Yes bitch! I am still a professional by the way. Even more so now than I was before! Thank you very much. I even got a few other bitches on my team; kinda’ like my own lil’ agency,” she boasted; which explained a lot.

  “So… what are you sayin’? You want to get paid? Is that it? That’s not a problem. How much do you charge for an evening?” I asked.

  “I charge Two Thousand Dollars a night. This ain’t that small time shit we used to do when we was workin’ for Tico. I only deal with elite clientele: doctors, lawyers, athletes, politicians; that kind of shit,” Iesha responded. “However for you… consider it my pre-wedding gift,” she added. This made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up cuz’ this bitch never gave a muthafucka’ shit without gettin’ somethin’ in return.

  “You won’t be disappointed and neither will Chance! You know how we do it,” Iesha assured me with the greatest of self-confidence.


  “Fine, tomorrow Chance and I have plans to go to that new club on the navy pier. Meet us at about ten o’clock and we’ll take it from there. I want this to be a night that he will never ever forget,” I told her.

  For a moment I was speechless. Did I just invite my girl into a threesome wit’ me and my fiancé? I guess I did. Chance and I had never done anything like this before but we had joked about it from time to time. So, I guess it was time to put up or shut up.

  Iesha and I said goodbye and hung up the phone from what had turned into a three-hour conversation. By then Chance was soundly asleep upstairs in our bedroom. I watched for several minutes from outside of the door as he slept peacefully. “Rest my love. You’re gonna’ need your strength tomorrow, because I have a very special gift for you,” I thought to myself; looking on as my chocolate lover slumbered unaware of the pleasure that awaited.


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