Undercover Bear Portland: Logan (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)

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Undercover Bear Portland: Logan (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) Page 1

by Terra Wolf








  1. Logan

  2. Maggie

  3. Logan

  Months Later…

  4. Maggie

  5. Logan

  6. Logan

  7. Maggie

  8. Maggie

  9. Maggie

  10. Logan

  11. Maggie

  12. Maggie

  13. Logan

  14. Maggie

  15. Logan

  16. Maggie

  17. Logan

  The End

  From the Authors

  About the Author - Terra Wolf

  ©2016 Terra Wolf

  Logan: Undercover Bears

  All Rights Reserved worldwide.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, uploaded to the Internet, or copied without permission from the author. The author respectfully asks that you please support artistic expression and help promote anti-piracy efforts by purchasing a copy of this book at the authorized online outlets.

  This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Some may be used for parody purposes. Any resemblance to events, locales, business establishments, or actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental.

  All sexual activities depicted occur between consenting characters 18 years or older who are not blood related.

  Please Sign Up For My Newsletter for new release updates!


  Created with Vellum


  I sat at the bar, watching the condensation drip down the exterior of my glass. I was sitting alone, Giovanni was supposed to come visit for the weekend, but he and Natalia had some couples thing going on. Ever since they had gotten married I'd suddenly felt like I lost one of my best friends. That wasn't fair to either of them, and I knew it, but it didn't help how I felt. All the guys lately seemed to be settling down. It was just Marco and I left. And that kid would never find a girl. He just didn't want to. It was a difference between he and I.

  I bobbed my head along with the music, some popular song blasting from the speakers on the bar. I had my eyes and bartender, she was ten years younger than me, by the way she leaned across the bar anytime she asked me if I wanted a drink told me that she was interested. Her voluptuous breasts practically spilling out of the tiny black tank top with the bar's name written across. But just as I finished my beer and caught her attention someone bumped into me from behind.

  I turned around to see a wild looking redhead giggling uncontrollably while being held up by her friend. She was obviously wasted. But as soon as her eyes met mine, I realized that the bartender wasn't as great of a catch as this girl was.

  “Hey are you okay?” I asked as I steadied her.

  She rolled her eyes at me laughing uncontrollably. “I'm fine!” She said not at all convincing me. “I’m just mad, that’s all. I spilled my drink.” She made a fake pouty face and her friend laughed along with her. The pretty blonde was about a head taller than the redhead. She was too thin for me; skinny girls weren’t my type. I like something I could hold onto. Curves were better in my mind. A big guy like me didn’t want someone you could easily snap in bed.

  “So you have. I guess I should buy you another one.”

  The redhead pushed her friend off of her and placed both of her hands on my upper arm. “I guess you should.” She reached her right hand across my body, “I’m Maggie. What's your name?”

  I shook it. “Logan. Wanna have a seat?”

  She waved her friend off and the blonde walked back towards the pool table wrapping her arm around some other guy. I wondered if that meant that Maggie was also attached to the group but no one seemed to miss her. Dumbasses. Her hand lingered on my leg as she pushed herself up onto the stool, angling her body so that it was directly at me. A different bartender, a guy who I'd only seen a couple times approached us. “A Long Island ice tea, please.”

  He nodded and mumbled something under his breath as he walked away. Honestly I figured if he hadn't known I was a cop he probably wouldn't have serviced her. She was a mess. But there was something about the way that the red ringlets fell around porcelain white skin that gave her a look of innocence. She might've been drunk off her ass, but somehow I felt like deep down she still had it together.

  “So do you come here often?” She asked me, playfully twisting her fiery red hair around her finger.

  “A few nights a week. This is my regular watering hole after work.”

  She sat up a little taller. “But it's Friday night! That's when you're supposed to go somewhere new.”

  “Is that why I haven't seen you around here before? Because this is your someplace new?”

  Why someone would choose this divey place on a Friday night to get a hookup was beyond me. Maybe if we were both lucky, her instinct to come here had been right. The bartender set a glass down in front of her and she immediately took the straw between her lips and downed half the class. I was impressed.

  “For me it is. I'm not from this side of town.”

  “This side of town? You must not be from anywhere in Portland. It's not that big. Where are you from?”

  She shrugged wrapping her lips around the straw once more. I wondered what they would feel like on my skin.

  “Around,” was all that she said.

  “A mystery woman, I like that.”

  Everyone had their secrets, I wasn't on the job tonight, so I wasn’t trying to find out hers. My secret was simple; I was a bear shifter. And that wasn't something that I was going to advertise to anyone.

  People had certainly accepted shifters in recent years, but not enough that my friends and I walked around telling women about our animal urges. They wouldn’t like it anyway. Or they’d be those crazy women who only wanted to be with shifters. And most of those ladies were nuts.

  I watched her as she observed the room, her eyes scanning back and forth like an animal chasing its prey. She was waiting for something. I didn’t know what.

  “Are you looking for someone?”

  She shook her head, “No. I only have eyes for you, promise.” She sucked down the rest of her drink, her hand never leaving my thigh. I could feel my cock starting the strain against my jeans. My bear prowled just below the surface, he was ready to take this outside. I was too. “Do you want to get out of here?”

  She raised an eyebrow at me, “What does that mean?” She leaned in close, just brushing my ear with her lips, “Are you going to fuck me in the back of your truck?”

  I pulled back shocked, she was feisty. “I'm not that kind of guy. Besides it’s a Jeep not a truck.”

  She shrugged, “Shame. However, there is a hotel just about three miles down the road. We could go there.”

  “You don't really seem like the kind of girl who wants a one-night stand.” As much as I was willing, I was hoping there was more to her.

  “There's only one way to find out.” She hopped off the barstool and walked away from me, my eyes lingered on her sashaying hips. God damn it. This wasn't how I expected my Friday night to go, but I'm not a man who can say no to a redhead like that.

  “Bartender, I need to pay my tab.”


  I only knew his name. But it didn't matter. He was hot as hell, and
I needed a release. Being cooped up like some type of princess in a tower at the camp wasn't how I wanted to live my life. In just a few short months I would be one of the clan’s leaders, married to one of the most powerful men in Portland. But I wasn't ready. And men like Logan? They let me feel free. I could be whoever I wanted to be with them, no restrictions, it was liberating.

  He had paid for the room and had the key in his hands jangling against his pants. I intertwined my fingers between his and pulled him along. We didn't even make it to the door before he started to kiss me. I felt the brick exterior against the back of my arms as he pulled one hand above my head and the other collapsed down my curves. His body against mine, I could feel the heat emanating from his skin. Summer sounds surrounded us, there were crickets chirping in the field across the street. Occasionally I would hear the honk of a horn, a drunk leaving the bar, yelling out their windows, but they couldn’t see us. And if they could, I didn’t care. Let them see. I had a feeling the show was about to be good.

  His rough lips crashed against my own and I felt my breath catch in my chest. There was something different about him, he wasn’t like the other guys that I messed around with. His forceful rough nature felt familiar. Like maybe he wasn't like the other humans. I didn't care. As he wrapped his hands around my ass to pull me up on to him I realized he wasn't human at all. He carried me with such ease. I wrapped my arms around his neck but I didn't have to. He was carrying me with one hand, he was definitely one of my kind. As I continued to kiss him he reached in his pocket and I heard the keys jangling the door next to me. He pushed open the door as he walked us inside, immediately we were engulfed in darkness. He kicked the door closed behind him and then laid me carefully on the bed like I was fragile. He didn't know me that well. I ripped off his shirt and my hands caressed his rippling muscles. I leaned my head to the side and as I left my neck exposed, he playfully bit my ear and then laid rushed kisses down my neck settling on my collarbone.

  “God you’re beautiful.”

  “You don't need to say things like that.”

  He pulled back for a moment, “I don't lie. I’m not saying it to make you feel good, I'm saying it because it's true.”

  I was impressed. “Oh.” That stunned me into silence for a moment. No one had ever said I was beautiful like that before. There were always strings attached.

  Quickly I recovered, “Well if we’re being honest then, I can't wait for you to fuck me.”

  That was all he needed to keep going. He took off my shirt and tossed it to the side, his mouth ravaging my skin. I would have marks left on me in the morning, and I would be better for it. He reached behind my bra and he ripped that off as well, but as he tossed I heard a lamp knock over in the process. He didn't even seem to notice. His lips brushed against my nipple and I reached down between his legs to feel what I was sure was an already hard cock.

  And that's exactly what I found.

  I looked into Logan's eyes and scanned the rest of his body again, every inch of him was delicious. I committed every piece of his body to memory. If this was going to be a one-time thing, I didn’t want to forget any of it.

  As my eyes settled on his bulging boxers I couldn't wait to get him inside of me. As the alcohol flowed through our bodies I let my inhibitions go and laid back for a moment as he removed my pants and underwear. I couldn't remember the last time I had been completely nude in front of a man and felt this comfortable. There was a chance that has never happened before either. Something about Logan was just so satisfying. The hunger in his eyes as he took in every bit of my skin, the way his lips felt as they caressed my thighs. He was so focused on me, and that was new. I couldn't get over how good it felt.

  I dipped my finger inside his boxers and pulled them down slowly. His cock sprang out from behind the elastic and I took it in my hand, stroking it slowly.

  He pushed me back against the bed and I laid down against the scratchy pillows. I teased him, opening my legs and closing them.

  “I want this.” He said gruffly.

  “Then come and get it.”

  I opened my legs and he advanced, quickly pushing his throbbing member into me. I gasped at the feel of him inside me.

  “Oh my God!” Sex had never felt so good. Our bodies moved in an almost instinctual rhythm. Was this what is what like to have sex with another shifter?

  Or was this something more?

  His pelvis thrust again and again as waves of pleasure coursed through my body. Again and again he pushed me to edge of my limit. I never wanted him to stop.

  “God, Logan!” I said barely being able to hang on.

  He pushed again, his pace quickening. I couldn’t hang on any longer and I felt the world slip away as I fell into a dreamlike state of pleasure.

  I felt his seed fill me and then he collapsed next to me.

  “I’m staying the night.” He said between labored breaths.

  I couldn’t speak. I felt like I had forgotten how to.

  Was this my mate?


  The next morning as sunlight streamed into the room I reached over and expected to find Maggie next to me. My head pounded with a hangover and as much as we had said the night before no strings attached, I wanted to at least get her number. Maybe I would suffer through my hangover enough to even take her to breakfast. I had a feeling she was the type of girl that liked pancakes. But as my hand search the bed next to me I realized she wasn't there. Groggily I opened my eyes and scanned the tiny motel room, her clothes were gone. I fell back against the pillow, forgetting my hangover momentarily and thought about the taste of her lips on mine. Maggie was beautiful.

  She could even be the one.

  But she was gone, and I had no way of finding her. I should have talked to her more. Got more information out of her. But she wasn't a criminal and this wasn’t an interrogation booth. This was two people having a wild night, and maybe I needed to accept that. But as my bear growled underneath my skin I realized that there was something more to her, something I realized I may never find out.



  I clutched my bag in my hands. It only had the basic necessities in it, a toothbrush and a pair of underwear. The bag was bigger than I needed it to be. But it was what the city bestowed upon us when they released us from the hospital. It took me four days to wake up. I hardly remembered going in. One minute I was sitting by the fire drinking moonshine with Zane and the next minute I was in the hospital with some type of infection. I watched as doctors with masks and goggles and gloves up to their elbows plunged needles into an IV and the world slipped away. I'd been in the darkness for months. Apparently they had put us all in a coma, they were testing us. Just as my kind had suspected United Hospital was not a place to go when you are injured or sick. They just made you worse.

  I felt a rush of wind pass me as the bus started up and took off behind me. I began to walk away from civilization once again, the gravel crunching under my feet. It was a three mile walk to the camp from town, but I was used to it. My body had been in better shape before the hospital. I used to be able to take off and run through the woods in my bear form for days at a time, but I hadn't even shifted since I left the hospital. It was like my bear had gone dormant, she didn't want anything to do with me. I wondered if she would ever come back. Or if what they had done in the hospital was irreversible. Maybe I would never be the same.

  As I walked I thought about how when I was sitting at the police station I watched other families. They greeted their loved ones but no one came for me. The city social worker asked if there was anyone that they could call for me but I knew that if they had, no one would come anyway. My family didn’t have a phone. It just wasn't our way.

  We always lived up in the backwoods, our family owned a hundred acres or more outside the city limits. It was where we had always lived. None of us had cell phones or went to public school, sending me to the hospital was a huge decision. Zane insisted on it, he needed me t
o survive, to keep our bloodline strong.

  Zane was my boyfriend, before everything happened. Well he was something like that. We'd been friends since we were children, I remembered as cubs that we would romp around the camp like we owned the place. Never realizing that one day we really would. Our family had run separate camps for generations, and we were finally going to bring them together. An arranged marriage was kind of like having a boyfriend, or so I told myself.

  But Zane didn’t come visit me in the hospital once. If he had, maybe things would've been different. Maybe he would've realized what they were doing to me, but he never came. No one did. I hadn't really expected my parents to, but Zane? He was the one who pushed so hard for me to go in. To help with whatever was attacking my body. And yet he had abandoned me, when I needed him most. That wound was still open.

  I kicked a stone as I walked in the afternoon sun, it felt good to have the rays on my skin once again. Sunshine was an anomaly in Portland, especially this time of year. Being out in the woods made you feel somehow more alive. I hoped that my bear would return soon. It was getting lonely without her.

  Finally, after walking for more than an hour I came to the ridge were camp lay hidden in its valley. As I finished climbing the mountainside I looked down into a camp but instead of feeling a sense of pride and hope, suddenly I was filled with dread. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to see everyone again after all this time. Put faces once again to the people who left me in that hospital to die.


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