Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 27

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Emma had wanted to have an exciting weekend, but entertaining her mother had been the furthest thing from her mind. How were they going to get rid of her in time to meet up with Samantha and Rogan?

  “I guess we’re going to have to cancel our plans for the weekend” Benjamin sighed into the phone and Emma felt his exasperation. If it had been any other weekend, then they would have been a little more receptive toward her mother. Yet Hannah always had a way of showing up when it was the most inconvenient.

  “I guess we do. Do you want to call or me?” Emma hoped her husband would do the dirty work. He’d agreed, and she’d gotten to work on dinner solemnly.

  After talking to her mother, she’d driven to another, smaller grocery store and picked up the ingredients for lasagna. For some reason, the meal always pleased her mother. It wasn’t that she didn’t love the woman dearly, but Hannah Press could not have chosen a more inopportune time.


  He didn’t want to be the bad guy, but it was better to break the news to their partners for the weekend sooner rather than later. Benjamin made sure his office door was locked and sat down at his desk as he flipped through his phone’s contacts. Samantha and Rogan were listed under work contacts to be safe as he didn’t want someone to get ahold of his phone and ask who they were. He knew he’d never have a better excuse than work contacts.

  Benjamin tapped the call button and held his breath, but he needn’t have worried. Samantha’s voicemail came on and he hung up. He knew the two had a kid and he didn’t want their child to figure out what they were doing on the weekends. “Shit,” he mumbled as he leaned back in his chair. He’d have to try later, tomorrow, when Hannah was back out of town.

  If she was out of town.

  “It’s such a shame that Benjamin has to work late tonight, don’t you think? Oh well, that gives us more girl time,” Hannah stated as she sat down at the kitchen table with a glass of wine in her hand and a smile on her face. Emma plastered one on her face as she pulled the lasagna from the oven and set it on the stovetop to cool. She’d just gotten off the phone with her husband when her mother had rung the doorbell not five minutes later.

  “Sure, do you want me to get you a glass of water, too?” Emma knew her mother would have a headache the next morning if she didn’t rehydrate, but Hannah was not in the mood to water down the wine in her stomach. She was bound and determined to have a good time.

  “No, darling, I’d rather just sip on this.” She emphasized her point by taking another sip of the wine. Emma tried to counterbalance the alcohol by placing a glass of water in front of her mother anyway, and then put a roll on a plate and proceeded to dish out the salad. “So tell me, what have Ben and you been up to?”

  She’s getting tipsy already, Emma thought as she shook her head with a small smile. Her weekend plans were most likely ruined, but she’d still have a good time.

  “The usual, Mom, we’re working. Life’s been kind of boring lately.” Emma wanted to keep her mother off the scent of anything suspicious right away. She knew Benjamin would not be able to keep a straight face or meet her mother’s gaze because he was more averse to little white lies, but Emma saw their sex life as their personal business. Her mother did not need to know a thing about what happened between Benjamin and Emma, and others.

  “Your sex life is going well? I want grandchildren before I’m seventy, sweetheart.” Hannah picked up her glass as she spoke.

  At the mention of her sex life, Emma rolled her eyes out of her mother’s sight and sliced the lasagna. The cheese was still hot and stuck to the knife and she secretly hoped she wouldn’t hear her mother cluck her tongue. The woman was always hard to please when it came to behavior in the kitchen.

  “I don’t think that’s a very good dinner subject. Benjamin and I are doing such fine, thank you very much.” Emma had everything dished out when she heard the door open and close. She wanted to breathe a sigh of relief that her husband was home, but Hannah seemed determined to put in her two cents about married couples keeping things in the bedroom fresh.

  “It’s a perfectly fine subject between a mother and her daughter. Don’t be such a prude! Now, if he’s having problems in the bedroom, you could try massage. It’s very relaxing and an all-natural way of helping a man get his motor running,” Hannah said as she smirked at her daughter’s rosy cheeks. She’d always enjoyed getting the girl riled when it came to personal matters because it brought excitement into both their lives. Besides, she really was concerned about being a grandmother at the appropriate age. She didn’t want to be too old.

  “Hannah, it’s good to see you,” Benjamin had hung up his coat on the rack in the hall and left his shoes on. Thankfully, it wasn’t a rainy or snowy day and his shoes were clean. Otherwise, Emma would have chastised him.

  “It’s good to see you, too. Come, sit and have a glass of wine with me while Emma finishes setting up.” Hannah beckoned for him to sit down at the table and he obliged willingly. Emma poured him a glass of wine because she knew he’d need it after a hard day at work and having to deal with her intrusive mother.

  “So tell me, when am I getting grandchildren?” Hannah reiterated her earlier concern to her son in law and Benjamin’s lips curved up into a smile. Emma thought she’d underestimated him as she finally sat down to eat dinner with her family.

  After dinner, they cleaned up together and Hannah retreated to the guest room like usual. Emma finished putting the clean dishes away and turned around to see Benjamin checking his cellphone. “Trouble?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Samantha didn’t get back to me and I don’t want to call this late. I didn’t want to leave a message because I didn’t want their kid to find it later, or anyone else for that matter.” Benjamin put his phone into his pocket with a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. “Maybe we should just go through with it and hope your Mom is gone by Saturday?” he asked his wife.

  Emma didn’t want to miss the opportunity, and she was hopeful her mother had enough water to keep her from experiencing a terrible hangover. Hopefully, she’d be gone by noon the next day.


  “Well, it was good seeing you two and you’d better be at Thanksgiving this year.” Hannah looked both of them in the eye and they smiled serenely before she hugged them each in turn. “Be safe,” she commanded before she made her way down the stairs.

  “I love you,” Emma called out as her mother slid behind the wheel of her rental and drove away.

  She turned to her husband and the two of them smiled knowingly at the other. He had kissed his wife on the cheek before he headed back into the house. Benjamin had taken the day off in order to use up some of the time he’d spent working after hours because he was only scheduled to work a certain amount. It was one good thing that had come out of his late nights.

  They were fixing their coffee and bagels when Benjamin’s cellphone sounded off like a bird and Emma almost jumped. She kept her cellphone on silent because she couldn’t stand any of the preprogrammed ringtones. “It’s Samantha,” Benjamin said as he slid the answer bar. “Hello?”

  He sat down at the kitchen table and Emma sat close, but she couldn’t hear what the woman on the other end of the phone was saying. “We thought we were going to have a complication this weekend, but everything seems to be alright,” he stated as he looked Emma in the eyes. She nodded to confirm her agreement and took a bite of her crunchy, buttery bagel.

  There were a few more pleasantries exchanged before Benjamin hung up his cell phone and set it on the table. “Well, it looks like everything is in order. Room three oh nine at nine o’clock.”

  “Good, I’m so excited,” Emma told him truthfully. The smile and twinkle in his eye he gave her return told her all she needed to know about how excited he was.

  It was Saturday and the two of them had decided to make a date night out of the event. Benjamin had dressed in dress pants and a button down shirt while Emma had put on a classy, black dress that scooped low in the
back. Her heels clicked on the sidewalk when they made their way to the room Samantha and Rogan had mentioned the previous day. Emma’s stomach was in knots and her heart fluttered with exhilaration, but she wasn’t going to back down from this experience.

  “Are you okay?” Benjamin asked her as he put his hand on the small of her bare back and turned her to face him. Her cheeks were flushed prettily with the night’s chilly air and the tip of her nose was red.

  “I’m fine, are you?” She’d joked at the restaurant that he was the one who was going to have to be nice with another man in the room, and he’d looked unsure. Emma hadn’t meant to sour the mood, but, apparently, her husband had reservations about what they were going to do. “I don’t want you to go through with this just because you think it’ll make me happy. I’m already happy,” she told him gently as she stepped in for an embrace.

  Benjamin obliged and kissed the top of her head. “It’s not me I’m worried about, Em,” he hadn’t called her by her pet name for ages. “I’m worried you’ll be upset when you see me with Samantha,” he said so low she could barely hear his words.

  “You think I’ll be jealous after what we did last time?” Emma couldn’t help the amusement in her voice.

  “We were in separate rooms, then.”

  “But I knew exactly what you were doing with her and you know what I was doing with Rogan. I told you what we did. I was okay with that and I’m okay with this.”

  The door opened and they didn’t have any more time to talk about how the other might feel. Samantha’s glowing face met them and beckoned them inside. “There you two are! Come in here before the cold air turns you into ice statues,” she chuckled at her joke and Emma and Benjamin followed her inside.

  Rogan was lying on the bed leisurely with one leg crossed over the other and his hand holding the television remote. He was channel surfing and it was obvious he wasn’t finding anything he liked by the bored look on his face. “They’re here,” Samantha chimed as she closed the door behind their guests.

  “I can see that, Sam,” Rogan mumbled as he lay back on the bed. “Not one show on and there’s over a hundred channels,” he exclaimed to the ceiling. Then he sat up and caught sight of Emma standing with her hands clutching her purse and her eyes on the television. Rogan cleared his throat and sat up on the edge of the bed. “Well, look at what we have here.” His voice had dipped low and Samantha settled beside him.

  There were two beds in the room, so Benjamin took the one opposite their swinging partners and Emma sat beside him. “You look gorgeous in that dress, Emma,” Samantha complimented genuinely.

  “You look gorgeous no matter what you’re wearing,” Emma smile ruefully while she looked Samantha over and noticed she’d worn a pair of skintight jeans and a low, scoop neck top again. She had to be twice the size of Emma in the breast department, and although she had thought she would want both men to pay attention to her, Emma was starting to think it might be fun for her and Samantha to start.

  “Why don’t you let that pretty dress take a break on the hanger over there and I’ll show you what it’s like to be licked by a woman,” Samantha said brazenly as she let half her top slide off her right shoulder. Emma swallowed and stood up to let her dress slide lazily from her milky white body. She hadn’t worn underwear because she had been afraid it would show through the thin material, so as it hit the ground, she was naked except for her high heels.

  When she bent down to take them off, Samantha clucked her tongue and shook her head. “Leave those on,” she purred.


  “Lie down on the bed,” Samantha commanded in a tone that Emma was both aroused by and a little afraid of. She watched Benjamin sit on the other bed and saw that his member was already engorged and while the television was still on, Rogan was paying attention to Emma’s naked body. Then his eyes focused on Samantha peeling off her shirt slowly and erotically, and finally, she pulled her pants off and stood in nothing but a lacy, black thong and dark blue high heels.

  Emma’s focus was solely on Samantha as the caramel woman approached the end of the bed. “Do you want me to lick you, baby?” she asked in a hushed, deep tone as she knelt on the bed. Emma swallowed roughly and couldn’t bring herself to say anything, but she nodded her head in affirmation. She’d never had another woman give her oral and she was both intrigued and a little frightened that she was already warm and swollen between her legs.

  Samantha prowled on her hands and knees, her large breasts hanging and her dark, taught nipples informing Emma that she liked what was happening, and then she was gently pulling Emma’s knees apart. There was a gasp on the other side of the room and Emma glanced over to see Benjamin undoing his pants button and allowing his cock to hang free. His thumb ran down the length of his organ and his fingers slowly wrapped around it.

  “Do you like large cocks?” Samantha asked her and Emma turned her attention back to the woman who was kneeling between her legs. “Well?” she prompted as she licked her full, glossy lips.

  “Yes,” Emma breathed huskily as she thought about Rogan’s cock and how pleasurable it had been having him pounding inside of her the last time.

  “Well, I’m going to show you what it’s like to have some loving from a woman,” Samantha told her, and then her dark hand was sliding down Emma’s milky thigh and Emma heard the hitch in her breath as she watched the feminine fingers heading for her nub.

  Samantha’s mouth bypassed Emma’s genital area and kissed down her thigh, following the trail of her hand. She then mounted Emma with Emma’s legs spread wide with their hips plastered together. Samantha’s head was bent down as she leaned towards Emma’s breasts and flicked out her small tongue touching Emma’s taught nipple. “Oh,” she groaned as her hips bucked against Samantha’s. Emma could feel the heat from Samantha’s clit and she instinctively rubbed her own against it.

  “Not yet,” Samantha commanded before she used her hand to pull Emma’s breast to her mouth and suckled on the taught nipple as if she were sucking a lollipop. Emma’s pussy grew wet and her back arched as warmth flooded her. When she cried out and Samantha pinched her other nipple delicately, Emma opened her eyes and saw that Benjamin was eagerly stroking his hard cock. The thought of him inside of her at that moment and Samantha’s agile tongue lapping at her nipples brought Emma into an early orgasm.

  Her moans were loud and echoed off the walls as her face became flushed and her eyes closed again. Then she felt kisses trailed down her flat abdomen and looked to see that Samantha was looking at her with heat in her gaze. Then she was down at Emma’s clit and her finger traced the outside of her pussy. The sensitive flesh tingled as she sucked in a breath, but it quickly whooshed from her as Samantha flicked her tongue out to touch Emma’s nub. The combination of Samantha’s finger tracing her pussy leisurely and her tongue lapping eagerly at Emma’s clit was bringing her closer to a second orgasm, but then Samantha was pulling away and inviting her husband over to take his turn.

  “Wait,” Emma pleaded as she looked at Samantha. “I want to taste you,” she moaned as Rogan replaced his wife and darted his tongue out and into Emma’s pussy, causing her hips to buck.

  “Why don’t I let you lick my pussy while I suck off Benjamin?” Samantha suggested as she licked her lips and looked at Emma’s husband. Benjamin looked his wife in the eyes and smiled at her while his cock throbbed in his hands.

  “Okay,” Emma agreed as she slid to the end of the bed while Rogan kneeled on the floor between her legs. Emma’s view was filled with Samantha’s pussy and she looked up to see that her husband was kneeling before Samantha with his cock swinging back and forth. She watched Samantha take it into her mouth and suck on it eagerly while she cupped his balls, and Emma flicked out her tongue to taste Samantha.

  She increased her tempo when Samantha moaned around Benjamin’s’ cock and felt Rogan tantalizing her clit at the same time. The taste of Samantha was sweet and intoxicating. Emma found she was orgasming and thrusting her ton
gue into Samantha at the same time with the same rhythm of her orgasm. Rogan gripped her hips and held her still while she took Samantha’s clit between her teeth gently and pulled to prolong the pleasure.

  Rogan reached up to tweak Emma’s nipples gently and flicked them with his fingers while he continued to lap at her swollen clit. In turn, Emma reached up to pinch and pull at Samantha’s nipples while she deep throated Benjamin. His balls tightened and his hips thrust forward at an eager pace while he came into Samantha’s mouth and some of his cum dribbled from her lips. Rogan disappeared from between Emma’s legs and she felt a loss when he disappeared, but she realized they were all switching positions and obliged eagerly.


  Rogan knelt before her at the head of the bed and braced his back against the headboard. His cock was full and throbbing with want as Emma positioned herself on all fours and hovered over Samantha’s face. Her nipples were pleasantly sore and her clit was still pulsing with her third orgasm when Samantha darted out her tongue and thrust it into Emma’s pussy. Emma knew her husband had taken up a position between Samantha’s legs and was giving her oral and it only excited Emma more.

  She slipped her full, raw lips over Rogan’s big, black cock and took him in a few inches. Then he reached down and pulled her hair from her face and gathered it at the nape of her neck. He had a good hold on her and was not afraid to be rough, unlike the last time. Emma could taste his pre-cum and marveled at how hot it was to feel Samantha’s tongue lapping at her clit and her hands sliding up Emma’s abdomen. Then the caramel woman was pinching and squeezing her nipples while she cried out with her own orgasm. Emma could feel the vibration of Samantha’s moan against her pussy and thrust her hips down as she came.


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