Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 43

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Bolting suddenly to her feet, she took Emmanuel by the hand and led him to the dance floor; launching herself full into his muscled arms, determined to gauge her husband’s reaction to their own sensual slow dance.

  All thoughts of Greg, and pretty much everyone else in the world, faded from her psyche as her handsome partner swept her into his muscled arms; pulling her body closer than close as the sounds of a nearby string quartet flew gentle over her senses.

  Savoring the feel of his hard, bulging chest against hers, Amanda wrapped her arms around Emmanuel’s muscled shoulders and leaned into his solid heat; smiling in spite of herself as his firm, trim hips gyrated full against hers.

  “It feels so good to be held again,” she whispered, hugging him to her as he swayed her across the floor.

  Emmanuel’s answering chuckle sent tremors down her spine as he pulled her closer still.

  “Imagine how good it will feel when I make mad, passionate love to you,” he growled low and sultry in her ear, punctuating his words with a sexy hip thrust that set a fire low in her belly. “Later tonight, at the beautiful hotel suite we’ve reserved for our first encounter. That is, if that’s what you want baby.”

  Amanda threw herself into his welcoming arms as she nodded vigorous in response to his words.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more,” she told him. “Take me there, Emmanuel. Take me now.”


  Within an hour Amanda found herself in a luxury suite that seemed like something out of a dream; a pastiche of a suite that came complete with gold brocade walls lined with oil paintings that depicted various pastoral scenes, rose jacquard curtains framing panoramic clear paned windows, ivory shag carpeting, polished cherry wood bureaus, and—as a centerpiece—two brass handled four poster beds swathed in thick, luxurious lace coverlets.

  Standing stock still at the center of the room, she watched with a sharp sense of erotic curiosity as she saw an attractive young couple rolling naked between the sleek pink satin sheets that lie just beneath these coverlets; kissing passionately as their bare muscled bodies strained together—moaning and gasping outright as passion overtook them.

  Suddenly she felt like a naughty voyeur, or perhaps like an attendant at a XXX picture show. Her gaze flowed free across the flawless entwined bodies frolicking free, their chests pressed together and their legs entwined as they drowned in a seemingly endless embrace.

  The fantasy became all too real as the actor showed his face, and she identified him as her husband of 10 years.

  With a cringe and a grimace, she turned away, only to come face to face with a far more pleasing vision.

  Having excused himself moments earlier to retire to the master bath, Emmanuel now emerged naked and unashamed from its confines; finally showing her the gorgeous body she’d dreamt of for weeks.

  Her appreciative gaze raked nice and slow down the surface of his tall, sculpted frame, lingering on his hard, bronzed muscled chest, chiseled abs, and long firm legs—before widening substantially as she beheld the long, hard shaft that seemed to salute her presence.

  “Come to me Amanda,” he whispered, opening his arms to her.

  With a soft smile she went to him, sinking with a sigh into his embrace as he seared her lips with a white hot kiss; his full, wet mouth plying hers as their tongues joined briefly but meaningfully between them.

  “Just a taste, my love, of the pleasure to come,” he promised on a whisper, wrapping his arms around her trembling body as he swept her most literally off of her feet. “Relax and enjoy me.”

  With a lusty growl he tossed her body in the softness of a smooth lace coverlet, hopping onto the foot of the bed in a single smooth flourish as he knelt between her feet.

  She thrilled moments later as—after freeing her from her shoes and hose--he suckled her toes and licked the pads of her tired feet; then licking and nipping his way up her legs before laying adoring kisses on her fleshy thighs.

  Throwing her head back as arousal overcame her, Amanda moaned outright as an impassioned Emmanuel settled himself at the juncture of her thighs; kissing open her feminine folds as a red hot jolt of arousal coursed every fiber of her being.

  This desire was satisfied on an intense and immediate level, as he opened her folds with a resounding lick and fixed his full, moist lips around the surface of her throbbing clit.

  Slow and intent he suckled her nub; gracing her with an intimate kiss as his long, wet tongue flicked like lightning against her skin. He shifted his head from side to side to intensify the feeling, continuing to kiss and lick her clit as the flaxen tendrils of his long, thick hair brushed against her thighs.

  Hoisting her hips forward to encourage his attentions, Amanda reached down to stroke these soft, luxurious strands, even as he reached up to stroke and caress her heaving breasts through the fabric of her dress.

  Although totally enthralled by her dream of a lover, she also stole a stray gaze to the other bed in the room; where her husband still lay nude and entangled with the exotic Pia. She gasped outright as she saw Greg’s lithe, lean muscled body engorged in his lover’s slender form; the perfect little behind she’d always adored gyrating back and forth as he lost himself in her softness.

  Oddly aroused by this captivating vision, she cried out in a show of passion as her lover delivered a long last lick that sent her hurdling across the edge of an incredible climax.

  Amanda writhed wild on the bed beneath her as her heart pounded and her pulse raced, her being lost in the intense heat of the deepest, hottest orgasm she’d ever experienced; one followed by a dream of an embrace that touched and warmed her quivering body.

  Slithering up the length of her body with a devilish smile, an ardent Emmanuel swept her up in his arms and stared deep into her eyes.

  “You’re such a sexy little fire cat, aren’t you?” he growled, pausing to rub her shoulders before reaching behind her back to unzip her confining, sweat lined frock. “All you needed was someone to bring it out in you.” He paused here, adding with a salacious wink, “And I do indeed plan to bring it out in you, several more times this evening.”

  True to his word, Emmanuel stripped off her dress in a slow, smooth move, burying his head in her exposed breasts to lick her nipples until they rose to hard, erect points beneath his attentions. His strong, gentle hands lowering to caress her full hips and tickle her rounded tummy.

  Basking in his attentions, Amanda thrilled as Emmanuel finally claimed her lips in a hot, passionate kiss; his full, moist mouth massaging hers as their tongues entangled between them.

  Losing themselves in an intense cocoon of pure, unbridled desire, the couple’s joined naked bodies rolled wild and free across the bed beneath them. Their arms and legs entangled as her breasts crushed his hard, massive chest and their lips seemed to hold in a binding kiss.

  “Just let it all go,” he encouraged on a whisper, gyrating his hard, trim hips against hers in something of a playful tease. “Allow me to fulfill your wildest fantasies.”

  Pulling back from him for just a moment, she admired the beauty of his chiseled face as her fingers followed his gaze; touching and memorizing every line of his flawless visage, his bronzed, carved cheeks, his cleft chin, his planed forehead, and finally the perfect mouth that now parted to lick and suckle her fingertip.

  Finally, the couple collapsed in passion, their sighs intermingling in the air above them as they lost themselves in one another’s arms.

  Emmanuel ran his fingers through her soft, mussed hair as he cradled her in his arms, whispering to her of her beauty and charm as his own hands molded and memorized her breasts, her hips, her thighs; recasting what she often saw as imperfect body parts in the form of goddess limbs.

  Covering her body with his, a moaning Emmanuel clutched Amanda to him as their hands and mouths danced a succulent tango; their hips and thighs locking between them as she writhed contented in his arms—her hands reaching forth to touch the ripples of his chiseled abs and the planes of his
perfect pecs.

  With a heated gasp she surrendered to his touch, her desire exploding as she writhed in his arms, spreading her full, fleshy thighs and inviting him inside.

  Heeding her ecstatic call, Emmanuel plunged his long, hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy as he held her to him; nurturing her in a fond embrace, even as his mighty shaft flowed far and deep within her—reaching forth to her core as the couple continued to clutch each other in a nearly desperate manner.

  Emmanuel and Amanda kissed with fervor as their bodies collided together and their fingers entwined, his member sinking deeper and deeper within her as she clutched him to her—somehow not able to get enough of his kiss, his touch, and his divine penetration.

  Then in a timeless moment their eyes opened and their bodies joined, with Emmanuel delivering a long, hard thrust that sent them both hurdling across the bounds of an electric orgasm.

  Suddenly their beings exploded in the heat of this deep, emotional climax, emotion overcoming them as a wide-eyed Emmanuel growled his rugged release.

  And Amanda screamed.

  Pitching her head back as she dragged her fingernails down the length of his planed back, Amada let loose with a primal animal scream that shook the walls around them; resonating from deep within her soul as she sang her magnificent release.

  Moments later she quieted and stilled, realizing that—aside from her lover, who penned her with a look of rapt affection that touched her heart—she also held the attention of two other people in the room.

  Suddenly she felt skittish and exposed, with both Greg and Pia pinning her with inquisitive, rather shocked looks as they lay still on the bed beside her.

  “Gotta get out of here,” she thought finally, jumping from Emmanuel’s arms as she avoided the gazes of the three silent partners in the room around her.

  Grabbing her dress and hose, she escaped into the master bath and shut the door behind her; kneeling in the dark as she held her addled head between her hands and struggled to steady her breathing.

  “What am I doing?” she whispered, ignoring the near frantic sound of her husband’s voice on the other side of the door. “And why am I doing?”


  This question remained unanswered for the remainder of the evening, which Amanda spent in a confused haze as she went through the motions of ending her bewildering escapade. She dressed alone in the bathroom before opening the door, mumbling apologies to her concerned companions as she took her husband’s hand and asked him to take her home.

  Just before she cleared the doorway of the hotel room, she snuck a reluctant gaze over her shoulder at the couple that stayed behind in the room, fully expecting to see them already lost in one another’s arms. She started moments later, as she saw Pia and Emmanuel stand apart from one another at the center of the room; their gazes riveted, not on one another, but on the couple who left them behind.

  Soon she and Greg found themselves ensconced alone in their compact car, their own gazes focused on the road before them as this lone automobile wound its way through the streets of their hometown.

  As the couple tried to reclaim their standard routine, picking up their children at the baby-sitter’s house, picking up some milk and cereal at the store, and finally turning into the driveway that fronted their single level, ranch style suburban home, they said nothing to one another.

  They said even less as they ventured into the confines of a warm, comfy house that seemed foreign and alien, retiring to bed and turning their backs to one another as both shut their eyes tight and tried to sleep.

  The next morning Amanda found herself in the plain, dark office space that signified her workplace; huddled at a basic wooden desk, struggling to focus on the face of a cold, steel grey computer screen as she added a column of dry, rote figures--struggling at once to do anything but think of the man who’d filled her dreams last night—and her bed, just a few hours before.


  She jumped from her seat as the sound of a deep, cold masculine voice disrupted her troubled meditation; prompting her to look upward to acknowledge the entrance of the one man who never managed to stir any form of erotic feeling in her, in any manner whatsoever.

  Her boss of five years, a short, stout man named Norman Green, offered her an awkward smile as he plopped a dew glistened bouquet of scarlet roses square at the center of her desk.

  “Looks like hubby is thinking of you,” he told her, leaving her with a teasing wink as he cleared the door of her office.

  A mixture of raw excitement and outright trepidation struck Amanda’s psyche as she reached for the smooth crème colored card that came as part and parcel of the flowers; anxious to find out if it was indeed her husband who sent this ebullient floral gift.

  She took in her breath as she opened the card to reveal handwriting that she failed to recognize; along with the signature of a man she knew all too well.

  “Can’t stop thinking of you,” the note read. “All of my love, Emmanuel.”

  Just then she heard the door open behind her, then close with a soft, subtle click.

  “Norman?” she asked, clipping the card shut and tossing it full onto the center of her desk.

  No answer.

  “Emmanuel?” she breathed, clenching her fists as a trickle of excitement coursed the length of her spine.

  “Guess again.”

  She gasped as suddenly she realized her mistake; turning to face the tall, lean muscled, ebony haired man who regarded her with an intense stare.

  “Greg,” she breathed, biting her lip as she pinned him with an apologetic look.

  Not knowing quite what else to do, she opened her arms to him.

  Holding her gaze as he came to her, her silent husband kicked the door closed behind him and stripped his tight white shirt high above his head; tossing it reckless to the floor beneath him as he revealed the toned, bronzed chest that she soon touched and stroked with loving hands.

  Sinking in his encompassing arms, Amanda felt tears fall free down her cheeks as she cupped his carved cheeks in two tender hands; searing his full lips with a loving kiss as he wrapped his firm arms around her waist and lifted her from her chair—setting her on the edge of her smooth polished desk top as the couple continued to kiss and cuddle.

  For a time, the two just enjoyed one another; their lips continuing to smack together as they rubbed each other’s shoulders and pressed their bodies together in a cocoon of warm tenderness.

  Running his hands through her smooth dark hair as he kissed her tender and sweet, her husband set fire to their innocent cuddle by lowering his hands to the surface of her breasts to rub and knead them—at the same time unbuttoning her prim white business shirt to feel and knead her skin.

  She sighed as her lover captured her lips with a hot, intense kiss, his mouth melding with hers as she wrapped her arms around his firm shoulders and pressed herself against him.

  Unhooking her bra and freeing her breasts from their sheer, lacy confines, Greg lowered his head to kiss and lick her nipples as he stepped between her parted thighs; purring as she ran her fingers through the soft, thick strands of his smooth dark hair.

  “I love you,” she whispered, dropping her hands down the surface of his fit chest to tickle the abs she’d always favored; unbuttoning and unzipping his tight black pants and dragging them down his legs to free the long, hard cock that strained their custom made threads.

  Growling his approval of this move, Greg swept her up in tender arms and lowered her body onto the desk; a move that in turn thrilled her, even as she bit her lip and pondered a single question.

  “Why didn’t he tell me that he loved me in return?” she pondered, fixing him with a quizzical stare as he unzipped and peeled off her standard tweed skirt.

  For just a moment he met her gaze, his expression unreadable as he tossed aside her dress and underthings and joined her on the desk. Then he obscured her thoughts by seizing her lips in a warm, passionate kiss.

��Well I suppose that’s my answer,” she mused, plying his lips with hers as she clutched him closer to her.

  Soon they collapsed together on the surface of the desk, their arms and legs entangling as their bodies writhed together and their nipples met and grazed.

  His long, hard cock soaring upward to grace her wet femininity, Greg swung her easy in his arms as his loving hands coursed every inch of her voluptuous femininity; coddling her breasts, stroking the rounded stomach he usually avoided, kneading her full, womanly hips.

  “It’s almost as though he is memorizing every inch of my body,” she thought, tightening her hold on his quaking body, “Every inch of my face. Just as I did last night, with Emmanuel.”

  All cohesive, coherent thought fled her mind moments later, as Greg pulled back to stare deep into her eyes, his crystalline gaze brimming with love as, in a single smooth flourish, he probed and penetrated her with his long, hard cock; his member sinking deep within her as their hands clutched between them.

  Although her heart pounded and her pulse raced in response to this intimate advance—and to the way that his gentle hands ran like warm water down the planes of her sturdy back—she arched her eyebrows in a show of keen curiosity as he continued to pin her with a hooded, unreadable glance.

  “Even as he offers me all of his body, his mind and his heart hold something back,” she observed in silence, even as she threw herself into his arms and plied his lips with hers.

  His breasts crushed his chest as they rolled across her desktop, their arms and legs wound tight as they lost themselves in an eternal clench. Their hips gyrated wild together as their kiss deepened, their tongues winding together as his shaft surged deeper still within her.

  Finally, and with a long last flourish, he plunged his slithering, sweat glistened member deep within her; sending them both into the realm of an intense mutual orgasm.

  Their lips clashed in a binding kiss as they collapsed in one another’s arms, their bodies and beings pounding and pulsating in the heat of their shared climax.


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