The Summer I Said Yes

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The Summer I Said Yes Page 23

by Tess Harper

  “I wannt youu,” I breathed again, more desperately.

  Jack crawled over me, stradeling me, hovering above me. He looked down at me, eyes glistening deep navy blue. I closed my eyes and parted my mouth…I could feel him coming closer to me. I felt like I was falling…falling deeper and deeper into the bed…like my head was falling back into the deep navy ocean of Jack’s eyes.

  “Sweet dreams Miss Vaughn,” Jack whispered.

  My breathing was heavy, my head cocked to one side and my mouth hung wide open. “SSSKkkkrrruuuuuggkkkkk.”

  Jack smiled. “You sure are a dainty one.”

  “SSSKkkkrrruuuuuggkkkkk.” I snored again.

  Jack pulled a blanket over my heavy limp body. One of my arms draped over my face. The other hung suspended over the side of the bed.

  “SSSKkkkrrruuuuuggkkkkk.” I accidently woke myself up. “Jack,” I whispered, “stop snoring. I want you.”

  Jack gently kissed my cheek and walked across the room to his futon.

  Chapter 21


  My eyes shot open. There was a Bruins 2010-11 Stanley Cup championship poster on the ceiling above the bed. I slowly scanned the room, my heart beginning to race. Where the hell am I? The clock on the bedside table read 7:02 AM.

  I sat up too quickly. My head was pounding trying to break out of my skull. Where’s my phone? I rummaged through the dark green sheets of the bed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Where are you stupid phone? I threw off the covers and flopped over the side of the extra-long twin mattress, scratching the floor under the bed. If I could find my phone, I might be able to piece this all together.

  There was a knock on the door. My head shot up, stunned and throbbing. Shit.

  “Yo Dude,” called a male voice behind the door. “Heard you had quite a night last night.” This was followed by laughter and what sounded like a high-five.

  The doorknob started to turn.

  Double shit!

  “Let him sleep, man,” one of the guys says. “After last night, he needs it.”

  They laughed. “Sleep tight sweetheart!” one called as they walked away.

  What the hell happened last night? Where am I? I started to panic. “And where the hell is my phone?” I whined pathetically. “I am going to kill you for this Sophie!”

  I started to pace. “Ok, think Emily, think. What is the last thing you remember yesterday?”

  I stopped in front of the full length mirror on the closet door.

  Oh shit. Please tell me that isn’t me. Please.

  I was still wearing the black sequined mini-dress Sophie had convinced me to wear the night before. My eyes were bloodshot and two heavy black streaks of mascara and eyeliner streamed down my cheeks like I’d spent all night weeping at a Berry Manilow concert. My skin was as pale as a ghost’s. My lips were red and chapped.

  My eyelids fluttered and I stumbled, woozy. Water. Need Water.

  I scanned the room for a cup or water bottle. “What the hell? How can there be no water in this room?” I whimpered frustrated. “And where the hell am I?”

  I walked over to the closet and flung open the door. Thank God there was a mini-fridge. I knelt and opened the door.

  Beer, more beer, vodka, and…no water. FML. I turned and rested my forehead on the closet wall.

  “Oh!” I squeaked. “My shoes!” I crawled toward my 4 1/2” Manolo Blahniks. I slipped them on and stood up. “Phone, phone. Where are you phone?” I said under my breath as I searched behind a pile of khakis and tee-shirts next to the futon.

  I froze.

  Footsteps were coming closer to the door again. Shit! The footsteps began to slow. Double shit! What do I do? I glanced back at the closet. The door was still open. I dove in, falling on top of the mini-fridge with a thud. Ouch, I silently moaned, massaging my hip.

  The dorm room door swung open.

  “J-dog, my man! Tell me brother, how did you pull this one off?”

  My jaw dropped. I knew that voice. That voice belonged to a dumb, but lovable I guess, freshman in my History of Art 101 seminar: Donnie McAlester.

  Fuck my life.

  “Jackster?” Donnie paused, confused. “You in here bro?”


  I couldn’t move. The room started to spin, and it wasn’t because of my massive hangover. I almost cried out, horrified. I’m in Jack’s room?!

  How could this have happened? How could I be in Jack’s fucking room? My heart pounded in my chest. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t think. Not only had I woken up in Jack’s room, in his bed, but everyone seemed to know that I was here…and that Jack and I had slept together last night. And maybe we did sleep together. I mean, shit, I couldn’t remember!

  I am going to slaughter Sophie! How could she let me get so drunk and do this?! Why hadn’t she stopped me? Locked me in a bathroom, or any room? Oh my god…did I not listen to Soph’s advice? Did I go to Jack against her will? The room felt like it was getting smaller, like it was suffocating me.

  So this is what it feels like to have a panic attack.

  I was so distracted I’d forgotten Donnie had been in the room until I heard the door shut. I wanted to cry. Donnie knew. That boy had the biggest mouth, and news like this was bound to make it to the top. My job, my scholarship, my life, all ruined. And for what? A one night stand?

  Dammit Emily, snap out of it! This is no time for a pity party! I had to stay positive. Donnie had left. Now was my chance to get the fuck out of here, especially before Jack came back. Whatever repercussions were coming my way…well, I couldn’t think about them now. I had to put my full focus at the task at hand: an escape plan.


  What the hell was that? Was the rug vibrating?


  I heard the rug vibrate again.


  Wait, rugs didn’t vibrate. OMG! “My phone!” I gasped, scrambling over to the shaggy brown and white rug on all fours. I lifted the corner.

  My phone! My beautiful, wonderful phone! Sophie’s face smiled back at me. I slid my finger over the screen to answer.

  “SOPHIE!” I screamed in a whisper. “WHAT THE FUCK?”

  “Oh my god, Emily? Where the hell are you?”

  “Where the hell am I? Soph! Where the hell are you?” I continued in my loudest, angriest whisper.

  “I’m at home Em, where are you? I’m in your room and you’re not here!”

  I wanted to cry. “Sophie,” I whined pitifully, “I’m in somewhere very bad.”

  “Bad?” Sophie paused, her voice serious. “How bad?”

  “Like really, really bad.”

  “Oh my god! Are you in jail?”

  “What?” I choked.

  “Just tell me which one you’re at babe. I’ll come right down and bail you out—”

  “—Sophie!” I cut her off, “I’m not in jail.”

  “You’re not?”


  “Wait, then where are you that’s really, really bad?”

  I didn’t respond. I didn’t want to say it out loud.

  Sophie gasped in disbelief. “No!”

  Yep, she knew. I still couldn’t bring myself to say anything.

  “Oh no…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Sophie, what do you mean ‘oh no?’” I demanded


  “Whoops? What do you mean whoops?!”


  “Spit it out Sophie! What are you not telling me?”

  “I’m sorry. I totally didn’t think that would ever happen. Trust me, I would never have told you to go over there if I thought this could happen.”

  “You told me to come here last night? When I was completely shit faced, you told me to go see Jack?”

  “Hey, I was really drunk too!”

  “How could you have let me do that Soph?”

  “You were so pissed at him you wanted to tell him off.”

  “Crap, I did?”

  “And you know
how you get when you have a drunk mission.”

  “I do.” I pouted. “Dammit Sophie, why do I become ‘lady justice’ when I’m wastey faced?”

  “Because you’re awesome?”

  “No, that’s definitely not awesome Soph. I’m in his fucking dorm room and people know! What am I supposed to do?”

  “Oh shit, is Jack in there?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Um, yeah Soph, he’s sitting on his bed reading the Boston Globe as we speak.”

  “Ok, I get it, he’s not in the room.” She paused. “Okay, you just need a game plan.”

  “I need a game miracle.”

  Sophie was undeterred. “What floor are you on?”


  “Floor. Look out the window. What floor are you on?”

  I walked over to the window and gazed down at the lawn far, far below. “The fifth.”

  “Is it jumpable?”

  “Jumpable? Sophie, I’m not jumping out the window!”

  “It was just a suggestion.”

  “Well, I don’t really want to kill myself this morning, so we need to think of a different plan.”

  Sophie didn’t miss a beat. “Okay, here’s what you do: open his door and peek down the hall. If there’s no one there, then run to the fire escape stairwell and Voila, you’re golden.”

  I grinned. “You’re brilliant Soph! If no one’s in the hall, this might actually work. Thank you babe.”

  “I love you Em. Good luck!”

  “I love you too Soph.”

  I ended the call. Now was as good a time as any to get started. I took off my heels, hooked them under my finger, and cracked open the door. I stood as still as a dear trying to hear a hunter near her clearing. Someone might have heard the door open.

  After a few moments, I peeked my head out. Today was my lucky day! The hall was empty. Without a second glance I slid out of Jack’s room and down the hall toward the door that had a big red EXIT sign above it.

  I tiptoed past a few dorm rooms and past the main staircase. The exit was at the opposite end of the hall, but it was my best chance of leaving unseen.

  Ok, still clear. Please, please let no one see me, I begged.

  Then, reality bitch-slapped me across the face. I heard voices and footsteps trudging up the main stairwell.

  Shit! I panicked. Shit, shit! I around. The only room that didn’t look like a dorm room was one marked MENS.

  I raced forward and swung open the bathroom door.

  The showerhead dripped. The curtain was drawn back. It looked like I was alone. Finally, I’d caught a break.

  I stepped away from the closing door and pressed myself against the wall. I took a deep breath. Alright, in a few minutes I could dash to the fire escape. This was gonna be okay.

  I looked up into the mirror before me and almost screamed.

  A guy stood there.

  A buck naked guy.

  A buck naked guy with electric blue eyes the sexiest abs I’d ever seen.

  I looked to my left. Jack was there, smiling, not even caring that he was ass naked. No, he loved that he was naked. And even though he looked damn fine in his birthday suit, I swear I did not also love that he was naked.

  Jack smirked. “Good morning Miss Vaughn. Did you sleep well?”

  I cringed. “You disgust me.”

  Jack stopped smiling. “What?”

  I couldn’t hide the hurt in my voice. “You know what I’m talking about Jack.”

  He frowned, confused. God, how could his eyes look so sincere after he’d screwed me over last night?

  I will not be affected by this asshole’s performance. I glared at him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked softly.

  “What’s wrong?” Fiery tears welled in my eyes. Seeing him again, happy and naked in the bathroom…I couldn’t hold back the flood of emotions that were spilling out of me. Hot, salty tears streamed down my cheeks.

  “Emily.” He walked toward me, reaching for my hand.

  “Don’t you dare touch me,” I growled, stepping back.

  Jack froze. He looked like I’d slapped him across the face, which was quite an accomplishment since he hadn’t even looked like that when I’d actually slapped his face.

  “Emily, what’s wrong?”

  “YOU! How could you do this to me? Was this a bet? Am I just a game to you?”

  “Woah Emily, slow down. What are you talking about?”

  “God! I can’t believe I ever had feelings for you!” I sobbed. “I woke up alone in a room I’d never seen before. I’d had to hide when your friends came bounding in, congratulating you on ‘tearing that ass up’ with the TA. I can’t believe you would do this to me after everything that’s happened between us. Our relationship has always been dysfunctional, but how could you shame me by gloating to your friends like I’m just some piece of ass?”

  Jack grabbed me and pulled me in close to his body. I held up my fists, trying to push him away, but his grip was too tight. I struggled but I couldn’t wrench my body out of his arms. I broke down, crying into his chest. His skin was smooth and warm against my forehead. My body collapsed into his and he held me tighter.

  “Emily,” he whispered soothingly, “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I swear I did not tell anyone that you were here. And I promise that we did not make love to each other last night. We didn’t even sleep in the same bed.”

  I wanted to believe Jack. His voice was so sincere. I looked up into his cobalt eyes. “We didn’t?”

  “I swear to you, we did not,” he replied, not breaking my gaze.

  “Then how did they know…? Why did they think…?”

  “I have not spoken to anyone but you since last night. The only way someone would’ve known you were here is if they saw you come in…or if they’d heard you…” Jack’s lips turned up into a slight smile.

  I sniffed and stood up. My forehead hit his chin. “What do you mean they heard me come in last night?”

  Jack shut his eyes, trying unsuccessfully to not smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Oh god, what happened?”

  “It really wasn’t that bad.”

  Not that bad? Did that mean it was bad? “Tell me now!”

  “Look,” Jack started, “you weren’t the happiest camper when you showed up last night. You woke me up—”

  “I did? How?”

  “By yelling at me from the street.”

  I gasped and opened my eyes wide. “I did what?!”

  Jack let go of me and rubbed the back of his neck. “You pulled up in a cab, hopped out, and started screaming.”

  My stomach plummeted to the floor. “Outside?”

  Jack glanced to his right, hesitating.

  “Tell me. Now. I need to know this.”

  “Yeah. It was outside the dorm. You woke up a few people you’ve…got quite a loud voice, Vaughn.”

  I stared at him in silence. I’d done this. All of this was my fault.

  Oh shit.

  Jack gently ran his finger down my cheek. “But you were the sexiest drunk dominatrix I’d ever seen.” He stepped back and ran is eyes up and down by body, sending sparks of molten lava down my spine. “In fact, seeing you again this morning, in that dress, makes me remember how bad I wanted to rip it off your body last night.”

  My cheeks grew hot. Jack’s eyes grew dark and dangerous. Don’t even think about it Emily. I mean, how can you even be thinking about it? Thinking like this ruined everything! Who knows what you’ll lose if you give in again?

  But it was already to late.

  My inhibitions slipped away as something dark flooded me. Jack’s eyes glinted as they recognized my desire. I was on fire, and I knew he could feel my heat.

  His arms and pecks tensed. I drank in his body, eyes moving from his chest to his unbelievable six pack to the perfect V-lines pointing straight toward his…

  My face grew hot. Jack was rock hard. And far bigger than I remembered.

  I raised my gaze
and slowly bit my lip. He was looking at me, wanting me as badly as I wanted him. I took a step forward and he did the same. I put my hand on his abs, feeling them flex beneath my touch. Then, I looked into his hungry eyes and raised both my arms above my head.


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