Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 78

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Well, she pondered, if indeed heated exclamations of “Sex-AY! You go studs—or should I say, stud squared?” and “Hey, those totally awesome love songs would be even better if you sang ‘em NAKED!” could indeed be considered poetic—by any remote stretch of the imagination. Yet she couldn’t help but admire the woman’s spunk, even as she happened to agree whole hearted with every blasted word she said.

  The gals exchanged any number of winks and high fives throughout the course of the evening, before Simone brought out a three tier chocolate fudge cake she’d been asked to make for the event; one adorned with scarlet hued butter cream roses and an adorable figurine poised on top that likened a bride and a groom.

  After cutting and serving the cake to her eager, cheering guests, Simone returned with her own piece to her seat; savoring both its rich, creamy taste and the sound of the Harrington brothers as they serenaded the blushing bride, a slender, statuesque redhead who beamed in response.

  “Boy I tell you what,” Shawna Lee declared, clapping Simone’s back in what seemed to be a show of sisterly spirit, “My sister Paige is one lucky gal, to be serenaded by those two hunks.”

  Simone nodded.

  “Indeed she is,” she agreed, adding with a playful wink, “My guys always aim to please.”

  Shawna Lee giggled—for what had to be, or so Simone couldn’t help but note, the millionth time that evening. Perhaps. To be perfectly honest, she’d lost count.

  “And please they do,” she agreed, adding in a conspiratorial whisper, “Any chance that we could invite the dudes to have coffee with us after the show? I mean, all of that passionate, meaningful crooning must make them good and thirsty.”

  Simone shrugged.

  “Sure, I don’t see why not,” she assented, adding with a bright smile, “They actually love to drink brews with the customers, and share with them some of the stories behind their best songs. You and the ladies also are welcome to buy copies of their debut CD, Songs of the Night.”

  Her eyes flew wide as her enthusiastic guest met these words with a loud, resounding whoop-- for what had to be, or so Simone couldn’t help but note, the millionth time that evening. Perhaps. To be perfectly honest, she’d lost count.

  “Wow, that’s amazing!” she enthused, meeting Simone midair in a congratulatory high five. “You can better believe I’ll buy a copy of their CD before I go.” She paused here, adding in a whisper to her grinning hostess, “And I’ll throw in an extra fiver if you introduce me to the hot blond. I think we’d look smokin’ together, don’t ya think?”

  Simone nodded.

  “I think!” she agreed, adding as she inclined her head in Shawna Lee’s direction, “And while I do hate to turn down my one opportunity to become a—ahem—professional matchmaker, I’m sorry to tell you that Taylor is spoken for—engaged, as a matter of fact.”

  Shawna Lee scowled.

  “Doggone it!” she exclaimed, snapping her fingers midair in a show of sheer frustration. “So tell me, Simone. Who is his lucky lady?”

  Simone grinned.

  “Me,” she replied, short and succinct.

  Shawna Lee’s eyes flew wide as she considered these unexpected words.

  “Well you go Girl!” she said finally, meeting Simone midair in yet another congratulatory high five. “So tell me, do ya need a sister in law? I mean that gorgeous brunette would make for one heck of a hunky consolation prize.”

  Simone shook her head.

  “Sorry, Shawna Lee,” she told her. “He’s taken too.”

  Shawna rolled her eyes.

  “Well I’m battin’ O for 2,” she released on a sigh, adding with lips pursed, “So go ahead, and lay it on me. Who is his lucky lady?”

  Simone shrugged.

  “Me,” she replied, tone even more short and succinct.

  Shawna Lee’s eyes flew wide.

  “Now, did I make that last Irish coffee a little too Irish?” she asked, eyebrows arched, “Or did you just say that you were dating both of those beautiful men?”

  Simone bit her lip.

  “Well, to be more specific,” she clarified, clearing her throat loudly, “I’m engaged to both of those beautiful men. I plan to marry both of them in a public ceremony, here next week. Everyone here is invited to attend, of course.”

  Shawna Lee took a long, fortifying sip of Irish coffee, then nodded.

  “Oh, you can better believe I’ll be here,” she affirmed, adding as her eyes flew dangerously wide, “This is something I just gotta see.”

  Sitting back in her chair, Simone smiled as she pondered the other shocking secret she knew about the Harrington brothers; one she dared not even reveal to Shawna Lee, her new sister confidante.

  She herself had found it difficult to accept the fact that the two gentle, loving men who had become her lovers were also lords of the night; those immortal figures of the paranormal known as vampires.

  “Hey, who am I to judge?” she mused now, adding with a shrug, “Everybody has their little quirks.”

  She at least consoled herself with the fact that—far from being bloodsuckers—her two gorgeous fiancés were vampires of the incubus; meaning that they fed from the sexual energies of their female lovers.

  “A fact which makes me a very tired, but equally happy gal,” she sighed contented, her gaze taking a leisurely stroll down the tall muscled forms of the men who now delivered the final strains of a love song they’d written just for her.

  It seemed like only yesterday that the brothers had walked between the far more modest walls of Cool Beans, a coffee shop she previously co-owned with Aaron, her ex-boyfriend. At first they’d seemed more like angels than vamps, filling her life with their beautiful music, their stunning images, their kind, gentle natures. And when an obnoxious customer had called her out for what he perceived as her poor service and her thick, rubenesque form, the brothers had jumped immediately to her defense; quite unlike her boyfriend at the time, who chastised her for driving one of their regulars away—and, for that matter, for sampling too many of the sumptuous cakes, cupcakes and sweet rolls that they (OK, mostly she) prepared and sold at the café.

  An enraged Simone promptly took leave of both her job and their relationship; taking off for an impulsive late night date with her two star performers. Their magical first night together included dancing, a sweet treat feast (these gents, it seemed, actually had the good taste to appreciate a curvy woman), unbridled sessions of heated, passionate lovemaking, and the revelation of two secret confessions that artfully combined to blow Simone’s mind.

  She learned, for one thing, that the brothers’ tender, beautiful love songs—the ones that always lulled her into a magical trance when she heard them at Cool Beans—had been written for her. Both Chase and Taylor, apparently, had harbored a secret passion for her that could not, would not be denied. And on that fateful night, they revealed to her that they wanted to make her the queen of their den.

  “That just sounded fab! I mean, what woman with working sets of eyes, ears and hormones wouldn’t want to be the queen of their den?” she reflected now, adding with a shrug, “Then I just had to take it upon myself to find out just what the heck a den was by their definition, and why the bloody heck they needed a queen.”

  It was then that the brothers made their second bold confession, this one considerably more shocking and unsettling than the first.


  The Harrington brothers, it turned out, had the capability to morph into fang-baring, crazy eye having vampires; and while they had never consumed blood or taken a life, they did exercise certain rites and rituals common to immortals.

  They flew, for example; and even took Simone for a majestic flight throughout the skies of Luna Bay. They slept throughout the day and could not tolerate sunshine or excessive light. They could read her mind; a talent that, considering some of the filthy, naughty fantasies she’d had about them since the moment they’d met, scared her almost as much as their possession of fangs.

nbsp; She soon realized that this talent came in handy, as it enabled them to know and understand her deepest, most secret desires; dreams and fantasies that they acted out for her now, on a nightly basis.

  In addition, it seemed that the brothers, who’d been abandoned by their natural born kin in the wake of their transformation, were looking to begin a sort of vampire family; a peaceable den in need of a queen.

  In a way the three already had instituted their own unofficial den; one situated here, at The Moonlight Café.

  Four months ago they had partnered to open this café in a remote corner of downtown Luna Bay; a place located just off the beach, in an abandoned Victorian home with an ebony exterior—one that boasted three stories, a bank of stained glass windows surrounding, a winding porch, and a domed roof of pure crystalline.

  The first floor housed the upscale café where Simone prepared and served teas and delicacies to droves of contented customers throughout the day and evening, and the brothers Harrington performed nocturnal music shows for the pleasure of this—excessively female—clientele.

  Then, late at night, the vampires escorted their queen to a secret boudoir and worshipped her body and soul, making endless love to her as they declared their love and undying passion.

  The trio had toyed with the idea of marriage; and about a month ago they announced their intention to make Simone the bride of their den, as well as their queen--though in the eyes of the friends, customers and family members who would gather for their planned ceremony, they were simply two brothers who longed to take the same beloved wife.

  “And that in itself is pretty blasted bizarre,” Simone mused, adding with a broad, almost drunken grin, “And, speaking for myself as I often do, I love every moment of it.”

  This same smile widened to insane proportions moments later, as her two fiancés descended from the stage to thunderous applause; bowing deep before the bachelorette party as they paused to kiss the hand of each enthralled guest.

  Although the brothers took the time to talk to the guests, answering their questions and signing their CDs, they insisted on flanking the woman they love and identifying her as such; openly smattering her cheeks with kisses as they hand fed her sumptuous samplings of the rich fudge cake they knew she loved.

  “In just a week’s time, love,” Chase reminded her, his rich, deep voice resounding low through her psyche as his crystalline eyes sparkled his love, “You will be the honored bride. You will be the one that everyone gathers to honor, love and admire; and we will be the proud and humbled grooms, so fortunate to stand at your side.”

  Taylor nodded, his own dark gems flashing seductively as he added, “And once we are finally married, making our dreams come true, we will treat you to a romantic, sensual honeymoon designed for your pleasure,” Taylor whispered, adding as he laid a bold lick across the tender skin of her earlobe, “It will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced, our love. And tonight, if it would so please you, we’d love to get a head start.”

  Simone jumped.

  “A head start?” she squeaked, arching her eyebrows as her lovers’ provocative words sent tingles down her spine.

  Her lover’s smooth echoing chuckles only served to enhance her arousal; as did the warm, wet kisses that they planted against her cheek.

  “Yes, our lady,” Chase purred in her ear. “Tonight, love, we would like to treat you to your own very special bachelorette party.”

  Simone smiled, wriggling in her seat as both of her lovers continued to kiss and lick her face, their hands stealing beneath the table to rub and caress her full, feminine hips and thighs.

  “You’ve planned a party for me?” she asked, a wave of desire sailing upward to caress her entire body as she considered this intriguing concept. “Will it take place here? After this festivity?”

  Taylor nodded.

  “Indeed, the party will take place here,” he released on a succulent purr, adding as he ran a massaging hand like water down the planes of her back, “And it starts now.”

  As if on cue Chase reached down to scoop a round ripe cherry from the top of her thick, rich fudge cake; slipping the fruit between his full, moist lips as he crooked his finger in her direction.

  “Come closer, my baby,” he whispers. “It is time for your party treat, Bachelorette. Let your man feed you.”

  Simone’s eyes flew wide, her public surroundings dissolving around her as she leaned forward to accept the offered treat; seizing it with her lips as she lingered to taste the sweetest, succulent cherry kiss.

  She just barely heard the roar of the crowd around them as Chase plied his succulent, juice stained lips into hers; thrusting his long, wet tongue sinfully forth to pass the ripe, round cherry from his mouth to hers.

  As the couple’s kiss deepened Simone reached back to grasp Taylor’s hand, only to find that his sturdy, magical fingertips were working their way up her fleshy thigh; stealing beneath her soft, azure hued apron to rub and knead her skin--finally cupping the aroused femininity that cried out for his attentions.

  As Chase continued to kiss Simone senseless, his long, wet tongue sliding the rich red cherry farther and deeper into her mouth as he rubbed and kneaded her tired shoulders, his equally ardent brother slipped his own agile fingers beneath the borders of her sensible cotton panties to conduct a far more intimate massage.

  Chase swallowed Simone’s startled gasp as Taylor tickled open her feminine folds to touch and massage her throbbing nub; his nurturing fingertips sparking a fire that blazed wildly upward through every fiber of her being.

  Chase continued to ply her lips with the most passionate of kisses, not to mention the most delicious; as streams of yummy, refreshing cherry juice flowed free down her throat. Taylor, meanwhile, continued to caress the clit that cried out for his attentions; his smooth, sensual moves building a delightful pressure that set fire to her femininity.

  As the crowd around them cheered her on, Simone thrust herself into Taylor’s fingers as she and Chase continued to kiss, deeply and passionately. Simone licked sweet cherry juice from the lips of one love while releasing her own succulent lady juices into the hand of another; her body writhing outright as the heat of ecstasy threatened to overcome her.

  Finally, and just as Chase plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, Taylor delivered a final stroke that sent her over the edge, igniting a fire deep within her as she exploded in the divine sensation of a deep felt clitoral orgasm.

  Turning her head to kiss the man who gave her this lovely bachelorette gift, Simone smacked her juicy lips against his as the crowd roared with approval; and while she waved politely in response to this outburst, she was more intent on listening to the whispered words of her other, equally ardent lover.

  “For the next portion of our show, our lady, we have a very special private show prepared just for you,” Chase whispered, adding as he teased her earlobe with a light, wet lick, “Due to the intense and blatantly sexual nature of this performance, we cannot in all good conscience present it to the public. So with that in mind we suggest that you….”

  “OK Ladies, we’re about to close up shop for the evening,” Simone announced aloud, standing to acknowledge the scattering guests with a broad wave and a broader smile. “Many good wishes to the bride, and thanks to you all for choosing The Moonlight Café as your party place!”

  “Now will you all kindly go home?” she added silently, shaking hands with the bride and each of her guests as her lovers graced them with pecks on the cheek. “So I can commence with my own, very private party?”


  An hour later Simone sat alone at the center of her café, enshrouded in darkness as a trickle of excitement coursed the base of her spine.

  After helping her clean the party area, her lovers had retreated backstage; leaving her with the singular instruction to relax in her seat and get ready for a show that she’d never forget.

  And now, as the red velvet curtains surrounding the stage opened before her, she saw immediately
that the brothers intended to make good on their promise.

  Now dressed only in sleek, scarlet red thongs that graced and defined their tall muscled forms, Chase and Taylor posed and pouted at the center of a sole spotlight; both flexing their perfect pecs and rolling their firm washboard abs as the opening strains of one of her favorite songs resounded loud in her ears.

  The brothers had written “Night Song,” a sexy jazz number that involved heavy use of breathy vocals and a smooth, sax driven beat, the morning after her first night with them; and although they had sung her the song many times, they now seemed more intent on dancing in time to its sultry, pounding beat.

  Suddenly Chase and Taylor launched into motion; gyrating their hard, trim hips as their long, graceful legs moved in time to their own hot beat. Both held her gazes as they pouted and preened, flipping the lengths of their long, silken hair as their taut, toned bodies slithered and undulated before her admiring eyes.

  “You go, Stud Squared!” Simone cried out, waving random dollar bills in their direction, as they laughed outright in response.

  “Patience darling,” Taylor called out from the stage. “We have much more to show you before accepting any tips. So just sit back, relax, and do allow us to blow your mind.”

  With these words the brothers launched high into midair. Their flawless bodies surging upward with the grace of the most sophisticated, highly trained ballet dancer; though Simone figured that even Baryshnikov couldn’t remain suspended in midair for several timeless, spellbinding moments—or, for that matter, launch into the smooth, graceful flight that soon delivered them at her feet.

  She watched enrapt as Taylor and Chase soared in her direction; their arms and legs poised in graceful poses as they headed straight for her.

  Finally, they both stood dangerously close to her at the center of the floor, both gyrating full in her face as she sighed with contentment.


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