Undercover Bear Portland: Logan (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)

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Undercover Bear Portland: Logan (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) Page 6

by Terra Wolf

  Logan reached for him and I gave him up more willingly than I had to anyone else. I wanted my two boys to bond. To create a family like relationship. Because that's what we were. Jacob may not have been a blood relative to Logan but that didn't mean that they weren't family. Logan had even signed the birth certificate.

  “So what did he say?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me while he swayed slowly back and forth. “I thought you didn't want to know.”

  I shrugged. “Just tell me.”

  “He's human. He has no shifter DNA in his system. And honestly Dr. Evans and her team aren’t sure that any other babies you have will.”

  “What does that mean? I'm still full blooded shifter. I shifted while I was pregnant. Only once but still. I mean my bear has certainly been more subdued and her behavior little erratic, but I'm still a shifter.”

  I was breathing heavy. What did this mean for me? I'd always identified as a shifter. I was full blooded. And now suddenly my son wouldn’t inherit any of the shifter genes that I had grown so used to? This wasn't what I was expecting.

  “I think that when you were in a coma they gave you something to control your bear. Calm her down I guess. And then they impregnated you with a human baby. The doctors suspect that they wanted to know if it would survive. And clearly he did! And that's what's important. The district attorney will just have to find another way to crack this part of the case. No one truly understands what their intentions were. But we have Jacob now, and that's all that matters.”

  I took a deep breath before reaching my arms out to him. He placed Jacob within them and I tried to comfort him as he cried out. He quickly stopped fussing and fell back to sleep. “Can you get Dr. Evans, or her assistant? I'd like to hear all this for myself. I'm sorry, I know I said I didn't want to know. And it doesn't have any bearing on how we will raise Jacob. I would like to know what it means for me. For my bear.”

  I hardly thought of her since I had Jacob. I had assumed that the protective instincts that I had was her, but maybe it was just maternal. Is it possible that she was gone forever?

  He nodded to me and then leaned down and laid a kiss on my forehead. “Yeah I’ll go find her. But there's something else that we need to talk about first.”

  I shook my head, “What?”

  He bent down on both knees at the side of my bed and pulled a small black box out of his pocket. “I was going ask you this before, then everything went to hell.”

  I laughed choking back tears. “That's kind of the story of my life if you hadn't noticed.”

  “I want that to be our life. You’re my mate Maggie, what we have here is forever. But I’d like to make it official, the human way. I want Jacob to know that his parents love each other. I want to get married. Will you do me the honor?”

  My hand shot up to my mouth in shock and the I gave it to him. He slipped the ring on my left ring finger and I admired its beauty. It was simple, a gold band with a single diamond in the middle. It was gorgeous.

  “How did I get so lucky?”

  He smiled at me, “I asked myself that every time I look at you. And now every time I look at Jacob.”

  He stood up and kissed me full on the lips. Jacob woke up and started to fuss. “I think he's ready to be fed again.”

  Logan nodded. “I’ll go find Dr. Evans, then we can all talk together. And then when we leave here a couple days we can put all this behind us, and move on.”

  I held my hand down in front of me admiring the jewel. “And plan our wedding.”

  He laughed. “I'm sure Lydia will enjoy helping you with that. I'll see you in a couple minutes.”

  As Logan shut the door behind him I couldn't believe how lucky I had become. I had such a strange life, going from being the princess of a clan to homeless, to finding the love of my life. All of those experiences had made me who I was now, as a mate, and a mother.



  “Congratulations, dad!” Shane said as he slapped me on the back.

  “When can we see him again?” Lydia asked.

  “She's feeding him right now, give her twenty minutes or so. Besides I have something to talk to guys about.”

  Marco stood from the plastic chair that had been sitting next to the door of the hospital room Maggie was in. He sauntered over to us with a smile on his face. “How are you feeling man?”

  I smiled at all them practically beaming from the inside. My bear was strutting back and forth filled with pride. “Awesome! Even better than I felt after Jacob was born.”

  Lydia raised an eyebrow at me. “Better? What's better than your son being born?”

  I pulled little black box out of my pocket and held in front of them. Lydia's eyes grew wide and she clapped her hands together beneath her chin. “She said yes.”

  Lydia flung her arms around me. “That's awesome Logan! Congratulations!” Shane and Marco both gave me a pat on the back and shook my hand.

  “Welcome to the club.” Shane said to me.

  I watched Marco rolled his eyes. “So really Garrett and I are the only single guys left? Who is going to go to the bar with me?”

  We all laughed.

  “Hey have any of you seen Dr. Evans? I promised Maggie when she was done feeding Jacob they could talk about the fact that Jacob is a human. She's a little freaked out.”

  Marco nodded. “Understandably so. I haven't seen her since delivery, when was that? Last night?”

  I nodded. “The hours seem to be blurring together for me too. One of you guys mind tracking her down? I mean I just talked to her assistant. Maybe you can find him? Get some more information?”

  Marco raised his hand. “I’ll go find her. I can't stand around here and listen to all this mushy gushy love talk anyway. Time for me to take my leave. Tell Maggie I said congratulations.”

  I shook his hand. “Thanks man. It was really great to have you here. All of you.”

  I watched Marco's back as he walked down the hall.

  “I'm going to grab some coffee. I didn't even realize what time it was; can I get you guys anything?” Lydia asked us.

  I shook my head, “No thanks.”

  She kissed Shane on the cheek before walking away. It was just the two of us. Shane sat down on one of the plastic chairs, it creaked slightly under his weight. It was then that I remembered I wanted to tell him something in private anyway.

  “I've got to tell you something else.”

  Shane raised an eyebrow at me. “What else could have happened in the past few hours? You saved your girlfriend from uncertain demise, she had her baby, and you got engaged. There is literally nothing else that could've happened.”

  I laughed, it felt good to relax. I sat down next to him and leaned back casually, but what I had to tell him wasn't casual at all.

  “Last night a wolf came to talk to me in the woods while I was rescuing Maggie. He said the clan has some plans. Not really sure what any of that means, but I think we need to be prepared. I feel like something's coming.”

  He looked puzzled. “Don't we have enough going on? Giovanni and his team are dealing with that Purest Inc. bullshit. We still have the hospital case on our hands, and now you're telling me there's another enemy? Is this for real?”

  I shook my head. “I feel like our whole world has imploded these past few months. But it may have been nothing. But stay vigilant okay? Keep an eye on Marco for sure. I know being the only single guy left really does bother him. No matter how much he jokes about it.”

  He nodded understanding. “Yeah, I've got it. We keep the group close. Just like we always have. And that includes Maggie and Jacob now too. We’ve got your back.”

  I put my hand on his kneecap tapping it lightly. “It goes both ways. We take care of each other.”

  I heard Jacob crying from inside the hospital room. “Guess I should go see if they need anything. You good out here?”

  Shane crossed his arms and shut his eyes. “I could use a nap. You go, have fun with you
r mate. And let me know when you need a babysitter, Lydia is chomping at the bit.”

  I laughed at him as I stood. I couldn't wait to get Maggie back into the into our bedroom at home. Our bedroom. I liked the sound of that.

  “I'll take you up on that, soon.”

  I opened the door and took in the sight in front of me, my mate and my son enjoying a moment together in the bed. He had fiery red hair just like her. Maybe one day he would take on some of her other qualities too. I would be okay if it wasn't her stubbornness. Everything else about her fierce nature, I loved.

  I loved her. And for now, that was more than enough.


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  Terra Wolf & Meredith Clarke


  I love to write about all things billionaire and shifter. My books allow my imagination to run free and explore every possible idea I have. That makes writing less like a job and more like a fantasy come to life.

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  Table of Contents


  1. Logan

  2. Maggie

  3. Logan

  Months Later…

  4. Maggie

  5. Logan

  6. Logan

  7. Maggie

  8. Maggie

  9. Maggie

  10. Logan

  11. Maggie

  12. Maggie

  13. Logan

  14. Maggie

  15. Logan

  16. Maggie

  17. Logan

  The End

  From the Authors

  About the Author - Terra Wolf




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