Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 67

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Untouched and virginal at 24, Cybele nonetheless had hungered for a lover for so, so long; and while she’d originally hoped to share this experience with Colton this weekend, she figured that the attentions of these two exquisite gentlemen would suffice just fine.

  “Or perhaps more than fine,” she mused in quiet, biting her lip as an ardent Barnaby fixed his full, flawless lips soft around her throbbing clit; gifting her with the intimate kiss as his brother ran his own talented lips down the delicate curvature of her fair-skinned neck.

  Both her lovers continued to massage her, with Phillip fondling her breasts and teasing her full tummy as he pulled her naked body flush against the hardness of his silk-clad form, and Barnaby rubbing and kneading her thighs as he leaned his head inward.

  She gasped with pleasure as he kissed and suckled her sensitive feminine fruit; fair devouring her as the strands of his silken blond hair teased and tickled her skin.

  Exhilarated by this novel and oh so invigorating sensation, Cybele thrust her full hips upward to intensify the sensation; this move molding Barnaby’s lips tight around her feminine pearl as he nipped and laved her stiffening nub.

  “You naughty, naughty lass,” Phillip teased her, asking as he flicked her nipples, “Doesn’t it feel so very good, to be bad?”

  With these words he once again seized her lips with his; his tongue plundering her sensitive mouth as his full, soft mouth devoured hers.

  Cybele moaned deep and low against his lips as her body trembled outright; quaking as Barnaby pressed his head inward and shook it vigorous from side to side; this move intensifying the tender pressure of his mouth on her reverberating clit.

  Finally, and with a resounding lick he sent her over the edge; hurtling her body across the bounds of an incredible, deeply felt orgasm.

  Reaching back to brace her trembling arms around the massive shoulders of her dark-haired lover, Cybele cried out as her being was overtaken in a virtual haze of erotic sensation; coursing wild through every inch of her being as her pulse pounded and her soaking wet pussy gushed outright.

  Springing in a smooth flourish up from his knees and joining her on the bed, a smiling Barnaby caught her trembling body up in two strong arms; holding her closer than close as she rode the wave of ecstatic feeling that threatened to overwhelm her.

  “That was incredible,” she praised, grinning soft and dreamy as she clutched the strands of his soft golden hair.

  “You are welcome, sweet miss,” Barnaby returned her smile, adding as he gathered her up in tender, loving arms, “And I ask as my reward nothing more than a kind kiss from our wonderful lady.”

  Eager to oblige him, Cybele threw herself into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his hard muscled shoulders; sighing contented as he seized her lips with his.

  As a besotted Barnaby kissed her senseless she could taste herself on his tongue; returning his advances with fevered passion as the couple kissed and caressed.

  She did frown against his lips a moment later, as she felt Phillip’s weight shift clear from the surface of the bed; and even as Barnaby caressed her breasts and plied her mouth with his, she worried vaguely that his jealous brother meant to leave them alone.

  Her worries dissolved moments later, and her smile more than returned, as Phillip soon reappeared at her bedside; and, as an additional bonus, he was completely and totally naked.

  As Barnaby maintained her arousal by slipping his fingers inside her wet opening and probing her hungry insides, she gaped outright at the glorious vision of his statuesque brother; her famished gaze openly devouring his massive, muscled chest, his trim waist and planed, sculpted abdomen, as well as the firm, trim legs that now brought him closer to her.

  Her eyes widened then as they came to rest on his long, hard shaft; one that seemed to salute her presence as he joined her on the bed.

  “Beautiful, you are,” Cybele praised him, not resisting as Phillip peeled her from his brother’s arms and settled her before him in his lap; staring up at her with worshipful eyes as he ran his fingers through the lengths of her soft blonde curls.

  “I’m thrilled that I well please you, Miss,” he whispered, gracing her with a broad, white-toothed smile as she braced her legs around his rock hard hips and wrapped her hungry arms around his hard, planed back.

  Not to be outdone, a brash Barnaby hopped up from the bed and planted himself in Cybele’s line of vision; swinging his trim hips like a brazen trollop as he unbuttoned his sleek black coat; peeling off its fabric one shoulder at a time to reveal his sleek silk shirt.

  Cybele whistled in open admiration as he unbuttoned his shirt nice and slow; revealing a massive, muscled bronzed chest as he flexed his pectorals for her viewing pleasure.

  Soon his ultra-tight black silk breeches followed in delightful suit; peeled shameless down the length of his long, trim legs as Cybele hooted and hollered her obvious approval. And she really approved moments later, as Barnaby revealed his long, stiff rod and offered it up for her pleasure.

  Reaching forth to touch and stroke the skin of his erect, pulsating member, the virgin Cybele licked her lips as she contemplated its look and feel; gasping outright seconds later, as Phillip bucked his hips up sudden against hers; his own ready cock touching and tasting her sensitive feminine cleft.

  Seeking to recapture her heed, her dark-haired lover buried his lips in the crest of her breasts and pulled her closer to him.

  “Now we are well aware, love, that this is in all likelihood your first encounter with a man—or, more accurately, men,” he whispered, continuing to gyrate as their hips and thighs locked in one accord. “So tell me now, my Lady Cybele, would you now like me to breach your maidenhead? Or would you well prefer…”

  “Breach it, blast you!” Cybele gasped out, parting her thighs and impaling herself on the edge of Phillip’s erect shaft.

  Her eyes flew wide moments later, as the feel of his hard, masculine tip penetrated her femininity in a single smooth flourish, spreading and expanding her tight slit as Phillip groaned in obvious pleasure. Yet even as he started to move inside her, his member moving forth to her core in gentle but purposeful thrusts, both he and his brother took every measure to ensure her pleasure and comfort.

  While Phillip claimed her lips in a lingering kiss and massaged her quaking shoulders, Barnaby sunk down on the bed behind them and pressed his warm, sultry mouth to the base of her sensitive spine; smattering her back with sweet baby kisses as his hands massaged her buxom hips.

  Soon the three lovers descended in a naked, sweat-lined mass on the surface of Cybele’s lavender clad bed; laughing as they rolled wild and free in the whisper soft folds of her silken comforter.

  Ensconced in the impassioned cocoon culled from the attentions of two loving men, Cybele wrapped her legs around Phillip’s trim waist and invited him deeper into her; squealing with delight as his massive cock advanced forth toward her very core--all the while touching her flushed cheeks with a rain of sweet baby kisses as her breasts crushed the surface of his hard chest.

  Careful not to neglect her other lover, Cybele reached back to run an affectionate hand down the surface of his own muscular chest and through the strands of his soft, golden hair. She delighted as he rubbed his entire hard body in a blatant tease against her own; kissing and nibbling the back of her neck as his hard nipples brushed her back and his trim hips cradled the surface of her soft-skinned derriere--the tip of his long, angular shaft teasing her exposed crack.

  Apparently feeling a sudden wave of unbidden sibling rivalry, Phillip swept Cybele underneath him and stared deep into her eyes; covering her trembling body with his as their arms entangled and his shaft engorged itself within her. Sliding her hands slow down his back to plant a firm slap on his peerless rear, his lover lowered her head to lave his chest with slow, brazen licks; listening with a sly beam as he pitched his head back and let loose with a delicious moan.

  With a final and very passionate kiss the couple lost themselves in in
finite ecstasy; clinging to one another as he exploded within her, sending them hurtling across the bounds of an incredible mutual climax—a feeling that both sated and aroused them anew as they collapsed in each other’s arms.

  Soon Cybele purred contented as Phillip held her closer than close, cuddling and cradling his contented lover as they kissed and cooed.

  “That was incredible,” she praised him, adding with a slight frown, “Where is Barnaby?”

  Though remaining ensconced and tightly entangled on the surface of their cushy comforter, the couple cast their gazes toward every corner of Cybele’s luxury suite; jumping as they heard a loud splash erupt from the confines of her master bathroom--one accompanied by the cryptic words, “Your bath is ready, milady.”

  Springing up with youthful laughs from the surface of their bed, Cybele and Phillip ran hand in hand through the arched entrance of the elite lavatory; Cybele falling silent as she beheld a spectacle that made her heart race.

  Reclining in the depths of a circular tub that boasted a fine marbled surface and bronzed claw feet, Barnaby shone as a picture of perfection; likening a water nymph as he splashed in the clear, crystalline waters of a newly drawn bath.

  Her fair-haired lover, she noted with ire, was one of those few individuals who looked annoyingly good wet. His carved features, muscled chest and planed abdominals all shone with sheen of glistening water droplets, as did the soaking strands of his luxurious gold hair.

  Most alluring of all was the sultry, narrow-eyed stare that greeted her arrival; along with a sly beckoning finger that tempted her to come closer still.

  “Care to join me?” he purred, holding his hand out in divine invitation.

  As an abiding Phillip stood by with a smile, Cybele made fast tracks in the direction of the tub; performing an impromptu belly flop that sent her catapulting into the arms of her wild blond lover.

  Soon her body covered his as their arms and legs entangled; their slippery wet bodies rubbing and molding together to produce the most delightful friction.

  As her buxom wet breasts crushed her lover’s chest, a freshly aroused Cybele allowed her curious hands to roam all over her lover’s perfect form; sliding free and smooth down his golden torso as he rubbed and washed her tender sides and her fleshy derriere--finally soaping up her tender breasts as he claimed her lips in an intense kiss.

  Cybele moaned against Barnaby’s wet, moist lips as his wet, slick hands coursed every part of her body; both cleaning and arousing her as she writhed in his embrace—her legs bracing his rock hard thighs as—fully and finally—two became one.

  Barnaby’s erect shaft mimicked the motion of his tongue as his stiff shaft advanced to probe and penetrate her; aqua supplying the ultimate lubricant as he pressed her body close against his and their hips and thighs locked.

  Performing what she thought must be the most unique swim stroke ever known to humankind, Cybele sank and swayed free in Barnaby’s arms as his cock plunged deep inside her; her massaging fingertips running like wetted flower petals down the length of his sculpted abs and over the base of his pulsating manhood.

  Her eyes flew wide moments later, as a second pair of strong, nurturing hands coursed the length of her back; laying a playful squeeze on her buxom rear before withdrawing for just a moment.

  “Wha-?” she gasped outright, grinning in spite of herself as a resounding splash signaled the arrival of a third person in the tub—one who covered her body with his as he rained sweet kisses on the back of her neck; his hands running wild through the strands of her hair.

  This move exciting her further, Cybele slammed her hips against Barnaby’s as her fair-haired lover lowered his fingers to rub and knead her clit; thus delivering a dual pleasuring further enhanced by Martin’s erotic massage.

  Finally, she exploded once again in a sizzling, satiating climax, one that prompted her to join her lovers in a trio’s chorus of forbidden delight.


  Something downright bizarre was going on at the ever respectable Magnolia Resort; and, blast it, Sir Colton Jones was bound and determined to uncover the truth!

  After passing a sleepless night ruing his own idiocy at insulting one of his most valued customers, Colton had come downstairs this morning to see that a most unique breakfast order had been placed from the confines of Cybele’s suite; one that called for the immediate delivery of three plates, directly to her room!

  Longing to investigate the two other occupants that shared Lady Cybele’s suite—and, apparently, her strawberry scones and tea biscuits—Colton took firm hold of her silver-plated breakfast tray and made fast steps to the door of her suite; announcing his arrival as he pounded on her door.

  “Ah, good morning Colton!” He couldn’t help but notice the light, sweet tone that belied Cybele’s friendly greeting. “Do come in!”

  Colton gaped outright moments later, as he passed the threshold of Cybele’s front entrance and saw a most unusual sight: the vision of three smiling, contented people lying side by side in the sheets of her luxurious bed; the beaming Barrington twins flanking Cybele in the middle.

  “Lady Cybele!” Colton murmured, adding as he cleared his throat, “I trust it you enjoyed a pleasant evening?”

  “I did indeed!” Cybele enthused, wrapping tender arms around the gentlemen who touched her cheeks with kisses of great affection. “I guess I shall be staying the weekend, after all—though I daresay that the three of us will need only one suite.”

  Colton stared at her a long moment, then shook his head as he turned for the door.

  “Very good then,” he snapped over his shoulder, averting his eyes from the scene that seemed to defy explanation.

  “Not just very good,” Cybele countered, adding as she linked hands beneath the sheets with her two besotted paramours, “The best!”

  The trio just barely waited until Colton cleared the room before bursting into a fit of laughter; one that Phillip disrupted as he asked in all seriousness, “What will happen when the weekend ends, Lady Cybele? May we call on you sometime at your manor house in Birmingham?”

  Cybele nodded.

  “Not only may you call on me, Gentlemen, but I’d quite like you to court me—either together or separate,” she announced with a grin, “The only trouble being, of course, that—if I was to marry one or—praise to the heavens—both of you, my new name would be Cybele Carrington Barrington.”

  Barnaby laughed.

  “Is that truly the oddest part of this whole situation, Miss?” he deadpanned, eyebrows arched.

  Cybele giggled.

  “Oh, I daresay that the entirety of this particular encounter is pretty blasted odd,” she allowed, adding as she opened her arms to her smiling young lovers, “And if odd feels this bloody good, then I say we delay breakfast and I’ll feast on the two of you instead!”



  The duchess lost herself in the dance.

  Engaged in a light, spirited reel with her fiancé, the right honorable Lord Gerald, Lady Catherine clutched the hands of her beloved and twirled in a free, open circle; their bodies swaying closer together as they stared into one another’s eyes.

  She watched with delight as her rose hued skirts of gossamer silk both served to flatter her full figured form and flowed and flitted in time with her movement; secured by the glittery golden girdle glowing in the candles that illuminated the crisp tiled dance floor. A floor bordered in glory with silken tapestries that depicted rose gardens in ebullient bloom, and topped near its brocaded ceiling with a line of banners every hue of the rainbow.

  Yet even this spectacle failed to compare with the vision of her betrothed: a tall, statuesque man with hair of flowing gold and crystal blue eyes, whose muscled frame moved with uncommon grace in a lush tunic of scarlet red, emblazoned with the image of a roaring gold tiger and accented by some tight, form fitting hose.

  Generally, a reserved, refined gentleman, Gerald moved with a sensual grace that both surpr
ised and enticed his lady; his trim hips gyrating ever so slightly as his long, trim legs shifted in a gentle rhythm. After finishing their circular reel around the vast expanse of the crystalline ballroom, he sashayed her smooth in the direction of a broad stone fireplace; one that formed a far corner of the room, serving as a resting place for those noble lords and ladies who’d come far and wide to attend the queen’s ball in the heart of Londontown.

  In the light of this blazing, golden hued fire, Lady Catherine admired even more the chiseled face of her beautiful betrothed; one that boasted chiseled cheekbones, a cleft chin, and warm, moist lips she longed to kiss.

  And so she did.

  Leaning forward to sear those perfect lips with a soft, wet kiss, Catherine savored the press of his luscious mouth as he returned her kiss in kind, plying her lips with his as he leaned inward to intensify the feeling. Soon their tongues entangled as he lowered their bodies to the rug of scarlet velvet that fronted the blazing fireplace; and a lusty Catherine purred outright as she entangled her fingers in the silken lengths of his pure golden hair, also inhaling his citrus tinged scent as their kiss deepened and intensified.

  Just as their bodies had danced moments earlier at the center of the ballroom, their tongues and hands now entwined in a show of decadent passion; one enhanced by the smack of their lips and the pounding of their hearts.

  Raising her hands to clutch his muscled shoulders, a reckless Catherine drew him closer than close as she whispered against his lips, “My darling, I love ye.”

  “I love ye,” Gerald returned immediately, adding as he wrapped his muscled arms tight around her back, “So very much, milady. And I cannot wait for the day of our wedding, when we fully and finally can be joined as one.”


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