Seeing Red: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 2)

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Seeing Red: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 2) Page 21

by Hannah Gray

  I move to the large chaise lounge and pat the spot next to me. “Come here,” I demand.

  She bites her lip and hesitates.

  I jerk my chin up. “Come on. This thing is comfortable, and you can use me as a pillow.” Or for other things. Other dirty things.

  After a few moments of having an internal battle with herself, she walks—or waddles—over. Lying down, she faces away from me, pressing her sweet ass right to my crotch.

  Fuck, why did I think this was a good idea?

  After wiggling around a bit, she seems to find that perfect spot, and she snuggles in.

  “Comfy?” I ask against her hair.

  She nods subtly. “Mmhmm,” she hums. “Thank you.”

  I repeat the words in my head over and over, Don’t get a boner. Don’t get a boner. Do … not … get … a … boner.

  It has been too damn long since I’ve held her in my arms like this. I so badly wanted to carry her to my bed last night. But instead, I was a good boy and took her to one of the spare bedrooms.

  I inhale her scent. She still smells like fucking vanilla sugar. And it still turns me on just as much. This girl, she could bring me to my knees if she wanted to. And she doesn’t even realize it. She will though. One day.

  “Ouch,” she mutters, rubbing her swollen stomach.

  I sit up slightly, panicking. “What? Are you all right? What happened?”

  She chuckles at my questions. “I’m fine. I think your daughter might take after you and play football. Only I’m quite sure she’ll be a goddamn kicker instead of a wide receiver.”

  Without permission, I slide my hand onto her stomach. I wait patiently for a moment, and then there it is. I feel a strong kick against my palm. Fucking kid does have quite a kick on her.

  I grin. That’s my baby. No, our baby.

  “Damn, Titty Monster must have some big feet. We know she gets that from me. I mean, big feet equal other big parts, and well, you’ve seen and felt my other part,” I say in a low voice.

  She reaches around and smacks me. “Oh, shut up. Can you not mention your dong and our baby in the same sentence?”

  I freeze. “Did you really just say dong? It’s 2020. Also, if it wasn’t for my, ahem, dong, we wouldn’t have that baby, now would we?”

  “Shut up and watch the movie” she demands.

  Now, I just need to get my … dong to chill out. Though having her this close makes it damn near impossible.



  Iwake up and feel something very hard and very large pressing against my asscheek. Remembering where I am, I realize Mason and I must have dozed off together, and he now has a case of what I’d like to call afternoon wood.

  The feeling of him being so close and so … aroused has me aching with need myself. I’m sure he isn’t turned on because of me. I mean, hell, I’m a whale. And even if I weren’t, he doesn’t feel that way; I just know it. But feeling him, being reminded of just how large and, dare I say, perfect, he is down there, well, it does all sorts of stuff to my lady parts.

  I stretch a bit. Being in this position for so long has made my back a little sore and tight. He stirs and moves his arm lower, dropping it down to my thigh.

  My breath hitches. Goose bumps break out over my entire body just from his touch.

  Is he still asleep, or is he awake?

  Normally, I would take the bull by the horns. I’d intensify this moment and make him realize what he’s been missing. Make him realize how bad he fucked up by disappearing the way he did. But come on, I’m eight months pregnant. He’d probably be disgusted by me. Besides, how weak would that make me look? After he disappeared into thin air and washed his hands clean of me. So, instead, I hold still and wait to see what happens next.

  His hand moves slowly to my inner thigh. Where he lightly rubs back and forth through my sweatpants. By now, I’m trying not to pant. It’s been eight months. Eight long-ass months since this girl has seen any action. I’m basically ready to dry-hump his arm. But I resist. Not wanting to come across as too eager. Eager looks weak and pathetic.

  He moves it up and brushes between my legs. Okay, now, I know he is definitely not sleeping.

  Before I can think, his voice startles me. “Anna,” he rasps.

  “Yeah?” I try to say calmly without sounding like I’m about to combust. Though my breathing is all over the place. And my skin? Well, it feels like it’s on fire. Every single cell has been awakened by his touch.

  “I’ve missed you. So. Fucking. Much.” His hand continues to graze between my legs.

  “Have you?” I squeak.

  I didn’t know he felt that way. He probably doesn’t. He’s probably just entertaining me and making me feel better about myself. Even so, something about his confession turns me on more. I put my hand over his and help move it. Letting him know I’m ready. That I need this.

  “Is it really all right?” His rough voice sounds concerned.

  I twist my head and glance back at him. “Is what all right?”

  “Will this be okay for … you know, the baby?” He grimaces.

  Nothing like killing a moment.

  “Yes. She’s fine in there. She’s very protected.” I’ve read up on this plenty of times. Not because I thought I’d ever be getting any, but because I was genuinely curious.

  He nods and swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down when he does. Blue eyes look down at me with such intensity. He moves his hand up and to the waistband of my sweatpants. He slides his hand down them and underneath my panties. I feel his hand on my lady parts, and I let out a shaky breath, desire burning through my entire body.

  Pushing his fingers inside of me and rubbing against my most sensitive spot, he dives in. Softly pumping them in and out, causing me to rock back and forth onto them.

  “You’re as sweet as I remember. And so fucking tight.” A groan escapes his lips.

  He presses his lips to my neck and kisses me, running his mouth up to my jawline and to my lips. He pulls my face toward his with his free hand and attacks my mouth. His lips on mine feel like a homecoming of some sort. As if my entire body has been waiting for this moment to feel him again. Every single nerve ending is alive right now.

  His thumb massages the spot that has me aching for more while his fingers work me over, bringing me close to the edge.

  “Mason, I’m … oh God. Mason.”

  “Yeah, that’s right, baby; say my fucking name while you come.”

  His words get me there in no time, and I am feeling euphoric, my toes curling with my release.

  Once I’ve calmed down, I flip over and look at him. “Thank you.”

  He has no idea how much my body needed that. My body has craved his touch since he left me eight months ago.

  He grins. “Hey, anytime. You ever need a sexual favor? I’m your guy.”

  I laugh but then realize he still has a huge-ass bulge under his sweatpants. I’ve never had trouble being sexual with a man that I’m attracted to. Well, not until everything that happened with Mason ghosting me. It’s now or never to grow a set and show this man what he’s been missing.

  Slowly and probably awkwardly, given the extra weight I am carrying, I push myself to stand. And pull on his hand.

  “What are you doing?” His eyes glaze over. Filling with pure need and want.

  “Sit at the end of the chair,” I demand.

  He obliges. I kneel on my knees between his legs. Tucking my fingers in his waistband, I tug his sweatpants and boxers down. He raises his hips slightly to make it easier. Once they are down around his feet, I gaze up at him before taking him in my fist and pumping slowly. His eyes shut momentarily before snapping open with a much hungrier and more primal look in them. His pupils dilate, and he watches me, eyes completely glossed over.

  After a few minutes of getting him even more turned on, I release him and lean forward, taking him into my mouth. A hiss escapes his lips, and he gently takes a handful of my hair in his h
and. I start off slow. Running my tongue up and down his length and sucking his head before picking up the pace.

  My head bobs up and down as I dare to take him further and further into my mouth. Wanting him to take some control, I cover my hand with his at the back of my head and push my own head back and forth with more intensity before letting go and hoping he’ll take the hint.

  He certainly does. His hand pushes my head up and down, faster and harder but not so much that it’s overwhelming. No, it’s just really fucking hot instead.

  I turn up my amount of suction on him and reach up, giving his boys some attention too. And that’s all it takes before he’s releasing himself into my mouth. A spew of curse words spilling from his mouth as he does.

  I release him and gaze up. His chest is rising and falling erratically.

  “Fuck, woman. You sure know how to turn a man on. Jesus Christ.”

  I laugh and start to stand up. He helps me, thankfully, while pulling his own pants back up onto his hips.

  Suddenly, he looks at me with serious and wide eyes. “We could have sex, too, but we’d need a condom. You know, we don’t want you getting pregnant or anything.” He busts out laughing at his joke.

  Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “You are so corny.”

  “You love it, babe. You love it.”

  He’s right. I do. I really do. Mason’s always had such a playful, fun sense of humor. He’s just easy to be around. He’s also easy to fall in love with. I know that firsthand.

  He looks at the clock. “Fuck, it’s nearly two. You must be starving.”

  As if on cue, my stomach growls—loudly. I nod. “I could eat a cow.” Literally.


  We spend the afternoon eating the pizza that we had delivered and just catching up on everything we’ve missed in each other’s lives the past eight months. I forgot how fucking kick-ass she is to hang out with.

  By four thirty, it’s time for me to head to the stadium for my practice. But I really want her to stay.

  “I have practice at five. Can you stay here? Please?”

  She ponders it for a minute. No doubt weighing in her mind if it’s a good idea or not before finally answering, “Sure. I need a shower though. Is that okay?”

  “I’d say so. You smell like ass,” I joke. Really, she smells like a goddamn cupcake that I’d love to devour. Actually, I think I’ll do that when I get back from practice.

  She flicks me off at my comment.

  “I’ve got one better for you. Follow me.” I lead her upstairs to the bathroom in my bedroom, where there is a bathtub the size of a hot tub. “How about this? I’m sure you could use a hot bath. I mean, you are cooking a baby inside of that sexy body.”

  Her eyes widen as she sees the bathtub. I rarely use it unless I am extremely sore after practice or a game, but I knew it would come in handy one day.

  Nodding slowly, she continues to stare at the tub. “Hell yes. This thing is sweet.”

  I chuckle. “I thought you’d like it.”

  After filling it for her and adding some bubble bath—which, apparently, my interior designer must have gotten when she decorated the bathroom—and Epsom salt, I watch her undress and climb in. I could get used to having her around. I know I can’t force it too soon. If I jump the gun and ask her to move in, she might get freaked out and leave. But then again, our daughter is coming in a month’s time. Time isn’t on our side.

  Christmas is coming up, and I don’t even have a tree up. Everything has been such a whirlwind between football and finding out I’m going to be a father. Time’s running out.

  Walking out to my truck, I see a light snow has fallen. All of the trees lining my driveway are covered in a layer of fresh powder. I imagine next Christmas, and I picture Anna, myself, and our daughter here, doing Christmas shit. It would be perfect.

  This girl means something to me. Something special. And I’m not entirely sure we can make this work long-term or not. But I know I want to try.

  I fucking love this girl. I know I always have.


  I throw on some fresh sweatpants and a T-shirt Mason left out for me. I wish he had worn the shirt for a while before giving it to me so that I could have his intoxicating scent wrapped around me. That probably makes me pathetic.

  After soaking in the world’s greatest tub for an hour and a half, I forced myself to get out, as I was turning into a prune.

  I know I shouldn’t snoop around, but I can’t help myself. I want to see what Mason’s house is like. I know his ass didn’t decorate it; it’s too elaborate and beautiful. His room is masculine without being too manly. It’s a contemporary style with dark wood floor and a bed frame that has tall bedposts and a sleek comforter. The entire room is polished looking. It screams sexy. And I can’t help but imagine us in that bed, making up for lost time.

  I wander into a hallway before pushing open the door across the hall from the room I slept in last night. It appears to be another guest bedroom. Decorated with an airier feel than Mason’s room. I saw his mom coming out of this room, so I’m sure this is where she stays. I smile. I love how close he and his mom are. She’s truly a peach.

  Shutting the door, I make my way back down the hall and to the door across from Mason’s. But what I don’t expect to find behind it is a nursery. One that is almost a mock version of the one at my apartment. Only much bigger and much nicer.

  Panic rises in my throat. Is he planning on taking my baby away from me?

  I look around the beautiful nursery, yet I can’t appreciate it at all because all I feel is fear. Why wouldn’t he have told me he had a nursery made for her? Why didn’t he show me it? I mean, I always knew I’d have to share her with him now that he’s in the picture but physically seeing it? Knowing that this baby will be ripped away from me part-time? It guts me inside.

  Unable to look around anymore, I run into the other room and grab my phone. I order an Uber to pick me up. I still have over an hour before Mason returns home, and the Uber says it can be here in fifteen minutes. Perfect.

  This went from one of the best days to the worst in a matter of ten minutes. Putting my own clothes back on, I leave his on the spare bed. I can’t face him when he gets home. It would be too awkward to say the reasons I’m so heartbroken. It makes me sound so selfish. I can’t admit to him that I’m scared he’ll love the baby and not me. How awful of a mother does that make me? But I can’t help it. I love and have always loved Mason King.



  Walking from the truck to my house, I can’t stop the cheesy-as-fuck grin on my face. Knowing I’m coming home to Anna. Knowing that I get to hold her the entire night. And hopefully do other things—other dirty, naughty things. How could I not grin over that?

  When I push the door open, I feel it almost instantly. She isn’t here. Something isn’t right; I just know it. The warmness that has been in my house today has turned to a chill, leaving a lonesome, empty feeling in its wake.

  “Anna?” I call out, knowing in my gut that she won’t be answering me.

  “Anna?” I run through the house, seeing exactly what I expected. Nothing.

  What I do notice is the baby’s nursery door is wide open. I know I left it shut because I always leave it shut. I guess it didn’t cross my mind that I should have explained to her that I had it made before leaving her to find it for herself. Fuck, she probably thinks I’m trying to be controlling and take the baby. That isn’t it at all. I want her here too. Not just the baby. I want the three of us together, as a family.

  Pulling out my phone, I hit her name. It rings a few times before going to voice mail. Fucking A, she’s pissed. I dial it again before sending out a chain of texts, but she says nothing. So, I’m left with no choice but to jump in my truck and head to her.

  I hit the button for her apartment for the tenth time. Hoping the buzzing will eventually annoy her enough to let me in. After three more times, it must work because the main door op
ens, and she appears.

  “Red, holy shit, you can’t just leave. We’ve been doing so good.”

  She looks defeated as she wipes her eyes. Seeing her cry makes me feel sick to my stomach because it isn’t something that she ever allows herself to do, so I know she’s upset.

  She sobs. “Yeah, until I realized you are planning on, what, Mason? Having my baby live with you? What the hell? I know she’ll have to come with you sometimes but the whole nursery? Mimicking mine? Yeah, that’s a little much. It seems to me that you are planning to”—she stops, her lips quivering—“take her from me or something.” She shrinks into herself. Appearing so much smaller than she normally does.

  I grab her hand, and she tries to pull it away, but I grasp it harder and use my other hand to tilt her chin up. Her eyes try to look everywhere but at me. I know she hates being seen as weak, and she thinks that’s how she appears right now. She’s wrong.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I should have told you or asked. But she’s my baby, too, and damn it, Anna, I just thought it would be easier on the three of us.”

  She rips away from me, backing up. Her head swiveling around like it does when she’s pissed. “If what, Mason? You took her off my hands?! News flash: I’m her fucking mother! Don’t you get it? She. Is. All. I. Have,” she says while pounding on her chest with her tiny fist. Ripping my soul out of me.

  I shake my head. “Goddamn it, Anna, you never fucking listen—”

  She cuts me off, “Oh, motherfucker, you take that back.”

  She leaves me no choice. I hold my hand over her mouth. “Damn it, Anna, would you fucking listen?”

  She says nothing, her chest heaving up and down, her eyes filled with anger and fire. She resembles a wild animal you’d see in the jungle. Only scarier. Beautiful and completely erratic.

  Releasing my hand from her mouth, I cup her cheeks. “I want us all to live there. I don’t just want to take her, Anna. I want to take you too. I want you both, a fucking package deal. I thought I’d maybe ease you into it and then show you the nursery. I didn’t realize you’d snoop through my house and—”


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