Second Chances (Pebble Harbor Book 1)

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Second Chances (Pebble Harbor Book 1) Page 15

by Brenna Ash

  “Just read the post, Hayden. I think you'll be surprised at what you read. It paints you in a good light.” She left, closing the door softly behind her.

  Paints you in a good light. He huffed at that one. Nothing she'd posted lately had shown him as anything but an ass. Well, she did post that one about when they went golfing. That was a good one. He couldn't complain about that one at all. But before he'd gone back, the articles she posted were bullshit. Everything made up with not a shred of evidence. They caused all the problems with his jobs.

  How the hell was he supposed to forget about those? He was relieved that she wasn't the one who wrote the underage story, but damn, that person had used Sunny as her vessel. So, whoever this Charyn person was, not only had something against Hayden, but she also had something against Sunny. Why? He'd have to figure it out if he planned to get the whole picture. He needed all the facts before he could come to any type of conclusion as to what was really going on here.

  He sighed, blowing out his breath in one long exhale. The walls of his office seemed to be closing in on him. He'd been in this dark place before. He had no intentions of revisiting it. He turned to his laptop and brought up the site.

  In amazement, he read what Sunny had written.


  The Scoop by Jules


  You read that right, my lovelies. My blog was hacked and a very disturbing article was posted about Hayden and an underage girl. I would never post such a thing. My intent with this blog was never to hurt Hayden. For you to understand that, I need to go back to the beginning and why I started this endeavor.

  My real name is Sunny Burns. I’m from Hayden’s hometown of Pebble Harbor. We dated throughout high school and college. He left Florida to chase his dream, which was hard for me. I loved Hayden with all my heart. I wanted to follow his dreams still, even if he didn’t want to share the journey with me anymore. That’s where this blog came in. My way to follow his career. To celebrate his accomplishments and mourn his losses. I posted anonymously because I didn’t want Hayden to know it was me.

  Soon, this venture gained traction and a following.

  But with recognition comes the crazies. People that try to push you a bunch of junk stories. I also never paid for a story. Of the many leads received I had to fish through the ones that were outright lies and figure out the ones bordering in truth.

  Over the past year I became bitter. Hayden had my heart, as always. But I wanted him to hurt. To feel just a smidgen of the pain I felt.

  I didn’t vet the stories properly, and that’s all on me. When Hayden came back to Pebble Harbor, I was shocked. Even more so when I found out it was due in part to The Scoop. That was never my intention.

  Hayden and I spent a lot of time together and though I knew I needed to tell him, I kept putting it off. The whole thing blew up in my face and became one big mess.

  All I can say is I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart.

  This will be my last post on The Scoop. All others have been removed. This post will remain up indefinitely in the hopes that Hayden will see it and reach out to me.

  To all my readers, I thank you for the years you’ve given me. It’s been a great adventure. I apologize for not staying true to Hayden.

  To Hayden, I'm so sorry. I love you.


  Hayden stared at the screen long after he finished reading. He'd read through the post twice. Sunny had definitely laid everything out in the open. Rubbing his jaw, he was reminded of the fact that he needed a shave. He didn't care. He read the post again. Was it really as simple as that? Could he believe that she was telling the truth?

  Did she truly understand how he felt? Her letter seemed honest and from the heart. He didn't think she was lying. Truth bled through those words she posted. He could feel it as he read through them. He believed her.

  But should he? The question tugged at his heart as if it was trying to rip it out. Hayden had to reach out to her. But he had to do it face to face. This was something that couldn't be done over the phone and definitely not through an email or text.

  Chapter 16

  The days passed slowly for Sunny. Like the hours were molasses being filtered through a sieve. She hadn't heard from Hayden. She didn't want to admit how much that hurt. She knew it was due to her actions and she'd brought it on herself. She had no one else to blame. She could accept that, but it didn't make it hurt any less. It sucked.

  Her blog was attracting a ton of hits. The downside was that everyone knew who she was now. Her phone had been ringing constantly and more than one reporter had ventured to Pebble Harbor eager to coax her into an exclusive.

  She refused. That wasn't what she was about. Or at least it hadn't been at first. She respected Hayden too much to fall into that crap. Especially now that she knew all the things posted about him were manipulated by his PA to make him look like the partying bad-boy. She cringed at the role her blog had unknowingly played along in the charade. That was the price she had to pay for thinking with her heart and not her brain.

  Her luggage sat by the door. She was just waiting for Marlene to get here.

  Her friend was going to drop her off at the airport in Orlando. Sunny laid a hell of a lot of money out on the ticket that would deliver her to Hayden's doorstep. Hopefully, he'd let her past the threshold. Her stomach knotted, her nerves all on end. The thought of him turning her away when she'd traveled across the country would break her. She didn't know if she could go on if that were to happen. But it was a chance she had to take. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't try this one last step. Desperate as it may be.

  Marlene beeped the horn of her MINI Cooper when she arrived. Sunny locked the door behind her and put her suitcase in the hatchback. Thankfully, she packed light since she didn't want to have to check in a bag. Otherwise, she wasn't sure she and her bag would fit in her friend's small car.

  Marlene beamed at her. “You ready for this?” Sunny nodded. “Are you sure? I can take a few vacation days if you need me to be there with you.”

  “Thanks. You're the best, but there's no need for that. I'll be fine. And at least I'll finally have my answer, whether it be good or bad.” She inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “It's going to be a long trip.”

  “Well, I've got you covered on that front.” Marlene reached into her bag and extracted several items. “Chocolate, for your plane food.” She also handed over a book of crossword puzzles and a pen. As Sunny fanned through the book she noticed a few of the puzzles had already been completed. “Only the Sudokus. I know you don't like doing those.” Marlene smiled and backed out of the driveway.

  “Thanks. You know me too well.”

  “You know I've got your back. All you have to do is say the word and I'm there with you.”

  Sunny nodded, touched by her friend's offer and knowing she meant it. Sunny would do the same thing for Marlene if the time ever came that the tables were turned.

  At the airport, parked in the departing flight's lane, Marlene gave her one last hug. “Don't worry. Just tell him the truth and he'll understand. You can't fake the feelings he had. They were genuine and deep down that he understands you didn't mean to cause him any harm. You go get your man and then the both of you go after that bitch Charyn. She's the real harm in this vicious triangle.” She held out Sunny's purse for her to take. “Have a safe flight.”

  “Thanks for everything, Mar.” She slung her purse over her shoulder and wheeled her luggage to the entrance. Sunny turned and gave her a wave before walking through the revolving doors.


  Several hours and two layovers later, Sunny stepped into the warm California evening. Taxis lined the curb, so she hailed one and rattled off Hayden's address. Her hands were damp with sweat, not from the humidity but from nerves. She wiped her palms on her capris and tried to think positive as the cab whipped out into traffic. It seemed to take forev
er before he stopped in front of a non-descript black wrought iron gate.

  After the cab left, Sunny stared at the gate for a long time, planning her approach. She noticed an intercom system on the left, built into the gray stone that flanked the gate. She peered through the wrought iron bars, but could only see a paved driveway lead up and then disappear around a curve. All the trees surprised her. She always thought that houses here were on top of each other and privacy wasn't something you could get. Apparently it depended on how much money you made, because this place definitely cost Hayden a pretty penny.

  Taking a sip of water from the bottle she'd bought at the airport, she sighed. Her hair would be a frizzy mess if she didn't get out of the humidity soon. It was bad enough that she'd been traveling all day so any attempts to make it look nice this morning were long gone now. She'd probably be better off putting it in a ponytail at this point. Sunny removed the hair tie she'd looped around her wrist and after hand-combing her curls into submission, wrapped the fabric around her hair.

  Knowing she couldn't delay any longer she wheeled her bag up to the gate and studied the intercom system, hunting for a call button or something that would clue her in as to how she might contact the house. There wasn't one. There really weren't any buttons on the thing that she could see. Just a speaker. She figured there was some type of security camera built into it. She could see the mirror image of her face as she examined the intercom more closely.

  “Can I help you?” The male voice was strong. Strict and curt.

  She straightened. “I, um, I'm here to see Hayden.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  Sunny swore under her breath. That was something she hadn't thought of before this spontaneous trip of hers. “Ah, no. Sorry.”

  “I'm sorry, ma'am, you'll need to remove yourself from the premises. Mr. Wagner doesn't see tourists.”

  “Wha-? Wait! I'm not a tourist. Please, can you just let Hayden know I'm here to see him. My name is Sunny Burns.”

  The line went silent. After a few moments, Sunny slumped her shoulders in defeat and turned away, wondering what she was supposed to do now.

  “Miss Burns?”

  She ran back to the intercom. “Yes?”

  “Someone will be down to meet you shortly.”

  Relief flooded her body. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  This could only mean something good, right? He wouldn't agree to see her if he wanted nothing to do with her, would he? Five minutes passed and there was still no one at the gate. She wondered if someone was just playing a cruel trick on her. But then Sunny heard the distinct purr of an engine coming towards her. As the car approached, the gate slid open. The car stopped and a man that could easily pass as a giant stepped out of the car and greeted her.

  “Miss Burns? I've been told to bring you to the house. I'll take your bag.” He bent and lifted her bag like it was a feather and placed it in the back seat on the opposite side. He came around and opened the door for her and waited until she slid into the soft leather seat before closing it quietly behind her.

  “Thank you,” she said as he got behind the wheel.

  With a curt nod, he started the car and turned it around, driving up to the house. She looked around in awe. The landscaping was done beautifully. Lush, green bushes trimmed to different geometric shapes lined the property. He definitely paid someone a lot of money to maintain this yard. And he had a lot of land, it wasn't just a small patch. As the driver continued on, they passed a pond that she imagined was stocked with fish. Not the kind you eat, but the ones that are in those fancy gardens. Past the pond was a gorgeous gray stucco gatehouse with brilliantly colored flowers blooming in a half dozen window boxes.

  They continued past that house and the driveway opened up to a bricked in half-moon, fronting a mansion in the same gray stucco as the smaller. Twelve white stone steps led up to a huge wooden door, surrounded by windows. Sunny had to close her mouth before she made a spectacle out of herself. She'd seen houses like this on television before, but never in real life. No, this was, hell, she couldn't even imagine what this was.

  The driver exited the vehicle and opened her door. “You can go right up. I'll retrieve your bag for you.”

  Sunny nodded and stepped out onto the brick, thankful she had decided against wearing heels for this part of her trip. She figured they'd be a bad idea on the plane and she didn't know how far she'd have to walk in the airport before finding a cab. She hadn't even thought about uneven ground to walk on. Her heels would get caught in the bricks so quick she'd have been on her ass in no time. A great impression.

  The door opened before she could ring the bell. “Miss Burns? I'm Anna, it's so nice to finally meet you.”

  Sunny smiled. The young woman's greeting seemed genuine. She was wearing a form-fitting business suit and heels that made her tower over Sunny. She accepted her offered hand and shook it.

  “I apologize for showing up unexpectedly. I'm surprised you're even letting me in the door.”

  Anna waved her hand in the air. “Oh, come on. I've heard tons about you.” She winked at her and Sunny instantly relaxed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

  “Hopefully, all good things.”

  The other woman laughed. “We had a rough go of it for a while, but I think that's been cleared. Follow me.”

  Sunny listened and trailed behind her as she followed to the right, down a long hall. Anna opened the last door on the left and waited for Sunny to enter. It was an office, definitely a man's office. Big furniture, clean lines, dark wood, and gun-metal gray walls. It screamed Hayden and she gulped a deep breath. Knowing that this was really happening. She was really here.

  “He stepped out earlier, but he's aware that you're here. I'm sure he's on his way.” She paused, studying Sunny. “It's not my place, but I'm going to say it anyway. I know how much he loves you. He's a great guy. If you hurt him again, you'll have to deal with me.”

  With that, Anna spun on her heel and closed the door behind her.

  Sunny whistled, nodding. That was fair. Anna had worked for Hayden a long time. It was understandable that she'd be protective. Sunny had no intentions of hurting him ever again. She wasn't sure she'd get the outcome she hoped for, but she'd deal with that as it happened. This was her only option.

  Time slowly dragged on. The ticking of the wall clock beat a steady staccato on the wall as she waited. Sunny hadn't been here that long, but being alone, waiting in anticipation, and not knowing her fate made it seem like hours before she heard the door knob turn.

  As Hayden entered the room, Sunny stood, wiping her damp palms down her legs. He shut the door quietly behind him and just stared at her for what seemed forever.


  Hayden had never seen a more beautiful sight in all his life. He couldn't believe Sunny was standing in his office. He was shocked when Anna had called him, letting him know that Sunny had showed up at his house out of the blue. They would've been brought back together one way or another. He had made up his mind earlier in the day to fly back to Florida.

  She was gorgeous, even though she appeared tired. He knew the flight from Florida sucked, it was pretty much a day of flying. Her makeup smudged a bit around her lower lids and her hair fought against the restraint of the tie she used to rein in the unruly waves. But he didn't care. He was so happy she was here.

  He drew closer to her and opened his arms. Without a word, Sunny flew into them and he wrapped them around her. She clung tightly to him.

  “I'm so sorry, Hayden.” She sobbed.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her back, whispering to her, trying to soothe her as he felt her body wrack with the weight of her emotions. This was when he knew. He knew she wasn't lying.

  “Shhh. It's okay. I've got you.” He kissed her cheek and carried her over to the sofa, sitting down, settling her onto his lap.

  She shuddered, and pulled away from him so she could meet his gaze.
“It all got so out of control. It wasn't what I wanted. I swear it started off innocently.”

  He nodded. He saw the sincerity in her eyes and knew she was telling the truth. “I know.” Hayden tucked her head under his chin and gently rocked her. “I understand. I had a hard time at first. I thought you'd betrayed me and that cut like a knife. I'd never pegged you for that type of person.” She tried to lift her head, but he held her still. “I'm not perfect. I have my flaws. And so do you. And I'm okay with that. I can see how it happened. I don't blame you. Not anymore. I've had time to work it through and go over everything in my mind, and I see the general progression that happened and can see that it's just as much my fault as yours.”

  He kissed the top of her head, letting his lips linger in her coconut scented hair. “I shouldn't have left you the way I did. It was selfish.” She shook her head under his chin, but he went on. “My mind was so warped with what had to be done. The thought of a baby scared the shit out of me. I'll be honest there, but deep down, I was excited. We'd have something of our own. Something made out of the deep love we had for each other. And I knew I couldn't take care of our family by staying in college. You should've been part of that decision. But at the time, in my stupid, young brain, I thought it was the best thing I could do for us. I never stopped keeping tabs on you. Even when you wouldn't return my calls and emails. I had the guys looking after you to make sure you had everything you needed. But I never stopped loving you.”

  He lifted her chin so he could drown in her toffee brown pools. “I still love you.” He brought his mouth down to hers. Slanting his lips over hers, his tongue pressing, asking for entry into hers. With a sigh, she yielded. Sunny melted in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, pushing her hands through his hair as she deepened the kiss.

  Something wet fell on Hayden's hand and he broke the kiss, pulling away and watching the tears roll down her cheeks. “What's wrong?”

  She stayed silent. He wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “Shh. Don't cry.”


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