Incubus Trial

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Incubus Trial Page 10

by Emma Jaye

  “Speak up, Ezra, your master can’t hear you.”

  All of Ezra felt empty, every inch of him needed body contact, inside and out, as much as he needed to breathe.

  “Please... Master, I need you to fuck me, make me a demon.”

  Fabian wrapped a hand around Ezra’s cock and said, “Push back as it goes in.” A finger breached him.

  From a distance, Ezra heard himself moan as he pressed onto the finger, his forehead resting on the smooth leather. The twin sensations of the finger probing his hole and the hand pumping his dick combined in a sea of swirling pleasure. Ezra couldn’t have said which way was up, or stated his name if his life depended on it. All he knew was that he wanted more.

  A second finger pushed inside him. “Good, good, well done.”

  It’s not enough. He shook his head, pushing mindlessly back against his tormentor’s hand. When that didn’t immediately elicit a response, he begged for it. “More, I need more.”

  Fabian probed deeper and touched something inside. Electric pleasure rushed through him, making him gasp loudly. The touch was so amazing, so fleeting, that Ezra let out a sob when it wasn’t immediately repeated. Instead of giving him what he craved, Fabian pulled his fingers free and stepped back.

  “No, don’t go, please–” Ezra pleaded as he fought to open his eyes. The return of body heat between his wide spread thighs almost made him cry in relief. Something broad and blunt pressed against his hole and pushed.

  Ezra’s whined, grinding against the bench in an attempt to avoid the burning pain caused by the demon forcing himself inside him. The vampire held him down with a vice-like grip on the back of his neck. Ezra struggled against the restraints, but there was no escape.

  “That’s me inside you, toy, I’m taking everything that you were, and when I come in you, I’ll remake you. You’re mine till your dying day, understand?”

  Sobbing and twisting only seemed to please the vampire.

  “That’s it, fight it, it won’t make a difference, enjoy the last few minutes of being you.”

  Even as Ezra squirmed, and cried out, Fabian pushed his thick cock into his tight, slick passage. His hands bruised Ezra’s flesh as he held his victim still. One hard final thrust and Ezra screamed as the demon’s groin hit his buttocks.

  Fabian held still and reached around to squeeze his dick. The flash of pleasure made everything clench inside him, and this time, it was the vampire who groaned. Fabian repeated the movement. Ezra’s body reacted in the same way, doing its utmost to force the man penetrating him to release his passion and feed him.

  Even when the vampire leaned over his back, licked his shoulder and fastened his teeth in it, Ezra couldn’t tell whether he felt pleasure or pain. Shuddering, he pushed back, trying to take even more of the more powerful demon inside himself. The vampire pulled out and then slammed into him, again and again as he undulated on top of him.

  Fabian’s thrusts became brutal, jerking Ezra’s body then they stopped. Harsh breath rasped in Ezra’s ear as he caressed his painfully hard balls.

  “It’s up to you. Tell me you want me to come in you, that you want me to change you forever.”

  Ezra opened and shut his mouth, unable to remember his own name let alone form a coherent answer, instead he managed to whine, “Please.”

  “Say it, toy. Your master can't hear you.”

  Ezra blinked, trying to pull himself together. The thought of being left in this state, surrounded by food he couldn’t reach devastated him.

  The words that would release him fought each other to leave his mouth. “You’re my Master, I want you to change me, please, I’m so hungry, I–”

  “Good boy.”

  Ezra sagged in relief as the vampire released his balls and grasped his dick, pumping it hard as he slammed into him.

  “Ready to die?” the vampire growled, then buried his teeth in Ezra’s neck. Heat bloomed deep inside the incubus, and every cell of his body seized as it filled with the energy that fuelled his kind for the first time. A scream ripped from his throat, his body spasming as he shot over the floor in reaction to Fabian’s climax and the birth of his full demonic self.

  His awareness faded as cheers rang around the cellar.


  Unlike most of the other clan members watching the display, Silas didn’t touch himself as his father fucked Ezra. Yes, the fear radiating from the juvenile incubus had been intoxicating and arousing, but there was something that niggled at the back of his mind.

  His father pulled out of the limp, bloody, bruised and now adult incubus. Silas felt... regret.

  Now that the initial claiming had occurred, the clan members came out of the darkness, in status order, to have a closer look at the prize they could all use from tonight onwards.

  The two females in the clan, his mother and Morvan’s wife, had left after they’d received their portion of Ezra’s blood. He didn’t know whether they’d drink it or not; women were funny about sex demons.

  His father re-fastening his breeches, and picked up his shirt and coat. “Anyone want to join me for a celebratory drink? Don’t worry, you’ll all get your turn, anytime in next twenty-four hours will do. If anyone is particular about him being clean, you’ll have to wait for Stephen to clean him up.”

  Fabian poked a finger in the Scottish vampire’s direction. “I gave you a chance to prove yourself and you failed. You let an immature, eighteen-year-old incubus get the better of you. If I hadn’t stepped in, he would have hit Bones and possibly injured himself. You’re now his designated keeper. If he dies because of your neglect, you die. He’s far more valuable than you.”

  The low-ranking vampire currently in charge of the human prisoners swallowed. “Aye, my Lord.”

  “And stick that collar on him; I don’t want anyone to feed,” Fabian said then raised his voice. “No feeding from him.”

  A collective groan of disappointment echoed in the cellar. “You all know how tasty he is. If any of you can say, hand on heart, that given free rein you wouldn’t drain him, raise your hand.”

  Nobody did.

  Fabian raised his eyebrows at Stephen. “Well go on then, supervise.”

  “Aye, my Lord. Sorry, my Lord,” Stephen bobbed a bow and hurried over to the bench, where Robert was already thrusting away at Ezra’s lax body.

  Being the sex demon keeper was a step up from being the human keeper, which was the bottom of the pile in vampire hierarchy. Silas wondered which poor sod would end up looking after the humans now. At least Stephen wouldn’t have to cart buckets of shit around now.

  Like many clans, they had an arrangement with the local prisons and constabulary to house and dispose of convicted murderers and other undesirables. In return, they didn’t hunt in the wealthier areas of the city. If they were careful, some of the convicts lasted several months.

  “I’ll join you for that drink. He’s out of it,” Morvan said, disgust clear on his face. Silas tried to ignore the body moving with great enthusiasm on top of Ezra.

  “I thought you liked them unconscious?” Fabian asked.

  Morvan grinned, “I do, but I like to be the one to get them there. A good struggle, then the surrender, does it for me every time.”

  Fabian shrugged. “Fair enough, can’t say that wasn’t fantastic. Hopefully, he’ll still be a challenge for the rest of you. I’d think so; I had to use a pretty hefty compulsion to get him to beg. We would have been here all night otherwise.”

  Morvan snorted. “Well, I won’t be using one. I like it when they fight.”

  “Don’t go too far, he might be an incubus, but both his mind and body are still breakable.” Fabian wagged a finger in his second’s direction.

  The thought of Ezra ending up like one of the humans, or indeed the incubus who had sired him, made Silas’s stomach roll.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll be his keeper.”

  All eyes turned to him, most in wide-eyed surprise. The only person who didn’t react, Robert, groane
d, ‘fuck, yes’ as he emptied into Ezra.

  His father paused, frowning as he put on his jacket. “You? The clan heir babysitting a lesser demon? Don’t be ridiculous. You have too many far important duties.”

  Silas raised an eyebrow. “More important than making sure something the clan has invested nearly half a century in producing thrives? Having a happy, willing incubus will smooth virtually every interclan deal. Besides, what’s a decade out of my life?”

  Fabian turned to him, ignoring the activity in the centre of the room. “You really believed the bullshit I fed him and his mangy mother? Why would we let him go now we have him? He’ll stay down here. With no access to daylight, no means of recording anything, and strictly no mention of current affairs or dates around him, we can make him believe a decade is a year. By the time he works it out, he’ll be too institutionalised to want to leave. Besides, Stephen is already a trained human keeper.”

  “From what you just did, I’m sure you can tell the difference between an incubus and a human. Besides, what’s the longest Stephen’s kept a human alive, a month? Ezra’s mental health will need care just as much, if not more than his physical condition, if we’re going to keep him alive and functioning longer than his sire or the one before him.”

  Fabian’s eyes narrowed as he examined his son with ill-concealed disgust. “Fine. Just remember, he’s a tool, livestock, not a pet.”

  “Of course, my Lord.” Silas managed a smile. “I’ve been watching your technique most carefully. I’m sure I’ll be able to produce a worthy, long-lasting asset, which will leave you free to pursue your political ambitions.”

  Fabian grunted then turned his back on his child and walked up the stone steps. Morvan and five others on his heels.

  After a brief scan of the cellar, Silas ordered a disappointed Stephen to fetch some items necessary for his own comfort. It appeared he’d be spending a great deal of time down here.

  The last bed had been disposed of as useless, along with its deceased occupant. They had been without a sex demon since Ezra’s father.

  As much as Silas wanted to be alone with the incubus, his fellow clan members deserved a little fun time. He made a mental note to record who had time with the incubus. With previous toys, clan members came and went as they pleased. The only filter had been an ‘occupied’ sign on the door. Their injuries and mental condition had gone unreported and often untreated. It surprised him that some had lasted as long as they did. Ezra’s sire had lasted three years, and his predecessor only two. The succubus they’d had before him had survived less than six months.

  The queue had shortened to four when Silas called a halt. Ezra had drifted in and out of consciousness, cried and begged, for more, for less, but now he was limp again as Andrew finished.

  The thin vampire groaned as he pulled out and gave Ezra’s backside a slap. “Fuck, I needed that.”

  The remaining vampires chuckled.

  “I know exactly what you mean, now move that bony backside, it’s my turn,” Arturo, a vampire who had joined the clan from South America stated as his hands went to his belt. Even after two hundred years in Scotland, his accent still marked him as foreign.

  “Wouldn’t you rather he be conscious, rested, and clean?” Silas said as he walked over.

  The vampire whose skin tone resembled Ezra’s frowned. “Is that a genuine question, or a ‘come back later’ order?”

  Silas’s smile caused Arturo to sigh and re-buckle his belt.

  “I’m sure he’ll be far more entertaining when he’s awake,” Silas added.

  “Yeah, yeah,” one of the others said as the small, dejected group made their way to the stairs.

  Being the heir to the clan had always led to a certain distance between him and the other clan members. It was difficult to be friends with someone who you’d one day have to call ‘My Lord’.

  Silas hoped his father lived for a great many more years, and that he might one day have more siblings. Perhaps one of them would be happier about spending many centuries in this place. In the meantime, playing the dutiful son was the best way to stay breathing. Culling the weak didn’t only apply to humans. He hadn’t been Fabian’s first offspring by any means but currently, he was an only child.

  After checking that everything had been delivered to his specifications, and that he was alone with his charge, Silas approached the bench.

  He frowned as he traced the fresh puncture wounds on Ezra’s neck. While he had been talking, more than one of the men who had used Ezra had fed from him. And the others who had been watching hadn’t said a word; probably because they hoped to do the same thing.

  Now that the cellar was quiet, he could hear Ezra’s rapid heartbeat as his system tried to cope with the low blood volume. Moving to his head, Silas pulled down his eyelid to reveal a pale membrane. The incubus was stressed by blood loss but not to a dangerous level. With the energy his fellows had provided, rest and fluids, Ezra’s body would be fighting fit in a few hours.

  He picked up the bucket of fresh warm soapy water Stephen had delivered before withdrawing. Ezra didn’t stir as Silas cleaned his skin, starting with his neck and shoulders and working his way down. A smile touched his lips as he got to the toy’s firm, rounded backside. The welts from the crop marks had already faded and considering the number of men who had spent inside him, there was virtually no evidence. It wasn’t only energy a sex demon absorbed.

  No mess, no fuss, and on to the next meal with the only evidence being a little rumpled clothing and maybe embarrassment for certain prey. Sex demons had no dead bodies to dispose of, no risk of human authorities hunting them down. Plus, many of their prey sought them out and paid for the pleasure of feeding them. He had to admit, it was an easier, more discrete method of feeding than that of his kind.

  He cast his eyes over Ezra’s body, a body that tempted even in its current abused condition. The mahogany, curling hair begged to be used to hold his head steady while someone thrust into that mouth. The thought of doing that to him, to have those dark eyes shining with tears as he–

  Silas let out a wry snort at the power the incubus had over him, even when unconscious. The chances of Ezra remaining a virgin for much longer, if Silas hadn’t taken him, was nil. Although his father might disagree, Clarissa keeping Ezra isolated had been the only option to keep him untouched. He pictured the delectable youngster walking past an alleyway at night, a dark shape pulling him into the darkness, holding him against a wall, hand over his frantic mouth, pulling his breeches down as he struggled.

  Silas wiped a hand down his face, trying to control his body, his imagination. Ezra was indeed in need of protection, from him.

  Picking up the wide, black leather collar from the bed, Silas buckled it around the incubus’s neck. He didn’t trust himself not to take Ezra’s tempting neck arteries when alone with him. He certainly didn’t expect his more impulsive brethren to resist. They all knew his taste now, and all would want more.

  Silas had to admit, his father’s odd ceremony would ensure clan loyalty while Ezra survived. No one would be quick to leave or defy Fabian if it meant access to Ezra would be cut off.

  The water would have chilled Ezra, and with an incubus’s higher body temperature, and the ambient conditions, warming him up was the next priority.

  The cuffs around Ezra’s wrists and the straps around his thighs revealed bruised flesh, proving how hard Ezra had fought, and his weakness. Even the weakest vampire could have snapped the restraints with ease. Before he became captured by Ezra’s charms again, he picked up the chilly body and carried him over to the bed.

  His kind could go weeks without food. But sex demons, even fully mature ones, required food daily. This need meant they had to blend in with their prey and/or run a stable of addicted humans. Showing inhuman strength would arouse suspicion and humans didn’t willingly sleep with people they feared.

  A sex demon’s portfolio of demonic abilities were necessarily inferior to those of other demons. Se
x demons could addict mortals to them and produce a weak version of compulsion that only worked on humans. Judging by the satisfaction exhibited by his fellow vampires, a sex demon’s second ability, that of providing intense sexual pleasure, was innate in Ezra. The third talent, quick healing, made sure the evidence of rough sex didn’t last long enough to put off their next meal. The species were perfect seducers of humanity. Unfortunately for them, it also made them perfect sex toys for stronger supernaturals.

  Marvelling over the already healing bruises and whip marks, Silas laid his burden face down on the bed.

  Wrapping the limp body in several blankets, Silas lay down behind his charge and held him. Every few hours, he unwrapped Ezra from his cocoon and noted the progress of his healing. At first, he’d been worried that the youngster showed no sign of waking, but then remembered that Ezra’s sire had also slept off injuries. Before Silas’s eyes, black bruises faded to green and yellow, cuts knitted together, scabs formed and fell off to reveal pristine, unmarked skin.

  Apart from taking a twenty-minute break to feed from one of the human prisoners, Silas didn’t leave Ezra’s side. The way the boy healed, his stunning features and body, his smooth skin and vanilla scent fascinated him. Silas wondered if he’d be more beautiful when he smiled. Ezra had been so perfect when he sobbed that Silas found it hard to believe that anything could be better.

  After the lanterns guttered and died, Silas didn’t bother replacing them. Instead, he took the time to learn every curve and flat plain of Ezra’s body by touch and wondered about his charge.

  How did a body adapted to an omnivorous diet, turn into one able to exist on lust and male emissions alone, from one moment to the next? Could Ezra still digest mortal food, did he need it? They hadn’t provided human food to any of their previous sex demons, but all had been over five hundred years old.

  The door opening and light flooding in disturbed his contemplation. He turned to the door, to tell whoever it was to go away only to see his father standing on the stairs.


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