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by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “Hey, I love my job and my apartment,” she pondered, adding with a shrug, “It just seems like, since the day I met Angelo, everything just seems to be brighter and livelier. I’m living life in color now—and the color is bellissimo.”

  All too soon she woke up to experience the last full day of her trip; a date that she and Angelo had set aside to visit Venice, the city on and of the water.

  Since the time of her childhood Naomi had coveted a visit to this lagoon city, an exquisite paradise of endless waterways and artistically designed structures that drew numerous visitors from around the world.

  After years of dreaming of and envisioning her journey to Venice, Naomi now found herself dreading the day that she’d make this trip; as it also signified the final day that she would spend in Angelo’s arms.

  “During the past few days I’ve kept telling myself that every time we kiss, every time we make love should be the last,” she mused now, slipping into a V necked dress of brilliant rose satin she’d purchased from a street merchant the day before. “We’re going to be torn apart eventually, so why prolong a doomed affair?”

  Why indeed? Maybe because it felt too blasted good to stop.

  “And now that we do have to say goodbye, it’s on the day that I’ve anticipated all my life. My day in Venice probably will be spent in tears and the depths of despair—which basically means that love as a whole just really reeks. Completely and totally.”

  Still she applied her signature coat of red lipstick and took leave of her hotel room; determined to make the most of both her last day in the country she loved, and with the man she loved even more.

  After meeting Angelo in the lobby, the silent couple walked hand in hand to the Eurail station; saying little during the five-hour trip that would take them to the city of the water.

  As much as she tried to stay positive and upbeat throughout the morning, Naomi didn’t crack her first genuine smile until their arrival in Venice; when her lover surprised her by leading her onboard an elegant, decorative gondola that he himself owned.

  This contoured vessel glowed bronze with gold accents in the light of the morning sun; and as Naomi sank into the cushioned lavender bench that formed its square center, she threw her head back and got her first good look at the marvel that was Venice.

  She and Angelo clutched hands as they shared the vision of sparkling azure waters and gem blue sky; this radiant skyline being graced with the peaks of classically designed structures that included museums, office buildings, and fine Venetian manses.

  Grasping the long row that powered his elaborate boat, Angelo set their vessel in motion; standing tall and proud at the head of the boat, he played the role of capitano as he lead her on a guided tour of the Venetian lagoon - a tour somewhat hindered by the fact that the man barely spoke a word of English. So in lieu of leading a spirited discussion about the businesses and tourist attractions lining and defining the shores of Venice, he instead treated her to a robust, melodic serenade; singing a medley of classic Italian love songs that included O Sole Mio, Volare and That’s Amore.

  “So the dude sings too,” she mused, basking in the robust tones of her lover’s deep bass voice. “Jesus. He’s just too much!”

  Angelo seemed determined to show her just how much more jus moments later, as he steered their gondola down a quiet waterway where few other vessels seemed to travel. Setting aside the row, he turned to her with a devilish grin as he repeated those words that always managed to strike passion in her heart: “Voglio fare l’amore con te.”

  “Oh Angelo,” Naomi breathed, adding with a rare attempt at a girlish giggle, “You’re so romantic, so impulsive…so completely and absolutely insane! What are you doing, trying to seduce me in a public place? I mean, I appreciate the sentiment and everything, but I somehow neglected to put the words ‘Italian jail’ on my master list of things to see and do in this beautiful country of yours.”

  Angelo let loose with a low, sexy chuckle that sent tremors down her spine.

  “When in Rome, Caro,” he reminded her, making use of an American phrase he’d apparently heard quite often. “When in Rome.”

  With these words he unbuttoned and slowly stripped away the velvety bronze hued jacket he’d worn that day; revealing once again the hard massive chest he knew she couldn’t resist.

  Flexing his pecs and rolling his washboard abs for her approval, he continued his impulsive striptease by peeling off the soft, tight pants that confined his bulging manhood.

  Soon her bronzed lover stood naked and glorious at the head of the boat, striking a pose that harkened the statue David as he flexed every muscle for her pleasure.

  Naomi felt all resistance fall away from her as she opened her arms to him, taking a deep breath as her beautiful lover launched himself into her embrace.

  Soon she found her hungry arms filled with the whole of his chiseled perfection, her fingers rubbing and stroking his sculpted torso as their lips collided in a heated kiss.

  The couple’s mouths and arms merged as one as he rubbed and massaged her back, peeling away the rich rose satin fabric that covered her voluptuous body.

  Soon the couple’s naked bodies tumbled free to the floor of their floating gondola, their arms and legs entangled as her breasts crushed his chest and he continued to kiss her senseless.

  Rolling free across the surface of the carpeted floor that lined the bottom of Angelo’s boat, the couple clutched one another in a passionate embrace as they kissed and cuddled to loving effect.

  Burying his perfect head in her neck, Angelo kissed and licked her tender nape as his rock hard hips pressed against hers, igniting her fire with intense gyrations as she wrapped her arms around his bulging shoulders.

  The smooth rocking motion of the boat beneath them only served to intensify their arousal, driving them deeper into one another’s arms as their hips and thighs locked between them.

  Taking his lover in an intimate clench, Angelo held Naomi closer than close as he shifted his head to her breasts; kissing her skin and licking her nipples as she ran her fingers through his long dark hair.

  “Baby,” she breathed, throwing her head back as his long, hard cock rose to tease her aroused femininity. “I want you inside of me.”

  Accenting her words with a sound dose of action, she braced her legs around his trim waist and threw herself against him; impaling herself as she did on his erect, sweat lined shaft.

  This move seemed to elicit a bolt of lightning that consumed the couple whole, their bodies swaying and grinding together as they most literally rocked the boat.

  Their lips locked once again in a warm, binding kiss as their tongues entangled between them, their naked bodies heated and caressed by the rays of the golden sun.

  The lilting song of Mediterranean gulls seemed to christen their passion as he continued to probe and penetrate her. The couple seemed to savor every touch, every kiss, as though it was their last.

  “Because it just may be,” Naomi pondered in silence, a telltale tear descending her cheek as she consumed her lover in an unyielding embrace.

  Immediately a concerned Angelo broke their kiss, lapping away her tear with a long wet tongue as he stared deep into her eyes.

  “Nah, nah, Naomi no cry,” he muttered, adding as he thrust his hips forward to drive forth to her very core, “Ti amo.”

  “Ti amo,” Naomi echoed on a whisper, collapsing in his arms as the couple surrendered to the power of an incredible mutual climax.


  After spending the remainder of the day cruising the waters of their secret Venetian hideaway, the couple returned to their hotel with heavy hearts; their arms wrapped around each other as they stepped into the lobby of the public accommodation that had come to feel like home.

  Working the front desk that day was the bubbly Rosanna, who seemed even more personable and enthused than usual as she beckoned them toward her desk.

  “Angelo!” The petite, raven haired beauty called out to her lover
, waving a ream of crème colored parchment broadly in his direction.

  Arching his eyebrows in a show of keen curiosity, Angelo walked forward to accept and peruse a message apparently meant for him, his face bursting out in a dazzling smile as he reads its mysterious contents.

  Finally, he and Rosanna broke out into a rapid-fire stream of enthused conversation; one that culminated in a celebratory high five as Rosanna turned to face her.

  “Just to get you in the loop here, Naomi, we have some wonderful news for you,” she told her, adding with a broad beam, “Angelo has been hired for a month-long modeling assignment in America—one that will be shot in downtown New York. He’ll be going home with you.”

  Naomi laughed with joy as she herself met the desk clerk in a spirited high five; then turning to meet her lover in an eternal kiss as their bodies clenched together.

  And somehow, she had the feeling she’d never let him go.



  Was this really how I wanted to spend my weekend? Browsing through Casual Encounters on Craigslist, hoping that something would jump out that wasn’t totally creepy, prostitute-y, or foot-related?

  I signed and leaned back from my screen, reaching for the glass on white wine that sat on the table opposite me. Ever since I’d split from Harry, I’d been in a bit of a sexual funk - unable to seal the deal, uninterested in long-term dating, but ferociously keen on actually getting laid. And maybe that sounds shallow, but it’s always been my reaction to the end of a relationship - go out in my highest heels and my tightest dress, hit the town, and have a whole lot of sex with strangers, the kind of sex I wasn’t allowed to have when I was in a relationship.

  But this time round, it had been a particularly weird break-up. We’d split a couple of weeks ago, both of us agreeing that there wasn’t much left worth pursuing, and went our separate ways. I wasn’t much cut up about that side of it, but rather the strange feelings that had started cropping up during the time we were together. It started out with just admiring some woman’s jewelry, or her heels, or the way her dress sat on her perfect cleavage, and eventually evolved into something else. I found myself gazing with lust at the leggy women who walked past my office window every day, wondering what it would be like to be with them. And I know that it sounds strange for a thirty-something single girl to just be figuring out that she might like the ladies, and hell, it had thrown me for a loop. I didn’t know what to do with this new information, and I think that was what was keeping me back from getting back out on the scene again. Sure, I wasn’t averse to the idea of being with a guy, but my interest was leaning much further towards women and I had no clue how to go about it.

  So that’s how I found myself sitting in front of the laptop, browsing through all the adverts that offered quick, hot sex at the touch of a button. I was trying to find the perfect candidate to chat to, someone who was more experienced than me but who wouldn’t expect a hard-core lesbian love goddess once we got between the sheets. I had to admit that was a pretty hard sell- “bi-curious chick, 31, wltm attractive woman for extensive training. Must be patient, willing to go over everything twice, able to give direction like an air traffic controller.” I rolled my eyes - how the hell was I going to find someone who would take me up on that offer?

  So I kept on scrolling, until an ad suddenly hopped out at me. “Young couple wltm attractive woman for threesome”. Hmm. That actually sounded like something that might appeal to me. After all, I’d only been with men before, and something about having a guy there comforted me - at least I knew I would be able to please one of them. And I’d never had a threesome before. In fact, the only time it had come up was when I was in long-term relationships and my boyfriends had started trying to nudge me towards making out with a girl in front of them because it got them hot, and I seriously resented the performative aspect of it - hey, dickwad, I’m not here for your arousal, and I doubt that other girl is either. In retrospect, I wished I’d just dumped those guys and tried to hook up with the women, but hindsight has always been my biggest enemy. Anyway, here was an opportunity to explore my bi-curious side, and have a threesome for the first time, but as a guest-star - something I’d always been told was the best way to go about having three in a bed.

  Taking a deep breath, I clicked the “reply” button and tapped out an email. Snapping a quick picture of me - in the most flattering light possible, obviously- I attached the face shot to the message, added my name and phone number, and told them what I was looking for. No point holding back now, was there?


  I’m Mel, I saw your advert on Craigslist and I thought I’d respond. I’m thirty-one, single, and bi-curious. I’ve never been with a woman before, and I’d love to share my first time with you guys. Drop me a line if that sounds like something you would be interested in.

  Mel x”

  I hit send and sat back, and reached for my wine. I felt a little frisson of excitement; was I really doing this? Had I just done the internet equivalent of strolling up to a couple in a dark bar and offering myself to them for the night? The thought was kind of exciting, and I drummed my fingers on the table, already impatient for a response.

  I clicked away from the advert, and starting going through the Casual Encounters page again. I needed to cast my net wide, after all, because what were the chances that my first email would get me a ready-made threesome? Even as my eyes scanned over the text in front of me, my mind was still hung up on that advert- the thought of hooking up with two people at once, let alone having my first lesbian experience, had firmly lodged itself in my brain as something I very much wanted to try out.

  I jumped when I heard the ping of my email go off, lost in my own private fantasy of how that night might unfold. Grabbing my phone and clicking on the email app, my heart leapt when I saw that they had responded to me. Damn, that was fast. I opened the email, my fingers shaking, and quickly scanned the message.

  “Hi Mel,

  Wow! What a gorgeous picture. We’re very flattered that you’d consider replying to our advert. You can find pictures of us attached below. If you’re interested, we could organize a meeting this weekend, at our place?


  Ian and Paula x”

  I clicked open the attachments with interest, keen to see what they actually looked like. After all, everyone talks a good game online, and I was determined to not simply throw myself at anyone who came along. I wanted to make sure I was sharing my first lesbian experience with someone I was actually attracted to.

  Lucky thing that she was so goddamn hot! My eyes went straight to her, her long, wavy red hair dominating the photograph. She had pale green-grey eyes, and a small, soft-looking mouth. My eye was immediately drawn to the generous amount of cleavage that was on show in the picture, hypnotized by her pale skin and full, soft breasts. Then my gaze darted to him- a square-jawed man with glasses and a smattering of black stubble, his eyes strikingly blue and warm. It looked like I had hit the internet-strangers jackpot with these two, although I wasn’t convinced that I wanted to head straight back to their house.

  “How about we meet at Johnson’s Bar? Do you know it?” I tapped out my reply and sent it back, then paused. “I love your pics, btw”

  The reply pinged into my inbox moments later. “Sure, how about Saturday at eight?”

  “See you there, x”

  I sat back, surprised. That had been way too easy. I’d just have to see how my date went on Saturday night - how does one dress when one’s trying to seduce a couple? That was stuff for me to figure out in the morning. I drained the last of my wine, closed my laptop, and went to get ready for bed, my mind turning over with the possibilities the night might bring.

  By the time Saturday night rolled around, I had made a promise to myself. If I liked them, I would organize a time to meet them in future so I didn’t end up getting hammered and sleeping with them out of curiosity; if I didn’t like them, I would leave after one drink to make sure t
he same thing didn’t happen. Simple.


  I sat at the bar nervously brushing my perfectly-coiffed chestnut locks out of my eyes and dabbing at my lipstick. Would it be obvious that we were on a date together? Probably. After all, how many women got this dressed up just to hang out with their couple friends if they weren’t trying to seduce them? I giggled to myself, swilling the wine around in my glass- when I put it like that, the surrealism of the situation wasn’t lost on me. I had never been in a situation even remotely resembling this one before, and I had no idea how I was meant to act or what I was supposed to do. Did they have more experience than I did? I both hoped they did and didn’t; I wasn’t sure if I could handle the thought of being one in a long line of women, but it was comforting to think that they might have a better idea of what to do in this situation that I did.

  Then I saw them; they had just walked in, and were trying to subtly scan the bar to see if I had arrived yet. Springing out of my seat, I approached them, a wide grin on my face.

  “Ian? Paula?” I extended my hand towards them vaguely, not sure if I should go for a kiss on the cheek or something more formal.

  “Oh, thank God, we had no idea if you were going to turn up or not!” exclaimed Paula, throwing her arms around me in a moment of surprising, not unwelcome intimacy. She smelled wonderful, a mixture of apples and vanilla, and I fought the urge to bury my face in her hair and take a deep inhale. It might come across as a little much for my first time round, no?

  She extracted herself from me, and gestured to her husband. “This is Ian,” she said, as the man reached out to squeeze my hand. He was about the same height as me, and handsome in an intellectual kind of way- with a crop of messy black hair, square-rimmed glasses and a crumpled white shirt.

  Lowering her voice, Paul added conspiratorially “We’ve tried to meet up with a few women before you, but we ended up getting stood up - it’s actually a relief to see that you were serious!”


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