Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 89

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “Oh, I…I know…I just…I’ve never done this before,” Tina admitted, wanting to take comfort in this friendly interaction. The girl smiled sympathetically and nodded.

  “Always awkward your first time. Here, let me put some shimmer on you,” she said, turning away from the mirror and grabbing an array of make-up from the table. The girl told Tina to hold still while she battered her face with brushes and sponges and sticky glittery glue. As she worked, she talked in a non-stop chatter.

  “It’s really pretty easy, you know, even if you can’t do anything on the pole, all they wanna see is a lot of hip-rollin’ and titty-shakin’. Just crawl around a little bit, give a few smiles, you know; make ‘em feel like you’re about to drag ‘em back stage for a good time. You’ll get the hang of it real quick, I promise.”

  Tina sat still until the girl leaned back and nodded approvingly, then looked at herself in the mirror. Woah, she thought, eyes wide. She looked like a totally different person. Her blue eyes seemed bluer, her long blonde hair seemed to radiate around her face, and there were sparkles everywhere.

  Seeing herself as a different person seemed to make the whole thing more comfortable; she could pretend she wasn’t Tina, virgin of the Hot Guns MC. She could pretend she was…Tinette, hot man-eater with no reservations. She giggled to herself at the silly name she’d picked.

  But her train of thought was cut short as the blonde woman she’d talked to appeared and tugged at her arm, pulling her away. The stripper heels clacked uncomfortably underneath her as she was yanked toward the wings of the stage, her heart beating through her chest.

  “Good luck, girly,” the woman said just as a song began to reverberate on the stage. She recognized it as “Sweet Cherry Pie”. Geeze, could it be any more cliché? But she didn’t have time to reflect on this; sensing her hesitation, the blonde woman gave her a push forward, and Tina staggered onto the stage, wobbly in the insanely high heels. She could barely see the audience for the lights that blared down from the ceiling; but she could see Rig and his two men, clear as day. Their eyes were on her.

  “A special treat all the way from up the coast, it’s Tiny Tina’s first time on the stage, so let’s give her some encouragement, gents!”

  The emcee’s voice boomed over the opening chords of the song, and Tina heard a rush of clapping and hollering from the crowd. She felt like she might throw up from nervousness, or collapse. But she closed her eyes, thought of Cottonball, thought of Curly’s stinking breath on her cheek, and took a deep breath. She remembered what she’d watched and practiced in her room and opened her eyes. As the song heated up, she straightened her back and took one step forward.

  That one step was all it took.

  She forgot who she was, what she was doing, everything she was afraid of as she felt the lights on her bare skin, heard the music pounding in her veins. She strode out onto the center of the stage and gripped the pole; she wasn’t about to try any tricks with it, but she could at least use it as a prop.

  As she rocked her hips to the song, turning herself around the pole and watching the faces in the audience blur, she shook her hair out behind her. With her back to the audience, she leaned forward slightly, giving them a view of her generous ass, and adding in a flirty wiggle for good measure. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes found Rig’s, and saw him nodding approvingly. It gave her even more strength and she rose up sensually, tapping into the sexy woman inside of her virgin body to give it all she had.

  She continued to shake her hips as she reached forward and unclasped her bra, throwing it to the side before turning around to give the audience a full view of her chest. The sensation of being stared at and drooled over by the audience was, surprisingly, turning her on. As she grabbed her chest and bounced her tits up and down, shimmying herself up and down slowly, she felt desire begin to pool in her stomach.

  She dropped down into a low squat, her ass inches above the stage, her legs spread wide, her eyes on Rig as she teased her nipples, closing her eyes and throwing her head back at the feeling. Dollar bills were falling on the stage around her, but she didn’t pay them any mind. She wasn’t after money, at least not that night.

  She pushed her breasts together as she rose on shaky legs, hoping her growing weariness wasn’t showing. Dancing was a real workout, and she was happy to take a long moment tugging at the ties on each end of her tiny bikini bottoms, keeping her hips swaying, until the fabric fell away, joining her bra in a crumple on the side of the stage.

  The audience hollered as she stood before them, completely nude and bare, the heat the lights and the pounding of the music and the raw dirtiness of it all making her horny. She dropped to her knees as the song began to crescendo. Crawling past the dirty bills that littered the stage, she made straight for Rig.

  When she was only a foot or so away, she leaned back, putting herself on full display for him. She noticed that Trick was, in fact, filming her, and that only made her more excited. She licked her lips and winked as she dropped backwards, onto her ass, spreading herself wide before turning to lay seductively on the stage, giving rig a seductive “come-hither” motion with her fingers as her body squirmed and writhed to the tune of the music.

  Finally, as the song began to die down, she rose to her feet once more, only stumbling slightly, and sauntered back to the pole, twisting her body around it once more before the last chords died down and she could escape back to the wings.

  “Told ya it was easy,” the girl who’d helped her get made-up said with a wink. She went out right after Tina, her own song beginning to play as the emcee announced her.

  Tina was panting and flush with excitement and confusion and fear. Had it been good enough? And why had it felt so good? She’d always known she wasn’t the most innocent girl on the block – in terms of her fantasies at least. She dreamed of being fucked in public, by ten men at once, being ravished by a burglar or even kidnapped and held tight by ropes as someone took advantage of her.

  But she always thought those were just fantasies. Yet, out there, stripping and showing her whole body to an audience of dirty, hooting strangers…she’d never felt so alive and so damn aroused!

  Tina got back into the clothes she’d come in, feeling overly-covered after being so exposed. No one paid her much mind, but the rest of the girls backstage smiled at her and some said “good job” as she rushed past. She needed to find Rig and see if she’d done well enough to earn his trust, and a place in his club. She nearly barreled into him in her rush to go back to the bar; he was just coming through the backstage door as she was leaving.

  “Oh! Shit!” she said, the words flying from her mouth in surprise.

  “Oh shit indeed,” Rig said, steadying her with a firm grip on each of her arms. Trick and the other man stood behind him; she wondered if he ever went anywhere alone. She knew, from growing up in the Hot Guns, that a smart President always had at least one man always at his side.

  “Um,” Tina said, blushing under his heated gaze. “So…was that…like…ok?”

  He bit back a chuckle and nodded.

  “Come by the home base tomorrow,” he said, slipping a piece of paper into her hand. “And we’ll see if we can make something work after all.”

  “Oh my God,” Tina gushed, looking at the paper, which had an address written on it. “Thank you! Thank you, like, so so so much! I really can’t…”

  “Don’t thank me yet, princess,” Rig said, leaning in close to whisper in her ear, and inciting a rush of flaming desire in her in the process. “I’ve still got a test or two to put you through.”

  And with that he was gone, leaving Tina with her heart pounding in her throat, her legs shaking, and a million questions in her mind.

  She’d get all the answers tomorrow, she guessed.

  But all those questions would make that night a very, very long night indeed.


  Tina tugged at the short hem of her dress, one of the few items of clothing she’d brought with her when she
’d fled her father’s clutches. Cottonball was back at the motel, where she’d bought a week’s stay at a special rate in case things went sour with the Black Inks. She hoped her performance last night had been enough to get one foot in the door; but she wondered what she’d have to do in order to shimmy her whole way in.

  She was waiting, patiently, in the back office of the mansion that served as the Black Ink home base, where the upper-level members, their old ladies, and a smattering of members in need all lived. A pretty-looking older woman with red hair had let her in and led her, smiling, through a maze of hallways and closed doors.

  “You made a good impression on Rig,” the woman said. “He came back with a big ol’ smile on his face, and this morning he said to be ‘specting you, so I put two and two together and figured you got a good way about you, and he saw it.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Tina said slowly and shyly. When the woman opened the door to the office, which held a desk, a sofa, and an armchair, she hesitated before crossing the threshold.

  “You just wait here,” the woman said cheerfully. “And Rig and his men will be right along. You met Trick and Cash last night? Rig doesn’t go anywhere without ‘em, hardly.”

  Tina remembered Rig calling the red-bearded man Trick, and she assumed the blonde must have been Cash.

  “If you need anything, water or the like, go on and let me know,” the woman said, waiting for Tina to decline before shutting the door again. Tina hadn’t sat down, too nervous. Instead, she stood by the desk and waited.

  When the door opened and three men filed in, her breath caught in her throat again at their rugged good looks. Whatever they’d ask her to do…she wouldn’t have to convince herself too much that it was what she wanted. How many nights had she hated her father’s overprotective nature and dreamed about being ravished by men like these? Still, she worried that she wouldn’t perform up to snuff.

  “Happy to see you again,” Rig said, crossing the room and eying her skimpy outfit with approval. Tina shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot. Trick and Cash leaned against the wall across from the desk.

  “We’ve been talking,” Rig said, coming around to lean on the desk behind Tina. She turned to face him, feeling awkward about turning her back on Trick and Cash but knowing that Rig was the one in charge, the one she needed to pay most attention to. “And I think we can find a place for you here.”

  “Really?” she asked, too eagerly. Her eyes flashed with hope and Rig bit back a smile.

  “Of course, we still don’t know if we can totally trust you,” he said, and stared into her eyes, so deep she felt like she was wilting under his gaze. “But I thought of a way you can prove yourself.”

  Tina didn’t have to think twice about what he meant. The lust in his eyes bore down heated on her own. She could almost feel Trick and Cash staring at her from behind. Rig’s eyebrows rose and she shivered slightly as his hand came out to stroke her arm.

  “Like I told you,” she said in a low voice she could barely recognize as her own, “I’ll do anything.”

  Her chest heaved, her breath coming fast and hard now as Rig smiled at her, his eyes roaming her body. When he moved, it was with such sudden determination that Tina was caught off-guard; he grabbed her to him and forced her mouth open with his tongue.

  In her shock, she was frozen still, but when she felt his warm tongue probing her mouth she found herself going limp in his grip, her eyes slowly closing, the sensation washing over her in pleasant waves. Her mouth responded in kind, and she felt heat rising in her chest as her own tongue took its turn waltzing with his, her mind drifting away as she let her desire take control.

  Her only hope, if she was going to survive this with her dignity intact, was to enjoy it. And so she did. He growled against her, his lips humming against hers, and when he broke away she felt her body leaning towards him, a seedling searching for the sun.

  “I’m a virgin,” she blurted out, feeling the need to say it even if it wouldn’t make a difference. Rig looked at her, amusement in his eyes.

  “Times like these, it’s good to be president,” he said, his hand drifting down to her lower back while his eyes caught on the two men behind her; somewhere in her mind, Tina knew what he meant like that. He’d get to have her first - in more ways than one.

  His hand slipped lower, until it was below the hem of her short dress, and then lifted upwards past the fabric until it landed on her barely-clad ass, grabbing the flesh there roughly and kneading it while forcing her body tight against his.

  “You gonna take this shit off, or am I gonna have to tear it off you?” Rig growled into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Obediently, she tugged the dress over her head; knowing that her body would be her key to safety, she hadn’t worn a bra and was wearing her smallest thong, so she stood nearly naked before Rig, her heavy breasts pressed against the leather of his cut.

  Behind her, she knew, Trick and Cash had a full view of her plump ass. She thought that should have made her nervous, but it actually turned her on even more, just as she had been turned on during her striptease. She gave her ass a little wiggle as Rig played with it, for which she was rewarded with another lecherous growl from the man who held her possessively.

  “You like this, don’t you? You might be a virgin, but you’re a slut at heart, huh?” His voice tickled the skin of her flesh and she moaned when he drew his teeth, gently, across her skin, nibbling the sensitive space behind her ear. If her thong had been big enough to actually cover her slit, there would have been a wet spot where her juices dripped; the fabric was so tiny and thin, though, that she felt her wetness on her thighs instead.

  As though he could smell her arousal, Rig grinned, pulling away slightly. He grabbed her hips and swung her around so suddenly that she cried out; she was facing Trick and Cash now, their expressions stoic but their eyes betraying a lurid desire. Rig pulled her back again so that her ass was pressed against his crotch, the obvious hardness in his pants tight and firm as he rubbed against her.

  He pushed on her back until she was leaning forward, her ass in the air and her breasts dangling; he reached forward, still teasing her with the slow grind of his hips, and grabbed her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers until a fresh blush ran to her cheeks and she moaned in pleasure. She kept looking up at the two other men, knowing that they’d have their way with her too, the idea of being passed around between the three handsome bikers so hot that she squirmed against Rig in a sort of agony.

  Shit, I want them to fuck me, she thought, delighted by her dirty thoughts

  When Rig slipped one finger into her slit, she cried out and arched her back, grabbing her own chest where his hand had been, her need for stimulation unbearable.

  “Shit,” Rig said from behind, pressing against her barrier with the sound of a smile in his words. “I thought you were lying, from that performance you gave last night I was sure you weren’t a virgin.”

  “I am,” Tina panted, feeling his finger inside her but needing more. She could tell, from the way the bulge in his pants pressed against her, that Rig had a lot to offer in terms of size, and while she worried about the pain that would surely come, she was eager to finally feel a man inside her, pleasuring her in all those ways she’d always fantasized about. “But I want it, Rig. I want your cock in me…”

  “Well,” Rig said, and the sound of a zipper falling punctuated his words. “It’d be rude of me not to give the lady what she wants, wouldn’t it?”

  He pushed the string of her thong to the side and Tina cooed as she felt the massive head of his cock pressing against her virgin slit, dripping with her own arousal. He slid the head between the lips, up and down, teasing her clit and spreading her juices along her slit.

  “Oh, god, please,” Tina moaned, pressing back against him, a fiery rush in her chest that threatened to consume her if she had to wait anymore. She closed her eyes and teased her nipples, his hands so firm on her hips that she could barely move against him
. When he finally positioned his cock against her slit and pressed in, she moaned loud enough to fill the room.

  “This is gonna hurt, baby,” Rig growled, though his tone wasn’t very apologetic. She wanted him to do it fast, and hard, to get the worst of it over with so she could enjoy the rest of it. As though reading her mind, he obliged, and in a single stroke of red, blaring pain, he pushed past her barrier and buried his cock into her virgin cunt.

  She screamed as pain rushed her nerves, making her whole body stiffen and her pussy clench in protest, as though she could push him out of her, but he merely plunged deeper pulling her back by her hips, keeping himself inside her until, finally, the pain began to subside. The pain didn’t just mellow, it began to change; into a feeling she’d only ever imagined. She moaned again when he thrust gently into her pussy, her body stiffening again, though this time from pleasure.

  Feeling the change in her, Rig began to fuck her, drawing himself in and out of her with long, hard strokes. Each time he entered her, he plunged farther into her slit, and she felt her body thrusting against him, wanting him deeper and deeper. He was thick, and a part of Tina felt like she was being ripped in two by his strokes, while another realized a whirlwind of pleasure was building deep inside her womb.

  “Oh, fuck,” she said, her eyes popping open as she felt the new sensation taking hold inside her. Trick and Cash were standing still as ever, but now she could see the outline of their cocks pressing against their tight jeans, and the idea that soon she would be fucking them, too, made that whirlwind increase in speed.

  Rig started pumping harder and faster, pushing and pulling her hips against him, using her body like a doll. He reached around and began to stroke her engorged clit, making Tina’s knees nearly buckle with the pleasure of it. Rig slammed himself into her again and again, now fucking her so hard that she could hear the slap of his balls against her thighs.


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