Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 12

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “Jesus Christ, you girls are amazing,” he growled as he rolled over to the side. Marcy could only pant and try to collect her thoughts. Had she really said all that? Was that really what she wanted? She hoped that it was just dirty talk, that Steel realized she was just caught up in the moment…

  “I’ll talk to Crook,” Steel said, dashing Marcy’s hopes in one sentence. When she stiffened beside him, he felt it, and looked over at her.

  “Don’t worry, I already talked to Veronica about it,” Steel said. “She’s into it. Really into it.”

  “She is?” Marcy asked, surprised. Of course, he was misjudging the source of her uneasiness. But why hadn’t anyone talked to her about it first? Why hadn’t they all talked about it together? As though reading her mind, Steel answered the unasked questions.

  “We thought you might need some time to warm up to the idea before springing it on you,” he said. “Let you have a few more of those dirty dreams to get you really interested.”

  “Oh,” Marcy said, staring up at the ceiling and feeling the mixed swell of her emotions. “Well you know, I mean, I was pretty horny when I said all that…I just wanted to come…”

  “Does that mean you’re not into it anymore?” Steel asked, his voice not judgmental – but not exactly pleased, either.

  “I don’t know what it means,” Marcy said with a sigh. “But…I’m willing to at least see him again, I guess.”

  “That’s a good enough start,” Steel said, and she could hear the faintest sound of relief in his voice.


  Marcy couldn’t stop thinking about that morning, what Steel had said, Crook. All through her two classes that day, she couldn’t stop thinking about it, about how she had to tell Veronica…about how to tell Veronica. Steel had said that he and Veronica had discussed Crook before, but what about the fact that Steel and Marcy had sex that morning without Veronica there?

  Marcy got back to the dorm room after her last class to find Veronica at her desk, a textbook open and a highlighter in her hand. Veronica looked up, bright-eyed, as Marcy entered.

  “Hey girl,” Veronica said. “Heard you had a fun morning.”

  Well, I guess that takes care of that question, Marcy thought, biting her lip as she slid down onto her bed, tossing her backpack to the side.

  “Yeah,” Marcy said, “I guess so. You’re not upset?”

  Veronica looked slightly puzzled.

  “No,” she said. “Of course not. We’re sharing him. Just because I got to him first didn’t mean I called dibs.”

  “Oh,” Marcy said, still feeling unsettled. “Well…did he tell you what we talked about?”

  “No,” Veronica said, turning back to her textbook. “Was it anything juicy?”

  “Steel said…Steel said he talked to you about…about me and Crook,” Marcy said, trying to still her hands as they played in her lap. Veronica shot her a wicked smile over her shoulder.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said. “I’m glad you finally got to talk about it. Crook’s hot as hell, isn’t he?”

  Marcy was taken aback by Veronica’s attitude, then realized how silly that was. What else could she have expected from her wild, free-loving, surprising roommate?

  “I guess so,” Marcy mumbled. Veronica shot her a look.

  “You know so,” she said. “I’ve heard his name come out of your mouth in your sleep. Why do you want to deny it?”

  “Um, because he was a total jackass to me?” Marcy shot back.

  “Doesn’t that make it even sexier, though?” Veronica teased. “I mean, don’t want to, like, hate fuck him?”

  “Hate fuck?” Marcy scoffed. Veronica shrugged, then sighed.

  “Listen, Marcy, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I think it could be a lot of fun. For me, for sure. I’d like to see what trouble the four of us could get into. But for you, too.”

  “Why? Why do you want to add someone else to the mix?” Marcy asked, feeling herself get to the root of all her problems with the idea. Veronica shrugged again.

  “Because it would be fun,” she said. “A fun experiment.”

  “It can’t all be fun, Ronnie,” Marcy said, the words coming out harsher than she intended. “Sometimes, it should be…it should be…”

  “Serious?” Veronica said, her voice softening. She came across the room and sat beside Marcy.

  “Maybe,” Marcy said, looking down at her hands. “You know, I really like…I like being with you and Steel. So I try not to doubt it or question it. But sometimes…sometimes I do. Sometimes I wonder what I am to you. If I’m just something that’s fun for now, or if…”

  “Listen,” Veronica said, leaning in with her hand on Marcy’s arm. “These men…they’re going to come and go. I know that Steel isn’t going to be forever. I mean, I don’t know if I want him to be forever. I’m a freshman in college. Things are going to change, and I don’t expect a man nearly twice my age, who has his own life in a biker gang, to stick around for all those changes.”

  Marcy’s eyes widened as she listened to Veronica. She’d always thought that Veronica loved Steel; the kind of love that made you never want to let go.

  “But you and me, Marcy? We can be forever. We can be best friends for the rest of our lives. We can have our own men, or we can share them, it doesn’t matter. I love you. As a friend, as more than a friend, that doesn’t matter, either. Love is too complicated to make it even more complicated. But I want to make sure you know that. I don’t care if you and Steel have sex without me. I don’t care if you have sex with Crook, whether I’m there or not. None of that is going to change the way I feel about you. Understand?”

  Marcy felt tears welling in her eyes and blinked them back. She nodded, feeling the smile spreading across her face, wide as the moon. Veronica returned it, then leaned in, covering Marcy’s lips with her own. The kiss was sweet, tender, genuine. It was everything Marcy could want, and more. Veronica pulled back, a twinkle in her eye.

  “Now let’s pick out something sexy for you to wear tomorrow,” she said.

  “What’s tomorrow?” Marcy asked, feeling that all was right with the world. Veronica’s next words would demolish that feeling.

  “The War Horses are throwing a party,” Veronica said. “And we’re going to crash it.”


  “I thought you said this was a party,” Marcy said, hissing to Veronica as they pulled up to the clubhouse. It was practically silent. There were no bikes outside, no men loitering around. It didn’t look like any party that Marcy had ever been to.

  “It is,” Veronica said, her smile glinting in the dim light. “But I guess…small get-together might be a better way to describe it.”

  Marcy’s eyes widened as she realized she’d just walked into a trap.

  “Ronnie,” Marcy said, anger in her tone. “Don’t tell me you tried to trick me into this before I was ready. That’s so totally not fair and…”

  “You were never going to be ready,” Veronica retorted. “Marcy, you’ve needed me to push you to do every fun thing you’ve done this year. True or false?”

  Marcy grunted, her jaw tight.

  “True,” she managed to grit out.

  “Trust me,” Veronica said, repeating the words that she’d said so often since the day they met, the first day of school, when Veronica had first taken Marcy’s breath away with her raven-black hair and bright green eyes.

  “You always say that,” Marcy pouted.

  “And am I ever wrong?” Veronica pointed out. “You’re never going to be more ready for this than you are tonight, I promise you that.”

  Marcy looked down at the outfit Veronica had picked out for her. It was a lot like the outfit Marcy had worn the first night she and Veronica and Steel had been together; tiny short shorts and a tight-fitting, deep V-neck black t-shirt. The same type of outfit she’d worn when Crook had passed his firm, hard hands across her body, imprinting on her memory, forcing her into weeks of wondering what it would fee
l like to have those hands touch every part of her…

  “Fine,” Marcy said with a sigh, looking over at Veronica in her tight red tube-top and hip-hugging jeans. “But if I’m not into it, I’m leaving. No means no, even with these bikers, okay?”

  “Of course,” Veronica said, her brow furrowed. “You don’t think I’d actually want anyone to hurt you, or let anyone hurt you? If you decide you don’t want to go through with anything, we’ll just leave. I promise.”

  Marcy nodded, swallowed hard, and killed the engine. She followed Veronica towards the front door, feeling her heart outpace itself with each step.

  Inside, Veronica and Marcy followed the sounds of male voices to a living room, where Steel and Crook sat on a long, plush leather couch, with a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table in front of them. Marcy’s breath caught in her throat when she saw Crook again. His dark hair, those black eyes…

  “Well,” Crook said, leaning back on the couch and eying Marcy up and down, like a prime cut of beef at the butchers. “Nice to see you again.”

  Marcy bit back the shiver that ran up her spine at the sound of his voice.

  “I’m sure it is,” she said. She might be playing the game, but that didn’t mean she had to play it nicely. His eyes narrowed slightly, a smirk on his lips. He made a vague gesture, inviting the girls to sit down. Veronica sat on one side of Steel, kissing his cheek and snuggling up beside him; Marcy took the other side, sitting as close to Steel as possible to widen the gap between her and Crook. Crook noticed, and his eyes showed his dissatisfaction.

  Leaning forward, he poured out four shots of whiskey; Steel took his own and passed out the two for the girls. Marcy’s hand trembled as she held the strong, aromatic liquor; she couldn’t take her eyes off Crook. He was wearing a black t-shirt that might as well have been made of invisible fabric; every line and wave of his massive, cut body was clear, his strength and power on display. And those hands…

  “To forgiveness,” he growled, looking only at Marcy as he spoke. She scoffed, rolled her eyes back at Steel, who was looking at her expectantly. Clearing her throat, she looked back at Crook.

  “To patience,” she said, hearing the snap in her voice. Since when do I have so much sass? She wondered. Perhaps these weeks with Steel and Veronica had made even more of a difference than she thought. Or maybe it was just Crook. Maybe this was what he brought out in her.

  They all took their shots, and then Crook lined up another round.

  “I think we should take our time with these,” Marcy said, not wanting to lose control so early on in the evening. Crook grunted.

  “Life’s too short,” he said.

  “Well, I’m out of this round,” Marcy shot back. Veronica and Steel could only watch as the two went head-to-head. They, too, were surprised at how Marcy was acting. She never seemed so bold around them.

  “The shot’s already poured,” Crook said, challenging her with his stare. “You don’t want to be the one who can’t keep up, do you?”

  “Excuse me,” Marcy said, sitting up straighter. “But I don’t jump off the same cliffs everyone else does. What are you going to do, force me down and pour it down my throat?”

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Crook shot back.

  Marcy blushed; the thought of Crook forcing her…it invited unwanted feelings. She knew her body was reacting to him. She could feel the slight flush of her cheeks, the throb of her blood. And the more they sparred, the hotter she felt.

  “Take it,” Crook said when she didn’t offer a rebuttal. He held the shot glass out to her; she stared at it. She felt like if she took it, he’d win. She also felt like everyone would win if Crook won. Slowly, she reached out and took it from his hand.

  “Last one,” she said, narrowing her eyes.

  This time, they didn’t toast, but merely drained their glasses and slammed them back onto the table. Marcy already felt tipsy from the two shots, adding to the pressurized warmth in her stomach. She leaned back against the leather couch, swallowing hard. Am I really here? She asked herself. Am I really doing this?

  “I don’t like playing games,” Crook said suddenly. “We all know why we’re here.”

  Veronica and Steel exchanged a look, both wondering how Marcy would take Crook’s gruff, ineloquent behavior. He certainly was a little rough around the edges. To their surprise, she didn’t seem to react at all.

  “Is that so,” Marcy said. “Funny, because I wasn’t even told that we were all going to be here. So I’m not here for any reason at all.”

  “Don’t play coy,” Crook snapped, and reached out, his hand falling on Marcy’s knee and squeezing. She fought back the desire that rose, quick and angry, up her throat.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said, but her voice was frail and unconvincing. She turned to face him, their eyes battling each other more than their words.

  “I’ll do what I want to you,” Crook growled, leaning in further. It was as though Veronica and Steel weren’t even in the room; it was just Crook and Marcy. “And you’ll like it.”

  Marcy wasn’t thinking when she lifted her hand off the leather sofa. She wasn’t thinking, just acting. Her desire presented itself as violence, and she swiped her hand across his face with an audible smack. He didn’t even budge a muscle; her eyes widened as she realized she’d just slapped the President of the motorcycle club across the face. To her surprise, though, instead of a grimace or a sneer, he smirked.

  “Is that the best you’ve got?” he growled. “A man tells you that he’s going to take you however he wants you, and all you can do is that?”

  Her mouth fell open, her brows furrowed, anger and lust battled inside her like dueling knights at a medieval joust. Crook chuckled once, then his hands shot forward, one settling on the back of her head while the other wrapped around her hip. She let out one surprised gasp as she felt her body pulled forward, finding herself practically on his lap.

  “You’re gonna have to do a lot better to prove that you don’t want this, little girl,” Crook growled, and Marcy felt his lips against hers, the deep vibration of his body seemingly in tune to her own. Against her better judgment, she let him in. And moaned into his mouth.

  All her dreams flooded back to her, the desire larger than life and inescapable. She almost felt like her head was detaching from her neck as he kissed her, pillaging her mouth with his tongue, taking and taking – and giving even more. She melted, letting his hands roam through her hair. She barely noticed as Veronica moved around Steel to sit beside her; all she knew was that one moment she was kissing Crook, and the next moment she was kissing Veronica, being passed around like a joint at a party.

  “Let’s go, ladies,” Crook said, sounding very distant and far away. “The things I want to do to you are going to require a little bit more privacy.”

  Marcy felt herself pulled away from Veronica’s lips, followed in a daze as Crook led her to a bedroom nearby; the room was sparsely furnished, but all that mattered was the bed. Veronica climbed on top of it, her eyes firmly fixed on Marcy, and beckoned her to join, a smile on her lips. Marcy was all too ready to keep the flames going in her stomach, and she loved the way Veronica’s kiss kept her desire burning hot and steady.

  Marcy felt, rather than saw, the way the men were watching as she and Veronica kissed. It should have been a distraction, but it actually made her feel even more excited. Their tongues swirled together, tasting every inch of each other.

  By now, her roommate’s taste was familiar, almost comforting; something in Marcy’s brain throbbed with desire for something new. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her arm, and opening her eyes she saw Crook standing behind her, his finger trailing along her arm to her shoulder, raising goosebumps all the way. Moaning into Veronica’s mouth, she grabbed at the slender girl’s shirt, pulling it up over Veronica’s head. Desperately, Veronica did the same to Marcy, until they were both in their bras, their chests pressed together.

  Marcy could feel each rise and fall a
nd heave of Veronica’s breasts against her own. Marcy opened her eyes again to see Steel standing behind Veronica and undoing the button of her jeans. Marcy squeaked a bit as she felt Crook’s hands moving down to do the same to Marcy’s shorts. As Marcy looked down, she saw the teasing way Veronica’s wide and luscious hips emerged as Steel pulled her jeans down; frustrated, then, by his slow progress, Steel yanked Veronica back and away, pulling her off Marcy’s lips and back into his own.

  Marcy felt Crook’s hand slip down the front of her undone shorts, his lips lowering to her neck, his other hand moving up to unclasp her bra. She moaned, losing herself to the sensations, leaning back against the hard plane of Crook’s chest, watching as Steel pulled Veronica’s head to the side, covering her lips with his while he played with her breasts from behind, her jeans now pooled at her bent knees. She looked so sexy in her tight black panties, her bra discarded to the side, Steel’s hands massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples.

  Meanwhile, Crook’s hand was steadily teasing Marcy’s already-wet pussy, the bottom of his palm pressing hard against her clit while his fingers stroked at her slick entrance. With her bra gone, he had full access to her plump breasts, and Marcy felt her nipples hardening under his expert touch.

  He felt different than Steel, his hands larger, rougher. She was curious how else he was different, and she turned her head to catch his lips against hers, moaning immediately as he worked his tongue into her mouth, impatient and demanding, filling her with the taste of him, whiskey and spice. His hand stiffened on her breast, clutching it hard, as he kissed her like he owned her. In that moment, he might as well have.

  He slipped two fingers into her slit, still stimulating her clit with his palm, and she melted against him, eyes closing as she felt warmth licking up her spine. The sound of Veronica’s pleasure reached Marcy’s ears and made that warmth even hotter; she began to thrust her hips mindlessly against Crook, fucking herself against his hand. He pinched and tugged at her nipple; the pain was shocking…and somehow pleasurable, adding to the sensations rushing through her.


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