Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2) Page 10

by Nia Arthurs

  “Stop that!” Kelly flicked his arm. “It’s embarrassing.”

  “What am I doing?”

  “Staring at me like you’re about to eat me up. Someone will notice.”

  “I already told you.” He leaned toward her. “Let them.”

  “Mr. Levy—”

  “Benjamin.” He set his elbow on the table and leaned the side of his head against his fist. “Call me Benjamin.”

  “Mr. Levy,” she insisted, “we’re in a public place and we—”

  “Then let’s go somewhere private.”

  He heard the moment her breath hitched, saw the flicker of awareness in her eyes before she tossed her gaze to the blue tablecloth. She licked her lips as her nostrils flared. Kelly Banner was an open book and the more he read, the further he wanted to go.

  Benjamin smirked. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk. Kel, what did you think I meant?”

  She cleared her throat. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

  “Have I told you? You look stunning tonight.”

  “So does Harley. Red is a good color on her. You should tell her. She’ll love that.”

  “Harley?” He dragged his gaze away from Kelly to glance at Ricky’s reluctant dinner partner.

  Harley nodded half-heartedly at something Rick said and looked over at him. Benjamin turned away before their eyes connected. She looked a little too happy to see him staring in her direction. He didn’t want Harley to get the wrong idea.

  “See,” Kelly said angrily, noting the exchange. “There is something going on.”

  “You know very well that Harley’s not the woman I’m interested in.”

  Kelly opened her mouth, probably to snap him back with another comment, but the stir of carts bearing their food caused her to rethink the move. She simply dismissed him with a head toss and waited to claim her plate.

  Benjamin was glad that she had turned around, for if she hadn’t, Kelly would have witnessed the sloppy smile that tiptoed across his face. She probably would have accused him of being sleazy and scolded him for not hiding his feelings well enough.

  That would have only made his grin worse.

  Benjamin didn’t particularly care to maintain the stoic persona that he wore at work. He was finally enjoying himself. Whether Kelly’s sharp tongue attacked him or not, he would accept any crumbs she threw his way and try his utmost best to put her in a position where she felt comfortable enough to offer him more.

  After their dishes were cleared and the rest of the team began to head into their rooms, Benjamin took a chance and grabbed Kelly’s hand beneath the table.

  She gasped and looked at him with wide brown eyes. Sensing that people were looking, Kelly rearranged her expression and tried to squeeze her fingers from his. He held on tight and arched an eyebrow.

  “Meet me later,” he whispered.

  “Why should I?” she asked haughtily, her pretty chin so high in the air it could touch the clouds.

  “Because I want to see you.”

  “I don’t want to see you.” Kelly stopped fighting to free her hand, but speared him with a hard stare. “Don’t bother waiting for me.”

  “That’s fine if you don’t come.” He tapped his chin. “I guess I could try for the big romantic gesture. Throw pebbles at your window? Play your favorite song and confess how much I like you—”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He grinned. “You underestimate how much I adore my Louis Moinet.”

  “I should have given that watch back to you weeks ago,” she mumbled.

  He squeezed her hand and then released her. “It’s your choice. I’ll wait until ten.”

  She got up and flounced away, her white skirt billowing behind her. Benjamin watched Kelly’s retreat with a satisfied smile. When he glanced up, he caught Rick’s eye. His friend jerked his head and Benjamin nodded his understanding.

  Together, they walked to the stretch of forest bordering the most remote part of the resort.

  “Thanks for the save back there,” Benjamin said, slapping Rick’s hand.

  “Harley’s into you, and she’s hot. You sure you want to give that up? That flirtatious glint in her eye is… something else.”

  “If you knew the way I felt about Kelly, you wouldn’t bother asking that.”

  “Wow.” Ricky shook his head. “You’re really in love with this girl.”

  “One part of me feels like it’s too early to call it that, but there’s no other word to describe what I’m going through, what I feel every time I see her. It’s like I want to spend every moment I can with her, Ricky. When she’s gone… I can’t wait till we meet again.”

  “You don’t have to lay it on thick, Ben. I’m already convinced. I’m just not sure that Kelly is. She nearly dropped off the platform when you walked toward her on the zip line trail.”

  Benjamin shook his head. “We’ll get there. Things are going great.” He tapped his chest. “But I can’t help feeling that something’s coming.”

  “The culprit’s been quiet. Too quiet. I’m hoping he won’t strike here, but my instincts scream that I shouldn’t let my guard down.”

  The very same feeling had been gnawing at Benjamin too. He only hoped that whatever the culprit tried would fail.

  Bloomers Wanted

  Kelly ransacked her suitcase, strewing clothes all over the room. Rene stared at her with an arched eyebrow and then grew bored. Rolling over, her friend stretched, reaching her hand to the ceiling.

  “I would ask, but I’m not particularly interested in the answer.”

  Kelly ran her fingers through her dark hair and seethed. “Why didn’t I bring any old, torn up panties?”

  Rene shot up. “Panties? What do you need old drawers for?”

  “You don’t have any really ugly, granny panties with holes and butterflies, do you?”

  “Why? Is Benjamin into that?”

  Kelly groaned. “What man is into that?”

  “Oh.” Rene preened like a cat. “I get it. You’re trying to hop-block yourself.”

  “That’s not it.” Kelly unzipped the pocket of her suitcase and stuffed her hand in. “I’m just in the mood for something comfortable.”

  “Try a chastity belt.”

  “Why?” Kelly froze. “Do you have one?”

  Rene fell over and laughed, kicking her feet in the air. “You should have seen your face just now.”

  Kelly flopped onto the mattress beside her. “I’m desperate here. Help me out!”

  “What’s the big deal?” Rene rose on her elbows and wiped the tears coursing down her cheeks. “A few weeks ago, you wanted to climb all over Benjamin Levy. What’s changed?”

  “I have.” Kelly tapped her chest. “And so has he. Did you forget? He was the one who ended things with me three weeks ago.”

  “He also came to your rescue with Clayton, cleaned up your apartment, and looked after you until you pushed him away… right into Harley’s arms.”

  “Whose side are you on?”

  “Yours.” Rene touched her shoulders. “I’m always on your team, Kel. I just need you to be honest with me and with yourself. If you’re running from Benjamin because you don’t trust him and you’re not interested, I’ll grab the scissors and cut holes in your panties myself.”

  Kelly giggled.

  “But,” Rene tilted her head, “if you’re doing it because you think you’re not good enough for him or some crap like that, spare me the heartache and just go. If he truly cares for you, he’s got killer instincts. You’re a good woman.”

  “I’m not,” Kelly confessed, her hand sliding to her cheek where Leshawna’s wedding ring had cut her. Though she could hide the mark with makeup, there would always be a faint scar, a reminder of who she was and what she had done to that family.

  “Oh, come on.” Rene rolled her eyes. “Would you stop with the woe-is-me, I’m a reformed mistress bull? So you made one mistake.”

  “It was a mistake that lasted four years.”
br />   “Technically three. You didn’t find out he was married until after.”

  “Where are you going with this?”

  “A good man wants to love you, wants to treasure you. Why are you running from that? Why are you letting the likes of Harley Williams put her claws all over him? We’ve all got hard choices to make and sometimes it’s hard to make the right one…” Her voice faltered.

  Kelly leaned in. “Is something wrong, Ren? Did you and Randal have a fight?”

  “No, nothing like that.” She blew out a breath. “Don’t worry about me. You’re wasting sexy time here.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Fine. Kill the sexy time if you don’t want it. Just talk or cuddle or whatever your conscience will allow. He’s already proven that you mean a lot to him. Go and see what happens.”

  “You’re right.” Kelly nodded. “I should at least hear him out.”

  “And wear these.” Rene pulled a frilly red cloth and snapped it in Kelly’s direction. “Just in case.”

  “We’re just going to talk.”

  “Shall I get the scissors then?”

  Kelly gave her friend the stink eye, but obediently gathered the undergarment along with a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and went to take a shower.

  Ten minutes later, refreshed and excited, she tiptoed past the other rooms and took the stairs one at a time. The moonlight splayed over the pool, shading the crystal blue water with a magical glow. The sky was dotted with stars that twinkled overhead and insects belted out throaty songs from the fragrant bushes lining the pathway.

  Since Benjamin hadn’t specified where he wanted to meet, she wandered the edge of the resort’s clearing until she spotted him in the distance. It seemed he was talking to someone and, when she drew closer, she recognized Rick’s blonde head and broad shoulders.

  “You should do it,” Rick said, his voice a distinct hush.

  “I don’t want to frighten her. He hasn’t made any moves to make himself known yet and I want to keep it that way. I’ll tell Kelly when the time is right.”

  “Tell me what?” she asked.

  Benjamin and Ricky stiffened. Both men slowly turned on their heels, their eyes inscrutable in the dimness. Kelly approached them, her curiosity piqued. What had Rick been urging Benjamin to do? And did it have anything to do with the mysterious caller?

  “Kel,” Benjamin bit on his lower lip, “you came.”

  “What is it that you’re waiting to tell me?” Kelly insisted, unmoved by his charm. He was handsome and distracting, but she still had a good head on her shoulders. Though past decisions made that statement questionable.

  “I’ll let you handle this one on your own,” Ricky said. “Good night, Kelly.”

  “Good night, Rick.”

  He walked off and Kelly fastened her eyes on the tall man who welcomed her with a smile and open arms. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  She sidestepped his embrace and folded her arms over her chest. “What aren’t you telling me, Benjamin?”

  “Did you change?” He eyed her blouse and shorts. “I feel overdressed.”

  “You’re avoiding my question.”

  He undid his tie, a move that was enticingly sexy for absolutely no reason. She clutched her hands into fists so that her fingernails cut into the palm of her hand.

  Have some self-control, Kelly.

  “Why is it that every time you’re near me, I get this pain—” he tapped his heart—“right here?”

  “It could be a cardiovascular disease. You should get that checked out.” She licked her lips and stepped back to escape the realm of his magnetic presence. “Benjamin—”

  He tilted his head and sucked in a deep breath. “Then can you diagnose why looking at you takes my breath away?”

  She grinned and massaged her cheeks to wash the smile from her face. She was on a mission. Dig deeper into the mystery that Benjamin was hiding from her and expose his secrets one after the other.

  Melting beneath his sugary words was not a part of that plan.

  “Go ahead,” he said, nudging her against a tree and caging her in with his hands. He leaned his face close to hers until all she could see were his gorgeous blue eyes. “Fix me. You’re the only one who can.”

  Kelly tried to swallow, but realized her throat had gone completely dry. He was trapping her, not only against the tree, but in the spell that he was weaving. Her doubts dropped away, falling one-by-one, and she struggled to capture them before every inhibition faded.

  “I don’t trust you,” she said, her lips a breath away from his.

  His answer was to kiss her softly, his lips gently tugging, encouraging her to melt into him. Her eyes fell closed and she responded, forgetting everything until he pulled back and she realized that she was supposed to be proving a point.

  “I want to protect you.” Benjamin played with a tendril of her hair and looked at her with such exquisite tenderness that tears built at the back of her eyes and threatened to gush like a river.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Then I’m going to have to do a better job at convincing.” He ducked his head and kissed her again. Her back flattened against the bark of the tree and she stood on her tiptoes, angling her head so she could open up more comfortably.

  Benjamin kept his hands on either side of her, his palms pressed against the rough tree trunk. His lips were persistent, the kiss growing in intensity the more she tried to fight against the tug of it.

  I should be asking questions… oh, but this feels so good.

  Benjamin pulled back and groaned. “If we weren’t out here in the middle of the woods…”

  “You’d what?” she asked, her eyes half-hooded and her lips moist. “What would you do?”

  He blew out a breath and wheeled away from her. The dew settled on her arms and Kelly brushed her hands together as she looked at him. Benjamin swiveled back on his heels and chuckled darkly.

  “I warned you about that expression, Kelly Banner.”

  Her middle throbbed and all thoughts of her interrogation were buried beneath the desire to fling her clothes off and kiss him hard beneath the moonlight. That was Benjamin’s problem, she decided.

  He talked too much.

  And thought too much.

  She stalked forward, realizing that the old Kelly was alive and well in this moment of passion and need. Her hands grazed his tie and she looked up at him, her eyes glimmering.

  “What are you going to do, Benjamin Levy?”

  She pressed her body against his and slowly stood on her tiptoes to kiss him when she heard.

  “I think I might just have to marry you.”

  What About You?


  He hadn’t meant to say the words out loud. They’d been wafting through his head, swimming somewhere beneath the waves of lust and love that shot through his body and made any logical thought that didn’t end with Kelly Banner naked seem inconsequential.

  While he’d turned away to battle with his values and the feelings she’d whipped up by just standing there and breathing, Benjamin had lost control of his mouth and muttered something that Kelly obviously wasn’t ready for.

  The lips that had been diving in for another mind-blowing kiss clamped shut. She dropped back, the length of her sliding against the length of him in an unintentionally seductive manner. Benjamin’s body tightened, but he knew that Kelly was not in the mood to continue where they’d left off.

  “W-what did you say?”

  He struggled to cool his raging desire and combat her panic with a clear explanation. Benjamin turned away from her, but even with his back to Kelly, he could feel her presence.

  His body cried out for release and he briefly entertained the thought of diving head first into the Belize River lazily snaking through the foliage a few miles ahead.

  “You’re joking, right?” Kelly chuckled nervously. “Of course you were. We were both in the moment and… it meant nothing.”

; She touched his shoulder and he turned around, his gaze scanning her upturned face. Her soft brown eyes were shining, vulnerable. He looked into them and saw through to her soul, stuffed behind the armor that she wore to protect herself. She licked her lips, drawing his eyes to her mouth.

  He could cast the comment off and have his way with her. It would feel so good, feel so right. Benjamin truly cared about Kelly, truly wished the best for her, truly loved her… so it wouldn’t be a meaningless romp with a cad just out to get between her legs.

  Better than her usual options he was sure.

  He pulled at his hair, closing his eyes as frustration crept over him. Kelly was ripe for the picking, totally open to playing out the fantasies he’d been battling out of respect for her.

  What are you doing, man? Bang her!

  His manhood demanded attention and the longer he hesitated the more Benjamin thought he would explode.

  She’s already used to being treated like this. She wants this. What are you waiting for?

  Kelly swallowed, appearing as shaken as he. Benjamin looked at her and allowed the roaring in his head to climax before he came to a decision.

  “Come here,” he said and dragged her to him. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice muffled against his shirt.

  “You mean the world to me, Kelly Banner,” he admitted, his voice rough. “I want things to be different with you.”

  She glanced up and his heart stuttered. The lust had faded from her eyes and was replaced with something much stronger. She was giving herself because she thought it would please him, because she wanted to please him.

  “I can feel that you don’t mean that.” Her gaze skimmed down before she glanced up again. She tucked her fingers into the rim of his pants. “It’s okay. Do what you want to me.”

  Instead of stimulating him, the words struck sorrow through his heart. He had a million things he would love to do to Kelly Banner. Her body was soft against him, all he had to do was get her out of those shorts and move her panties out of the way…

  His wandering hands froze. Then what? He’d conquer her, scratch the itch they both had and he’d be satisfied until the urge came again. What about Kelly?


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