Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave) Page 2

by james

  The genie sighed softly. “I wish that were so, Master. I can only grant your sexual desires.”

  “My sexual wishes?” Nick stared hard at her. Was she serious?

  “Yes.” Her lovely face was totally serious.

  As he leaned back into the couch, Nick’s arms gripped his body tight in a self-hug. Congratulatory. She could grant a life-long dream come true? “You’re not kidding, are you?”

  She shook her head in the negative.

  “Anything I wish sexually?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Man, how many of his hot dreams as a youth had been filled with imagining a genie at his disposal? Lots.

  Nick’s mind was a whirl of possibilities. Any sexual desire? He had so many. He had already managed to fulfill sexual fantasies many men only dreamed of, but still, there had to be some that were out of even his reach. His thoughts latched onto the potential. Finally, his mind was spinning with so many erotic images he had to take a break.

  Shaking himself mentally, Nick zoomed in on the very bizarre reality of a genie standing patiently, awaiting his sexual desires. He realized she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and he’d known plenty. Those amber eyes matched perfectly with the golden hair that caressed the slender waist. Even her skin matched, with its golden-brown glow. She was a golden goddess.

  Suddenly, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to see his genie naked. See if the curls covering her pussy were as golden as the rest of her. He wanted her.

  Going up and down her form with his eyes, he could find no fault with the firm, round breasts that were exposed above the low cut bodice of the pearl-trimmed harem top. Her curving waist flared into womanly hips, and he bet her butt was as inviting as her breasts.

  Finally his eyes came up to her golden ones. “My wish is to fuck you.”

  Chapter Three

  She breathed out, a barely discernible sound. “That is not possible.”

  “Why not?” His jaw clenched. He was inexplicably angry at her refusal.

  “It is part of my genie code. I can never make love to a Master.” Her eyes seemed sad.

  “And if I wish it?” he insisted firmly.

  She gave him a thoughtful look. “You can command me, Master, but once you reach your pleasure, I will disappear and my lamp along with me.”

  “Where would you disappear to?” That thought was very disturbing to him.

  “Nowhere. I will simply cease to exist.”

  Her lovely eyes gazed back at him, her expression bland, as if she cared not if he wished her out of existence or not.

  Nick rubbed his chin. He didn’t want this lovely creature to disappear and be destroyed by his selfish wish. No matter how much he wanted her.

  “Then I’ll have to wish for someone else.” Was that relief he saw wash over her features?

  His eyes wandered the room, as if seeking help. He zoomed in on three framed photos on an occasional table. One was of his nana, a second of his mom and dad. The third small frame was the one that drew his attention.

  It was a younger Nick who stared back at him, his arm draped around Sharon’s shoulder. They’d been high school sweethearts, and he’d been deeply in love. Then Sharon had dumped him abruptly for a handsome college boy.

  Nick had been broken-hearted, and it’d taken him a long time to get over Sharon. Ever since then he had not let one woman get so close to his heart again.

  He smiled sardonically. That was then—over and done with. But he’d still enjoyed fucking Sharon’s sleek cheerleader body. Bringing his eyes back to his genie, who stood quietly watching him, he said, “I’d like that girl.” He pointed at the photo.

  “As you wish.” She nodded slightly. “To begin the wish, you must kiss me.”

  This was becoming more interesting. Nick took two steps and wrapped both arms around her slim waist. His cock pressed into her belly, but she acted as though she didn’t notice it.


  She placed one hand against his mouth as he leaned down to kiss those delectable lips.

  “You need to know how to end the wish.”

  “End it? Why would I wish to do that?” He could barely think with the soft flesh of her waist pressing into his arms. Of course he was the one doing the pressing.

  “You may not be pleased with it.”

  Not be pleased with his first love? He grinned, but nodded to please her. “Shoot.”

  “If you decide to end a wish, clap your hands twice and say Amira.”

  “That’s all?”

  She nodded, then her amber eyes flitted to his lips and she looked shy again. A becoming flush rose in those golden cheeks. “As you wish.”

  Inching toward her, he touched her lush lips with the barest movement, then pushed gently into their softness. Their lips molded together in heated contact. She tasted wonderful, like honey and an exotic perfume all mingled together.

  His cock pounded. Oh how he hungered for his first wish to be granted. To bury his cock deep into her golden pussy would be heavenly.

  He sucked on her bottom lip, but she pushed against his chest. Perhaps his kiss was more invasive than the rules allowed. But he wanted more. He desired her. Barely conscious of his surroundings, Nick reluctantly withdrew his mouth when she shoved hard against his chest.

  Nick watched in amazement as the genie dissolved in front of his eyes. Her disappearing act took some getting used to. He waited in anticipation. Would Sharon really appear?

  As the blue mist dissipated, another form took shape and it took a few seconds for the woman to be clearly visible.

  She was heavy-set with wide hips. Her hair was short brown. He frowned. Who the heck?


  The woman’s voice trembled and she looked like she was going to faint.

  “Who are you?” he asked, anger at Amira ripping through his body. What kind of tomfoolery was this?

  “It’s me, Sharon.”

  “Sharon?” Nick stared at her chubby face. Had his genie dug up another woman named Sharon?

  “Nick, we dated in high school.”

  His heart plummeted to his feet and he turned to stare at the slim girl in the photo, then back at the stranger who claimed to be Sharon.

  His girl had long, glorious blonde hair and a skillfully made up face. This woman had none of these attributes.

  Her brilliant green eyes drew his gaze. They were familiar. A queasy feeling jumped around his stomach.


  “Yes,” she gave a big sigh of relief. “What’s going on? Where am I?”

  “Amira.” Nick clapped his hands twice. He was relieved when she reappeared instantly as she had promised, and Sharon disappeared.

  “You were not pleased with your wish, Master?”

  Nick’s jaw tightened. She looked so darn innocent when she asked that. He folded his arms. “Hardly.”

  “Was she not your sweetheart?” Amira looked puzzled.

  His hands fisted. “It seems so…but that was not the Sharon I wanted.”

  “Oh?” A twinkle lit her amber eyes.

  Nick sighed. It was his fault—he hadn’t been specific enough. “I meant the young Sharon in the photo.”

  “I see.” Glancing at the framed picture, she asked, “Do you wish me to conjure her now?”

  He stared at the photo. Somehow, knowing what Sharon looked like now spoiled the illusion for him. “No.”

  He walked over and picked up the frame, musing over how time could change a person so much. He could have been married to her all this time if things had gone like he’d wanted. Would she have looked the same? Or would her life have been different with him, allowing her to stay unchanged?

  Nick chuckled. He was being way too philosophical. Just because he looked much the same as his high school days, except for a more mature appearance, didn’t mean most of his schoolmates had. Sharon was probably married with three kids, happy, and content to look like a mother. He knew his attitude was
a bit snobby, but he kept in shape and never understood why some people let themselves go just because they were married with kids.

  “Tell me, will she remember any of this?” He spoke over his shoulder.


  He was glad to hear that. The thought of Sharon recalling this incident was embarrassing somehow.

  “Do you desire a new wish, Master?”

  He turned and stared at her. “This is going to take some thought.” Waving a hand at her, he said, “You may go back to your lamp, if you wish.” She nodded, and the next instant her lush body began to dissolve. That was thoroughly unnerving.

  Her upper body was still visible when he asked, “Can I finish cleaning the lamp without disturbing you?”

  A small smile escaped her full lips. “Yes, I can see you.” In a flash, her body was gone, leaving only a funnel of smoke that was sucked swiftly back inside the tiny opening in the lamp.

  Something itched at the back of his mind, and he remembered the sad expression that flitted across her angelic face when he informed her she could return to the lamp. He hadn’t meant it as a cruelty, but perhaps it was. Maybe she was tired of being cooped up in that thing. Next time, he’d have to invite her to stay, if she wished.

  * * * * *

  Amira rematerialized into her home, that which had served as such for centuries. It was furnished very comfortably. She could will into being any material object that would make her existence less monotonous.

  Flopping on a heavily cushioned ottoman, she waved one hand, opening up the magic window. It was her eye to the outside world. Frustration made her mood sour. How she’d hoped this new Master would take pity on her, invite her to partake of his world. He seemed as selfish and self-centered as most of her past Masters.

  She sighed as she watched him move about the kitchen, preparing supper. Seeing him for the first time after she’d been summoned was most painful. He was very handsome, with short black hair, a nice tanned, muscular body and deep, sexy brown eyes. In fact, he looked so much like Omar—for a second she was startled, and wondered if her love from long ago had been reincarnated. He even sported a neatly trimmed mustache, as had her beloved. But the man had shown no recognition, or any of the kindness that had flowed through her beloved Omar.

  She laughed as she thought of Nick’s wish gone awry. He had not worded his wishes carefully enough. Was it her fault he was dissatisfied with the Sharon of now?

  Amira let out a deep breath. Truly, her new Master seemed no different than other Masters before him, except for his similarity in looks to Omar.

  Chapter Four

  Nick thought long and hard about his wishes. He tossed restlessly all night. Much of that time was spent in convincing himself that he had a real genie at his disposal. And she could fulfill any sexual desire he had. What else could a young bachelor want?

  For a fleeting moment, he recalled the hands-off policy of the genie. He was missing out on a jewel. The next instant, he gleefully thought of all the erotic fantasies he could wish for. The genie’s rules and her situation fled from his mind.

  The next morning was Saturday. He had the whole weekend to play, and knew exactly how he would fill it. Not sure how to approach the genie, he hesitated at rubbing the lamp. Shrugging, Nick lifted the small lid and spoke into the dark interior.

  “Hello.” He paused. “Good morning, genie.”

  A small puff of blue smoke seeped from the tip and he backed off. The genie emerged just as beautifully as she had yesterday. Her slender curves materialized slowly within the clasp of misty covering. Today she was dressed in gold satin and looked good enough to eat.

  “Good morning, Master.” Her voice was smooth as cream and slid over him, exciting his senses.

  “Can we dispense with the Master? Call me Nick.”

  “Yes, Mas—.” She stopped and smiled. “Nick.”

  “See, I didn’t change and neither did you. You’re just as beautiful as you were yesterday.”

  She blushed and he was momentarily taken aback by her modesty. It was really too bad about those genie rules.

  Folding his arms, he said, “I’ve chosen my wish…at least for this weekend.” At her quiet look that expressed no curiosity whatsoever, he added, “I want a harem. I want to be the sheik, or whatever those guys are called.” He thumped his jaw with one finger. “And I don’t want to worry about diseases and condoms.”

  She didn’t do an attractive I Dream of Jeannie blink, fold her arms, or change expression one bit. Neither did she make a move toward him.

  Nick stepped into her personal space, placing his arms about her slim waist. Their kiss today was rather chaste, maybe because he was anxious to get straight to his erotic fantasy. They parted after a mere pressing together of their lips. Amira said, “As you wish.”

  As soon as he stepped away from her, the room spun in a disorienting fashion and his vision blurred. When it cleared, he was standing in the middle of an enormous room. Arches with marble columns ran the perimeter of the area. Along the edge of each arch were detailed carvings. Between the columns, a two-foot-high, heavily carved stone lattice formed a fence.

  His bare feet felt cold. Glancing down, Nick admired the intricate, colorful mosaics of the stones. He definitely wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

  A shimmer of reflective light caught his eye as it played over an alcove, draped on either side with transparent curtains. Forms stood in the shadow. Feminine forms.

  As if sensing his attention like a conductive signal, women stepped as one mass from the covering duskiness.

  Nick’s eyes ran over one magnificent body after another. He stopped counting after a few dozen. The sexy harem costumes with matching jewelry glittering had been what caught his attention.

  The bright colors of their outfits—red, royal blue, deep yellow, dark purple, and dusky rose—in velvet, silk, and satin, overwhelmed the senses. Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds fell from elegant necks and draped bountiful bosoms. The material and jewelry still couldn’t match the sleek beauty of their varied forms—from dark olive skinned beauties, to glowing skin as pale as an Irish lass’. There were large breasts, with womanly hips to match, slim forms of delicate proportion, and everything in between.

  Inky locks, rich auburn, and golden blonde flowing hair adorned a variety of lush bodies.

  Nick stood stunned. Even he couldn’t have dreamed up such diversity of voluptuous beauties. His genie had outdone herself.

  His cock hurt. Glancing down, Nick was surprised by his appearance. Ballooning harem pants covered his legs, and a green velvet vest, trimmed in gold braid, hung on his chest. It was a bit gaudy, more like the cheap outfits you found in a costume shop, and he briefly wondered if Amira had played a mischievous trick on him.

  Soft footsteps drew his eyes upward. He was surrounded on all sides by perfumed feminine flesh. Gulping, Nick stared around him, not sure what to do.

  “How may we serve you, Master?” An olive-skinned beauty with jet-black hair that fell in a straight sheen to her hips addressed him.

  “I want to be pleasured.” He folded his arms and tried to look masterful.

  A ripple of excited giggles met his words. He felt the ring of eyes around him like a physical force, as if they stripped him merely by looking. Impossibly, his cock became harder.

  “Choose she who shall receive your favor.” The black eyes of the woman, who seemed to be the leader, probed him. They asked to be chosen.

  “Why… all of you, of course.” He grinned at their astonished faces. “How could I leave even one delectable bloom among the beautiful garden—untouched.”

  Soft sighs and a volley of tinkling giggles erupted from his glib answer.

  “This way, Master.” The dark haired beauty waved toward the alcove. A corridor opened among the rows of succulent flesh.

  Nick followed her to the alcove; clearly it was a bedroom. A huge round bed took up the center. It was piled with pillows of every color and fabric, while the sheets
were a blood red satin.

  The woman nodded at the bed and Nick sat on one edge. The harem beauties surrounded the bed, eyeing him with lust. His cock was throbbing.

  The leader gave another nod and all the women began to disrobe. Nick watched a blonde who looked remarkably like Jeannie pull her top off. She stood proudly, allowing his eyes to take in those round globes of flesh with tiny rosebud tips. Then she hooked her fingers in the low-slung waistband and shoved the pants down. Nick’s mouth went dry, as sleek, completely denuded pussy lips were uncovered.

  A shifting to either side made him realize he was missing the rest of the show. He stared to his right, captivated by the ivory statuesque loveliness of a fair redhead. She looked like strawberry and cream, and he wondered what she’d taste like.

  Withdrawing his gaze reluctantly, he watched the dusky leader undress. Her lush curves could have easily graced a girlie magazine in the 1950’s. Full hips and large breasts with large, dark brown nipples made his mouth water.

  Maybe she was a little overblown according to modern day standards, but Nick thought voluptuous beauty suited her just right. Her olive skin was satiny smooth and seemed to beg for a man’s touch. The pouting pussy lips were dark and entreating. Would her cream be as rich and full as her body?

  Movement on all sides drew his eyes away. All the women were nude. Nick turned to one side, then the other, and switched his gaze to those kneeling on the bed behind him. He’d died and gone to a man’s lustful heaven, for celestial bodies surrounded him.

  Chapter Five

  With a collective sigh, the women edged closer, until his body pitched backward. He sank into the soft mattress, groaning as eager hands pulled off his clothes.

  Warm, perfumed flesh rubbed against every part of his body. Silken hair flowed over his cock while breasts were pushed gently against his balls. Full lips kissed him for a brief second, then a plump breast was shoved into his waiting mouth.


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