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theprincessofisca_GEN Page 3

by Michelle Hoppe

  “It was late. We decided to crash at her place in Colesca.”

  Valerie’s father, Edward, looked up from his paper at this statement. “I hope you girls got in before dark. You know it’s dangerous to swim in these waters late at night.”

  Valerie smiled. Her father still thought of her and Tracee as little girls. “We’re fine, Dad.”

  “Don’t brush your father’s concerns aside, Val. Why just last week…”

  “Mom,” Valerie interrupted, “I know all about the shark attack last week and trust me, Tracee and I are very careful.”

  “Still, I don’t like you being out too late, unless you plan on staying here in Isca.”

  Her father broke into the conversation again.

  “Can we have a different subject? Please.”

  Katherine smiled slightly and adjusted herself in the chair. “Well, since I really wanted to speak to you about Paranormal Match, sure.”

  “May the saints protect me,” Valerie uttered under her breath. “Please don’t start with this again, Mom.”

  “What? What’s this about a mate?” Edward looked a little lost. He’d been deep into reading the morning paper and appeared to be catching only about a third of their conversation.

  “Nothing, dear,” Katherine assured him. “Finish your paper.”

  “Mom, I’ve already told you I won’t join some online dating site for losers.”

  “Paranormals, darling. Not losers.”

  “Vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and Neptune only knows what else. All with one thing in common. They’re unable to find a mate without resorting to some pathetic online dating site. If they aren’t losers, what are they?”

  “Now, now, my darling daughter, some people just need a little extra help getting started,” Edward injected. Apparently, he found their conversation interesting after all.

  “Besides,” Katherine started again, “you don’t need to join. I did it for you, a few weeks ago.”

  “What?” Valerie sputtered. A wave of dizziness overtook her. “How could you?”

  “It was easy,” Katherine stated, as if she were reading the grocery list, instead of stepping over the line by interfering with Valerie’s love life. “I simply completed the online application and posted a picture of you.”

  “Christ’s sake, Mother. Please tell me you’re joking.” Valerie felt her nails biting into the flesh of her hands as she struggled to remain calm. This can’t be happening. Her mother couldn’t possibly think this was normal behavior, even for someone as overbearing and pushy as Katherine.

  Edward looked at his wife with a shocked expression. “Really, Katherine. Maybe you should’ve told Val about this before signing her up.”

  “Why? So she could tell me no?” Katherine’s voice had that I know it all attitude again. The same voice she used when everyone else was wrong and she was right, whether she was right or not.

  “Well…” Edward didn’t get to finish his statement.

  “It’s done,” Katherine declared. “And I’ve found the perfect mate.”

  Valerie listened in disbelief as her parents discussed their interference in her life.

  “Well, you can just un-find him. I’m not interested.”

  “It’s too late for that, Val.”

  “Mother.” Valerie’s heart sank. Please, dear Lord, tell me she didn’t.

  “Actually, I’ve already sent him a vibe…”

  “Vibe? What the hell is a vibe?” Edward demanded.

  “It’s what they call an ‘I’m interested’ message at the site.”

  “Oh.” Edward seemed fine with her mother sending vibes to strangers. As long as she was pretending to be Valerie.

  “Un-vibe him.” Valerie felt the heat of anger taking control. “I’ll find my own mate, damn it.”

  “When?” Katherine shot back.

  “When I’m damned good and ready.” Valerie pushed her chair back with a loud scraping noise and started to stand.

  “Sit down, Val.” Edward’s voice didn’t brook any argument.

  Returning her ass to the chair, Valerie stared at her mother.

  Katherine returned her hard look, passing several sheets of paper toward her as she continued to explain the site to Edward.

  Valerie read the profile of Wolffish. Fuck, what kind of idiot calls himself Wolffish?

  Continuing to scan the page, Valerie stifled her giggles as she read what the arrogant bastard had written.

  Merman seeking sophisticated mermaid to share my life. Six-foot-four, light blue scales. Athletic, romantic, well-traveled. If you like moonlit swims in warm aqua waters, dancing until dawn, sushi, and mountain climbing, you may be the woman of my dreams. I am looking for a long-term relationship with marriage and children in mind. Are you tired of swimming in circles? Send me a vibe and let’s get acquainted.

  Family lineage, sexual competence report, and sperm count will be provided to serious aspirants only.

  “Now I know you’re joking, Mother. Sperm count, for Christ’s sake. Tell me this isn’t real.”

  Katherine’s hard-set glare stabbed at her. “This isn’t a joke, Val. Family lineage and sperm count are important for us. You know this.”

  “What about love?” Valerie whined.

  “Darling. Do you really believe I want you to be unhappy?” Katherine consoled.

  “Yes. Damn it. Why else would you be pushing these boring stuffy mermen at me?”

  “All the men I’ve sent vibes to have been of royal descent, Val.”

  Valerie gasped in disbelief. “Just how many vibes have you sent, Mother?”

  “If you will continue looking through the profiles I’ve given you, you will see there are six. As I said, they’re all of royal descent and their families are well thought of.”

  Valerie quickly scanned the little black letters on the paper in her hand. At the top of one was a date, time and check mark in her mother’s handwriting. “What is this?”

  “What?” Katherine inquired.

  “This profile.” Valerie flipped the page at her mother, so Katherine could read what she’d written at the top.

  “Oh, that’s Playfulseal’s profile.”

  “Yes, Mother. But why is today’s date written on the top of his profile?”

  “Because he is coming to dinner toni—”

  “What?” Valerie’s voice rose. “You invited this guy here?”

  “Now, Val.”

  “Don’t now Val me, Mother.” Valerie’s voice continued to shake. “This is unspeakable.”

  “He’s a very nice man. I’ve been corresponding with him for over a month and he wants to meet you.”

  “No, Mother. He doesn’t know me. He wants to meet you,” Valerie shrieked.

  “Is that true, Katherine?” Edward seemed to be taking an interest again.

  “Is what true, Edward?”

  “Does this young man want to meet you?”

  “Of course not. He’s coming here to meet Valerie. They have a lot in common and he thinks they may be well suited.”

  “Then you marry him.” Valerie didn’t wait for her parents to speak again. With the profiles clutched in her hand, she pushed away from the table and ran from the room. Without a backwards glance she threw open the French doors in the family room and continued outside.

  It was only a short jog from the porch to the open water of the Caribbean and Valerie crossed the distance quickly. Turning up the beach, she headed in the direction of Tracee’s house.

  * * * *

  “Damn it, Tracee, stop laughing,” Valerie demanded.

  Tracee grabbed her side and folded at the waist. Laughter continued to roll from her throat. Valerie could only wait for her to get control before continuing.

  “I really don’t see anything funny in this, my friend.” Valerie tried again a few minutes later.

  “I’m sor-rr-y,” Tracee hiccupped. “I just can’t imagine your mother doing something like this.”

  “Well, she did,” V
alerie hissed. “And one of her chosen men is coming for dinner tonight. He’s supposed to sweep me off my feet and carry me away to make babies, for Christ’s sake.”

  Tracee started laughing again.

  “Good Lord. Will you get hold of yourself?”

  “Okay.” Tracee giggled under her breath. “Okay. I’m fine now. Do you think I can come? I want to meet this guy.”

  “Trust me, you don’t.”

  “So, do you know anything about Mr. Right?”

  “Yes, I’ve got his profile.”

  “How’d you get that?”

  “Mom gave it to me so I’d get all excited about meeting the lame brain.”

  “Well, damn, you have my attention.” Tracee straightened her back and looked expectantly at Valerie.

  Valerie opened the piece of paper she’d been holding and spread it out on the table in front of her. “His username is Playfulseal.”

  “Oh my Lord. He’s a seal?”

  “No, stupid. He’s a merman. Playfulseal is his user identification name.”

  “Hey, don’t call me stupid. I’ve never joined one of these sites.”

  “Well, neither have I,” Valerie snarled. “My mother did, using my name and information.”

  Tracee stifled another giggle.

  “Stop. Let me read this to you.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Tired of stuffed crab? Send me a vibe. Want to date a merman with a taste for pasta? Send me a vibe. Do you want the lover in your life to be playful? Send me a vibe.”

  Tracee giggled again. “Your mother liked this guy?”

  “Apparently enough to invite him to dinner.”


  “There’s more.”

  “Hopefully it gets better.”

  Valerie couldn’t help but smile. She continued to read Playfulseal’s profile.

  “I’m looking for a young, strong, playful mermaid to share life with. What I lack in looks I make up for with a fun, easygoing personality. Send me a vibe. Don’t wait, I won’t be single for long.”

  Tracee looked a little disappointed. “That’s all?”

  “Yep. This confirms it. My mother has lost her mind.”

  “What about the other profiles? Are they all this bad?”

  Valerie flipped through the papers. “Here’s another seal,” she giggled.


  “Greyseal. What is it with these guys calling themselves seals?”

  “I don’t know but read his profile.”

  “Six foot three inches of pure female delight, black cropped hair, and gray eyes looking for a long term relationship. Would consider children with the right applicant.”

  “Hey, that’s a plus.” Tracee smiled.

  Valerie ignored the interruption and continued to read from the paper in front of her.

  “A love of the sea is a necessity as I like to swim every day. Must like cool climates as I live in a beautiful part of the world, but it can get cold. No time wasters please, only someone interested in a serious relationship need apply.”

  Valerie finished reading and glanced up to get Tracee’s reaction.

  “Sounds dreamy to me,” Tracee crooned.

  “Will you be serious?” Valerie seethed. “First of all, if it’s cold where he lives, you can bet he’s not from around here.”


  “So, not only is my mother trying to marry me off, if she finds a mate in another part of the world she could be sending me to some Godforsaken place where it’s cold.”

  “Before we get you married to someone from a cold place, don’t you think you should meet the guy who’s coming to dinner?”

  “Like I’ve got a choice. Mom’s already exchanged information with him, pretending to be me, and poof, he’s here tonight for dinner.”

  “Maybe it’ll be all right,” Tracee offered.

  “And maybe I’ll turn into a vampire at the full moon,” Valerie snarled.

  Tracee gave Valerie one of those looks. They’d been friends all their lives and Valerie loved her like a sister.

  “So what time do you need to be back?”

  “I’m not going back.”

  “Oh, that’s not a good idea, my friend. Your mother will have you skinned alive.”

  “Let her.” Valerie had already decided she was going to the other side of the island tonight. All she needed to do was convince Tracee to come with her.

  “Well, you can’t hide from her, Val. You know it’s too easy for your parents to find you either here or in Colesca.”

  “Yes. That’s why we’re going to the cottage.”

  “We?” Tracee looked at her like she’d lost her mind.

  “Yes. You and I,” Valerie assured her.

  “I don’t think so, Val.” Tracee was shaking her head no and at the same time smiling from ear to ear.

  Valerie knew from her smile Tracee would join her.

  Jumping to her feet, Valerie started to run for the incoming waves, stripping out of her clothes as she went, the warm aqua water surrounding St. Kitts calling to the free spirit of her nature.

  “Hey, wait for me,” Tracee yelled from behind her.

  Turning to look back at her best friend trying to catch her, Valerie ran faster. Her toes hit the warm Caribbean water and she dove headfirst into the waves. When she surfaced a few moments later, Valerie watched as Tracee reached the water’s edge and plunged into the foam of a breaking wave.

  Within seconds, Tracee was swimming side-by-side with her.

  Chapter 3

  Edward’s face was mottled, his eyes flashing with anger.

  Katherine waited in the dining room. She’d heard Edward tell Playfulseal for the third time how sorry they were he’d traveled all this way for nothing. Katherine was still sitting at the dining room table, the remains of the evening meal scattered among the used napkins and serving bowls.

  “Well, that had to be the most enjoyable evening I’ve had in months,” Edward hissed as he returned from the front hall.

  “Don’t be sarcastic, Edward. It doesn’t suit you.”

  “Would you rather I yell?”

  Katherine smiled slightly at the question. “You are yelling, dear.”

  Edward walked to the chair at the head of the table and slumped down in it.

  “Yes, I guess I am.”

  “I hope my backup plan is working better than tonight’s dinner.”

  “Perhaps we should go back to the old ways. It worked well enough for us.”

  Edward smiled at her. His eyes lit with love and Katherine felt the pangs of desire still, after twenty-eight years of marriage.

  “Unfortunately, the days of arranged marriages are over, Edward. Even if we wanted to follow such an archaic practice, we’d have a hard time finding a family willing to join us.”

  Edward looked slightly shocked at her response. “I’m teasing, darling. I want Valerie to choose her own mate.”

  “I know. So do I.”

  “Tell me again why she won’t even look at the profiles on that site… what’s it called, paranorm…”

  “Paranormal Match.”

  “That’s it.”

  “According to your daughter, she wants to enjoy her twenties. Val says she’s having too much fun to settle down and get married.”

  “Marriage can be fun too.” Edward moved to stand, the devilish look in his eyes hinting at his meaning.

  Katherine felt a tingle of anticipation run along her spine. When Edward’s hand moved to help her out of the chair she sat in, Katherine didn’t resist. Before she was able to completely stand, Edward’s arms gathered her up and without any words spoken, he carried her to their room.

  * * * *

  Few people lingered in the hotel lobby, most of them already having left for an evening at one of St. Kitts’ nightclubs or cafes. Dylan paced between the elevator and front door for the third time.

  “Damn it, Megan, why can’t you ever be on time?” Dylan whispered un
der his breath.

  Dylan’s steps brought him closer to the hotel entrance. A flash of silver caught his eye and he stopped mid-stride, his eyes fixing on the face entering through the heavy glass door in front of him.


  “Hello, Dylan.” Valerie continued her forward motion until she reached his side.

  A smile softened her lips, making them look more kissable than ever. “I was hoping we could find a quiet place to spend a little time together.”

  Dylan chuckled. “What quiet place did you have in mind?” His heart beat a little faster.

  Valerie took a step closer. Her eyes shone with a new light, and her body leaned so close to his Dylan could feel the heat she generated. She reached her arms out to his shoulders, resting her fingertips lightly on his neck. Pushing herself up on tiptoes, her lips within inches of his ear, she whispered, “Your room.”

  Taken aback by her sudden appearance at his hotel and now her wish to see his room after politely refusing to join him for the last two weeks, Dylan didn’t answer at first.

  Valerie pushed herself back from his chest a few inches. Her eyes flashing, her voice teasing, she tried again. “Don’t tell me you’ve lost interest.”

  Finding control of his senses, Dylan took her by the hand and with a gentle tug headed for the elevator. He punched at the button inset on the wall and waited for the doors to open.

  “I thought you said your room was on the ground floor,” Valerie inquired.

  “It is.”

  “Why the elevator?”

  “Because we’re not going to my room.”

  Valerie stepped around Dylan’s side to stand in front of him again. “And where might I ask are we going?”

  “To the roof.” Dylan tried to keep his voice even. His mind was racing. She’d come here. To him.

  “The roof.” The words rolled off her lips. “What’s on the roof?”


  The elevator door opened silently and Dylan stepped forward, taking Valerie by the waist and walking her backwards into the mirrored interior. With a slight lurch, the elevator car rose toward the roof twelve stories above them.

  Dylan felt Valerie’s fingers splay over his leg just below his thigh at the same time her voice broke the silence between them.

  “You have a thing for doing it outdoors. Right?”


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