Off Limits: (Faking It #1)

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Off Limits: (Faking It #1) Page 1

by Chloe Walsh

  Off Limits,

  Faking It #1

  Published by Chloe Walsh

  Copyright 2017 by Chloe Walsh

  All rights reserved. ©

  The right of Chloe Walsh to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system – without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form or binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

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  Off Limits,

  Faking It #1

  First published, January 2017

  All rights reserved. ©

  Cover photo licensed from Shutterstock Inc.

  Edited by Aleesha Davis


  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  The author acknowledges all songs titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses, brands, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized/ associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Chloe Walsh is in no way affiliated with any of the brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.

  All rights reserved ©

  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Playlist for Off Limits

  Bonus Material: Nate's POV

  About the Author

  Other Books by Chloe Walsh

  Upcoming Titles


  This book is for the girls of Chloe's Clovers.

  As I'm writing this dedication, there is 649 members, and this is for you guys; for Ofa, Casey, Charissa, Natalie, Aleesha, Lorrie, Cassie, Kim, Bianca, Mary, Makayla, Linnea, Sushma, Jen, Jolene, Nicole, Carol, Tara, Liz, Toni, Kayla, Amanda, Pam, Krystle, Lynn, Allie, Amy, Alycia, Danielle, Rebecca, Kieshia, Chelsea, Stephie, Angie, Kathy, Shauneen, Kez, Beverly, Neave, Megan, Gemma, Jenna, Paula, Shannon, Glenda, Charlotte, Kirsty, Courtney, Shannel, Shannon, Tracy, Natalie, Tracey, Zoe, Karen, Monica, Tanya, Angelica, Nikki, Nickie, Deanna, Paula, Gemma, Sandy, Caroline, Amber, Sam, Stacey, Jennifer, Laura, Emma, Claire, Heather Anne, Sarah, Julie, Wendy, Tanya, Karen, Justine, Debbie, Kathy, Cathy, Melissa, Nicola, Zara, Lillie, Diane, Nita, Laura, Colleen, Lisa, Tor, Donna, Wendy, Polly, Tina, Trisha, Csenge, Zoe, Shannon, Kaylan, Kerry, Kash, Corrinne, Jade, Kerrie, Ridwana, Hayley, Rachael, Rachel, Melissa, Rhiannon, Anne-Marie, Jacqui, Jazmin, Philippa, Heidi, Stefanie, Zunaira, Aishling, Tammy, Jessica, Michelle, Kellyy, Yvonne, Kailyn, Renee, Amy and Carmen. I wish I could list every single one of your names, but I would be here forever and that would delay this book for you guys. Just know that you all mean the world to me. I mean that. I value each and every one of you ladies, more than you'll ever know. You've become my friends, my allies, my therapists and my confidantes. This book is for you guys!!

  I love you all and couldn’t do this without you guys.

  Clo xx

  Author's Note:

  Off Limits is the first book in a new series I'm working on called the Faking It series.

  I'm really excited about these bunch of new characters, guys, and I really hope you will enjoy their twisted little world.

  Lots of Love,

  Chloe xx

  Chapter One


  I was used to being invisible.

  At school, the cheerleaders and girls from the popular cliques commanded everyone's attention.

  In my family, Jackson was the golden child. I was pretty sure Dad didn’t like either of us, but Mom definitely had a soft spot for Jackson. For what little amount of time our parents spent at home with us, Mom harped on about my brother like he hung the moon.

  Jackson was, as my mother liked to call him, an all-rounder. He was one of the 'popular' kids at school; the star running back of the varsity football team, lead singer in his band Alternative Kiss – and even though I wasn’t much of a rocker myself, I had to admit that my brother's band were electric.

  Heck, they were more than electric – they were magnetizing.

  And Jackson did all that while maintaining a 3.5 GPA.


  He couldn't leave the academia side to me.

  No, Jackson had to have brains as well as brawn and charisma.

  I wasn't the social butterfly my brother was.

  In fact, I was quite the opposite.

  I seemed to slip-slide through my life, awkward and uncomfortable in my own skin.

  Adriana Davis; book worm personified, inhaling up to three books per day.

  Even so, content with my books, my music, and the handful of genuine friends – one friend – I had amassed over the years, I accepted my role as Jackson Davis's baby sister.

  Besides, I knew who I was and I didn't need anybody's validation, and most of the time being invisible didn't bother me.

  I knew my brother loved me, and even if our parents didn’t take notice, Jackson always made me feel like I was a wanted and valued member of our family.

  But once every so often, like tonight, when my brother and his friends used our house as a freaking love pad, irrespective of my presence, being invisible drove me crazy.

  It pissed me the hell off actually that I had to hide in my own damn house while Jackson and his buddies entertained their catch of the day.

  And tonight was no different to any other night.

  As was the norm, both of my parents were noticeably absent, and Jackson was taking full advantage of our parentless house.

  Leaning my back against the bar stool I was sitting on, I propped my feet against the cool marble countertop of our kitchen island and adjusted my glasses on my nose as I attempted to ignore the sound of giggling and cooing coming from the outdoor hot tub out back.

  Even though we were starting back at school tomorrow after summer vacay, Jackson had invited half of his class over to get smashed in our back yard. Someone out back was playing an acoustic version of Every Avenue's Only Place I Call Home on a guitar, and I could hear my brother belting out the lyrics of the song like a pro.

  Humming along, I flicked through another page of the book I was currently reading on my Kindle, desperate to distract myself.

  The story I was trying to fall into was a favorite re-read of mine by the amazingly talented Danielle Taylor– a guaranteed page turner… except
I couldn't get into it tonight.

  My vision kept blurring and I was only giving the book thirty percent of my attention.

  Shaking my head, I blinked a few times before refocusing on the screen.

  "Can we go somewhere more private?" A female voice called out over the music and I shuddered before flushing an unflattering shade of red.

  A droplet of sweat trickled down my chest and I pulled at my nightgown absentmindedly, feeling overheated.

  This was getting too much for me.

  Ever since I turned seventeen back in April, I was growing more and more agitated with my love life – or lack of.

  It wasn't as if I wanted to go out and screw some random guy, but going out on a date would be nice. Hell, even a kiss would be pretty damn great, but aside from being a Class A nerd, being Jackson Davis's sister meant I was off limits to every guy at school. And being Clive Davis's daughter meant I was off limits to every boy in the state. My father had rules for me and Jackson.

  Apparently it was absolutely fine for Jackson to screw anything with a pulse, but I wasn't allowed to go on a single date. No, I had a reputation to maintain.

  Once, in freshman year, Clay Thomas asked me out. Jackson and his best friend Nathan terrorized him so badly he cancelled our date and ignored me for the remainder of the school year.

  My father's reign of narcissistic sexism and threat of impending punishment had a lot to do with why I was currently sitting inside while my brother was partying out back. That, and the fact that I was socially awkward and didn’t exactly fit in.

  "Jackson, please," another one squealed in a fake, high pitched mewling voice and I couldn't take another moment of it.

  Admitting defeat, I placed my Kindle down on the marble countertop, closed my eyes and bit back a heavy sigh.

  Sliding my feet off the counter, I hopped down off the stool and grabbed the countertop when a bout of dizziness engulfed me.

  Inhaling a few slow breaths, I steadied myself and retrieved my Kindle, braced for a quick and painless getaway from the debauchery happening in my back garden.

  I made it to the far corner of the kitchen when the sound of a sliding patio door slamming filled my ears, followed by the sound of someone clearing his throat.

  "What are you doing down here?" the deep familiar voice asked in a tone of annoyance. My entire body ignited in a hot flush. "Spying on us again?"

  Clenching my eyes shut, I stifled a moan and fought back the tsunami of butterflies attacking my stomach. "I live here, remember?" I managed to squeeze out.

  Turning slowly, I opened my eyes and let out a strangled sigh when I locked eyes on the boy who had played an equal leading role in every dream and nightmare I'd had since childhood.

  Nathan Cole, lead guitarist in Alternative Kiss and my brother's best friend since kindergarten, stood in my kitchen looking like a freaking swimwear model.

  At eighteen years old, Nathan was already clocking in at 6'2" covered in tattoos and smeared in another girl's lipstick. His shaggy, black hair was drenched and falling over his brow in a deliciously disheveled way. His brown eyes were narrowed in confusion as he took in my appearance.

  "Sorry to disappoint you, but I have better things to do with my time than spy on you and my brother," I added, letting out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding as I played with the hem of my nightgown.

  "I'm sure you have," he shot back tauntingly, dropping his hands to his narrow waist. "Must be hard choosing which one of Daddy's credit cards to use for your online shopping spree." He tilted his chin, eyes locked on my Kindle, and smirked cruelly. "Poor little princess."

  "It's a Kindle," I corrected him angrily, clenching the leather cover with trembling fingers.

  It wasn't my fault I was born into wealth, but Nathan tried his damned hardest to make me feel like it was.

  For years, I had suffered at the hands of my brother's best friend. He had an opinion on everything. What I wore. Where I went. Who I hung out with. He shook his head in disgust at every decision I had made since I was thirteen. In my dreams, in the corridors of my school, and now in the kitchen of my home. I couldn't escape him.

  I knew I should hate him.

  He was mean, and cruel, and sometimes I really did hate him, but he was still… Nathan.

  He was still the same boy who had shown kindness to a timid little girl.

  He was still the boy who had taken me home when Jackson forgot me at the ball park when I was seven.

  He was still the boy who took a beating off his momma because he'd taken the blame when I broke the window of his trailer with a baseball.

  He was still the same boy my mother took in on numerous occasions over the years when his latest step-daddy got a little too heavy handed with his mother – and with him.

  I guess it was safe to say that I harbored some pretty strong feelings for my brother's best friend when I was younger.

  My life, from the age of four to thirteen, had been consumed by him. I had to be near him. I followed him around constantly, and when I was near him, I had to get closer.

  He was wild, unattainable, and unlike the other boys at school – unlike anyone I'd ever known.

  Nathan had never cared what people thought about him. In fact, he never seemed to care about anything at all, and I had been drawn to him like a bee to honey.

  But in his eyes, I was Jackson's little sister; a cling on he tolerated throughout his childhood out of sympathy.

  And when I hit thirteen, I became a nuisance to him. One he didn't need to pretend to like anymore, or even tolerate.

  Back then, Nathan was my hero.

  Now, he was my tormentor.

  "And I have my own money, Nate," I made a point of saying. "I don't need my father's credit cards."

  I hated that he accused me of being some brainless girl, content to spend my father's money.

  That wasn't me, that had never been me, and it hurt me when he threw dirt in my face.

  Nathan cocked a brow and shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever. Isn't it past your bedtime?"

  "I'm seventeen, not seven," I shot back, unable to hide my frustration. I was about to start junior year at Spring Hill high. He and Jackson were going to be seniors. There was barely a year between us. "But you may want to remind Jackson about bedtimes and curfews," I added cattily, tilting my head in the direction of the kitchen window.

  Nathan's gaze followed mine, landing on the two half naked girls in our yard. "In case it hasn't crossed his or your attention, Shelly Winters is sixteen."

  Nathan grinned at my remark, revealing two dimples in his cheeks, before sauntering towards me.

  My heart hammered in my chest, my stomach flipped, and all the while I remained motionless, watching with wide eyes as my brother's best friend moved closer.

  I tried to look unaffected by his presence and I failed miserably.

  I couldn't help it.

  I was a terrible liar and Nathan Cole affected me like no one else ever had.

  I knew I was never going to be on Nathan's radar. He didn’t date girls like me. Girls who kept their noses stuck inside the pages of the latest romance thriller, or volunteered at kid summer camps. No, his tastes were more selective, sluttier…more Dallas Holloway.

  "Adriana Davis has a backbone." The way he called me by my full name, and the way it curled on his tongue caused my breath to catch in my throat.

  His lips curled into a devilish smile. That 'you're going to want me so bad' look that made the girls at school melt into a puddle of mush at his feet was etched on his beautiful face.

  Droplets of water trickled down his toned, hard chest, and I had to advert my eyes from the dark trail of hair disappearing under the waistband of his black swimming shorts. "Who would've thought, huh?"

  "Not me," I muttered, flustered, not feeling like I had a backbone.

  Nathan stepped closer and the air deflated from my lungs.

  In that moment, and with Nathan so close, I didn't feel like I had a single bone
in my body.

  Everything inside of me seemed to soften and sway.

  "You're shaking," Nathan stated, his tone suddenly serious, drawing me out of my reverie.

  He was right.

  I was shaking.

  "Are you sick?" he demanded, appalled, as he towered over me now, invading my personal space and wreaking havoc on my nerves.

  I opened my mouth to respond when Nathan reached forward and placed a large, warm hand on my shoulder.

  "Andi, you're fucking trembling all over," he announced with a mixture of confusion and concern in his eyes as he searched my face for something I wasn't sure he would find.

  It was at that exact moment my grasping reflex decided to abandon me.

  I felt my Kindle slip from my shaking hand seconds before it landed on the floor, clattering loudly against the tiles.

  "Dammit," I muttered, dropping to my knees to retrieve it.

  Regret and bitter disappointment churned inside of me when I turned it in my hands and noticed the cracked screen. I moved to stand, but the ground came up to meet me.


  Shaking my head once more, I placed one hand on the floor and tried to stand up.

  I failed.

  Crouching down in front of me, Nathan reached forward his hand and tipped my chin upwards with his thumb. Instantly, I was looking into his dangerous eyes.

  "You're burning up." A deep frown appeared on his forehead as he studied me. His fingers remained on my chin. "Have you taken your insulin?"

  Shame crept through me and I shook my head slowly. "I forgot."

  It was a lame excuse, but it was the truth.

  I had genuinely forgotten to take my insulin tonight.

  "Goddammit to hell, Andi!" Nathan let out a string of muttered curse words. "How many fucking times do you need to be told?"

  Jerking to his feet, Nathan caught me under my arms and pulled me to my feet in one swift movement.


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