Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave) Page 8

by james

  Some intrusive thought niggled in his mind. Nick tried to shove it away, but it insisted on being heard. Sighing inwardly, he acknowledged that perhaps wishing up a woman who looked like Amira wasn’t just a trick. He wanted to make love to his genie, but since he couldn’t, he did the next best thing.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Marty walked up to him, pinning her hair atop her head. Not in a sexy, cascading fashion, but a tight bun that pulled her features into firm lines.

  “Starved.” He jumped up.

  What was it with her? Marty was a damn sexy woman, and a tigress in the bedroom. But now, she seemed to be transforming herself back into the no nonsense figure she’d first appeared as.

  To cement that image, she slipped the long sleeved blouse back on. She could have stayed nude for all he cared. He had planned on padding naked into his kitchen, but she glanced at his body, a quirky smile on her full lips. Feeling paranoid for some reason, he slipped his undershorts on.

  “Do you cook?” he asked with a casual tone, out of curiosity more than anything.

  She shrugged. “Sure, I can, but I prefer eating out…or someone else’s cooking.”

  Nick chuckled and grabbed a pan. A nice pasta would be a quick starter. He really didn’t like anyone cooking in his kitchen and was happy with her answer. As he gathered the ingredients, he wondered at his own thoughts.

  That was not completely true, he hadn’t minded when Amira helped him with the spaghetti. Strange, he’d almost forgotten that. She’d helped him with small things too at other times, and even fixed him a sandwich once. And he didn’t mind.

  Marty leaned over the counter and watched him. He wished he could see her long legs, but from here all that he could see was from the waist up.

  “What do you do for a living?” She glanced at him with curiosity.

  “I’m an investment banker, and you?”


  Nick glanced up. Why did that exclamation sound derogatory? Or was he just paranoid again.

  “I’m a genetic scientist.”

  “Damn!” He threw a handful of salt over the noodles.

  “What?” Marty’s tone was clearly offended.

  “Sorry, I just hate a woman being more brilliant than me.” Nick made his statement with a smile and humor in his voice to placate her. He really didn’t give a damn if she was smarter.

  Amira. She had tricked him again. Whipped up the duplicate to the woman in the magazine, but paired her brain with someone else. He seriously doubted a geneticist would pose for a car magazine.

  “You know,” he said as he added cheese to his creation, “I’ve never understood what genetic scientists do?” As soon as that left his mouth, Nick knew he’d made a mistake. Ask a scientist to explain what they do?

  Marty actually rubbed her hands together. “My favorite subject.” She dipped a finger into his sauce and licked it. “Yum, delish.” She stared into space.

  “Well, Nick, we work on modifying an organism’s own DNA or introducing new DNA to perform desired functions. Presently, I’m working with a company to investigate whether aging can be slowed.”

  He nodded. “I’ve heard some talk about that.” His stomach rumbled and he realized that pasta was not going to fit the bill. Taking a large T-bone from the fridge, he cut it in half and set it on his stove grill.

  “Goody, I’m really hungry.”

  Nick had hoped Marty would stop at her simple explanation, one he could even understand. But he wasn’t that lucky. She delved into her research with glee, naming DNA strands she was experimenting with and giving him statistical numbers.

  By the time the steaks were cooked, his brain was ready to explode. Too much information in too short a time. He felt like he was back in college.

  All through the meal, she continued with her barrage of information. Afterward, Nick grabbed a beer, offered her one, but she declined. He lounged on the couch, but Marty perched on the edge, still talking excitedly.

  Nick glanced sideways at her luscious legs peeking from beneath the blouse. For some reason they didn’t look as inviting as when they had entered the kitchen. The longer she chatted, the less attractive she looked to him.

  Would she shut up if he fucked her again?

  Chapter Seventeen

  No. Somehow he knew she was wound up and wouldn’t run out of steam for hours.

  “Amira.” Nick clapped loudly two times.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Nick swallowed hard. God, she was beautiful, dressed in black with gold trim and a dangling gold chain riding low on her hips. Her face looked frail today and he wondered if something bothered her. Had he done something?

  Staring at the space where Marty had been last, he realized he had, by wishing for a woman who looked like Amira. Had that insulted her?

  “Your wish did not go well?”

  Amira’s soft question interrupted his thoughts. “Not exactly…well, some of it did.”

  A confused look shot over her angelic face, then was gone, replaced by the previous one. What was it? Sadness? Regret? Nick received a flash of understanding. Maybe a bit of both. Was that it then? Did Amira wish to make love to him as badly as he wanted her?

  Gentling his tone, he said, “She was perfect as a sex partner, but a little too brainy.”

  A slight smile tugged at Amira’s lush lips.

  “Did you do that on purpose?” Nick smiled, to let her know he saw the humor in it also.

  “Maybe,” she shrugged, but then laughed and waved her hands. “I’m sorry, Master, I couldn’t help it.”

  “Oh, I see, because I wanted someone who could carry on a conversation beyond clothes and make-up.”

  “Yes,” she coughed into her hand, covering another belly laugh.

  “I guess I deserved that.” He stared at her, considering a new wish. “I’ve still got tonight and tomorrow. I want a new woman, an attractive one, of course.”

  “Any magazines to show me, Master?” Her brows lifted and her eyes twinkled merrily.

  “No, just conjure me up someone beautiful, but no blonde this time.” Amira’s body jerked slightly, as if he’d slapped her. Nick wished he could take back those words. He hadn’t meant to hurt her.

  “Is that all?”

  “Don’t bring me an idiot, but definitely not a brain surgeon…just someone with normal intelligence.” He rubbed his jaw. There was something missing with both gorgeous women—Rachel and Marty.

  It took a few seconds, but it hit him. Liking. They had both enjoyed fucking him, but neither acted like they particularly cared for him. Why does this matter to you now? Nick stared at Amira. It was her. He knew she cared for him. Did he hope to replicate that feeling?

  Not liking the direction of his thoughts, he quickly said, “I want this woman to be crazy about me.”

  Amira seemed startled, but then shrugged, “As you wish.” She drew near him, then stopped. He had to walk the last few steps. This close, her frailty seemed even more pronounced. Nick placed one hand along her cheek, running his hand through the silken hair at her temple. Should he stay and keep her company?

  He gritted his teeth. No. He’d already made his wish, besides he shouldn’t give in to his genie. She already had the upper hand in their relationship more than he cared to admit. Keep in control, ol’ man.

  He meant to place a quick peck to her lips, but once he felt the give of her soft lower lip, nothing would do but a full-blown kiss. He licked her lip before flicking his tongue inside her mouth, stroking her tongue with his.

  One hand slid to her ribcage and caressed it slowly. Her heart beat rapidly beneath his fingers and her mouth opened wider for his invasion. She was accepting him.

  But then she broke the kiss, placing one finger against his lips. “No.” Her groan was denial, with need locked up in its agonized tone.

  Nick laid his head against her forehead. “Amira, I want you so badly.”

  She stepped away from his arms, her breasts moved erotically with the heavy
breathing of her chest. Amira seemed to be trying to get control of herself.

  Damn! He was tired of controlling his lust around her. Damn her curse. Anger flushed through his whole body.

  She disappeared in a flash and Nick held one hand toward the mist. “Come back.” His whispered words went unheard.

  When the mist cleared, a slim, black-haired beauty faced him. She barely reached his chest, whereas Amira was but a half head shorter than him. He stared at the woman, calming his agitation and letting lust take over for him.

  Amira had done her job in a spectacular fashion again. The woman was totally different from Marty, but lovely in her own right. She was nude. That was somewhat of a surprise. Rachel had been wearing a teddy, and Marty was fully clothed.

  The woman sported a light tan all over. Her face was cute and almost child-like. Average breasts, coupled with a slender form, were enticing. The black hair covering her pussy was neatly trimmed, a mere line over her lips. It was Nick’s favorite form of pussy covering. He licked his lips.

  “Hi, I’m Jen. Amira sent me.” Her voice was low-keyed and pleasant.

  “I’m Nick.” He didn’t question Jen’s nonchalance at standing stark naked in front of a stranger. Amira seemed to imbue some kind of magic that worked on the women, so they thought everything was perfectly normal.

  Jen walked toward him, a slow sway of her hips drawing his eyes downward again.

  “Mmm, you’re handsome.” Her hands went straight to his shorts and worked them down slowly. She knelt and stared at his cock as it bounced free. “Mmm, even better down here.”

  Jen stared up at him and ran her tongue along her lower lip. His cock was already hard—her nude appearance had seen to that. But when her long, pink tongue slipped out, his cock jumped, bumping her chin.

  She giggled and then caressed it from the balls all the way to the tip. “Yummy.”

  Jen spent a few minutes tonguing his balls and lapping with that long tongue up and down his cock. He was throbbing by the time she opened her hot mouth wide and drew him inside.

  Her head bobbed up and down a few times, then she slid downward, and kept going. Nick gulped. He couldn’t believe it. She took his whole length down her throat. He’d dreamed of being deep throated, but never thought for a minute, he would find a woman capable of the deed.

  “Argh,” he groaned, placing one hand on her head.

  That black head kept slipping up and down. Hot wetness slid around his cock as her mouth massaged him in deep strokes. Nick shoved his groin toward her and kept his hands in her hair, in motion with her as she bobbed.

  It felt so good, he couldn’t hold back. His orgasm shot into her greedy mouth, and Jen kept sucking gently as he pumped. He stared down as she plopped his cock from her mouth. Her long tongue flicked out, lapping at every drop that leaked out.

  He breathed raggedly. Damn, but that was sexy. She nudged his half-stiff cock and licked the whole thing, front and back. The woman was insatiable. If he’d not already engaged in sex several times with Marty earlier, he was sure he’d be rock hard again in moments.

  “That’s enough, baby.” Nick shoved her head back gently. He couldn’t believe he was pushing a woman away from his cock, but he was beat. “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to fuck you tonight.”

  Jen gazed up at him, a silly, happy expression on her elfin face. “That’s all right, I enjoyed sucking you off.”

  Strange answer. Most women got downright demanding when it came to getting their rocks off as well. None of that chauvinistic “lie there and take it” stuff of the past for the modern woman. Shrugging inwardly, Nick simply accepted her statement. Maybe she was one of those babes who got off on sucking a man’s cock.

  He walked to the couch and flopped down. He felt boneless. “Can you get me a beer?” He’d asked before thinking that she’d probably refuse, tell him she wasn’t his servant or something.


  Her cute butt bounced into the kitchen as she literally skipped. As she came toward him, her face was alight. Weird. Maybe she was also one of those women who enjoyed acting submissively. Not that fetching a beer was submissive, but most of the women he was acquainted with would have refused to do it in the first place.

  Quit your bitching, he told himself. Maybe she’s just nice.

  He took the beer, then opened one arm, inviting her to sit. She cuddled on his chest, warm and soft. Nick flipped on the TV, not even aware when he slipped into sleep.

  He awoke to something nibbling his cock. Nick sat up, alarmed for a second. Jen’s giggle drew his eyes downward. She was nudging his cock with her nose.

  “No,” he pushed her head off him. “I told you, no sex tonight.”

  She sighed in an exaggerated way, putting a big pout to her lips. “But I wanted it.”

  “We can’t always have what we want.” Nick’s voice came out gruffer than he intended. For some reason, his statement made his thoughts flicker to Amira. What is it with you? She’s just one fucking woman. He ignored the inner voice that started naming off her qualities that set her far and above other women.

  “Here,” he shoved Jen’s head into his lap. “Eat it if you want, just don’t make me come again.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  After Jen got his cock good and hard, he tugged her hair. “Come here, beautiful.” He pulled on her arm, hiking her body upwards. “Let me eat your pussy.”

  Her breath caught and her eyes lit with lust as she rose above him. She propped one leg on the back of the couch, the other on the arm and then lowered herself toward him.

  Nick stared at the dark pink lips before he slipped his tongue between the folds. He pulled her hips up and down gently, using her body movement to gain deeper access to her wet flesh. She tasted musky and feminine.

  Jen groaned loudly as he lapped her slick skin, then flicked her clit swiftly. Her orgasm hit his tongue and he licked every drop.

  Afterward, she slid down his body, her pussy very near his rigid cock. Nick kept one hand over it. “I’m going to shower, then go to bed.” He stood and held out one hand, pulling her up. In the bedroom he shoved her gently onto the bed, hoping she’d take the hint and stay there.

  His shower was refreshing and relaxed his muscles. Nick was fearful Jen would jump in the shower with him, but he found her curled up on the bed. She looked sleepy. Maybe her powerful orgasm had worn her out.

  The bed felt wonderful. Jen cuddled up next to him like a kitten, and soon he was drifting off.

  He was dreaming, a bizarre one at that. A large snake was crawling up his leg, tickling his thigh hairs. When it nosed his cock, he was scared and turned on at the same time. His cock hardened as the reptile rubbed its chin up and down his hard flesh. When it opened its mouth wide and slid its mouth down his cock, he still stayed rigid.

  Nick awoke in a flash. He glanced around, confused. His cock was throbbing. He stared down to assure himself a snake wasn’t swallowing him whole.

  The room was in semi-gloom, but there was enough light to see a head over his groin. Jen. Nick groaned as her mouth slid all the way down his shaft. He felt a suctioning around his whole cock. It was as if a vacuum had been turned on his dick.

  “Argh.” The orgasm that gripped his legs was strong. His thighs trembled.

  Nick sighed deeply after Jen lapped up his sperm with her tongue. She settled in his arms afterwards and went straight to sleep. What was he going to do with this wildcat? Fuck her, if she’d give him a chance to rest. He was not eighteen anymore, he needed a little time to recoup.

  When Nick woke the next morning, his cock was hard, as usual.

  “Mmm, you’ve got it all ready for me.” Jen was starting to edge toward his groin.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He placed one hand on her head. “I’ve got to piss.” He spent more than his normal length of time in his morning routine. No way was he going back to bed.

  He was picking a pair of undershorts from a drawer when movement caught his attention. Je
n was on her knees, crawling toward him. She looked more feline than ever, dangerous, and her eyes were greedily glued to his cock.

  He turned, his back shoved against the dresser. When she reached him, she rubbed her hair against his feet like a cat. Her cute butt stuck up in the air.

  Nick stood immobile, seemingly unable to move as she licked her way up his leg. By the time he felt wetness stroking his balls, his cock was engorged.

  “No,” he said, his voice coming out weaker then he intended. “Nooo.” Nick’s tone turned into a drawn-out exclamation as her warm mouth slipped over his dick.

  God, she was good. He shoved his hips toward her, pushing her head down as she moved.

  “Suck it, you bitch,” he panted.

  Nick stopped her just before he climaxed. After she plopped it from her mouth, he said huskily, “Lick it clean.” She did, lapping up the fluid shining on the head.

  Jen licked her lips after she rocked back on her heels. “Don’t you want me to finish you?”

  “No. I’m saving my sperm for you. I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

  “Wonderful,” she giggled. She jumped up, ran to the bed and flopped down, spreading her bent legs wide.

  With that view, he was tempted to ram into her cunt immediately. But he wanted to eat first. Besides, he wanted to choose the ideal time to fuck her.

  “I’m going to eat breakfast first.”

  “Wait,” Jen squealed and ran to the door. “Let me fix it for you.”

  Nick clenched his jaw. Shrugging, he walked into the living room and flopped on his favorite chair. He watched her.

  It irritated him, her presumption of taking over his kitchen. But, if she could cook, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be waited on.

  That led his thoughts to Jen’s extreme behavior. What was up with that woman? She was constantly turned on, like a live wire. Nick rubbed his chin. Not completely true. She seemed to be tuned in and turned on by his state of arousal. Her behavior was not what he’d call normal.


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