The Summer I Said Yes

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The Summer I Said Yes Page 4

by Tess Harper

  And right in front of a beautiful, sweet little cottage with poppies blooming happily in the front was a car that reeked of something else.

  It was a black G class AMG Mercedes. It reminded me of my uncle’s old Hummer, except instead of screaming military man this car screamed manly man dipped in dark, decadent chocolate. And for some reason, whoever owned this beauty tacked on vanity plates read SEX DRIVE.

  I groaned. What the hell was that thing doing in this neighborhood? I could only imagine the pompous asshole who drove it.

  I walked toward it, shaking my head. Every single window was rolled down. Whoever drove it had so much money to throw around that they didn’t even see the need to take care of what they had. I glanced through the open windows into the back seat. He had a gallon of Super PUMPED protein powder and a football.

  Of course. Why was I surprised? Rolling my eyes, I peeked into the front seat and saw my perfectly folded work uniform riding shotgun.

  I stopped. Holy shit, was this Jack’s car? I had a feeling the guy was a tool, but was he really this much of a tool? I remembered how he stripped down right in front of me at the pool so I could ‘enjoy the show.’

  Oh yeah, he was definitely this much of a tool. And, thanks to his stupidity, I was going to steal back my uniform.

  I walked over to the passenger door and hopped up, diving into the passenger seat.

  The edge of the open window cut into my hips. Shit! I sucked in a breath and slithered forward, my legs kicking in the air outside the open window, and grabbed the clothes. I then pushed myself out and landed with a thud on the sidewalk.

  As I walked home I, for some inexplicable reason, brought the clothes to my face and inhaled deeply. They did smell like fresh pine or spring fields or whatever the hell fabric softener his mom used. They smelled really good.

  But what did that have to do with anything? I shook my head, telling myself that I had Jack’s mom to thank for that, not her son.

  Chapter 4

  “Can you believe how effing incredible this wedding is?” Sophie said under her breath as she passed me carrying a fresh plate of hors d’oeurves.

  “Seriously though,” I mumbled, grabbing another plate of halved raw oysters.

  She gave me a small smile before returning to the crowd.

  We were slammed tonight. There must’ve been three hundred people at this function. It was the reception for the wedding party’s rehearsal dinner. I had never been around so much wealth in my life. Every woman at the party was wearing diamonds necklaces and every man had a Rolex.

  How did Jack know these people? I thought to myself as I held out my platter to a group of middle-aged business tycoons.

  “Emily, is it?” A tall, graying man said as he touched my arm.

  I glanced up. “Sir?”

  “Laphroaig, neat.” The man answered, giving me a creepy old man wink.

  “Yes, sir.” I replied. But before I turned he grabbed my hand.

  “You are an exceptionally beautiful girl, my dear.” He said smiling. I felt him slip something into my hand.

  I smiled. “Thank you, sir,” I said, turning to grab his drink.

  As I walked away I could hear them talking about me. Men, I inwardly groaned. When I got to the bar I looked down and saw that the man had slipped a one hundred dollar bill into my hand.

  Melody, one of my coworkers, flipped her auburn curls over her shoulder, narrowing her green eyes. “Damn girl, someone must’ve liked you.”

  I laughed. “I think he just really likes his whiskey, Laphroaig, neat?”

  She laughed and grabbed a snifter glass. “That ain’t no whiskey money, girl, that’s some straight up booty cash.”

  “Melody!” I hushed. “That is so disgusting!”

  She laughed and handed me the drink. “Watch your back girl, cuz if you don’t, Mr. Money Bags will.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I turned back toward the party to deliver the graying man his drink.

  As I approached, the graying man motioned me toward him.

  “Miss Emily,” he smiled, “thank you for your impeccable service this evening.”

  His cold, soft, chalky fingers lingered over mine as I handed him his drink.

  “Here you go, sir,” I said with a fake smile, trying to dislodge myself from his grip.

  Finally he let go. “I propose a toast gentlemen,” he said, raising his glass to his friends, “to the union of Scott Richards and Caroline Anderson.” He paused and looked back over to me, his eyes red and his lids droopy. “And to our young friend Emily,” he slurred, “who has graced us this evening with her fine service and exquisite beauty.”

  Oh god, was this for real? A few of his companions glanced at me with confusion.

  The old man grabbed me by the waist and bumped my hip into his.

  Yes, it’s for real. Time to step away.

  But another man stepped closer, pushing me into my drunk new ‘friend.’

  “Here, here!” A shorter portly man chanted, raising his drink.

  “Yes, to Scott and Caroline!” A thin man with a large mustache bellowed.

  The men were beginning to start a scene. I glanced around the room. The group standing nearest to us turned and stared. The men’s behavior was disrupting everyone.

  “And don’t forget Emma Lee!” the tall graying man shouted again.

  Emma Lee? Who the hell was…wait a minute, was he talking about me? If the direction of his bloodshot eyes were any indication, then yes.

  The men laughed. Two of them broke off from the group and began singing. They were off-key and slurring their words so badly that it was impossible to recognize the song.

  Oh god. I had to break this up before they ruined the wedding.

  “Emma,” the graying man said turning to look at me. “Where did you come from my dear? A beautiful young lady should be enjoying the party, not working.”

  God this guy is drunk. Just smile and nod Emily. I gave the graying man a smile and nodded and began to turn away from the group, but he grabbed my arm.

  “All your beauty is going to waste. Come join us.” He pulled me towards him, back into the group.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I must get back to work.” And find my boss, because you all need to be escorted from the party. “Gentlemen, go on and enjoy yourselves. I believe they are starting up the band, and are motioning for guests to join the dance floor.”

  “Don’t be silly, you don’t need to work. If your boss gives you trouble just tell him Big Bill said it was Okay.” He winked at me. “I won’t take no for an answer sweetheart.”

  His hand was tight on my wrist. Oh god, Melody was right. That was straight-up booty cash.

  He leaned his head down toward mine. “Come have one dance with me,” he lowered his voice, “I promise I’ll be good.”

  Ew, gross! I needed an escape fast. I scanned the room. People were starting to head over to the dance floor, away from us. Well, that was good at least, but where the hell was my boss? I saw Melody from behind the bar and shook my head, giving her a silent, wide-eyed plea. She nodded and mouthed, Don’t worry, and then dashed to the left.

  Well, good. Help would be on the way soon, and hopefully these guys could sleep it off in one of the rooms of the mansion.

  I turned only to find the guy with the mustache staring directly at my chest.

  Soon, but not soon enough.

  Suddenly, ‘Big Bill’ straightened up, causing some of his drink to slosh to the floor. “Oh, Jack my boy! So good to see you. How’s your father?”

  I snapped my head back. Jack, in all of his tan and sexy godliness was standing behind me. He had on a tuxedo with a matching silk bowtie and cumber bun. I’d never been more relieved to see anyone in my life.

  “He’s fine, Bill,” Jack replied shortly. “How’s your wife?”

  Big Bill let go of my arm. His eyes darted behind him to see if anyone had been listening.

  “She is fine as well,” he muttered.

/>   “I think you should be going, Bill,” Jack said firmly. “Wouldn’t want Beverly to worry now, would you?”

  Bill glared at Jack. He stood, staring at us for a minute, then cleared his throat, “Ahem, yes,” he glared. “Wouldn’t want Beverly to worry.” He abruptly turned and lumbered off to the party, leaving me alone with Jack.

  I shivered, but not because of the cold. My body was just incredibly aware of Jack’s beside me.

  Jack sighed. “I’m sorry about that.”

  I straightened my skirt and shirt. “It’s fine, really, he was just a little drunk.”

  His eyes were a dark steely blue and his jaw was tight as he watched Bill and his friends. “It’s not fine Emily. You should never be treated like that.”

  I looked up at Jack. His serious expression made my stomach tingle.

  His hand touched my cheek and a shot jolted through me.

  Oh shit. This is bad. So very, very, very bad. I had to hold it together! “Thank you. I didn’t expect to see you again, after…” I swallowed, unable to finish.

  “After you beat me, jumped a bridge to get away from me, and then broke into my truck?”

  Damn. It really sounded bad when he laid it all out like that. “I only broke into your Rangler to get my uniform,” I defended.

  He stepped towards me. “That makes sense.”

  “And I hit you because you were teasing me in a really mean way.”

  He touched his chest and smiled. “You’re right. I deserved it.”

  “And I ran away because you asked me out to breakfast. I mean, I don’t do breakfast with guys I just met.”

  He looked down at me with dark eyes. My entire spine tingled. “So, when do you let guys take you out to breakfast?”

  It was suddenly hard to breathe. Why was it so hard to breathe? I shut my eyes. There, that’s better, I thought, or at least it was until I felt his hand on my arm.

  “Emily.” I could tell from the sound of his voice that he was smiling. “What’s a guy gotta do before you’ll let him take you out to breakfast?”

  I laughed. “It sounds really silly when you put it like that. I mean, when you put it like that, I feel like the answer should be I’d make him take me out to breakfast first, but…” I opened my eyes. Huge mistake. My throat closed up again. My body pounded. How could anyone think when they were being looked at by those dark, perfect, deep blue eyes? “…I didn’t let you do that,” I finished breathlessly.

  He leaned in close, until his lips brushed against my temple. “You know, we could skip breakfast.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “And go to lunch?”

  “I was thinking more like dessert.” He pulled back and my eyes immediately went to his sensual lips. “Want to get out of here?”

  Did I want to leave with a guy who had SEX DRIVE vanity plates for dessert? A guy who I’d jumped a rising bridge to get away from earlier today?

  “When do you get off?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath. Just take one step at a time, and you’ll get through this. “I’m off now. Jerry let me work longer because I wanted to make some extra cash.”

  “Have you made enough?”

  “Well, yeah…thanks to Big Bill. Um, thanks again.” Suddenly, images of Big Bill and his drunken friends clamoring to the dance floor filled my mind. “Oh shit! I’ve got to tell my boss about those guys!”

  “I think that’s already been covered,” Jack interrupted softly. I turned my head to see my boss, Jerry, directing them away from the dance floor and the punch table. He had them laughing as he did it. He probably had them thinking it was their idea to leave all along, too. Although Jerry was cheap and pretty scummy, he was good at what he did and always defended his employees.

  “Emily?” Jack prompted.

  I swallowed, looking up at him. His dark, blue eyes searched mine for an answer.

  I held my breath. My body responded before I did, causing me to step forward and tighten my grip on his bicep. I didn’t understand it. Maybe, no matter how long I thought about it, I wouldn’t understand it. That fear that had made me run from him before was still there. But instead of causing me to flee, my anxiety was pushing me forward. This would be my last chance to discover this thing, whatever it was. Could I live the rest of my life without knowing what it was? Did I want to leave the party with him?

  Absolutely, completely, without any doubt… “Yes.”

  Jack’s eyes widened. He hadn’t expected me to say yes. Truthfully, I hadn’t expected it either. “Give me five minutes. I have to tell Jerry I’m leaving.”

  Jack gave me a small, private smile. “Alright. I’ll walk you home.”


  Our pointer fingers linked and he pulled me forward, drawing me away from the warmth and chatter of the party. Someone clinked a knife on a glass and stood, their booming voice quieting the crowd, but I was too far away to hear what words he said. After a sentence or two, the people laughed and someone from the crowd called something out, spurning more laughter.

  I looked at the back of Jack’s neck. His jacket hung so nicely from his broad, muscular shoulders, and his blond hair looked clean. He smelled like fresh pine, and I inhaled deeply, looking down to keep myself from feeling so giddy. It was so silly, being like this. He wasn’t even looking at me, and we were barely touching. It wasn’t like I’d never touched a man before.

  Jack slowed down. “Emily.”

  I glanced up to find him looking over his shoulder, grinning. I felt his smile all the way down to the tips of my toes.

  “Thank you for saving me,” I whispered. Now, he would let go. Now, he’d go back to the white tents and the smiling faces, and I’d disappear into the dark. I don’t know why it bothered me so much.

  He let go of me. This is it, I thought for a second. If I had something else to tell him, it better be now, before I lost him forever. But I couldn’t think of what to say. You’re beautiful, I thought. Will you just stay like this out here, a little longer? I love watching your eyes sparkle beneath the stars.

  I pulled my hand back and felt my eyes go wide. Oh God, sparkling eyes under the stars? You’re beautiful? He’d totally freak out if I said something that stupid. Hell, I was freaking out for thinking something that stupid.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Uh…” I swallowed. “Nothing.”

  His grin deepened, creating two dimples that I swear to god twinkled.

  Ugh! As if sparkling eyes weren’t bad enough, now twinkling dimples? Was my dream man Jeremy Cricket? Besides, dimples are dark. Comparing them to black holes would be more accurate.

  He took another step forward and touched my cheek. My throat tightened. “I wish I knew what you were thinking,” he whispered.

  “No you don’t,” I blurted out.

  He studied me for a moment, those twinkling black hole dimples getting bigger. Then again, that’s what black holes did, I guess. They got bigger and bigger until they ate everything in their path.

  “Now I really want to know,” he said, a wicked light shimmering in his eyes.

  Alright, I’d read Twilight a few too many times, and maybe Sophie had spiked my water. That was the only explanation for this insanity. “You don’t want to know, trust me.” And more importantly, I don’t want you to know. It’s just embarrassing how stupid you make me; it’s insane how much I want you.

  “Tell me,” he said.


  “Protesting only makes me more interested.”

  Alright then. Time to change tactics. “You’re pretty pushy.”

  He raised his chin. “I’ve been told that before.”

  “And cocky.”


  “And overly confident.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to tell me?”

  I squinted at him. “You know what? I am going to tell you, but only because you need to be punished for being so cocky, pushy, overly confident, and hot.”

  He chuckled. “So yo
u think I’m hot?”

  Damn! Had I just let that out? His gaze got heated. Time to put out those flames! “Yeah. I was just noticing that your eyes are shining like the stars overhead.”


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