Scarlet Unleashed

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Scarlet Unleashed Page 15

by Krihstin Zink

  By May, 2013, Tim and Flora were quickly returning BDR to its former glory—the one prior to all the mishaps that our family has survived. My once close work friends have now become business only relationships. Honestly, there’s no love for this somewhat insane girl.

  From June-December, 2013, Violet and I traveled the world. With a modest luggage set for each, we country hopped to all the luxurious spas and resorts that every well-off country had to offer. It was like the summer before my senior year all over again.

  Of course, the first month was depressing. We barely left our hotel suite in Spain. But once we arrived in Greece, it was as if Violet had come to terms with our parents passing. Knowing that she would be all right helped me heal.

  We spent Halloween in England; it was a drunken costume mess. Thanksgiving we ignored while we skied the slopes in The Alps. Then, for Christmas, Violet and I opened gifts while facing our majestic view of the Eiffel Tower.

  “What if we just lived here?” Violet asked as we sipped espressos at a lively café in Paris. By January 1st, 2014, we agreed that it was time to return to Naples.

  During our extended flight from Paris to Miami, Violet and I are too focused on our plans for the year that we fail to even notice anyone around us. So of course, we are taken off-guard when a lunatic decides to assault his wife for no apparent reason.

  “Cunt! Did you think I wouldn’t find out about him?” he yells while he fights against the small, frail attendants.

  “Ma’am, are you all right?” one of the flight attendants questions. But then, the lunatic rages and backhands the flight attendant.

  Finally, a massive, NFL-jersey-wearing, fellow first-class guest charges toward the aggressive asshole. Once the asshole notices the tank-built Good Samaritan, he attempts to flee. But, we’re on an airplane. So, after someone trips the lunatic, he face-plants onto the plane’s carpet.

  “I need another vodka tonic after that!” Violet huffs as she downs the rest of her drink—in one gulp. I nod my head in agreement.

  A tedious ten minutes pass before the flight lunatic is subdued by the hunky Good Samaritan and a petite attendant. The flight crew thank the tank before they return to their duties.

  “Violet. Should I wipe that drool from your chin?” I scold in a whisper. Violet swipes at her mouth before she perks up her boobs.

  “That was mighty heroic of you, Sir,” Violet says as the NFL-jersey-wearing hunk passes by.

  He halts and releases this thick, grit-fueled, Southern accent. “No man should ever hit a woman.” Of course, I can physically hear Violet swoon. To be polite, I smile at the Good Samaritan but on the inside, I’m rolling my damn eyes at Violet’s drunken reaction.

  “The name’s Roman; nice to meet y’all.” He extends his hand to shake mine, then Violet’s. He’s being polite to acknowledge me, but he has yet to disengage his stare from Violet. And now, they’re basically hand fucking. His armpit is too close for comfort, so with haste, I excuse myself from the inevitable flight hook-up.

  I stumble through the narrow plane aisle and practice firm control when I see Kate perched on some random stranger’s lap. The poor guy is asleep while Kate strokes his growth. My eyes widen as I shoo Kate off of him.

  “You’re no fun, Mommy,” she pouts as she slides off of the stranger. Nowadays, Kate’s switched her motorcycle-type leathers for lace-type lingerie. Thankfully, it’s been ages since she’s taken me. Her demonic power is much more powerful, so she no longer torments me, but instead sexually fondles strangers.

  “Where are we off to now?” she questions as she follows me into the plane’s snug restroom. She perches on the sink and says, “This little girlie getaway was fun.”

  “I bet, considering you just invited yourself,” I retort in a whisper. Since my release from DLC, I’ve had to tame my communication with Kate. She enjoys embarrassing me while we’re in heavily populated areas. Ha, watch the crazy girl argue with her imaginary friend. Friend? Did I just call Kate my friend?

  “Aw! Bitch, we’re not friends, we’re ex-lovers,” she taunts before she winks and then blows me a kiss. Even in the restroom, I’m never alone.

  I finish up, then shoo her so that I can wash my hands.

  Before Violet and I left for our trip, I paid a visit to Father Oleg—the priest that almost exorcised Kate from me. Without sharing too much detail, I queried if there was a way to keep Kate out—for good. Father Oleg suggested I wear an object that was blessed and anointed with holy water. Thus, now I wear the snake chain and S charm that David gifted on one of our anniversaries—back when our relationship had a future. Oh, David. Will I ever see you again?

  For once, I allow my mind to just drift and linger in all of our happy memories. Every smile, every touch, and every kiss we ever shared dances in my mind like a ring of butterflies that flutter above the grass on a warm spring day. I miss everything about him. But more than his touch, I miss his company. His tan skin, brilliant-blue eyes, and unruly dark hair. And of course, his designer aroma.

  “Stop thinking about that cheater. He cheated. Remember?” Kate’s face wrinkles into a snarl.

  “Get the fuck out of my head,” I hiss as I yank the plane’s restroom door open. Before she’s able to follow me, I slam the damn thing in her face. But my efforts are futile; she just walks through the door like the nuisance demon that she is. A lady that’s next in line for the restroom gives me a baffled stare, so Kate sticks her finger into the lady’s mouth and the poor woman gags. Again, I have to restrain myself from reacting.

  As I draw near Violet and her new man toy, I decide to sit in the empty seat that’s two rows back from their enamored chat. Kate plops down in the chair that’s next to me and places an arm around my neck.

  “Pull your panties out of your twat!” she hisses as she twirls her finger in my hair.

  “Stop. Stop talking to me,” I snarl at her in a whisper. I had hopes to avoid any negative attention, but I failed.

  “Chill. I’m not talking to you, hot thang, but now that you have my attention.” I can feel my face brighten while panic sets in. My thoughts scatter as I formulate a lie to tell the stranger behind me. As I turn to address him, I become dumbfounded and can feel my mouth gape when my eyes relish on the Adonis in front of me. Blemish free, naturally tanned skin, bright honey-colored eyes, and ebony hair that’s tucked under a knitted head bag sort of hat. He’s what I’ve read a hipster to be, but his face. I need to lick his face. I’m a fly and he’s a bug zapper—I must avoid his light.

  “Ooo. I need some of that dick meat. Fuck me. Damn Scarlet, calm your twat,” Kate snaps before she tugs at my necklace.

  I gulp then utter the most incoherent gibberish, “I…uhh… It was…”

  “Have you had a stroke?” the cocky hipster taunts me. Naturally, my eyes and lips squint in distaste of his comment. My jaw drops to speak, but he interrupts me.

  “I apologize. I can be a dick. The name’s Quentin, but the ladies call me Q, ‘cause I’m cute.” His tone exudes arrogance. I can feel my face harden as he winks then puckers up his lips.

  “Mmmkay…” is all I can offer him as I roll my eyes.

  “There’s no denying it; he’s fuckable, and probably has fat dick meat,” Kate says as she scales the seat to then slither and pant next to him. She licks his cheek, and Q swats at her like a person would when shooing a fly. I’ve become a pro at containing my reactions to Kate’s shenanigans. But, Q’s reaction is laugh-worthy.

  “So, where ya from?” he questions as he rubs at his temples.

  “Are you all right?” I pretend to portray that I’m unaware that Kate is rubbing her breast against his face.

  “Yeah, just some sudden pressure,” he says before he reclines into his seat.

  The rest of our flight is uneventful. Well, besides Kate dry-humping and sexually manipulating Q. At one point, I’m one-hundred-percent positive I hear Q moan, followed by Kate reaching through the seat to give me a high-five. How she manipulates live peo
ple to the point that they climax is beyond me.

  “Demons feed on sin, lust, fear, and weakness—it all makes me stronger,” she revealed weeks ago. I wish I were stronger so that she’d just disappear. But, if I had to be honest, after my stint with psychosis, Violet and Kate are the only constants in my life.


  Miami’s glare-like January sun rays penetrate the plane’s windows. I wake to Kate’s demonic smirk and flicker-frenzied flame pupils. “Mornin’, sexy,” she hisses. I detest that I’m the only one that can see and hear her.

  A finger pokes against my arm, and I drift my gaze to Q. “So, is this your final stop?” he inquires as a meek smile forms on his lips. He’s much less arrogant than last night.

  “He sure is persistent,” Kate snaps before she leaves to dry hump the snack cart flight attendant.

  “You see that older guy chatting with that cougar?” Q’s whispers cause the hairs on my neck to dance with anticipation. His finger grazes my shoulder when he points to Violet and her man toy. Since my encounter with Olive, I haven’t had any type of intimate contact. Q’s touch ignites a familiar salacious discomfort that I fear may lead to something I’m not ready for. I grip at my jeggings and nod as an acknowledgment to Q’s statement.

  “That’s my older brother, Roman,” Q reveals before he drones on about how he and his brother were visiting their sister, Tanner, in Paris. Then, he continues to say that Roman accepted a job at Naples High, so Q decided to tag along.

  “I’m a book cover model and blogger, so I can live wherever. Plus, there wasn’t anything keeping me in Arlington, Texas.” He waits for my response. His foul breath distracts me, so I apologize and ask to see his latest book cover.

  “Well, I should say I’m an aspiring book cover model,” he admits as he twists his lips to one side.

  Our flight finally lands. The first-class guests are quiet while the flight attendant informs us of the time: 4 PM on January 10th, 2014.

  “Why did she say the year?” Q questions over my shoulder. I offer a timid shoulder shrug as a response. We collect our belongings then single-file line it off of the plane.

  Violet and Roman are in their own little enamored bubble; they’re locked arms and are oblivious to everyone that surrounds them. Once we’ve made it to baggage claim, Kate bursts through the luggage carrousel. In total Kate style, she’s a porn star bucking on a large suitcase like a cowgirl at a rodeo.

  “Look at that bag, wonder what’s in it. So, you never told me…” Q stops mid-sentence when Roman excuses himself into our conversation.

  “Brah, you won’t believe it: These two are from Naples,” Roman states with gritty glee as he points his chin at Violet and then at me. The airport’s light hits Q’s honey-colored eyes just right when he turns to face me and a mischievous smile forms on his lips.

  “Scarlet, while Roman and Q find a place, I’ve offered our home. We do have two unused bedrooms.” Her luminous smile glistens under the airport’s lights. I restrain my urge to disagree. But, of course, Kate reads my discomfort.

  “Whoa, your Violet is my type of gal. I bet she’ll be all over his dick meat—tonight,” Kate squeals in excitement before she gives Roman’s face a lick. “Mmm…man meat.” She grins in my direction before she grabs his package. She gives me a smirk and thumbs up of approval as she pinches Violet’s boob. I attribute Roman’s large muscular size as a result to his ignorance of Kate’s sexual fondling.

  Lord, take the delusions away. I press my fingers against my temple.

  After five minutes of discussion, Roman convinces Violet to allow him to pay for our rental. As we walk out of Miami International Airport, Q continues to chatter on about some potential book cover he hopes to land. I nod my head to be polite and seem engaged, but I’m not. My thoughts are everywhere but here, and I practically collide into a stranger’s shoulder.

  “Scarlet?” a familiar voice calls. Then I turn to see an unrecognizable form of the man I once called my lover. David? He’s no longer the tan, muscular, healthy man that seduced me out of my virginity. Instead, the person in front of me lacks natural color. His pajama-like outfit seems two sizes too big. And his hair and skin seem overdue for a bath.

  “Do you know him?” Q questions with a tinge of repulsion in his voice.

  “Yeah, she knows me. I’m her fiancé,” David snarls at Q.

  “David, maybe you should take a seat. You don’t look so well,” Violet offers.

  “He’s ten days post heart surgery,” David’s mother, Martha, chimes in.

  “David, I’ll go find your aunt Aurora. Scarlet and Violet, as always, it’s a pleasure,” Martha’s curt with us before she saunters away.

  “Could I speak to you, Scarlet?” David’s eyes plead for me to talk to him before he says, “Please, in private.” His brilliant-blue eyes search my face for a response.

  I have yet to speak as a result of David’s ghastly appearance. I nod in acceptance, then turn to give Violet a timid smile.

  “I’ll text you when we find the car,” she offers.

  Q says, “Here, I’ll take your luggage."

  David intertwines his hands with mine and leads me toward a nearby bench. For a moment, his warmth feels familiar—it’s as if nothing has ever changed between us. Before we sit down, I blurt out, “Heart surgery?”

  David shares a highlighted version of his last year. He doesn’t question why I never went to see him or inquire about my parents. He just talks about him and his new heart.

  “My parents were taken and held for ransom, but the police were too late—they died of malnourishment,” I interrupt his self-focused speech and continue to stare at the slow airport traffic.

  “I’m so sorry, Scarlet,” he says as he draws me near and hugs me tight.

  “David, you’re not good for me. You hear me? My life was perfect before I met you. Even my abandonment by Clara was minute compared to the fucked up shit I’ve lived after meeting you.” My voice trembles toward the end. David’s facial expression hardens and he pulls away from me; his eyes share that this isn’t the reunion he had hoped for. My true feelings toward his betrayal surface.

  But what did he expect?

  There’s a reason I never came to Miami—I needed to let go. I missed and loved him, but now I know that I need to detach from him. Even though my previous life was a sexless and boring one, it was perfect to me. Safe and predictable.

  “Tell ’em!” Kate cheers and spectates too close for comfort.

  “I see that Kate’s still lingering around,” he glares at her.

  “Fuck! I forgot this fucker can see me.” Her annoyance shows from her eye roll and tense lip pout. Then she’s distracted by a female with a large ass. Quickly, she pursues the stranger and fondles her from behind. The innocent lady turns to reveal a shock-filled expression.

  David and I shrug, so the woman continues to walk away.

  “She held me down so that Ivy could inject me…” David growls as he combs his fingers through his oily hair.

  “Obviously, I’m not wanted here,” Kate states before she vanishes like smoke.

  David and I are silent. Then, he says, “I should have been stronger…for you. But I just didn’t know. Psychosis is so unpredictable. It wasn’t like you had any signs of recovering.”

  My inner-rage boils as I fail to control my anger and unleash a bitch smack. “You saw her; she was just here. I never had psychosis…” My fury causes David to recoil away, and I yank my hands from his.

  “Please,” he pleads. “I just had surgery. I just, I need you.” His words pierce my heart. But instead of love, all I feel is disappointment. Now he needs me?

  Where was he when my mental health was being questioned? Where? He was bumping uglies with another psycho whore. I needed him, but he wasn’t there for me; instead, he was lured by drugs and sex from another. No. I deserve better.

  “No. David, this just isn’t the time or place for this conversation,” I state as I stand to say goodby
e. Martha joins David just as I wave farewell.

  Stay strong, don’t glance back—leave him in your past.

  I let my tears flow down my face as I focus on the path in front of me. My heart shatters and my soul longs for the mate I assumed would be my forever.

  “Could it be; is this for real?” Kate’s shocked expression gives me strength to continue. And I don’t stop, I keep walking. My heart can suffer because this time my brain will win. David’s bad for me. No matter how much my heart may flutter for him, no relationship should be this difficult. One too many obstacles must mean that the Lord or even Universe are blaring alarms to warn me of my fate if I had stayed with David.

  Roman, Violet, and Q are parked in a black Nissan Altima. Silence greets me as I slide into the backseat behind Violet. Q gives me a meek smile, but my tear-brimmed eyes cause him to seal his lips shut. From the front seat, Violet turns to place her hand on my knee and her eyes express her sympathy. Roman is oblivious to my shattered heartache and the tears that pour from my eyes, so he starts the car and then announces, “Let’s make it an hour before we stop. Agreed?”


  Scarlet focuses on the path before her as she walks out of my life. She doesn’t even bother to glance back and witness my borrowed heart tug at my medical seams. A gust of traffic air blows through her hair as she steps off of the pavement to walk toward Violet’s rental car, then a whiff of her aroma teases at my nose. It’s at that moment that I know we will never return to us.

  “David? Oh, David, nephew, you look frightful,” my aunt Aurora gawks at me like a spooked child that stares at a monster. And that’s what I am, a drug-addicted monster and shell of the person I once was.

  “Aurora, don’t be rude to my son,” my mother attempts to defend me. And just like that, my mother encourages that I feel like a child all over again. But Aurora’s reaction confirms what aided Scarlet’s ability to abandon me as I did to her. I had my chance to show her that I would wait for her, that I valued her, but instead, I allowed myself to be lured by dangerous addictions. I have to get out of here and fight for Scarlet.


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