Incubus Trial

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Incubus Trial Page 3

by Emma Jaye

  They stared up at the sky in silence for a little longer.

  “She’s dead, Clarissa I mean, but I suppose you know that.”

  “I didn’t. My mother passed too but I can’t say I’m sorry. She and I never really connected. I didn’t even know you were alive till Henry called me a couple of days ago. You could have knocked me down with a feather when he mentioned your name.”

  “I never spoke to her again.”

  “Forget about Clarissa; she didn’t deserve you. The only thing that ever mattered to her, was her. Think about your father. David swore at your mother, told her to leave him the fuck alone. They had to tie him down so she could... If a woman can rape a man, that’s what she did. Robert had to supervise, to provide the desire to make your father... You get the idea.

  “I think he’d be bursting with pride to know you survived and not only that, you secured the only vascellum in the world. Do this for him, for Finn, and so I can stop feeling so damn guilty all the time.”

  “Not going to help my guilt though, is it?”

  “What you did was a product of what we did. I’ll add your guilt to mine if you like.”

  “Generous of you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Ezra sighed, as confused as he had been all those years ago. His fingers combed the grass beside him. Nine years. He hadn’t seen or felt a blade of grass for nine years thanks to the demon beside him.

  “I couldn’t work you out then, and I can’t work you out now. I know I would’ve broken years earlier if you hadn’t been there. If I had, I might’ve gotten out sooner. At the very least, I wouldn’t have suffered as much; I wouldn’t have...

  “I’ve lived alone ever since. For decades I slept rough. I couldn’t stand being inside in case I couldn’t get out again. I never fed on the same person twice; I never spoke except to compel someone to feed me or give me money. Pixie found me around fifty years ago and bullied me back into living again. She thinks I buy that she’s with me because I compelled a gangster to forget about her riffling through his safe, but that’s not it. I irritate her ‘secrets’ sense.

  “I’ve never told her, or anyone else about you lot. Now the puzzle’s solved, she’ll probably piss off too. And I won’t care. I’m a compulsive liar, a thief, a callous manipulating son of a bitch and that poor sweet innocent in there is stuck with me till the day he dies.”

  Confession was meant to be good for the soul, but Ezra didn’t have one, not anymore. If he’d ever had one, Fabian had stolen it. He just felt hollow inside.

  A sheep bleated, making them both jerk.

  “I’m sorry.”

  The stupidity of the vampire’s comment stunned him. Ezra glanced over at his companion. Silas bore a strong resemblance to a basset hound, all long-faced and mopey as he sat on the damp grass, surrounded by sheep shit, hugging his expensively clad knees.

  A snort of amusement burst from Ezra. He’d never seen, or heard, anything more ridiculous in his life. Between one heartbeat and the next, the snort turned into a chuckle. Silas blinked at him.

  “Are you alright?”

  Ezra let loose, howling with laughter, tears rolling down his face, until he caught his breath long enough to squeeze out, “Fuckin’ dandy, how ‘bout you?”

  Silas’s lips quirked, and shaking his head, his laughter joined Ezra’s. Their raucous noise sent the nearby sheep bleating away. The sounds of distressed animals sobered the incubus.

  After rolling up into a seated position, Ezra watched the suave, dark-haired vampire. If anything, Silas looked even more dangerous, even more attractive than he remembered.

  “Do you know, you’ve slept with me for far longer than anyone else ever has?

  “Apart from Finn, and I’ve only known him a couple of weeks, I don’t relax enough to sleep beside anyone. I’m still paranoid I’ll wake up in chains.” They sat silently for a minute, both thinking about the past. It hadn’t been all bad.

  “I used to love waking up with your arms around me, or mine around you. It meant I was safe for a little longer. You always left before–”

  Silas reached out a long finger and caressed Ezra’s cheek. “I didn’t want to go, but at the same time, I did. If I didn’t leave, you wouldn’t get hurt and I wouldn’t get to comfort you.” He dropped his hand, looked down at the few blades of grass separating them and then up again. “Holding you while you cried was...”

  Ezra managed a crooked smile. “So that’s what does it for you? Sadness rather than fear like most vamps?”

  Silas’s face screwed up for an instant. “It’s regret rather than sadness. I still get a kick out of fear, but righteous vengeance beats everything. I found out many things that last day. The parents of your father’s predecessor called on a vengeance demon, who seduced my mother, right under Fabian’s nose. I’ve been waiting to tell him for years; last night was the perfect opportunity.” A blissful smile lit up Silas’s face. “It was monumental. Probably like you draining Finn.”

  Ezra scratched the back of his head as the slight breeze played with his dark curls.

  “So, if you feed on regret, is you regretting what you did to me, the equivalent of me having a wank? Not that I can without help of course but–”

  Silas’s mouth gaped for a second before he shut it, chuckling and shaking his head. “My dear, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

  Ezra gave his fellow demon his best enticing grin. “I think I do. I might have been in cloud cuckoo land because of all the compulsion last night, but you still fuck like a damn train. Fancy a repeat performance before they turn my head inside out?”

  Silas’s eyes widened. “You’re going to do it?”

  The decision had come out of the blue, but he didn’t think Silas had compelled him. “Yeah. On one condition. The whole council gets to be me, including–” Ezra couldn’t say Fabian’s name, but the grin on Silas’s face told him he didn’t have to.

  “I take it that meets with your approval, Mr Vengeance Demon?”

  “Oh, yes.” Silas steadied Ezra’s chin with his hand, and leaned in for a kiss. Ezra put his hand on the back of the other demon’s head, mussing the perfectly groomed hair, controlling the kiss. Silas’s desire flooded into him, causing his own cock to harden. Even though Silas was stronger, he had always been turned on by Ezra dominating him.

  “I’m going to suck you, here and now. I want them all watching, all wanting to be you.”

  Silas’s hands went to his gold belt buckle. Ezra needed to get his point across while he had Silas in the palm of his hand, figuratively anyway.

  “I’m having breakfast whatever your answer to this next question, but would you consider overseeing my security when all this is over? These shifters are ok, but I’m not sure I want to live under Henry’s–”

  “Try stopping me,” Silas growled the words as he freed himself. “I get all the regret and fear I need at the prison. You’ve been on my mind every day since those last minutes in the cellar. You have no idea how glad I am to know you’re alive, and I’m going to make sure you stay that way.”

  Laying back on his elbows, Ezra lifted his chin up and to the side. “Go on, have a little nibble; I’m getting mine in a minute.”

  Silas leaned in, fangs bared, ready to pierce Ezra’s flesh. Grabbing the lapels of the vampire’s suit jacket, Ezra pulled and twisted, flipping Silas over onto his back beside him. He was up and running before Silas roared, “What the fuck is that?”

  “Sheep shit, or I hope it is for your sake. Might want to ask Milo if he got caught short,” he called over his shoulder.

  The group of supernaturals standing by the main door of the pack house were either openly laughing or trying not to as Ezra skidded to a halt in front of them.

  “I suggest we piss off to wherever this show is taking place sooner rather than later. I think that suit’s designer. Did any of you know he’s half vengeance demon?”


  Footsteps, both heavy and ligh
t, echoed in the cavernous stone corridor leading to the underground council chamber. Ezra wasn’t sure who held who’s hand tighter, he or Finn.

  Through the bond, he could feel Finn’s apprehension, his worry not for himself but for his demon. Pumping confidence through the bond would help his vascellum, but carrying on walking was all he could manage. The need to escape ate at him, but as it had been in the cellar, he had no choice but to accept his painful fate. Again.

  Tension radiated from those around him, but Pixie bothered him more than most. A familiar vocal, angry Pixie would have been a comfort. This silent, tight-lipped person shooting him frowning glances had his anxiety climbing higher.

  Finn’s hand tightened on his. He blew out a breath, trying to stuff his negative emotions back in their box. Silas had cracked the lock the night of the pool party, and Fabian had blown it wide open. Ezra wasn’t even sure if that had been last night, the day before, or the day before that. The vampires were stealing his sense of time once again.

  The discussions back in the pack house about who, apart from the council members, would share Ezra’s memories had been fierce. With a silent Finn in his lap, Ezra rubbed the human’s back, wondering if they had any idea what they were agreeing to. Silas had a better idea, but he hadn’t always been there and witnessing something wasn’t the same as being on the receiving end.

  That Pixie wanted to nose around at the council headquarters hadn’t surprised him. All fae lived for information. But that no less than five shifters, Milo, Jericho and three of the Alpha’s sons had also insisted on coming had shocked him. Milo said they were all Finn’s ‘fans’. As he felt the same way about the little human, he didn’t argue.

  The brothers, who Finn had seduced, stayed close to the young vascellum. Ezra had learned the hard way that it took having sex with the same human four or five times in a short period for a sex demon to initiate the addiction process. Finn appeared to be able to do it just by being in a room with a shifter.

  That Finn had a built-in fierce protection detail reassured Ezra. That Avery could now drain any lust energy Finn picked up was a double-edged sword. The old selfish Ezra hated the idea. The bonded, sensible Ezra, knew it made sense. He didn’t like the new ‘do the right thing’ version. Being selfish Ezra was so much easier.

  He hadn’t had a chance to talk privately with his relative since Silas’s compulsion had faded and he knew the identity of the dapper blond incubus again.

  Logically, having Finn bonded to such a powerful, experienced incubus would help ensure the boy’s survival, and give him the life of luxury he deserved.

  The chances of reliving those nine years making him a danger to Finn, was high. The best thing Ezra could do for his vascellum, was to not be his demon any more, or at least to minimize contact as much as possible. Doing the right thing sucked donkey balls, but if he had to beg Avery to bond Finn, he would.

  Begging wasn’t a new experience. His lips quirked in a wry smile; it had become one of his more accomplished skills, but not in front of Finn. He couldn’t destroy the hope, the confidence, in his eyes. It might be easier if Finn thought he was a fuck-up like everyone else, but no, Ezra was still the little human’s superhero. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Finn squeezed his hand a little tighter. He pushed the thoughts away, focusing on Henry’s broad back as they followed the Alpha down the identical, echoing corridors.

  The only thing he’d put his foot down about was that Finn didn’t share his memories or experience his emotions through the bond.

  “You’d drug me against my will?” Finn’s green eyes flashed, and Ezra loved him a little more.

  “No, I wouldn’t, and I wouldn’t compel you either. But if you don’t agree to take a nap while I stroll down memory lane, I won’t do it.”

  Finn’s lips pressed together. He was so adorable when he tried ‘fierce’.

  “That’s blackmail.”

  Ezra leaned in until his lips brushed Finn’s ear, taking in the sweet, spicy bergamot scent of him for maybe the last time. “Yeah, I know. Demon, remember?”

  A bark of laughter broke free at Finn’s scowl.

  “Would you take this seriously?” Finn spat back.


  Finn didn’t answer his question, so he concentrated on his recent experience of travelling by magic.

  He’d only done it once before, and he didn’t remember it. Why he expected motion sickness, he didn’t know, but one second he had been holding hands with Finn and Jericho, making the bear shifter uncomfortable by flirting, the next they had been underground.

  Thankfully, every inch of the place was bright, with pale stone walls reflecting the artificial light into every corner and angle.

  The vampires had hidden in the shadows of the cellar. Not knowing if he was alone, being watched or hunted had kept him constantly on edge. Only Silas’s arms had provided temporary safety.

  Ezra glanced over at the tall figure now looking somewhat ridiculous in a pair of borrowed jeans. As if Silas could tell he needed reassurance, the demon’s eyes flicked sideways and he gave Ezra a barely perceptible nod.

  Henry was explaining to his sons that the council chambers were in the Himalayas, in the lair of a long-dead dragon. They could have been on the moon for all Ezra could tell. Although the walls did appear smooth enough to have been melted, so he didn’t argue.

  The way Jericho pulled his hand out of Ezra’s when they arrived made him smirk. The brief touch had given Ezra more than a few ideas on how to unsettle the big shifter. Manipulating pheromones was difficult, but possible if the pool of available meals was low.

  It was probably the one skill he possessed that his silver spoon cousin lacked. Ezra couldn’t imagine his relative ever working hard for a meal in his life. He probably hadn’t needed to compel his prey for centuries, if he ever had. Ezra smiled to himself. Even with all Avery’s airs, graces, and age, Ezra was better at being an incubus than his distant cousin His amusement faded as he realised having to work for every meal wasn’t anything to boast about.

  “Henry, take them to the red room. I’ll join you as soon as I can,” Avery announced before heading off down a side corridor.

  The red room proved to be a large, light and airy, stone-walled, oval chamber. Comfortable, deep red sofas, armchairs. and daybeds littered the room. Unlike the corridors and the larger space where they’d arrived, it was warm. A fire crackled in a huge hearth. He wondered if humans ever noticed smoke rising from the uninhabited mountains. Ezra’s stress level lowered a notch. At least Finn wouldn’t be cold while he slept.

  “This is where they’ll be waiting for me?” Ezra asked Henry.

  “That’s right. You should all be comfortable in here.”

  “You lot will stay with him, no matter what?” Ezra asked Milo.

  “Emmet, Gethin, Glyn, and Jericho will. But, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be in the council room with you.” The small blond shifter’s body was stiff with resolve.

  Ezra tilted his head as Finn’s arms wrapped around his chest and cuddled into his side. It felt so natural, so right, that he hardly noticed the movement.

  “Why?” He wanted to add that he didn’t want the young shifter experiencing what he had, any more than Finn should. But with the even younger human plastered up against his body, he couldn’t say that. Holding himself together was difficult enough without dealing with any more anxiety from Finn.

  Tension bounced between them like a tennis ball, growing every second thanks to the bond. A distraction would be good for all of them, although Avery’s presence would have been the icing on the cake.

  “Actually, never mind. Give me a second.” Ezra closed his eyes and concentrated on what he’d picked up from Jericho. The male bear shifter was mature and ready to breed, but without a female of his species producing the correct pheromone, his mating instincts had never been triggered.

  A low growl rumbled through the room. The ripple of conversation died.
  Ezra opened his eyes to see Jericho making a beeline for him. The huge bear shifter almost knocked Gethin and Glyn to the floor as he barged between them. Before the others got more of a show than they’d probably want, Ezra shut off the pheromone projection, wondering if he’d overdone it a little. The bear shifter was one big hunk of masculinity, Ezra would have to be careful he didn’t get mauled if he ever went through with the seduction.

  Jericho’s forward charge faltered. He came to a halt and shook his head as if trying to clear it.

  “Told you I was good,” Ezra grinned at him, “just a little incentive to keep me and Finn safe.”

  Jericho poked a finger in Ezra’s direction. “You, you’re such a...” he spluttered.

  “Yes, yes I am. With big brass balls,” Ezra said cheerfully then turned to the only other demon in the room before he lost his nerve.

  “Silas, can we get on with this before I decide that running away with Jericho and living in sin in a nice cosy cave is a better option?”

  “If you wish.” The demon closed the distance between them with the same implacable certainty that he’d had in the cellar. Begging, pleading, screaming, or lying that it didn’t hurt, that he didn’t need treatment, had never stopped Silas from keeping the clan sex demon functioning. Submitting got it over with quicker.

  Taking a deep breath, which didn’t help at all, Ezra turned to Finn who was hanging onto him for grim death. If anything, the arms wrapped around his waist squeezed even tighter. The world shrank to just the two of them.

  Stroking a finger down the lightly stubbled cheek, Ezra managed a smile. “Hi, Beautiful.”

  “I don’t want to do this; I want to stay with you.” Finn’s voice was quiet, filled with pain. It tugged on every heartstring Ezra possessed.


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