Mysty McPartland

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Mysty McPartland Page 9

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  Her eyes misted with tears, her heart raced crazily and every one of her limbs melted. He was making it so hard to refuse him and all that he offered. Would she be crazy to give in and let herself trust him with her future and her heart? The alternative wasn’t one she liked to consider. She knew that even in such a short time, she was already having deep feelings for him and they could easily turn into love.

  Love or misery, those were her choices. She’d be a fool if she didn’t choose love and she definitely wasn’t a fool. Her decision made, she cuddled closer and let her fingers trail lightly over his chest. “Alright Nathan. I’ve decided that I want us to be happy together and have a real marriage. However, there are some things I must insist on first. If you ever cheat on me with another woman or enter another whore house I will leave you. Marriage is a commitment and about respecting each other. If you can’t agree we may as well not go any further with our relationship.”

  While he listened to her little speech, Nathan wasn’t at all surprised she was stipulating certain terms. He really couldn’t blame her, but it did annoy him though. When she finished, he captured her hand before she tortured him even more. “I’ve already told you sweetheart that I would never seek out another woman or go into a brothel again. Why would I want any other woman when I can have you in my arms every night?”

  His lips whispered over hers. “I’ll make a promise that a day doesn’t go by that you will start to regret your decision sweetheart.”

  Sheldon closed her eyes as his lips settled over hers, yet couldn’t help thinking that he was making a promise he just might not be able to keep. No one could predict what would happen in the future. However, she prayed with all her heart that he would find a way to keep his word because she knew if he didn’t her heart would be broken.

  Now that he was about to make his bride, his wife, Nathan didn’t want to hurry it. He wanted to make sure he would sate the passionate need inside both of them. He wanted their first time together to be something they would never forget.

  Chapter Fifteen

  With one more light, lingering kiss, Nathan rolled away from her. He fumbled on the night stand and found the box of matches and lit the lamp. He turned back to his bride and saw her frowning in confusion. Grinning at her he moved closer, with nimble fingers he unbuttoned the front of her nightgown. “I think we can dispense with this don’t you sweetheart?”

  When he saw her cheeks flaming with her blush, he bent down and gave her a swift kiss before he eased the material up her body. He drew it over her head and tossed it over his shoulder. He drew in a sharp breath as his gaze traveled over her exquisite curves. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. High pointed lush breasts, her nipples already tight and beaded. They were flushed a dark pink with her desire.

  Her waist tiny and slim curving hips, the dark curls between the apex of her thighs beckoned to him to touch and explore. Slowly his gaze slid back to her face and though her eyes shone with desire he could see she was nervous and a little afraid. He lay down beside her and gathered her up in his arms. A groan of pleasure rumbled in his chest as his hard unyielding flesh met the soft silkiness of hers. His fingers combed through her long dark hair. “Trust me sweetheart.”

  “I do Nathan. I do. But do we have to have the light on?” Sheldon whispered, she was highly embarrassed when he whipped her nightgown off. However, she couldn’t deny his heated gaze left a blazing trail of fire over her flesh.

  Nathan nuzzled her neck. “Yes the light stays on darling. I want to see you when I make love to you and I want you to see me. I don’t want our first time together to be a fumbling in the dark.”

  Sheldon arched her head back to give Nathan more access to her throat. His wet kisses and little nibbles were driving her crazy for more. She barely heard what he said, every part of her body craved his touch. With a sob, she grasped his wrist and placed his hand on her breast, she moaned as his fingers wrapped around it and kneaded. When his thumb brushed against her nipple she cried out as a fireball of pleasure rolled through her.

  It took an extreme effort to hold himself back. Though his body protested the wait, Nathan was determined not to rush things. However, it became nearly impossible at her reaction when his mouth latched onto her nipple. His fingers trailed over her, stroking the fire inside her, He cupped her hip and dragged her closer so that his arousal pressed into her stomach. He kneaded her backside, caressed it, than cupped the enticing mound in his hand. It felt as though he’d waited a life time to hold the delectable little backside.

  When Nathan transferred his mouth to her other breast Sheldon’s whole body jerked from the pleasure that struck her. However, when she felt his fingers slip between her thighs she stiffened.

  Nathan had anticipated her reaction to his intimate touch, keeping his hand cupped at her mound he left her breast and his mouth claimed her in soul wrenching kiss. When she melted again, he parted her damp womanly folds and found her already slick with her arousal. He stroked the heated dampness and then circled the hard little nub. When she started to thrash her hips, he plunged one longer finger inside her and then withdrew it. Again and again he repeated the action until he knew she was about to seek her release.

  He withdrew his hand, nudged her knees apart and settled himself between them, his whole body was leashed with restraint. Every muscle quivered from the strain he was exerting on himself. He tore his mouth free from hers and gulped in air, he stared down at her and saw that her eyes were closed. “Look at me sweetheart. I want to see you when I make you my wife.”

  Lost in the turbulent passion, Sheldon forced her lashes up. Above her Nathan was staring back at her with smoldering eyes. “Nathan.” Was all she could manage to whisper out before the tip of his arousal started to slip inside her.

  Entering her slick core, Nathan stopped when he reached the barrier. He closed his eyes for a moment and let himself enjoy the heated silken fold surrounding him. Only when his body demanded more did he lean down and capture her mouth with his own. He ravaged her with soul stealing passion and thrust forward, breaking through the membrane and buried himself to the hilt.

  Her cry was caught in his mouth and when her body relaxed under his, he rained a shower of kisses over her face. “Just lay still sweetheart. It will feel better soon I promise.”

  Though it had stung, Sheldon could feel her body adjusting and accepting Nathan inside her. It felt odd but it also intensified the yearning building so that it became nearly painful. Her hips shifted on the mattress, she raised a hand and cupped his tense jaw. “Nathan please I can’t stand it any longer.”

  Nathan lifted away concern etched his brow. “What is it sweetheart? What do you want?” He prayed like hell she still wanted to continue. It would kill him if he had to pull out now.

  “I don’t know. There’s just something inside me that aches for...Oh I don’t know how to put it.” She mumbled in dissatisfaction.

  Relief washed through him and he couldn’t help his rakish grin. “I think I know exactly what you want wife.” His mouth latching on to hers in another devastating kiss, he flexed his hips and was rewarded with her sob of pleasure. God, it felt incredible to have her satin heat surround him in a tight fisted glove. Slipping a hand beneath her, he lifted her hips to meet his next stroke. It didn’t take her long to catch on to the rhythm he set and now they moved in unison.

  Though he tried to pace himself it wasn’t long before his wife’s enthusiasm overrode his good intentions. Now on his hands and knees, his strokes became faster, longer, deeper. His head was tossed back, his jaw clench as he fought the need to expel himself. When his wife’s inner muscles contract around him did he lean down and kiss her with a passion that was earth shattering in its intensity.

  When her body tensed beneath his, he let the fierce hold he had on himself go, he drove himself into her and she came apart in his arms. Her limbs trembled, she squeezed him tightly and her nails raked down his back. When the hot juices of her climax surrounded
him, he thrust his hips and exploded with incredible swiftness. His hips still jerking in reaction as his seed drained out of him. Weakened, he lightly collapsed on top of her, his breathing harsh he buried his face in her hair that was spread out over the pillow. The mind stopping whirlpool of pleasure he just experienced was unbelievable.

  It took a few minutes before his heart slowed and he had his senses back, Nathan rolled of his wife and gathered her up in his embrace and kissed the tip of her nose. “Are you all right sweetheart?”

  All right, he must be joking! Sheldon didn’t think she’d ever be normal again after she just experience the most glorious moment in her life. Nothing or no one had prepared her for what she just shared with Nathan. “Dear heaven Nathan, you could have warned me.”

  Puzzled, Nathan frowned. “Warned you? I don’t understand.”

  Sheldon let out a sigh of deep satisfaction. Her fingers combed through the light sprinkling hair covering his chest. “Well you could have told me it was going to be absolutely amazing.”

  He laughed, he couldn’t help himself. “So I gather that you enjoyed it?”

  “Oh yes. I can now understand why you made love to so many women.” She mumbled, as knife of jealousy plunged into her.

  “Damn it wife. Are you always going to bring up my past dalliances?” Dissatisfaction swam through his voice. “They have nothing to do with us. What we just shared was different. You gave me more pleasure tonight than I’ve had in my whole entire life.”

  His passionate speech made her heart flip over, she lifted up and her tongue flirted at the corner of his mouth. “You’re right and I’m sorry.”

  The annoyance draining out of him, Nathan hugged her tightly. When she teased his lips a second time, he grew fully aroused and rolling her over onto her back proceeded to make love to her again. Afterwards, she curled around him and slept, he had told her the truth earlier he’d never felt so overwhelmingly happy or so sated before. He knew that he loved her, but now that love had deepened in to something more.

  Though she might care for him a great deal it still wasn’t enough to satisfy him, he wanted it all and one day soon he hoped she would give it to him. He was unhappy with the fact that had yet to confide in him. He knew something was troubling her, he just wished he knew what it was. Those women who had come to visit were the problem.

  They must have said something to upset her, but what? He hoped like hell she wouldn’t go back on her promise, it would destroy their marriage in an instant. If he couldn’t trust her, he was afraid that it most likely slowly kill the love he had for her. It was a bitter thought and one he didn’t want to continue thinking about but still it lingered in the back of his mind.

  All he could do he supposed was try and get to the bottom of what was upsetting her and hopefully, she would confide in him and they could solve the problem together. With luck it would all be resolved before they returned to London. As for those women he wished they would keep away from his wife and not lead her into mischief.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A week had flown by, and Sheldon was deliriously happy. Today, since it was raining, she was cuddled up with Nathan on the couch in front of the fire. She was thinking about asking him to take her upstairs, but before she could the butler entered the parlor and informed them they had guests. “Were you expecting someone Nathan?”

  A frown of dissatisfaction on his brow, he lifted his wife away. Straightened his clothing and ran his fingers through his hair. “No I wasn’t. Show whoever it is in Bertram.”

  Sheldon also fussed with her hair and gown but her hand froze in midair when she heard her sister’s voice coming from the doorway. Dread gathered in the pit of her stomach and from beneath her lashes she watched Nathan’s reaction to not only Bethany’s unwelcome visit but her parents as well. She did feel a little satisfaction that his features were set in stone and his eyes held a chilling light.

  The moment he caught sight of their guests, Nathan was furious. He knew the only reason for the unwelcome visit was to cause mischief. He rose to his feet and didn’t even bother to hide his displeasure. “Is there a reason you are all here without an invitation?”

  “Oh my darling Nathan we came to check on Sheldon. We had to make sure you were treating her properly. Isn’t that right Father?” With a bright smile on her face, Bethany glided across the room and stopped inches away from her ex-fiancé.

  “Yes, yes that’s right. Had to make sure our little girl was happy. Come along woman and take a seat.” Jeremy ordered his wife as he strode forward and without invitation flopped down on one of the plush velvet chairs.

  Doing her husband’s bidding, with her head down, Lena scurried forward and sat down keeping her eyes lowered and her gloved hands folded in her lap.

  Sheldon stared from one family member to the next until her gaze stopped on her sister. “Since when have any of you cared for my welfare or happiness?”

  “Now, now Sheldon there is no need to take that offensive tone with us. Why don’t you be a good little wife and run along and order us some tea. After all that traveling I’m positively parched.” Bethany inched closer to the duke and placed her gloved fingers on his arm. “It must be a trial for you my love. My sister has no idea of what wifely duties entail.”

  Infuriated, Nathan stepped away from his sister-in-law. Glancing down at his wife, he noticed her pale features and the turbulence in her eyes. His arm snaked out and slipped around her waist in a possessive gesture. “My wife isn’t some lackey that rushes off to do your bidding. And I can assure you she does her duty as a wife exceedingly well. As you can all see she is both well and happy? So once you have had your refreshment there is no other reason for you to stay.”

  Grateful for her husband’s defense, Sheldon smiled. “Yes my husband is right. If you leave shortly you’ll be half way to London by early evening.” However, her hopes of getting rid of her family were swiftly crushed by her father’s reply.

  “What! You expect us to leave after we have only just arrived. Don’t be ridiculous girl. No, we planned to stay the week.” Jeremy informed his daughter, and smiled in smug satisfaction.

  “Do you indeed? I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed because you definitely won’t be staying the week. In fact you will be departing within the hour.” Infuriated over the man’s assumption, anger swept through the tone of his voice as Nathan’s gaze struck all three of unwelcomed visitors with icy contempt. His eyes narrowed in disdain when the vindictive witch trailed her fingers over his arm.

  “Oh but Nathan darling we’ve been traveling for hours and it’s raining. You know how dangerous the roads are when they’re all muddy. Besides we are family now and as such we should be able to visit.” This wasn’t going as she expected, Bethany could see by the steely glint in the duke’s eyes and knew without doubt that he wasn’t going to let them stay.

  In desperation she burst into tears. “I had hoped I could tell you in private beloved, but since you’re demanding that we leave I have no choice but to tell you now. I’m sorry Sheldon but I’m pregnant with Nathan’s baby.”

  So stunned by the revelation, Sheldon felt as if someone had just tossed an icy bucket of water over her. She stiffened in her husband’s embrace, she didn’t dare look at him not wanting to see the confirmation on his face.

  If the matter hadn’t been so serious, Nathan would have laughed. He noticed his wife’s reaction to the news and cursed under his breath. Surely she wouldn’t believe such an outrageous lie. His jaw clenched, he turned his attention to the lying scheming woman. “If you think this outrageous lie will get you anywhere, you’re very much mistaken. I might have been foolish to choose you as my wife but before the wedding I have never laid a hand on you. I barely even saw you.”

  He raised his voice his anger so palpable it filled the room. “You are nothing but a lying scheming jezebel. The only reason you are making such an outrageous accusation is because you are regretting the mistake you made when you fled before t
he wedding ceremony.”

  “No, no it’s true.” Bethany sobbed out.

  “Like hell it isn’t. All of you get out of my house now and stay away from us. None of you are welcome in any of our homes.” Nathan shouted, he’d had enough of this farce.

  Bethany’s tears instantly dried, with her shoulders back she glared daggers at the duke and her sister. “Fine we’ll leave. But you’re both going to regret the way you have treated me. Come along Father, Mother.” Eyes glittering with malice, she spun around and marched out of the room, promising herself one way or another the duke and her sister would pay.

  When the threesome left, Nathan helped his wife onto the sofa, squatting down in front of her, he clasped her hands in his. He held back his growl of annoyance when she wouldn’t look at him. “Sweetheart tell me you don’t believe her?”

  Sheldon shook her head, she was still reeling from all that was said, she slipped her hand free from his and rubbed at her brow. “Not now please Nathan.”

  “Like hell not now.” He shot back at her with anger lacing his voice. “You damn well know she was lying. Haven’t I shown you that you can trust me? Have I ever lied to you?” It hurt tremendously that she didn’t believe in his word.

  Seconds ticked by before she lifted her head and answered him. “I do trust you Nathan and I do believe you. It all just took me by surprise. My family suddenly arriving here and then Bethany’s spiteful allegation it was all just a terrible shock. I don’t understand why she would accuse you of such a horrible thing.”

  Thank God, Nathan gathered her in his embrace and kissed her brow. “Thank you for believing in me sweetheart. And as for your sister’s lies I can only assume it was another attempt to try and end our marriage.”

  Yes, he was probably right, she let out a sad sigh. “I’m afraid my family aren’t particularly nice. Well except my mother, she’s too frightened to say anything in case my sister or father turn their displeasure on her.”


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