Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 76

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  With this incredibly awkward sendoff she waved in their direction, promptly heading off to the aforementioned kitchen to check on the aforementioned cinnamon buns.


  With swift, crisp steps she traipsed over the basic, clean lined wooden floorboards that lined her café; soon passing through a classic pair of white swinging doors to access the small but busy kitchen that formed the cornerstone of her café operations.

  Immediately she was greeted with the warm, succulent scents of cocoa, chocolate, and the before mentioned cinnamon, along with something much cooler that arrived in the form of a stiff, stern café co-owner—one who she also called the man in her life.

  A short, chubby man with an evident bald spot and a perpetual scowl, Aaron greeted her girlfriend with an evident frown that seemed particularly deep and pronounced—even for him.

  “I just got off the phone with Harry Stanley. He called me from his car phone, as he was speeding as far away from here as possible,” he told her, adding as he arched his eyebrows, “I have to tell you, Simone, that I am absolutely furious.”

  Simone nodded.

  “I know, baby, and I am too,” she told him, adding with a broad gesture, “Can you believe that that jerk would fat shame me in front of the entire café? I say that we ban him from the premises.”

  Aaron shook his head.

  “Quite the contrary, love,” he spat out this last word like it was venom, “I have offered Harry free—and, may I add, hot—coffee for three months—that is, if he’s nice enough to come back.” He paused here, adding as he scowled outright in her direction, “It’s you I’d like to ban from the premises right now.”

  Simone gasped.

  “What in the blazes are you talking about?” she asked him, planting her hands on her hips as she added, “How could you, my boyfriend of all people, possibly take his side?”

  Aaron sighed.

  “Before I’m your boyfriend, Simone, I have to be a businessman first,” he informed her, adding as he seared her with a cold, condemning look, “Harry told me about how you were standing stock still in the middle of our establishment, drooling over your beefcake musician friends instead of serving our guests—something that I myself have noticed you doing, by the way.”

  Simone rolled her eyes.

  “So I just happened to bring in an incredible entertainment act that has doubled our customer base here at Cool Beans. Plus, we’re selling more coffee than ever—believe you me, after the ladies see a Harrington brothers show, they are in great need of some good strong brew, among other things,” she snorted, adding more seriously, “So what if I took just a moment to watch and enjoy their show?”

  Aaron shook his head.

  “When you’re on the job, your attention should be on our guests,” he countered, “Not on the Michael Bolton Twins.”

  Simone nodded.

  “Perhaps you have a point,” she acknowledged, all the while continuing to meet his hard, stern gaze with one of our own, “Even so, there is no way you can justify the way he verbally abused and publically humiliated me. That much, Aaron, you have to admit.”

  She froze as Aaron met her words with a loud, derisive snort.

  “Maybe you should admit, Simone, that you should lay off sampling our cookies and cupcakes and stick to our new line of bottled waters and low cal coffees,” he told her, adding with a vigorous nod, “Then you wouldn’t have to worry about guys telling you the truth, even if it is right in the middle of our café.”

  Simone looked at him a long moment, finally meeting his insulting words with a short, sharp nod.

  “As the co-owner of this café, I have to say that I am shocked by your insensitivity and lack of professionalism,” she told him, adding with her chin lifted high, “As your girlfriend, I have just come to the conclusion that you are a complete and irrefutable douche bag. And since I can’t break up with you as a co-worker—not yet, anyway—I will at this point proceed to dump you,” she announced this last part proudly, and in full view of at least five of their employees, “even it is right in the middle of the kitchen of our café.”

  With this she stripped away the confining apron that covered her street clothes—which today took the form of a sleek lavender hued cashmere sweater and a black velvet skirt—and tossed it flat on the counter before them; piercing her now ex-boyfriend with a harsh, condemning glare as she turned for the door.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?” Aaron thundered, his pudgy cheeks flushing bright red as he watched her departure with disbelieving eyes.

  Simone smirked.

  “Where am I going?” she repeated, adding with the smooth toss of her long dark hair, “Well if you really must know it, my dear; I’m going on a big ol’ date with the Michael Bolton twins.”

  She could have sworn that she heard the spirited cheers of several female co-workers as she departed the kitchen—just in time to see the alleged Michael Bolton Twins walk out the front door.

  “Wait up!” she called out, running for the door.


  Soon Simone found herself in the back seat of the Harrington brothers’ jet-black jeep; happily squished in the midst of their guitars, microphones and speakers as Chase and Taylor snagged the driver and passenger seats.

  “You won’t regret coming with us, my darling,” Chase told her over his shoulder, slipping his key in the ignition before hitting the winding, palm lined avenue that fronted Cool Beans.

  Flat out refusing to divulge their final destination to an excited Simone, the brothers soon stopped at a wine and cheese shop on the edge of town; coming away with a full, rich assortment of cheeses that ranged from brie to cheddar, in addition to a shiny gold hued magnum of sparkling champagne.

  Soon they were on the road again, stopping finally in front of a towering apartment building that shone bright crystalline in the light of the moon.

  “Welcome home, Darlin’,” Taylor smiled.

  The brothers stepped out of the vehicle to open her door and offer her a hand out; the trio walking arm in arm through the double front doors that fronted the building—then into a paned glass elevator that whirled them straight upward to the roof based patio that topped the building.

  Inviting Simone to sit beside them in three rainbow patterned patio chairs at the center of the roof, the brothers poured out three tall glasses of sparkling champagne and settled down on either side of her; inviting her to sit back and relax as they hand fed her a rich sampling of dewy grapes and rich golden cheeses—also surprising her with a rich fudge layer cake they had picked up at Cool Beans.

  “We happen to love a curvy woman,” Chase assured her, slipping a forkful of rich chocolate treat slow and smooth between her lips. “We want you to eat exactly what you want, whenever you want it and in any amount.”

  Taylor nodded.

  “Indeed,” he affirmed, gracing her with a warm gaze as he offered her yet another thick, moist block of pure, sweet brie. “I can’t count the number of times that my brother and I have watched you dance to our music—secretly desiring you as we watched those gorgeous womanly hips sway before us, as that full, lush figure of yours moved so temptingly before our eyes.”

  “So many times we longed to seduce you,” Chase added, tilting Simone’s bell shaped glass to her lips so she could enjoy yet another sip of invigorating bubbly. “You were so irresistible to us, and we talked often of our secret fantasies about you; dreams that we so feared would never be fulfilled.”

  Taylor bit his lip.

  “You don’t know, though, how many of our newer love songs were written about you—about the secret passion that we harbored for you,” he told her, adding as he graced her with a warm gaze, “A passion that we never dared speak about, because we always knew you as such a kind, loving woman, loyal to your man and your business.”

  Simone laughed.

  “Oh, to heck with all that certified nonsense!” she declared, adding in a more serious tone, “Truth be told, Dudes, Aaron
has been acting like a jerk for months now; the only reason that I’ve stuck around involves my love for the business that I worked so hard to build—not to mention for the men who performed at my club every Friday night, bringing such light and excitement into my life every time they came.” She paused here, wrapping her arms around their firm muscled shoulders as he added, “You two don’t know how I counted the hours between each of your shows—dreaming of the time that I could hear your beautiful music, and bask in all of your kindness and affection.”

  She smiled as the brothers put aside their glasses and plates and enveloped her in a warm embrace, literally lifting her out of her seat and escorting her to a far end of the patio; where they had placed a portable DVD player that—or so Simone guessed—contained the brothers’ latest CD.

  This belief was confirmed moments later, as the simple push of a “play” button filled the atmosphere with the lush sounds of a rhythmic, soulful beat; one that soon impelled the trio into a close, intimate dance.

  Clasped contented in the muscular arms of two beautiful, attentive men, Simone lost herself in the melodic strains of a song that she’d always loved, from the first time she’d heard it performed at her café. Now that she knew the song was written for her, she danced with reckless abandon in a muscled cocoon that both aroused and excited her.

  Wrapping their arms around her buxom waist and holding her closer than close, the brothers sang the lyrics of their song low in her ear; their hard massive chests and rock hard thighs pressing against her as they swung and swayed her across their makeshift dance floor.

  The moon above them seemed to bless their dance as it bathed the trio in its golden rays; lighting the way as they continued to move in the delicate confines of a fast enclosing circle. Suddenly Simone found herself immersed in a dance that felt more like an intimate embrace, her partners’ hips now gyrating full against her and their arms holding her tighter than tight.

  Gasping outright as she felt substantial bulges straining the threads of their ultra-tight pants, Simon trembled outright as Chase claimed her lips in a hot, passionate kiss; his full, moist lips rubbing soft against hers as their tongues entangled between them.

  Leaning forthright into his kiss, Simone wrapped her arms tight around his bulging shoulders and plied his sumptuous mouth with an intimate kiss; lingering for a moment as the sound of their smacking lips mingled sweet with the song of sweet crickets and the finishing strains of their love song. Then and with a frustrated groan she reluctantly broke their kiss, turning her head to engage Taylor in another passionate kiss.

  The couple’s lips merged and melded, and their tongues entangled tight, as she reached backward to run her fingers through his long, honey blond hair; savoring its softness as his strong, firm arms pulled her closer than close.

  “Tonight, Simone, we long to make love to you,” Chase whispered in her ear, his hands running like warm water down the surface of his back. “This night we aim to make you our queen.”

  “Queen?” Simone whispered in wonder, arching her eyebrows at this curious turn of phrase.

  Yet she did not resist as her two besotted paramours swept her most literally off of her feet; carrying her to the edge of the soft, plush, ruby hued rug that fronted their lounge chairs.

  Laying her curvy, voluptuous body down the length of this soft covering, the brothers set about treating their queen to an intimate massage; with Chase massaging her shoulders and back to relaxing, hypnotic effect as Taylor freed her weary feet from her sensible shoes and rubbed her tired pads--all the while suckling her toes as he ran his hands up the length of her trembling legs.

  As Chase leaned forward to engage her lips in another succulent kiss, probing her mouth with heated intensity and lapping its roof with her long, wet tongue, Taylor licked and laved his way up her study legs and settled himself between her full, fleshy thighs; his magical fingertips caressing her skin as he leaned his head inward.

  Grasping the border of her sensible cotton panties in peerless white teeth, Taylor dragged them down the length of her legs before slithering his way upward; licking open the surface of her feminine folds before gracing his lady with the ultimate intimate kiss.

  Touching her clit with his soft, warm lips, he licked and suckled her feminine fruit; his mouth moving in slow, smooth motions as hot shards of erotic energy flew upward to pleasure and energize every inch of her body.

  Just as Chase’s own long, talented tongue entangled with her own, his brother leaned his golden head inward and shifted it from side to side; this motion enhancing the friction of his lips on her clit as the luxurious tendrils of his smooth gold hair grazed and tickled her sensitive thighs.

  The tip of his tongue flicked like lightning across her tender nub as his mouth continued to devour her; coating her body with unimaginable pleasure as Chase’s agile hands worked their own magic on her back and shoulders—then shifting forward to coddle her breasts, bringing her nipples to hard, erect peaks beneath his tender but powerful touch.

  Moaning hard against his lips, Simone reached one hand back to stroke the long, silky hair of her ebony haired lover; also hoisting her hips forward to give greater intimate access to her golden haired paramour.

  Then she felt it - the light but unmistakable scrape of long, sharp fangs.

  She felt them scrape lightly against her mouth as Chase continued to kiss her senseless; and against her sensitive clit as Taylor continued to pleasure her nub—the contrasting softness of his gentle hands kneading her hips and thighs.

  The light scrape of his teeth against her clit, in fact, combined with the lap of his long, wet tongue and the kiss of his whisper soft lips to drive her over the edge; sending them hurtling across the bounds of an incredible orgasm.

  Chase swallowed her cry of ecstasy, and continued to kiss her senseless, as her entire being reverberated with the effects of a raw, pulsating climax; one that seized her from head to toe as her nub pulsated in eloquent accord with her pulse and heartbeat.

  She barely noticed when Taylor withdrew from between her legs and Chase swept her up in two strong arms; cradling her quivering body in a tight, hot embrace as he pulled her closer to him.

  Soon their arms and legs entangled between them as they pulled each other’s clothes off in swift, frenetic moves; finally revealing to Simone’s wondering eyes the full and naked whole of his pristine masculine beauty.

  With a giddy grin she ran her hands across the breadth of his hard, massive chest and down the planes of his washboard abs; then lowering her hands to lie a firm hold on his long, hard shaft.

  “Oh, my lady,” he gasped outright, his crystalline eyes aglow with desire as he covered her body with his. “You undo me.”

  The couple clung to one another as her breasts crushed his chest and their lips met once again in a hot, passionate kiss, their tongues entangling between them as he lowered his own hand to rub and tease her still inflamed nub.

  “Ooooh,” she moaned, pitching her head back as she ran her fingernails down the plane of his smooth back; laying a firm hold on his hard, toned derriere as their hips and thighs locked between them.

  She trembled outright seconds later, as she felt a second hard, immaculate body rub itself against her back; writhing shameless against her as she broke her kiss with Chase to identify its owner.

  Turning her head to ensnare a smiling Taylor with a second ardent kiss, she purred outright as she ran his magical hands down the length of her back; his own long, hard cock rising to tease the softness of her fleshy derriere.

  Continuing to kiss him shameless, Simone ran her hand down his perfect pecs and washboard abs; then touching the tip of his pulsating shaft before taking it full in her hand.

  Not to be outdone, an adoring Chase buried his head in her chest and kissed her buxom breasts; licking her nipples as his hands worked in tandem to pleasure her nub and caress her side.

  “Just relax and let us pleasure you,” he whispered against her skin, vibrating his hips against
hers as the tendrils of his long, soft hair teased her sensitive breasts.

  Taking in her breath, Simone writhed wild between her lovers as they wrapped their arms around her, Taylor licking her neck as Chase continued to kiss and lave her breasts.

  Then, once again, she felt the fangs.

  Although he made no move to bite her, Taylor’s long, sharp teeth nipped against her neck as he kissed and laved her sensitive nape. And even as he graced her breasts with an extremely gentle kiss, Chase’s own fangs grazed her skin in a light but evident nip.

  She opened her mouth to question the brothers about their unique physical attribute (one of several); instead letting loose with a heated gasp as—in a single smooth flourish—Chase penetrated her, his long, hard shaft surging forth to touch her feminine core.

  Once again claiming her lips in a hot, intense kiss, he swept her up in two tender arms as his shaft continued to probe and penetrate her; their arms entwining as she ran her hand through the silken lengths of his soft dark hair—all the while pumping Taylor’s pulsating member with her free hand.

  “We so long to show you the many lovely benefits of being our queen,” Taylor whispered in her ear, his agile fingers kneading her spine as she continued to rub his rock hard shaft.

  Simone quickened her movements in response to these hot, most inviting words, spreading her soft, fleshy thighs to welcome Chase deeper inside her as her fingers played the skin of Taylor’s massive shaft.

  Thrusting his firm, trip hips against hers as his lips continued to rub and ply her own, Chase pulled her closer than close as he continued to move inside her; his hands kneading her breasts as his equally attentive brother showered her upper back with a rain of sweet baby kisses—stroking her smooth dark hair as she laid a gentle squeeze on his throbbing manhood.


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