Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga 2)

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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga 2) Page 11

by Batto, Sessha

  “Please don’t stop.” Yoshi merely shook his head no, adding a second finger and scraping them across his prostate.

  “Lubrication,” the shadow wolf muttered and a slim hand scrabbled in the bedside drawer, shoving a tube in Yoshi's direction. Kazuki watched in fascination as the elite fisted his erection, spreading the glistening slickness as his eyes slipped shut in pleasure.

  Kazuki's eyes were wide and almost panicked as the thick head of the shadow wolf's penis nudged his entrance, so Yoshi dipped his head and kissed him again as he pushed deeper into the strangling heat, fighting the urge to thrust as velvety walls fluttered teasingly around his weeping erection.

  The elite set a slow, steady pace, making sure that his remaining piercings dragged across the spell-caster's prostate with every stroke. He reveled in the powerful feeling of being in control for one of the first times in his life. Yoshi slid an arm under the lithe figure and pulled him tight against his chest, wrapping Kazuki's legs around his waist before gracefully rising to his knees, the change in angle causing him to penetrate even more deeply.

  Kazuki keened his approval, azure eyes rolling up in his head as his balls pulled up tight. He gave a piercing shriek of Yoshi's name, writhing wantonly as his hot cum poured out between them. The shadow wolf tried to hold out, not ready to relinquish such a heady feeling, but his body had other ideas, and with one more deep thrust he came, filling the older man with his seed.

  Yoshi nuzzled a long neck as he maneuvered them to lie on their sides, never breaking their intimate connection. “Rest,” he whispered even as his own lashes fluttered, curling protectively around Kazuki as they drifted into sleep.


  Yoshi burrowed closer to the enticing warmth, stubbornly ignoring his brain's insistence that he pay attention, now. Makoto's not complaining. Maybe we can sleep in today. His train of thought fizzled out when the memories of where and who he was with came rushing back.

  Just then the man in question turned his head and blinked open sleepy blue eyes. “Good morning, pretty,” he whispered. “What's going through that head of yours?”

  “Why me?” the shadow wolf managed, even as his brain berated him for his graceless response.

  “I believe I was the first boy shishou loved. Although obviously I wasn’t the last. I begged him to stop. Instead he told me I was special and taught me things he didn’t teach his other apprentices. I felt powerful.” Kazuki paused briefly, face wrinkling in displeasure. “When I turned seventeen I walked in on him with another boy. When I asked him why, shishou merely said I was too old for such things. But I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want to give up my place, I'd suffered so much to secure it.”

  “So you began searching for eternal youth,” Yoshi murmured as understanding hit.

  “Indeed. Along the way though, I realized I had all the power I needed without pain. In fact, you’d be surprised how enjoyable it can be causing it instead.” The legendary shinobi maintained careful eye contact with the wary pair studying him. “I have not shared myself with anyone else. Until last night, that is. We are more alike than you realize, Yoshi. Your pain reminded me of my own, so I made sure it stopped. What happened after that I didn’t plan. I never knew pleasure like that was even possible.”

  “And what happens now?”

  “We eat breakfast,” Kazuki said with a sad smile before changing the subject. “I can’t let you go back, you know. If Kobayashi shuudan knew where I was they'd move against me. Will you stay here with me? I’d hate to have to eliminate you.”

  “No pain?” Yoshi pressed.

  “No pain, I swear,” the spell-caster responded without hesitation.

  “Yes,” the shadow wolf replied. “I’ll stay with you.” He leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on Kazuki's lips. “I only recently learned about pleasure. I am looking forward to exploring it in depth.”

  “Ah, pretty,” Kazuki sighed. “There are things we need to discuss first.” He turned away and appeared to study the wall. “Rin will be coming here. I know how much she's hurt you, but she also has the power to release your ki. In any event, I have what she desires, and she’ll do as I command. Which brings me to the other thing we need to talk about. What do you know about the way I maintain my appearance?”

  “You completely drain the ki from a younger donor. The process can be repeated and lasts longest if your victim has large reserves,” Yoshi answered. “What does this have to do with me? Are you planning on using my ki?”

  “I had thought about it,” Kazuki admitted. “But that was before I saw you. Now, I want you to choose.”

  “Choose what?”

  “Choose my new donor. I take on many of their characteristics after the transfer,” Kazuki replied. “I wish to be pleasing to you. There are three candidates prepared. Hopefully one will be to your liking.”


  Koga Aya rapped on the door to the Shuhan's office, tapping her foot as she waited for admittance. “Ah, Aya, any signs of Junko?” Daisuke asked when the doors opened.

  “We tracked her to a glade outside our boundaries, then we lost her scent. She met with someone there, a man, he was headed this way,” Aya admitted in defeat. “I’m afraid by the time we abandoned our search for Junko, we'd lost his trail as well.”

  “Any sign of Yoshi?” Daisuke probed.

  “Why would we have seen Takahashi? I thought Makoto was retrieving him.”

  “He did, only someone snatched him from Makoto's house,” the Shuhan confided. “We have yet to locate where he's been taken. I thought it was worth a try.”

  “Let me grab a bite and clean up, then we’ll try to track them from Sasaki-san's,” Aya suggested. “We should at least be able to point you in the right direction.”

  “Souta,” Daisuke began as soon as the doors swung shut again. “Go fill Makoto in on Aya's report, see if he's gotten any more information. You should find him downstairs chatting with Rin.”

  The assassin shivered at the tone of his lover's voice before squaring his shoulders and heading for the door. “Oh, and Sou,” Daisuke's voice rang out just as his hand grasped the knob, “don’t forget you wanted to ask him about what he and Yoshi have been doing.” The elite turned a blank face toward his lover, only to be met with a wicked smirk and the same rude hand gesture he’d used earlier. “You remember.”

  Souta shuddered at the thought. “Ha, ha, Dai, very funny. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Rin's cell was empty, so now Souta was moving from room to room, searching for the whereabouts of the former Shuhan and her interrogator. Finally. He heard voices, reached for the knob and opened it … just in time to see the pair he’d been searching for disappear.


  Yoshi pressed up tightly against the legendary's back, grinding his erection into plush cheeks as he bent to whisper in his ear. “Do we have to talk about this now? I wanted to have breakfast.” He easily swept Kazuki into his arms, striding back to the bed and depositing his new lover before crawling over and swallowing his erection.

  The spell-caster tried to marshal his thoughts, but every time he got close Yoshi's wicked tongue distracted him. When a pair of agile fingers slipped inside to tease his prostate Kazuki gave up the attempt and abandoned himself to the feeling, arching wantonly into the hot mouth. “Please, please,” he heard himself whine, startled at how needy he sounded.

  “Please what?” the shadow wolf broke away to whisper. “What do you want?”

  “Fill me,” he demanded, morphing into a husky moan as a third finger made its way inside him.

  “If it pleases you.” Yoshi flipped Kazuki on his side and lifted one leg onto his shoulder before easing his way into the tight passage. “Sshhh, relax,” the shadow wolf soothed as he wrapped a long-fingered hand around the spell-caster's erection, thumb rubbing teasingly just under the head. “I would never hurt you.”

  Kazuki could only whimper and clutch the sheets as the elite began a slight rocking motion, the shadow wolf'
s piercings pressing and rubbing his prostate, sending electric currents rippling up his spine with the slightest movement. “You have no idea how good you feel wrapped around me.” Yoshi groaned as he deepened his strokes. “I can’t wait for you to return the favor.”

  Azure eyes widened as the legendary twisted to meet his lover's eyes. “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course, don’t you want to have your wicked way with me?”

  “Anything you want.” Kazuki leaned forward and captured plump lips in a long passionate kiss. So intent were the lovers that they never noticed the appearance of a triumphant Rin and a shocked Makoto.

  “Yoshi?” The interrogator gaped, unable to process the sight of the man he was so enamored with wrapped so intimately around Kobayashi shuudan's most powerful defector.

  “I told you he was a whore,” Rin crowed as she wrenched her arm out of his now slack grip. “He’ll sleep with anyone.”

  Makoto's mind was whirling, he couldn’t face Yoshi now, not like this. He reversed the spell, collapsing onto the hard stone floor of the chamber in front of Souta's startled eyes.

  “Sasaki-san, what happened?” The assassin rushed forward to help the interrogator to his feet.

  “I need to see the Shuhan,” Makoto gritted out before racing up the stairs, Souta hot on his heels.

  “Shuhan-sama,” the torture master began as soon as he burst through the office doors. “I let Rin escape and I think I know where Yoshi is, although I wish I didn’t.”

  “One thing at a time, Makoto,” Daisuke said. “Why don’t you start at the beginning. Would you like a cup of tea? Sou, get Makoto some tea.” The Shuhan turned back to the shell-shocked interrogator. “Makoto,” he crooned, waiting for pained eyes to meet his. “What did she do?”

  “She said she could find Yoshi, it was part of his ki control, but she needed to access her power. I thought if I lent her my ki instead I could control the situation.” Makoto grasped his head in his hands, as if to wrench the pictures from his mind. “She said she knew where Yoshi was and she asked if I wanted her to take me there. I thought as long as she was ki blocked we could go, grab him and come right back. But…” The interrogator found himself unable to force the words past his too tight throat.

  “Here's your tea.” Souta pushed the fragile cup into shaking hands.

  “Please continue, Makoto,” Daisuke urged. “You went to get Yoshi and what happened?”

  “We appeared in a bedroom, I think it may have been underground. Yoshi was,” the interrogator swallowed hard, “having sex with Nakamura Kazuki when we arrived. At least, I'm pretty sure it was Kazuki. I don't have a picture of him to compare it to. In any event I was stunned, I just let go of Rin and returned. I’m so sorry, Shuhan-sama, I am ready to accept my punishment.”

  “Why would I punish you? You were understandably upset by what you saw, although I’d urge you not to judge too quickly. Takahashi-san is used to coping with this sort of situation. I’m sure he's just doing what he must to survive.”

  Daisuke stood and paced the space in front of his desk, worry furrowing his brow as he turned this new information over in his mind. “Obviously we can’t allow this situation to continue, Takahashi-san belongs here and Rin has more than earned her punishment. Right now though, I’m more worried about you.” The Shuhan came to a stop in front of the hunched figure and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Please consider staying here. Let us help you forget what you saw. Being alone right now will only make things worse.”


  Yoshi kept murmuring in the spell-caster's ear, rubbing his thumb in tantalizing circles over the head of Kazuki's erection as he continued his slow, deep thrusts. “What do you need, baby?” The only response was a high pitched whine. “You need to use your words.”

  “You, I need you,” the raven-haired man gasped. Yoshi smiled as he swooped down and captured thin lips in a breathtaking kiss.

  Rin covered her mouth in astonishment, shocked at the submissive position she found her old friend in, and even more shocked at who he was with. “Are you insane, 'zuki?” she managed to choke out. “You do realize you’re allowing a whore to top you?”

  Her voice cut through the sensual haze the pair had fallen into. Yoshi sullenly pulled out, hovering protectively in front of his lover and watching Rin with angry, guarded eyes.

  “You’re questioning me, princess?” Kazuki asked as he pulled the shadow wolf closer. “I thought you still desired what I promised.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Rin retorted. “I did as you requested, now I want my reward. Besides, he is a whore, and a good one too. He's barely had a day off in three years.”

  “Remove the seal on his ki, Rin,” Kazuki demanded. “Then we can talk about what happens next.”

  “Or what? You’ll sic your little boy toy on me?”

  “If I were you, I’d watch what you say,” the spell-caster replied. “I’ve half a mind to send you back.”

  The kunoichi swallowed hard, thinking about the reception she’d face if she returned to Kobayashi shuudan. “Fine,” she bit out. “You know you blew a perfect opportunity.”

  “What are you talking about, Rin?”

  “Did you even see me arrive?” she asked. “Their head of covert operations brought me here. He was looking for you, Yoshi.”

  “Makoto was here?”

  “I told him you were a whore, not to bother wasting time on you, but he just wouldn’t listen. Now he believes me,” Rin chuckled.

  Yoshi's face fell, his mind insisting that Makoto had been so repulsed by what he had seen that the torture master had decided to leave him behind. “Because I’m a whore,” he muttered, pain evident in his expressive eyes.

  Kazuki heard the shadow wolf's pained mumble and leaned close to whisper his concern. “You’re not a whore.” He rubbed his thumb over the pulse point in Yoshi's wrist. “Why do you let her get under your skin?”

  The shadow wolf studied the duvet as he answered, fearing to meet the older man's piercing blue eyes. “He rescued me from the Yakuza. I chose him to teach me about pleasure. Then Kenta snatched me out of his house, in his clothes. He was very good to me, and I was nothing but trouble. He must hate me now.”

  “Who, pretty, Sasaki-san?” Kazuki lifted Yoshi's head to meet haunted eyes.

  “He was alone for a very long time. He trusted me and I betrayed him. He’ll never believe I didn’t choose to defect.”

  “Let me tell you a little story about choice.” Kazuki made sure to speak loud enough that Rin could hear. “When shishou finished with me I turned my attentions to the only boy who had offered me friendship. We became close.” He swallowed before continuing. “I was ready to pledge my heart to him and decided I had to tell him about the things we had done. He called me a sick, lying, traitor. I left the next day and we never spoke again.” The legendary took a deep breath before grasping Yoshi's chin and lifting his head to meet hard icy eyes. “The point, pretty, is that we don’t always get to choose.”

  “Who rejected you?” the shadow wolf growled. “Who would dare after what Kobayashi-sama did to you?”

  “Your uncle, Genki.”

  Rin clapped her hand over her mouth in astonishment, stunned by the revelation. “You wanted to sleep with one of the biggest womanizers in all of Japan?”

  “Genki's not my uncle,” Yoshi retorted, ignoring the woman's outburst.

  “Close enough, they may have been cousins but he and your father were like brothers,” Kazuki explained. “Surely he must have been around when you were growing up?”

  “I never heard anything about Genki being a Takahashi. He and my father always hated each other. In fact, Genki was upset when Oonishi-sama took me as a student, said I wasn't worth wasting his time on. There's no way we’re related.”

  “I’m sorry, Yoshi, I thought you knew,” Kazuki said. “I never imagined anything would come between them.”

  “Who was it?” the shadow wolf demanded.

bsp; “Who was what?”

  “Who was the boy you caught your shishou with? What aren’t you telling me? It was my father wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it was,” Kazuki admitted. “I imagine Genki must have gone to confront Kobayashi-sama and caught them together. If his reaction to my confession was any indication, he would have been very cruel to your father. It's no wonder they ended up hating each other.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Yoshi muttered. “My whole fucking life and he never even bothered to tell me we were related. All those years I was alone after Oonishi-sama died.”

  “It will be alright, pretty,” Kazuki assured him. “We’ll get our revenge on all of them, together.” He continued to stroke soft snowy strands as he turned his attention toward his angry friend. “Rin, I’m still waiting. Remove the ki binding now.”

  She reluctantly traced a series of kanji, ending with a touch to each of Yoshi's pulse points. The shadow wolf shivered at the feeling of his ki flowing freely after so long. “Feels like ants under my skin,” he mumbled as he twitched.

  “There, I kept my part of the bargain, now you keep yours,” Rin demanded. “It's time for you to deliver on your promises.”


  Daisuke watched the interrogator closely. Makoto had yet to say a word in response to his offer. “Sasaki-san, don’t think so hard,” the Shuhan urged. “It's not a lifetime commitment. Stay here with us tonight. Just sleep, if that's what you want. Tomorrow things will seem brighter and we’ll figure out how to get Takahashi-san back where he belongs.”

  “I’m flattered,” the interrogator admitted. “But I really think it would be better if I went home. I’m not very good company at the moment.”

  “Now you’re just being silly. Souta, will you please try and talk some sense into him.”

  “I’d listen if I were you,” the assassin confided. “Otherwise he’ll use the voice on you. Trust me, you’ll give in eventually, just save yourself the embarrassment.”


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